12 Shocking Fenugreek Side Effects – You Must Know

Fenugreek, our very own “methi” which is commonly used in most of the Indian recipes, is not just a taste enricher but a special health booster herb. Yes! Fenugreek, scientifically termed as Trigonellafoenum-graecum and commonly called as methi, menthi, vendayam, ventayan across Indian states, is best known for its health benefits, in fact, it is known for its multiple health benefits. Be it Ayurveda or across the Asian, specifically Indian cuisines Fenugreek is vividly used in the form of seeds as a spice, fresh leaves as a herb and sprouts as a vegetable. All said and done, there is another side to this! Yes! Like any other ingredient that has both advantages and disadvantages, there are fenugreek disadvantages too! Here we have compiled a checklist on methi dana side effects for you to quickly read and note down to avoid any possible fenugreek side effects. Read on.

fenugreek side effects

Fenugreek Side Effects On Health:

The list below mentions is most common fenugreek side effects or methi side effects which help to avoid them by aware. Check them out:

1. Internal Bleeding:

Fenugreek although enriches your health, eating large doses of fenugreek can give you some serious health problems and it could be as severe as internal bleeding. Fenugreek has the power to alter your hormonal level. And therefore, medical experts always advice on appropriate dosage of fenugreek intake daily for better results.

Dosage Instruction:

Next time you wish to try on any fenugreek home remedies, consult a doctor, check for any sensitivities you have and alter the amount of intake accordingly. Any normal person with proper digestion and no sensitivities to herbal ingredients can eat anywhere between 5 and 50 grams of fenugreek every day.

2. Allergies and Skin Irritation:

Fenugreek no doubt is a skin tone enhancer and is best known for its skin care qualities, however, if you eat large amounts of fenugreek hoping to see quick results, then beware, it can hamper the skin structure by causing either irritation or rashes or leading to various skin allergies and inflammation. One of the most common methi dana side effects is skin allergy and that is mainly due to excessive consumption assuming quick results. So, please see the dosage!

Dosage Instruction:

For skincare, you can use only a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds paste, in the affected areas, ideally once or twice a week.

3. Diarrhoea:

Fenugreek is a wonder herb that best works its magic on health issues like constipation, digestive issues and other intestinal problems. However, if you overeat fenugreek, it can cause severe diarrhoea leading to dehydration which can get dangerous at times. Fenugreek has the power to stimulate the digestive system and control extreme bowel moments. It can be used to treat both hard stool and loose stools too! The enzymes it consists are just too strong, so watch out the quantity!

Dosage Instruction:

When you want to use fenugreek seeds to treat any health concerns, use a teaspoon of the seeds in any remedy recipes.

4. Stomach Problems:

Fenugreek seeds can alter your stomach issues effectively. But, if you consume a large number of fenugreek seeds every day, the remedy can turn out to be a tragedy! Starting from indigestion to heartburn and from bloating to flatulence and gastric problems, you might face any of the critical situations with over intake of fenugreek. This is again a common side effect of overusing the herb.

Dosage Instruction:

When you use fenugreek seeds to treat stomach related problems, make sure you use not more than a tablespoon of fenugreek seeds soaked and grinded to paste. Eat the paste accordingly once or twice a day to check for effectiveness.

5. Side Effects of Excessive Intake in Children:

Children are sensitive to any medicine, be it allopathic or herbal. When it comes to using herbal remedies to treat health issues in children, you must be very careful, especially when it comes to using powerful herbs like fenugreek. Excessive intake of fenugreek can cause unconsciousness in children. It can also give a not-so-pleasant body odour.

Dosage Instruction:

Fenugreek remedies in children work well when the dosage is minimal. If the dosage is two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds for adults, for children the remedy works best with just half or one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds. Since the taste of the seeds is bitter, make your child just swallow a half teaspoon of fenugreek seeds, not more than once a day or in severe conditions, twice a day, for not more than two days consecutively.

See More: Fenugreek Leaves Uses

6. Affects Diabetes Negatively:

Fenugreek is a powerful herb that can quickly lower the blood sugar levels to a very serious range. This brings along a lot of threats for the body. One has to understand that only a perfect dose can help in balancing the insulin levels. So it is important for everyone to prevent over-consumption of fenugreek.

Dosage Instruction:

Before you start using fenugreek seeds as a natural remedy for controlling your blood sugar levels, you are cautioned to check whether the dosage suits your body. Initially, start with a half teaspoon of fenugreek seeds every day and if your body responds well and shows no side effects, you can increase it to a teaspoon. Beware, not more than a teaspoon is good!

7. Causes Birth Defects:

Although a lot of research studies have shown that fenugreek has a positive impact on the health of pregnant women, excessive intake can actually cause birth defects in the unborn baby.

Dosage Instruction:

When it comes to eating something during pregnancy, you have to be extra cautious. Minimize your consumption of fenugreek and if you really want to try it out, just take half a teaspoon for three days and see how your body reacts. Do not overeat and regret life!

8. Premature Birth:

A little fenugreek during the final month of pregnancy helps in inducing the labour pains naturally leading to normal delivery. This is a benefit for pregnant women. However, fenugreek is capable of altering your hormone levels, especially the oestrogen levels in women. And if you are pregnant and want to try fenugreek seeds for best health, you better beware!

Dosage Instruction:

When it comes to eating herbs during pregnancy, better be extra careful. Consuming half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds every day can give you positive results. First, try for a day or two and then continue if you see no negative effects. Do not overeat and regret!

9. Leads to Enlarged Breasts:

For those who already have big breasts, fenugreek can make them extra-large. Where on one hand a lot of women take it as a benefit for enlarging breasts but it might be more of a side effect for those who don’t want to increase the size. This is again something that will depend on the woman who is consuming fenugreek and her situation.

Dosage Instruction:

If you are someone who has large breasts but wants to try fenugreek seeds as a remedy for some other health problems, you must beware! For the problem you want to resolve, you may end up having a new problem. You better avoid eat the herb or consult an ayurvedic practitioner for right guidance!

See More: Fenugreek Seeds Uses

10. Excessive Intake Causes Unpleasant Body & Urine Odour:

Fenugreek seeds are instant health enhancers but the side effects are also prevalent if the quantity exceeds the ideal amount. One of the most common and easy to notice symptoms of excessive fenugreek intake is changes in body and urine odour. It may smell different, sweetish, maybe like maple syrup, which not many like. Well! You can cover up your body odour by spraying a flavoured body mist. However, it is not worth the whole irony!

Dosage Instruction:

If you are eating fenugreek seeds, limit the intake to approximately 30 grams a day and that is ideally a good quantity for best health.

11. Fenugreek Side Effects on Babies:

Fenugreek is known for multiple health benefits and one of the most sought for benefit is increased breast milk. New moms prefer herbal methods to increase their milk supply instead of taking allopathic medicines. But powerful herbs like fenugreek may have side effects on new moms and their little ones. Well! Sometimes it is so that the new moms experience no side effects but their babies suffer! So beware of excessive intake of fenugreek.

Dosage Instruction:

Fenugreek for increasing breast milk works like magic. However, not more than half to one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds should be taken each day by a new mom. So, watch the quantity and consume.

12. Fenugreek Side Effects for Males:

Fenugreek the health booster herb is often misinterpreted to be a testosterone booster. But in reality, it is not! It boosts oestrogen! Any medicine or herb that boosts oestrogen cannot technically boost testosterone. So, if you are consuming fenugreek hoping to see a rise in your testosterone levels. Other than that, if you are using fenugreek to resolve your liver, intestinal or stomach related irregularities or to treat grey hair, you are still advised to regulate the quantity of your intake because fenugreek is well known for its side effects as much as it is praised for the benefits it offers! Especially in those who use fenugreek to treat grey hair, excessive intake can be very severe. So, watch out and avoid fenugreek side effects on hair.

Dosage Instruction:

  • Limit your fenugreek intake to less than 50 grams a day and use it for a limited period to check for any sensitivity.

Anything excess gives no success! And it applies to fenugreek intake too! To avoid, severities caused by fenugreek like dizziness, bloating, diarrhoea, unconsciousness in children, skin allergy, nausea and nasal congestion, and in somebody and urine odour, limit your fenugreek intake to less than 50 grams a day and avoid any possible methi dana side effects!

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