10 Right Ways to Treating Piles (Haemorrhoids) During Pregnancy

What Are Haemorrhoids?

Haemorrhoids are those swollen blood vessels in the rectal area of your body. Their size will vary and can be as small as a pea to as big as a grape. They are known to develop inside the rectum or sometimes even protrude out through the anus. They are mildly uncomfortable and can also be itchy. Some of them are very painful too. They are known to cause rectal bleeding, most commonly seen during your bowel movement.

What Cause Piles During Pregnancy?

But you will be surprised to know they are actually common during your pregnancy. During pregnancy, your uterus grows along with an increase in the progesterone hormone, which makes it more possible for you to develop hemorrhoids. When the growing uterus puts pressure on the pelvic veins and on the inferior vena cava which is a large vein that gets blood from lower limbs, what all these will do is slow down the return of the blood from the lower half of your body. This puts pressure on the veins that are located below the uterus and thus make them swell.

Signs of Piles in Pregnancy

Here are some signs and symptoms your body sends out for you to know if you have piles or not.

  • Soreness, aching and itching are common around your anus. You may also feel some swelling on your anus.
  • You will experience pain during your bowel movement and also a mucus discharge later.
  • You may also tend to bleed after passing stool and this blood is usually bright red.
  • You will also notice a lump that hangs outside of the anus, which you have to push back after passing stool.

These signs are something to watch out for as to analyse what you may need to do next.

How to Get Rid of Haemorrhoids (Piles) During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy in itself can sometimes to daunting. Added to that is the worry of a painful haemorrhoids. But for your good news, there are some easy home remedies and medically proven creams to the rescue. Take a look below.

1. Broccoli:

Veggies like broccoli have abundance of vitamins and minerals like C, iron, folic acid, calcium, and beta-carotene. It is also a rich source of fibre and anti-oxidants. Thus, eating broccoli means keeping your digestive system in place and it eliminates any possibility of developing piles and also helps treat them.

How to Use:

Use broccoli in your daily soup or you can also stir fry them among the other vegetables for your every consumption. Steam cooking is also an option. Make sure to include them in your pregnancy diet.

2. Apples:

the next thing you need to include in your diet is apples. They are rich sources of fibre and the soluble fibres that are present in apple will prove beneficial in regulating cholesterol. Make sure to take your apples with its peel for a great benefit in curing piles. The peel contains the insoluble fibres and flavonoids that can cure haemorrhoid bleeding.

How to Use:

Make a bowl of salad, of all your favourite and recommended fruits. Include one full apple cut into pieces into it. This way, you get the benefit of all of the fruits and will also help in curing piles.

3. Bananas:

Eating bananas regularly are another great way to cure piles. The inside of the bananas contain sugar that is known to cure and soothe the swollen lump on the anus. This sugar also has antibiotic property that can cure the affected area from bacteria. Bananas draw out water from the cells and this allows this to pop the swollen mass inside.

How to Use:

Eat banana on an empty stomach every day. If you have bleeding haemorrhoids, you can eat up to three bananas a day.

4. Coconut Oil:

coconut oil, we know, contains goodness of anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. The strong anti-inflammatory property that it comes packed with cures the swelling, thus offering relief. This beneficial property of coconut oil is very effective when it comes to treating piles and therefore offers a huge soothing effect. Here is how to treat piles during pregnancy.

How to Use:

Dab some amount of coconut oil on a cotton ball and apply generously on the affected area. It is at best however, to use it as soon as your bowel movement.

5. Pumpkins:

The next medication for haemorrhoids during pregnancy is including pumpkin in your diet. They contain beta carotene, magnesium, iron, folate and vitamin B36. It is also considered an energy booster vegetable that can relieve stress. While the reason is never clear, studies have shown how pumpkins can effectively treat piles.

How to Use:

Include pumpkin in your diet daily for best results. You can stir fry them or steam cook them along with other veggies.

6. Ice Packs:

the next best known home remedy for piles treatment is using ice packs. Ice packs Using ice packs is a good cold compress that can efficiently reduce the swelling and are only immediate home remedies to cure them. They are not really effective in the long run.

How to Use:

Using a clean towel, place three or four cubes of ice and wrap it well. Press it gently on the affected area and you will see how you get relief from itching and pain.

7. Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera is also a good way of getting relief from piles. It is a good plant source to treat many skin related problems. It has anti-inflammatory properties and thus heals the swelling and the cooling property will add to the much needed relief. Here is how to put it to good use.

How to Use:

Simply peel the skin of aloe Vera and apply the gel on the affected area. Do this daily, twice a day and you will see results soon enough.

3 Best Creams for Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy:

There are multiple creams and treatment available in the market to treat piles. Take a look at the best top three that might work in your favour.

A. Preparation H ointment:

This is one good over the counter medication for haemorrhoids during pregnancy that you can use. It soothes the inflammation and offers you relief from the burning sensation. The ointment will lubricate the anal area. This is because the dry anal area is often more prone to irritation and itching. Thus, even your bowel movement becomes smooth and painless.

B. Nitroglycerin:

when nitroglycerin is applied to the affected area, the body will release nitric oxide, and this acts as a huge relief from pain that you may experience. It is made from the compound called nitrovasodilators. The release acts like a vasodilation. Nitroglycerins has been a trusted choice among many users and have claimed the best results too.

C. Musk ointment:

Musk ointment’s origin is from China and uses a concoction of seven highly effective medicines like musk, artificial bezoars, amber, calamine, borax, borneol and pearl. The mixture of the effective ingredients ensures you have a painless bowel movement and will also help build new tissues by decaying the old ones. The swollen tissues will shrink, thus leaving you without any sense of irritation or itching.

The Dos and Don’t s

Here are a couple of things you could do and abstain from doing to prevent and take the right care for your piles.


  • Include a whole lot of vegetables and fruits that are rich in fibre in your diet.
  • Plan to lose weight if you feel you are slightly overweight.
  • Exercise regularly.

Here are a Set of Things You Need to Follow:

  • Don’t force and strain over having to pass stool.
  • Avoid the intake of spicy hot curries and especially avoid the use of regular laxatives.
  • Avoid to too much alcohol and coffee.
  • React to the bowel movement immediately. Do not defer or control.

Don’t really worry about them. While you are already pregnant, make sure to relax and seek doctor assistance if you think you are taking too much pain. Piles are literally the pain in the ass and even figuratively too! Consult your doctor in case it becomes too difficult to handle. Self-medication is good only to some extent.

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