10 Homemade Papaya Face Packs

Papaya while is well known as a healthy fruit and should be included in the diet, it is also a great skin care option. The papaya face mask isgreat for smooth and shiny skin, to reduce pimples and also to get moisturized skin. While there are several papaya face pack benefits, most of them prefer this because they are cheap and are also easily available everywhere. This papaya face pack at home helps to get clearer skin and helps with deep cleansing from inner pores. Hence try out this papaya face mask benefits if you want to fight with everyday dirt and pollution on the face and to get clear glowing skin.

Papaya Face Packs

Benefits of Papaya Face Mask at Home:

  • Vitamin A and Papain: This homemade papaya face pack removes dead cells and deconstructs inactive proteins.
  • Low Sodium: Homemade papaya face mask also keeps the skin hydrated.
  • Carotene: Further, the DIYpapaya face mask will naturally brighten the skin tone.
  • Vitamin E: The papaya face pack is also an excellent moisturizer.
  • Collagen and AHAs: Try this as this makes skin supple and youthful.
  • Anti-oxidants: Another benefitof applying papaya on the face daily is it will help to rebuild skin cells efficiently.

Different Homemade Papaya Face Packs:

How to apply papaya on the face at home? Depending on your needs papaya is beneficial in every department of skincare. No wonder it’s called the Angel fruit. Just pick your need and watch the magic unfold. Below we have given some of the besthomemade face packs for glowing skin, oily skin,pimples, dry skin, and fairness along with how to make and apply process. Let us go ahead and see how to make papaya face pack at home.

1. Anti-Aging Papaya Face Pack:

Anti-Aging Papaya Face Pack

Here is how to make a papaya face mask to fight the ageing of the skin. This papaya face pack is right to fight aging properties of skin and helps greatly to reduce wrinkles and fine lines. Further this also acts as great papaya face pack for fairness. Let us see how to make it.


  • One bowl of papaya peel.
  • 2 tablespoon papaya puree.
  • 1 teaspoon honey.
  • 1 tablespoon rice-flour.


  • How to apply papaya on the face? First rub the papaya peels on your face for a few minutes.
  • Wash off with coldwater.
  • Now mix the remaining ingredients into a fine paste.
  • Apply this on your face and leave it to dry for 20 minutes.
  • Peel off the mask with a moist washcloth.

How Often To Use:

  • This papaya face mask can be applied twice a week for good results.


  • Alpha Hydroxyl Acids in papaya helps avertswrinkles and gives a youthful glow. Honey and rice flour helps to remove dirt and impurities. This helps to maintain healthy and supple skin.

2. Skin Lightening Papaya Face Pack:

Skin Lightening Papaya Face Pack

Skin lightening is a significant concern for several women. The dust and pollutants stick to the skin badly and aresignificantly affecting the tone of the skin. Hence this papaya face pack for pigmentation is great to get fairer skin and light skin.


  • 2 tablespoonspapaya pure.
  • One teaspoon lemon juice.
  • 1 teaspoon honey.
  • 1 teaspoon yogurt.
  • One egg white.


  • How to make a papaya face pack for skin lightening?
  • Mix the ingredients into a thick paste.
  • Apply this on your face
  • Leave to dry for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off the mask with lukewarm water.

How Often To Use:

  • This pack can be applied every day for good results.


  • Yogurt and lemon juice act as natural bleaching agents. Honey and egg whites help to hydrate the skin while removing dead skin. Finally the acidic papaya keeps it supple and youthful. This pack eliminates dark spots, blemishes even most stubborn sun tans. Use itfrequently for best results.

3. Daily Moisturizing Papaya Face Pack:

Daily Moisturizing Papaya Face Pack

Here is good papaya face mask for acne scars. This mask not only reduces acne or pimples, but also helps to moisturize the skin and deep cleanse it well. It is effective to cleanse and tighten the pores as well.


  • 2 tablespoons papaya puree.
  • 1 teaspoon honey.
  • 1 teaspoon milk cream.


  • Whip all ingredients together.
  • Apply this on your face and let it be absorbed for 20 minutes.
  • Clean off with lukewarm water.

How Often To Use:

  • This pack can be applied a week thrice for effective results.


  • This face pack keeps the skin hydrated all year round. Withan abundance of Vitamin E and C this improves skin health and prevents breakouts. Use thricea week to get more healthy skin.

See More: Nature Essence Papaya Facial Kits

4. Winter Nourishment Papaya Face Pack:

Winter Nourishment Papaya Face Pack

We all want to fight dry skin in winter. This papaya face pack for dry skin is right to fight winter effectively. It helps to get an inner glow and to moisturize face well. It helps to get instant glowing and radiant skin.


  • Two tablespoons papaya puree.
  • 2 tablespoons avocado puree.
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil.


  • Mix the papaya and avocado puree together with olive oil.
  • Apply this creamy mixture on the face to absorb for 20 minutes.
  • Now wash the face with cool water.

How Often To Use:

  • This face pack is good if applied every day effectively.


  • Avocado and olive oil are the richest sources of vitamin E that helps counter the harshest of cold weathers. This is also an anti-aging pack as it makes the skin supple and devoid of dryness that is theleading cause for wrinkles. Packed with antioxidants and collagen it boosts the skin’s immunity manifolds.

5. Papaya Bleaching Pack:

Papaya Bleaching Face Pack

Pimples area common concern for several youth these days. This papaya face pack for pimples helps greatly to reduce pimples and also dark spots related to it. This bleaching pack is good to use once in a while and is great to remove dead skin cells and to give hydration as well to the skin tone.


  • 1/2 a medium ripe papaya – pureed.
  • 1-1/2 teaspoon honey.
  • Oneteaspoon lemon juice.


  • Blend all the ingredients in a small bowl.
  • Smother your face and neck with this mixture and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Wipe your face clean with a damp washcloth.

How Often To Use:

  • This face pack can be applied once a week for good results.


  • Vitamin C in papaya and lemon together act as natural bleaching agents that clear away all dirt and impurities. Antioxidants and enzymes in papaya help peel out dead skin, honey provides hydration. This is a brilliant chemical-free substituteto bleaching.
  • These face packs are not limited to just facial use. It can be used on the rest of the body as well. Papaya has theresponse to all our skin troubles so pick one of these life-saving packs and use them to your benefit.

6. Papaya And Oatmeal Face Pack:

Papaya And Oatmeal Face Pack

The goodness of oatmeal cannot be emphasized enough. This is a great and popular papaya face pack for glowing skin. It helps greatly to hydrate skin, cleanse it well and also to tighten pores. It helps with discoloration of the skin as well.


  • Oatmeal cooked or raw.
  • Papaya mash.
  • Turmeric juice.
  • Berry Puree.


  • Start by carefully separating the seeds from the papaya and then do the mashing nicely with the oatmeal.
  • To the mixture now add turmeric which you can liquefy using water.
  • The last procedure is to grind some berries, typically goji berry and blueberry in a mixer grinder before adding it to the paste.

How Often To Use:

  • This pack is good to be applied thricea week for good results.


  • The oatmeal is a superb skin healing product that soothes, repairs and nurtures damaged the skin. The berries are filled with antioxidants and are a good detox ingredient that adds freshness and clarity to your skin as the turmeric, an antibacterial spice washes off dirt and prevents acne and rashes. Papaya face pack at home for the clearest of the skins are ready to go.

7. Papaya And Fuller’s Earth Face Pack:

Papaya And Fuller’s Earth Face Pack

If you have oily skin this is good remedy. Try out this papaya face pack for oily skin if you want to reduce the production of sebum and to treat all blemishes. It helps to obtain glowing skin and also tighten the pores.


  • Fuller’s earth.
  • Papaya Puree.
  • Rose water.


  • The rose water is used to lighten the thick paste that you will get from the papaya puree and Fuller’s earth.
  • Make sure you mix the ingredients well before using cotton or applicator to evenly spread it across your skin.

How Often To Use:

  • Try out this pack twice a week for desirable results.


  • Fuller’s earth is a natural remedy for clear skin and healthy glow. Available at any of your nearby drug stores, Fuller’s earth also tightens the skin as the papaya and the rose water induces a warm glow to your skin.

8. Papaya And Fruit Cocktail Face Pack:

Papaya And Fruit Cocktail Face Pack

Fruits are not only usefulbecause they have nutrients, but also because they are good for healthy and hydrated skin. Further this papaya face pack for tanning will significantly help if you are regularly exposed to the sun rays. This is good to moisturize the skin and to lighten the skin tone effectively.


  • Banana, orange, apple.
  • Papaya.
  • Fruit juice cocktail using bananas, oranges and apple.
  • Thick condensed milk.


  • You must be wondering how to apply papaya on the face using fruit cocktails? Juice out the fruits and now mix them to the papaya mash.
  • Use the condensed milk to make the face pack tighter.

How Often To Use:

  • This pack is good if used on alternate days regularly for effective results.


  • Fruits are forever regarded as a natural skin illumination and health checker as the condensed milk during warm summer days soothes and relaxes skin narrowing the open pores on your face.

9. Papaya and Sandalwood Face Pack:

Homemade Papaya Face Pack 9

This papaya face pack for acne with sandalwood powder and rose water is best to obtain cooling effect and also to treat skin blemishes and concerns including acne and fine lines. It helps to reduce pigmentation as well.


  • Sandalwood paste.
  • Rosewater.
  • Papaya.


  • How to make a papaya face pack using sandalwood? Here we would need sandalwood to be in a fine paste form that can be mixed well with the papaya puree as the rosewater loosens up the face pack.

How Often To Use:

  • This pack can be applied twice a week for good and effective results.


  • Rose water simply clears and cleanses your skin while the papaya and the sandalwood are both known to soothe damaged or irritated skin. Both of these items are too good a product for tan removal as well.

10. Papaya, Sour Milk And Almond Face Pack:

Papaya Face Pack 12

The richness of almonds for good skin cannot be emphasized enough. This great and well-known papaya face mask is for acne scars. This helps greatly to tighten the pores and also to reduce oil production from the skin.


  • Papaya slices.
  • Sour cream.
  • Almond.


  • Pre-soak almond in milk and then use the mixer grinder to grind the almond and the papaya slices together.
  • Sour cream or buttermilk is the last addition to the paste.

How Often To Use:

  • This pack can be used thricea week for good results.


  • Almonds are good for oil-prone skin as it soaks up the excess sebum as the papaya heals and nourishes the skin. Sour cream is a good antibacterial product that fights off toxins, dirt accumulation and acne production.

Hope the papaya face packs mentioned here are sufficient for your day-to-day skin concerns and problems. These papaya face masks will fight to make skin brighter and glowing and to reduce several skin concerns like blemishes, acne, pimples and oily skin. Further this helps face to shine and to look beautiful in no time. Try them out and you will surely get back to these hacks as they are excellent natural ways to treat skin issues.

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