14 Best Sapota Fruit Benefits (Chikoo/Sapodilla) For Skin, Hair & Health

Remember those good old days, when we’re offered tiny, gooey pieces of Sapota fruit for a mid-day snack? Sapodilla is a tropical fruit that can literally grow anywhere and is a common sight in most backyards. This evergreen tree is native to Central America and Mexico but is also widely cultivated in India. Chikoo fruits are known for their deliciously sweet pulp, which is a popular ingredient in many smoothies, shakes and desserts. Sapodillas are packed with nutrition to support the functioning of your body. Let’s get started to understand some of the best sapota fruit benefits (Chiku fruit benefits).

sapota benefits

What Is Sapodilla Fruit?

Sapodilla is a brown coloured, oval shaped fruit grown in tropical climates. The Scientific name of Chikoo is “ManilkaraZapota”. It is also called “Chikoo” in Hindi, “Sapota” in Telugu, “Cappotta” in Tamil, “Sapōṭā” in Kannada and Marathi languages. Sapota resembles a kiwi in appearance with fuzzy skin and brown coloured pulp inside. It has big black seeds which are inedible.

Is Sapota Good For Health?

Chiku is a powerhouse of many vital nutrients. It is enriched with carbohydrates, fibre, Iron, Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Calcium. Chiku helps in warding off constipation and other digestive problems. It is also amazing for strengthening your bones and teeth. Chiku also helps in boosting your energy and alleviating fatigue.

Sapodilla Nutrition:

Listed below is the nutritional value of Chikoo per 100 gms serving:

  • Total Calories: 83
  • Total Carbohydrates: 20 gm
  • Dietary Fiber: 5 gm
  • Proteins: 0.4 gm
  • Sodium: 12 mg
  • Potassium: 193 mg
  • Vitamin C: 24 %
  • Magnesium: 3 %
  • Vitamin A: 1 %

Wonderful Sapota Fruit Benefits (Chikoo):

Here we enlisted some of the best sapota fruit benefits for skin, hair and health. Let’s have a look into them.

1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Those who suffer from aches, pains and inflammation issues should have Sapota. This is because the fruit has plenty of tannins in it which makes it an anti-inflammation agent, say experts. Sapota in other ways also helps work with the digestive system, and it also keeps the body safe from issues such as irritable bowels, enteritis, oesophagitis and gas too.

2. Prevents Cancer:

One of the best Sapota fruit benefits is it’s Cancer preventing properties. The rich antioxidants found in Sapota can help the body stay safe and clear from cancers of various kinds. This is because of the vitamins A and B in them which helps maintaining the health of the mucus lining, say experts. The nutrients and dietary fibre helps the digestive system too, and protects the body from cancers, the carcinogens in the fruit helps the colon stay safe and clean too. Lung, cavity and oral cancers too can be prevented when the fruit is consumed.

3. Strengthens Bones:

Sapota juice benefits in strengthening your bones and teeth. To have healthy bones, the body needs enough of iron, phosphorus and calcium, which Sapota has in abundance. Since the fruit is rich in minerals and vitamins, it helps the body have high bone density and gives the bones a lot of strength as well.

4. Aids In Better Digestion:

The fruit is rich in dietary fibre as mentioned, which would help the digestive tract steer clear of constipation issues. In many countries across the globe, people consume Sapota as a laxative. The fibre in the fruit is known to break down the proteins and helps the food dissolve easily too. When food is dissolved well, the body then doesn’t suffer from issues such as constipation. Even the membrane of the colon would be cared for, and it is made stronger to help fight infections too.

See More: Health Benefits Of Sweet Lime

5. Good For Pregnant and Lactating Women:

Eating Chikoo Fruit During pregnancy is highly recommended, because of the abundant amounts of nutrients and carbohydrates in it. Lactating mothers especially face weakness, which is why Sapota is given to them. Taking Sapota during pregnancy can also help in dealing with nutritional deficiencies and loss of appetite.

Read More: Sapota During Pregnancy

6. Stops Blood Loss:

Blood loss can be an issue and one needs to stop it. Thanks to the fruit Sapota, this can be done, especially when internal injuries and piles happen to the body, both of which make the body lose a lot of blood. If there are stings and bites that cause blood loss, the seeds of the fruit can be crushed and applied on the affected areas, say experts.

7. Cures Cold and Cough:

Anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties are found in the Sapota, because of the polyphenols found in the fruit. This leads to a reduced risk of infections like colds and coughs causes due to seasonal changes. Sapodilla benefits in shielding your body from potential threats of respiratory issues and help you stay away from antibiotics.

8. Prevents Diarrhea:

For those who suffer from diarrhoea and lose motions, having Sapota would be of great help say, experts, since the fruit has purgative properties in it. Apart from that, Sapota can help with mental health too, and since it is a sedative, it has the potential to calm the nerves as well. Stress and anxiety pangs can be beaten off, and that is why most consume the fruit to beat depression, insomnia and anxiety as well.

See More: Nigella Seeds Health Benefits

9. Controls Blood Pressure:

Chikoo contains Potassium in good amounts, which is known to lower blood pressure. It helps in lowering your sodium levels and thereby prevent sudden pump up of blood. Hypertension patients are advised to eat a portion of Sapota fruit to keep their readings in check. This is one of the best sapota benefits for our body.

10. Benefits Of Chikoo For Babies:

Chikoo is one of the earliest foods given to little babies. The pulp is not only tasty to eat but is also easy to digest. Chikoo also helps in preventing anaemic conditions with its rich iron levels. The high fibre content in the fruit can ward off constipation and makes for amazing first food!

11. Nourishes Your Skin:

One of the many uses of Sapota is its role in promoting healthy skin. Chikoo cleanses the body from within and eliminates toxins. This shows visible results on your skin. By helping in proper blood circulation, you can be free of dark circles and dullness. The anti-oxidant properties of this fruit can reduce oxidative stress and render natural glowing skin.

12. Anti-Ageing:

The signs of ageing are characterized by wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes and dark spots. Sapota helps in reducing these factors with the help of Vitamin C and Vitamin A. Both these nutrients impart health skin and make you feel younger again. You can even apply a mask of Chikoo for skin rejuvenation and repair.

See More: Benefits Of Lettuce

13. Moisturizes and Softens Your Hair:

If you dream of healthy, smooth hair, Sapota is your answer! Sapota is enriched with Iron, which can strengthen your hair follicles. You can even apply a hair mask of Sapota and honey to enjoy nourished, beautiful hair. Following this regime regularly can make a significant difference in your hair quality.

14. Treats Dandruff:

Chikoo can help in reducing the symptoms of dandruff and itchy scalp. The pulp of chikoo contains many compounds which can reduce yeast infections. Take a handful of chikoo pulp with some lime juice and apply it on the scalp for a flake-free scalp. Your hair also becomes touch-worthy!

Sapota Side Effects:

Although Sapota is wonderful for your body, it does come with its own side effects. Listed below are some of the disadvantages of Sapota, especially when had in excess:

  • Weight Gain
  • Increased Blood Sugar Levels
  • Indigestion
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Vomiting
  • Loss Of Appetite
  • Diarrhoea
  • Ulcers and breathing problems with raw Sapota

Now that you have seen the various sapota fruit benefits, it’s time to sink your teeth into one. Sapota is the most economical and effective way of imparting a healthy diet. From babies to adults, this fruit offers plenty of goodness to everyone. You can even replace sugar with Sapota pulp in your desserts to whip up a great recipe. So, what are you waiting for? Stock some seasonal Chikoos and enjoy a healthy, delicious treat!

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