125 Sweet and Cute Romantic Nicknames

Of course, names are important! It is not just enough that you call your loved ones with their actual names. Sometimes, addressing them with sweet romantic nicknames goes a long way. Some of them are simply cute, and the others are just enough to connect with them, but in case you are wondering what to call your dear ones, here are some of our best suggestions.

romantic nicknames

A name gives an identity. Those being said go ahead and think of names that will connect with them well. Here is the romantic name list for you to take a look.

Most Romantic Nicknames for Boys and Girls:

Top 25 Romantic Names for Girls:

Here is a list of 25 romantic nicknames for wife or girlfriends are as follows.

1. Darling:

Probably one of the most used nicknames for a girlfriend or boyfriend is ‘darling’. Darling conveys a sense of love in the word. Could this be your romantic nickname for your girlfriend?

2. Cherished:

This name is a unique romantic name for girlfriend and has been taken from a time long past. It is very old fashioned and individuals from the long time past days generally call their spouses by this pet name. You also can make an interesting romantic environment by teasing your better half by calling her by this pet name.

3. My Queen:

This romantic girl name will make your sweetheart feel as though you regard her and adore her for who she is. ‘My queen’ as a nickname is a romantic girl name for you to think about.

4. Sweetie:

This pet name is exceptionally regular among sweetheart and beau as well as wedded couples. You can call by this name for your young lady without apprehension of offending her. This could be one of the romantic names for couples.

5. Blossom:

This is a naughty epithet for your better half. This one is a romantic name for her that is more of a secret name. The name is a rare romantic pet name that you only call in the bedroom.

6. Cutie Pie:

Cutie pie is another of adorable names to call your wife. We are still on the safe ground here where telling a young lady that she is a cutie pie, she looks alluring first thing in the morning. This is yet another popular romantic pet name.

7. Butterfly:

You cannot generally turn out badly with this one either, despite the fact that it can sound somewhat high and antiquated. It is one of the playful and romantic nicknames to call your girlfriend.

8. Cuddle Bug:

Sounds new? Probably not! This current one’s for those charming minutes, when all you need to do is nestle up before the TV and a warm fire. Consider this a romantic name to call your girlfriend, a sweet romantic name isn’t?

9. Lover Girl:

Call your girlfriend lover girl, which is one of the most romantic nicknames for girlfriends on the event when she calls you lover boy. This is one popular romantic female name. Lover girl is an all-time classy best romantic pet name.

10. Angel Eyes:

There can be no other route around to tell your better half how uncommon she is than to contrast her with an exquisite loving Holy messenger by addressing her with these romantic names for girls.

See More: Meaningful Funny Baby Names

11. Sweet Little Dumpling:

This could turn out to be disastrous if you do not use it right. This is a funny romantic name even if you want to call so! You must be cautious with this one. Your better half may well be okay with her awe-inspiring figure, yet it relies on upon the manner of speaking, and the setting, that you use with this name. It could either be utilized as a part of an expression likes ‘you’re my adorable small dumpling’, or you could say ‘you’re only a gigantic dumpling’! If you have chosen this as the romantic name for her, be double sure!

12. Kitten:

The little cat is another of sweet and adorable name to call your sweetheart. All things considered, little cats are adorable, cuddly and lively, so if that depicts your better half, then this is a name for you to utilize.

13. Doll Face:

This is an oldie and has an immediate nearby connection to ‘infant doll’ or just ‘doll’. You could say that she has a wonderful face, yet it could similarly be proposing that she needs to take some cosmetics lessons.

14. Pet:

This is another romantic female name that has somewhat odd implications, on the off chance that you took the word. Is it that she is charming and cuddly or is that you keep her on a tight leash?

15. Baby:

This is a name that is best saved for private use in light of the fact that in the event that you call a young lady that you don’t know well ‘baby’, she may disapprove. Nevertheless, this will always remain the most romantic name ever.

16. My Life:

Calling someone ‘my life’ means a lot. That being said reserve ‘my life’ as a best romantic name for someone you genuinely have feelings for. You don’t want to end up feeling to have used it wrongly.

17. Sweetheart:

Sweetheart is again one of the best nicknames for girlfriends which literally mean the sweetest person with the most precious golden heart. The classic names are just the best and sweetheart just invokes pictures of youth adoration; blameless and direct. This is a classy, romantic name.

18. Little Mama:

A sensitive, protective sort young lady, who like to take a great deal of consideration of her sweetheart. Little Mama is more of a western sweet romantic name.

19. Kind Witch:

On the off chance that she makes you entranced when every time you take a gander at her. Not very many individuals (young lady or fellow) are qualified to be called with this romantic name for girls. So, think through before you decide on this as a romantic name for her.

20. Lucky Charm:

Some boyfriends believe that they are indeed very lucky since she was the one who changed his life completely and there is probably a saying that behind the success of every man there are efforts and motivations of his girl. So, girlfriends can be rightly called by the name lucky charm. This is an ideal romantic name for a wife.

21. My Everything:

A young lady who is delightfully cherished and venerated, and who means the world to a boyfriend.

22. Pikachu:

If your precious one is a Pokemon fan, she would love to be called Pikachu as it the ideal romantic nicknames for girlfriends who are fans of the famous cartoon Pokemon. Isn’t that cute? Pikachu has also been identified as a funny romantic name.

23. All Mines:

This gives a sense of possessiveness. But knowing to call it the right way will help a lot. All mine is a unique romantic name.

24. Hummingbird:

For a young lady who is idiosyncratic, unconstrained and quick. Be cautioned. This word has some other hostile implications as well. This is another risky one on the romantic name list.

25. Super Girl:

It is one of the perfect romantic names for girls. In the event that you think your young lady is unprecedented and has superpowers.

Romantic Names for Boys:

Here is a list of the most romantic names for husband. We have also collected some romantic names for boyfriends. Take a look.

1. Prince:

Prince has always been a longstanding romantic name for boys. Pretty much as your sweetheart may call you his princess or his ruler, you can call him your Prince or King. This is the most common romantic name for boys.

2. Hunk:

This romantic nickname for boyfriend is attractive, as well as masculine. This pet name will make him feel good and feel proud of his masculine body. This is one heavy romantic name for boys.

3. Studly:

Does your man gladly flaunt his muscles following a day at the rec centre? Is your person’s self-assurance over the top? Do you cherish him for it? At that point, this romantic name for boys is the pet name perfect for you.

4. Prince Charming:

Prince charming is that cliché name that we have heard for years. Nevertheless, it has never died down as a romantic pet name, and we are sure it will continue to be so. Doubt us?

5. Champ:

Champ is for all those winners. Your boyfriend sure has won your heart, and hence it is okay to call him so.

6. Big Guy:

It is one of those romantic names to call your boyfriend that will complement him, whether it alludes to stature, weight or some other anatomical component.

7. Superman:

Batman, much the same as Superman, is the caped crusader, to the right the wrongs and do away the scoundrels for good. Sounds like a romantic name for your husband?

8. Mr. Cool:

Next one is a cool and romantic name for husband or boyfriend is Mr. Cool. In the event that your man is mature enough to recollect the TV show ‘Cheerful days’, and then he will cherish this name. The Fonz was the Mr. Cool, complete with shades, calfskin coat and a motorbike. He likewise showed at least a bit of kindness of gold, so this present man is a softie underneath.

9. Soul Mate:

The name soul mate has a lot of depth and is not just any other romantic nickname to call your boyfriend. The name conveys how much the person means to the other. Picking ‘soulmate’ as a choice? Be sure!

10. Fruit Loops:

Fruit loops may sound so not as a romantic name for a boyfriend. In the event that you have ever observed the Big Bang hypothesis on TV, then you wouldn’t utilize this one. It was the epithet of one Howard Wollwitz, a frightening, quirky person with all the allure of a slug!

11. Heartbreaker:

On the off chance that your person is “Most Wanted” and popular among ladies since he is amazingly delightful, a romantic nickname for boyfriend is this!

12. Mr. Wikipedia:

He is one extremely genius! He is keen to discuss anything and has ready answers promptly to every one of your inquiries. Wouldn’t you then call him Mr. Wikipedia?

13. Playboy:

On the off chance that your person can’t control checking out (only) the women around, this playboy would stop with a tease and no next move.

14. Poker face:

This person will not demonstrate any feeling all over, he seldom grins and rarely shows any emotion; when he does, he can make anybody succumb to him. Is this a romantic male name for you?

15. Papa:

A father is always the girl’s first superhero. If the guy has the same qualities as her father and would love and protect her like her dad, then this romantic nickname is ideal for such husbands. Papa is more of a romantic pet name for husband.

16. Hot Chocolate:

Hot chocolate is another unusual romantic name for fiancé. Think about it!

17. Regulator:

Is he the one who guides you and regulates your activity in a positive way? Then this sure is a romantic name for boys.

18. Handsome:

Handsome is another exemplary charming beau that most folks still appreciate. Assuming, be that as it may, your beau is a pimply dweeby, he may believe you are making fun on the off chance that you utilize this name.

19. Lifeline:

For a person who serves as a life support system to you. You can simply rely on him on every situation of your life. This is probably a nice romantic name for boys.

20. Picasso:

If your boyfriend is a Picasso fan, then he would surely love to be called Picasso, but know this first!

21. Sparky:

When your guy boosts up your energy level to a thousand folds at times when you are exhausted, Sparky is his name!

22. Teddy:

Cute boyfriend by your side? This romantic name for boys will do all justice.

23. Rock Star:

In case your guy has true celebrity features with looks to die for and is the most popular face among girls, rock star can be his name.

24. Diamond:

If the value of your boyfriend is priceless to you, then the diamond is a romantic pet name for your husband.

25. Firefly:

If he is the only source of light at times of darkness and disappointments in your life, Firefly is an ideal name for him.

26. Honey:

Why did we list honey at the bottom of the list? Well, because this name sure has been a classy, romantic pet name for ages.

27. Romeo:

Romeo is a best romantic nickname for all those guys who is the ideal epitome of romance. Once you figure this, Romeo will sure be a suitable name for him.

28. Orion:

Orion is also the star. This is one romantic nickname, boyfriend material!. Your boyfriend sure must be your star. Orion will sure serve it right.

29. Sunshine:

What about sunshine? If he is the one who is the sunshine of your grim and dark days, the sunshine of your life, he sure deserves this name.

30. Stud-muffin:

Ever thought of this as a romantic name for a husband? If your man is smooth with women and at the same sturdy, this name is sure for him.

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Romantic Nicknames for Your Girlfriend and Boyfriend:

Here is a list of romantic names for girlfriends that you can use to call her.

1. Ice:

For that calm lady who is always as cool as ice, this will be a good romantic nickname for girlfriend.

2. Loony:

We don’t mean it the wrong way. Loony sure has a resemblance to lunatic. But, loony is a romantic pet name for your crazy girlfriend.

3. Snow White:

How sweet and innocent is your girlfriend? Well, for those sweet ones, snow while as a sweet romantic name will do all justice.

4. Giggles:

Giggles is a cute romantic nickname to come up with. For your girlfriend, who laughs a lot and is always cheerful, ‘giggles’ will be a suitable name.

5. Fire Cracker:

This again has to be used carefully. She might just explode at anyone if they do anything wrong. Or probably even at you for no reason! For her, ‘firecracker’ as a romantic girl name is the apt one.

6. Hot Stuff:

For that hot lady who is your girlfriend, ‘hot stuff’ sure is a good name, but you need to be sure that you only call her this in private. You don’t want her to take offence.

7. Smarty Pants:

A very cool and sweet nickname, smartypants is for all those who are really smart and can pull off almost anything with absolute smartness.

8. Cat Woman:

Cat woman is one who is fierce, full of energy and loaded amount of sexiness. Does that sound like your girlfriend?

9. Shortcake:

Be very sure you guys are close before you even think of calling her this. You don’t want to offend her. The name is for all those cute small girls.

10. Goddess:

For all those amazing and absolutely unreal girlfriends, ‘goddess’ is sure a best romantic name for you to call.

11. Blonde:

If you guys know each other very well, blonde is a good name to call out loud. The name is for all those women who have blonde hair.

12. Baby Doll:

Baby doll is a very common nickname for girlfriend. If she is full of sweetness with a very good model-like body, she sure is a baby doll.

13. Brown Sugar:

If your girlfriend is brown, she sure is brown sugar.

14. Vampy:

Vampy is one funny romantic nickname to call your girlfriend. The name is for all those women who prefer to stay indoors but loves to venture out at night.

15. Happy Feet:

How happy is she dancing to tunes? Well, this name is for her then,

16. Butterfingers:

Butterfingers is one cute romantic nickname for your baby girl. If your girlfriend has a ‘loose finger’ and if she is careless about things, then this is for her. This is most often used while cuddling and having some private time.

17. Lazy Butt:

Another good name for your lazy girlfriend! The name is used as a romantic name to call your boyfriend too!

18. Marshmallow:

She might have the softest nature and a heart for things. If she does, she sure is a marshmallow.

19. Lil’ Mermaid:

If she is the one who loves to swim? She sure is a Lil mermaid.

20. Queen Bee:

This is a name most women love. Queen bee is a romantic nickname for girlfriend if she is the head of her girls’ squad and is almost always busy.

21. Night owl:

One who stays up all night. Does it sound like your girlfriend? Then this is a romantic name for her.

22. Bookworm:

A lover of books, she is often engrossed in her novels most of the time. This is more of a serious nickname to call her.

23. Cookie:

As sweet as a cookie, a cookie is a name for all those sweet women who are not just sweet, but also a source of happiness.

24. Wifey:

A very serious one! For all those men, who see her as girlfriend material, this name is for her.

25. Muffin:

As cute as a muffin, she is extremely small and is also the apple of your eye. This name is for her!

26. Bunny Ears:

A rather funny romantic name to call a girl, the bunny ear is a person who has the tiniest little ears, which is so cute.

27. Melody:

If she is the one who is very sweet and adorable, then this is a good romantic love name is for her.

28. Wonder Woman:

Do you always look up to her and admire her? Does she come out as an inspiration for you? She is amazing. This name is for all those women who are actually ‘wonder’ women.

29. Angel Face:

Does she unbelievably look like an angel to you? Is she the one with the most innocent face, with all good deeds? Then she sure is an angel face.

30. Baby Face:

For all those adorable and cute girlfriends, whose innocence radiates everywhere, babyface is a good name for you to think of calling her.

Romantic Nicknames for Your Wife and Husband:

1. Princess:

Making sure that you are going to treat her like a princess, this name is one good romantic name for a wife.

2. Sunshine:

She might literally be your light in times of darkness and will lead you through every path. Then is sure for her.

3. Heartbeat:

Is she the one you are head over heels in love with? Does she also inspire you in more than one way? If so, the heartbeat is the romantic pet name for the wife.

4. Baby:

This is a classy name for both the husband and wife. The name never dies, and it is forever golden to use.

5. Blossom:

Another romantic name to call your wife is the blossom. If she has that inspiring charm in her, one who would light up your gloomy day, the blossom is the name for her.

6. My Girl:

This is one classy nickname for all the women. There is no better way to express to her what she means to you.

7. Candy:

How sweet and irresistible is she? She might just tempt you with her looks and probably lure you with her sweetness. This name is for all those women.

8. Tarzan:

What about romantic pet name for the husband? Tarzan signals the guy is masculine and always the favourite movie character!

9. Romeo:

A guy who can effortlessly impress a woman and is extremely good at expressing love, this name is for every such husband.

10. Soulmate:

Calling your husband soulmate is sure the best way to say you will stick by him through thick and thin.

11. My hero:

Is your husband the hero of your life and the zero of your worries? Then you should pick this romantic name for a spouse.

12. Pumpkin:

This is one cute and funny romantic name for your partner. The wife is called pumpkin when is adorably plum.

13. Peaches:

A name that popularized with the dialogue ‘I love peaches. They are sweet and round and fuzzy, just like you’. The dialogue is from the Ice age.

14. Exotica:

For your wife, who is one in a million and interesting, this name is then for her.

15. Gorgeous:

A classic way to impress your woman and express how beautiful she looks. This is another romantic nickname for a fiancée.

16. Honeypie:

For that incredible load of sweetness and goodness in her, honeypie is the apt romantic name to call your wife.

17. Mr. Good looking:

A very genuine way to express how handsome your husband looks. He might just love this romantic husband name.

18. Superman:

Is he your hero and superman? Is he the one who sets all your problems straight and keeps you out of worry? Then he is a superman!

19. Alpha:

For that every husband who is dominant, at the same time, very loving and extremely caring.

20. Ken:

Haven’t we heard of this name? Ken is Barbie’s well dressed and handsome man.

21. Sparkles:

Does looking at her make your eyes sparkle and fill with pride? Then she is one sparkle for sure.

22. Wifey:

What other romantic names to call your wife?

23. Rainbow:

A ray of positivity and vibrancy, ‘rainbow’ is a name for all the women who are always vibrant and colourful about life.

24. Pebbles:

Pebble is a name inspired by the cartoon Flintstones. This will always be a sweet name for your wife.

25. Mr. Perfect:

Is he really good at what he does? Does he seem to be beyond perfect for you? Then he is Mr. Perfect.

26. Amigo:

Your wife or husband will always be your best friend. Amigo is a name for all those couples.

27. Better half:

If your wife is the best thing that happened to you, the better half is her romantic nickname.

28. My Smile maker:

For that man who always makes you smile, no matter what.

29. Dear:

A classic and traditional way of addressing your wife or husband that also carries some amount of respect and love.

30. Tough guy:

For that guy who handles every situation with ease.

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Couple Romantic Names:

1. Dear: This is a sweet couple romantic name that can be used to call the husband or wife.

2. Darling: Darling and dear as a sweet couple name will never die. They convey more than just love.

3. Cuddle Bag: You guys will be each other’s cuddle bag. The cosy snuggle with them is probably enough to solve all the worries. This name is for all those couples.

4. Punch Bag: Who do you punch into when you guys are angry? This is a name for all the couples whose punch bags are just each other.

5. Made in Heaven: This is a romantic nickname for all the couples who are just God-sent.

6. Baby: Another name that is as old as dear and darling, but still a commonly used form.

7. Butter Candy: Both of you guys must be as sweet as that.

8. Honey: For that extra sweet couple!

9. Evergreen: Like the classics, the evergreen couple will always be fit for each other and will remain forever attached.

10. Mine: For those possessive couples who are just enough for each other.

How to Choose a Romantic Name for Your Other Half?

We understand how tough it can be to actually sit and think of a unique name to call them. Of course, our romantic name list can help, but what if you want to find something of your own?

  •  First, understand what he means to you. You might see him as a protector or a saviour.
  •  Once you understand what he means to you, simply start calling him that.
  • You can also use metaphorical meanings of words. Try to play around with rhyming words and see what goes with the name.

Thinking of a name might sound challenging. But, if you can break and understand the process, it becomes a lot easier.

It is okay to come up with something that is entirely unique and understood by just the two of you. In fact, that is how nicknames are supposed to be! That way, you both will connect well and will also help to spice up things. Think of very private names too. We bet your love will grow fonder for each other with these nicknames and make your bond stronger than ever before.

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