12 Best Daisy Tattoo Designs With Images

Flowers have been in fashion when it comes to being a part of tattoo designs. While in the beginning the range was restricted to roses people have now started checking out other flowers, and one particular flower that has seemed to gain the interested of artists are the daisy flower tattoo designs. The flower is delicate and a sign of purity in various cultures which thus makes it a perfect sign and symbol to adorn.

A tattoo is a form of modification of a body which is done by inserting indelible ink to the dermis layer of the skin to change the pigment. So lots of tattoos are painted on the skin. Tattoos may be of different kinds like it may be designs of flowers, arts, names of persons, anything etc. Likewise, there are lots of tattoo designers available.

daisy tattoo designs

Daisy is one of the most loved designs among flower tattoos. The woman believes it to have a symbol of innocence, beauty and purity. She thinks these can be acquired at one place called in a daisy. So women’s first choice will be daisy for painting a tattoo for her. Designs of daisy make a person feel great.

Best Daisy Tattoo Designs with Meanings:

Below are the some best daisy tattoo designs and pictures to check out for men and women as follows.

1. Old Fashioned Rose Daisy Jasmine Tattoo:

Daisy Tattoo Designs 1

As the name suggests it is an old fashioned rose daisy jasmine tattoo. This tattoo consists of roses and jasmines. Major portions of flowers like rose and jasmine are seen in this tattoo. It can be painted from the knee to the foot. After staining the tattoo, the look will be elegant, neat and dignified. This is a really cool rose and daisy tattoo for legs.

  • Body Placement: Place this tattoo on calf, arm or forearm.
  • Ink Colour: Black with a shading of black will look great.
  • Size: The overall size can be big.
  • Skin Tone: Best on dusky and fair skin tone.
  • Suitable Gender: This tattoo is appropriate for women.

2. Gerbera Daisy Tattoo on Shoulder:

Daisy Tattoo Designs 2

This is the nice design of the daisy tattoo. It represents the red daisy to represent love, blossom and happiness. This tattoo is painted on the shoulder of the women. The tattoo looks like a really beautiful watercolour daisy tattoo. This tattoo is used to represent the love for our beloved ones. It is one of the best daisy tattoo designs for women.

  • Body Placement: Place this tattoo on the back, forearm or arm.
  • Ink Colour: The ink colour should be black with different shades.
  • Size: The size of this tattoo will be apt if small or medium.
  • Skin Tone: Best on fair to medium skin tone.
  • Suitable Gender: This is a tattoo suitable for women.

3. Daisy Tattoo Back Side of Ear:

Daisy Tattoo Designs 3

This tiny daisy tattoo is seen back of the ear. It has simple designs, it may be of anything like flowers, butterflies, petals of any flowers etc. This tattoo can be hidden by ear or the hair for the girl. It would be an elegant design. Designs will be as simple as possible. So, it can be preferred for a girl who can hide the tattoo.

  • Body Placement: Place this on the back of the ear or wrist.
  • Ink Colour: Choose white, yellow and green ink.
  • Size: Keep the size between tiny to small.
  • Skin Tone: Best on all skin tones.
  • Suitable Gender: This tattoo will be more loved by women.

4. Daisy Tattoos on Wrist:

Daisy Tattoo Designs 4

Most of the tattoos are stained on the wrist. It will be small and looks cute. Any designs can be done on the wrist. It may be beautiful butterflies, names, flowers with beautiful blossoms. But most of the people prefer to stain butterflies only with an attractive colour. The bee in this daisy tattoo is its highlight.

  • Body Placement: Place this on the calf, arm or forearm.
  • Ink Colour: Choose colours white, green and yellow.
  • Size: This is a small daisy tattoo.
  • Skin Tone: Best on fair to medium skin tone.
  • Suitable Gender: This design is perfect for women.

[ See More: Flower Tattoo Designs ]

5. Purple Cluster of Daisy Tattoo:

Daisy Tattoo Designs 5

As there are a lot of designs available in daisy. Purple cluster is among them. This daisy tattoo has a lovely bunch of big beautiful daisies with a hue of orange colour as a background. It looks very attractive as it has a very dominant colour as a background colour. This is a very colourful and eye-catching daisy tattoo design.

  • Body Placement: Place this design on the calf, wrist or arm.
  • Ink Colour: Keep the colours purple or go with white.
  • Size: This is better as a small daisy tattoo.
  • Skin Tone: Best on fair to medium skin tone.
  • Suitable Gender: This is a suitable women’s tattoo.

6. White Daisy Tattoo in Pair:

As the name indicates, a pair of the daisy can be seen as a tattoo. This tattoo design has classy white daisy flowers with nice white and petal is given with blue colour as a shade. This tattoo enhances further as a tribal pattern in the background. It gives a classy look and it gets stained near the neck backside. This is one of the really artistic daisy flower tattoos.

  • Body Placement: Place this on your back or shoulder.
  • Ink Colour: The colour of this tattoo can be black white and yellow.
  • Size: This is medium to big size tattoo.
  • Skin Tone: Best on fair to medium skin tone.
  • Suitable Gender: This design is suitable for men as well as women.

7. Daisy as Spider Web:

Tattoos can be done in many designs. This tattoo reflects as daisies are structured in the web. It is a unique design and also innovative. This picture of daisy tattoo includes leaves along with a spider on the spider web to give it a more realistic nature-inspired look, like a part of a plant on your back.

  • Body Placement: Place this big design on your back.
  • Ink Colour: Green, white and black should be the ink colours.
  • Size: The size of this tattoo is big.
  • Skin Tone: Best on fair to medium skin tone.
  • Suitable Gender: This design is suitable for men and women.

8. Daisy with Multiple Colours:

The above has two tattoo daises with beautiful colours. The blue colour is used as a shade in the background. These daises will be seen as ever blossomed. The tattoo has a more photographic image and looks with bright colours that look perfect with the design. This is a daisy arm tattoo design, it is also one of the best daisy tattoo designs for girls.

  • Body Placement: Place this tattoo on the calf, arm or forearm.
  • Ink Colour: Choose bright colours of pink and purple for this tattoo.
  • Size: The size of this tattoo can be small to medium.
  • Skin Tone: This is best on fair to medium skin tone.
  • Suitable Gender: Women in general will like this design more.

9. Small Daisy Tattoo Design:

A perfect and natural-looking small daisy tattoo has been done near the collarbone. The daisy is inked in its more obvious colour of white. We can see a single daisy attached to its stem with a lot of petals in the colour white with a hint of blue. There are three leaves also attached to the stem.

  • Body Placement: Place this tattoo on the collar bone, neck, wrist or ankle.
  • Ink Colour: You can make this in white or in black and white.
  • Size: The size of this tattoo should be limited to small or tiny.
  • Skin Tone: Best on all skin tones.
  • Suitable Gender: This tattoo is most appropriate for women.

10. Black & White Daisy Tattoos:

This is a delicate and intricate design of a black & white daisy tattoo. The size of this tattoo has been kept small to make it look more effective. There is a single daisy inked with all its petals intact and with its stem attached. There are two buds rising from the same stem of the flower.

  • Body Placement: You can ink this near the collar bone, ankle or wrist.
  • Ink Colour: The colour suitable is black with specks of white.
  • Size: Keep the size small or tiny.
  • Skin Tone: This will look best on lighter skin tones.
  • Suitable Gender: This design is apt for women.

11. Daisy Butterfly Tattoo:

This is a daisy butterfly tattoo done on the back in vivid colours. The daisies in here surely look beautiful but the real highlight of this tattoo is the butterfly. There are two daisies, one behind the other and a big butterfly sitting on the daisy. The colours used on all three are in shades of brown and yellow.

  • Body Placement: Place this tattoo on the back or on the side of the stomach.
  • Ink Colour: The perfect ink colour would be yellow, brown and orange with green shading.
  • Size: The right size of this tattoo is between medium to big.
  • Skin Tone: This tattoo will look good on all skin tones.
  • Suitable Gender: Women are more fond of such designs

12. 3D Daisy Tattoo Design:

3D Daisy Tattoo Design

A beautiful 3d daisy tattoo design! The ink in the shades of black has been used to make this really cool design on the feet. While there is a big daisy flower in the centre of the feet, there are two flowers on its diagonal ends. Apart from the complete flower, there are several individual petals inked and shading done to complete the look.

  • Body Placement: You can place this design on foot, arm or forearm.
  • Ink Colour: The tattoo looks great in shades of black.
  • Size: Keep the size between small to medium.
  • Skin Tone: The suitable skin tone is fair to medium.
  • Suitable Gender: It is usually women who like such designs.

Additional Tips about Daisy Tattoo Designs:

  • There are several different types of daisy tattoo designs, make sure to learn more about these varieties of designs before choosing a particular design.
  • Daisy tattoo designs can be done individually or as part of a major tattoo idea too, e.g. you can add a daisy to your charm bracelet tattoo designs or a sleeve design.
  • Make sure to choose coloured ink only if you are sure about being able to invest in them as they need to touch up more often than a normal tattoo.
  • If designed perfectly, then a daisy can be inked on any part of the body and would look equally great.

Not everyone has to be a rose in a bucket of flowers, you can be a daisy and hold your special qualities and personality with pride. Daisy tattoo designs offer you a lot of creativity which ensures you do not have to be sporting a tattoo that’s very simple or does not have any additional artistic additions. Feel free to add your thoughts to your design and sport a tattoo that defines only you!

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