15 Best Ayurvedic Beauty Tips and Remedies for Glowing Skin

Smile and glowing skin in the era of selfies are not only essential for photography but also to increase confidence. If you have been looking for ways to improve your complexion, this article based on Ayurvedic remedies for glowing skin will interest you! We are all familiar with the connection between Ayurveda and beauty, from the tips of grandmothers to commercial advertisements. Nowadays, Ayurveda is increasingly common. Ayu(Life) and Veda (Knowledge) is the Knowledge of Life, which has remedies starting from minor ailments to severe diseases. The medications supplied in Ayurveda are without side effects, entirely natural. Let us talk today about Ayurvedic treatment for fair and glowing skin that can be easily performed for that additional glow on your skin!

10 Best Ayurvedic Daily Lifestyle Tips for Glowing Skin:


1. Include Seeds and Nuts into Your Regular Diet:

Ayurvedic diet for glowing skin includes pistachios, walnuts, and almonds. They are rich in vitamin E, which is your skin’s most significant antioxidant. Nuts are especially useful if you have acne-prone skin. Nuts such as pumpkin seeds and almonds are rich in selenium and zinc and help purify the blood and keep your skin glowing and nourished. Walnut is also an equally beneficial nut. Rich in fatty acids, proteins, healthy fats, omega-3 and omega-6, walnuts are good for skin and hair.

2. Taking Adequate Sleep:

Sleep is an important one among Ayurvedic beauty tips for glowing skin. While you snooze, your body boosts blood flow to the skin, which implies you wake up to a good glow. Skimp on sleep, and your complexion may look ashen, drab, or lifeless. Deprivation of sleep can cause blood flow reduction to facial skin. Skin gets dull, and you no longer have those pink cheeks. Sleeping well can give you a skin that is radiant and glowing naturally.

3. Add Plenty of Vegetables to The Meals:

So here is why we should include vegetables as Ayurvedic food for glowing skin. Vegetables contain strong antioxidants that assist in safeguarding the skin from free radicals cell damage. Free radicals, smoking, pollution, and sunlight can cause aging spots and wrinkles. Eat a colourful rainbow of vegetables and target at least five servings a day. Beta Carotene present in carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkin, and lutein in kale and spinach are powerful antioxidants that are essential for the healthy growth of skin cells and fair skin tone.

4. Drink More Water:

It is an easy method, and it is not going to take your time. Drinking water is a common practice for many people, but some people do not like to drink more water. It is essential to keep your body hydrated to get flawless skin. Try to drink about three to four litres a day. You can observe your glowing skin after a couple of days. Always remember not to stop drinking enough water even after you get radiant skin because it also helps your health.

5. Meditate:

Meditation is like an Ayurvedic medicine for fair glowing skin. Everyday meditation brings energy (also known as prana) for your body for just a few minutes and creates a feeling of calmness and relaxation. Prana helps to repair the tissues and cells of your body during meditation that gives skin a new, youthful glow. Mindful breathing also contributes oxygen to the skin while meditating, which boosts cell health. It enhances your complexion, reduces wrinkles, and slows down the aging process.

6. Exercise:

Exercise is vital for bright and glowing skin. It stimulates blood circulation, which in turn nourishes your skin cells and flushes out damaging free radicals and toxins. This makes your skin shine from the inside. The small arteries in your skin open up when you exercise, enabling more blood to reach the surface of the skin and supply nutrients that repair the damage by sun and pollutants in the environment. In this way, exercise works as a natural Ayurvedic remedy for fair skin.

7. Do Breathing Exercises:

Ayurveda for glowing skin also includes breathing exercises which clear your skin. Mental stress can take a toll on the health of the skin more than physical strain. Controlled exercises in breathing are an excellent way to get rid of stress and calm your mind. Do a basic breathing exercise before going to sleep. Inhale and fill your stomach with air. Then let it come up. Fill your lungs and exhale in the reverse order slowly. Follow this for 5 to 20 minutes before sleeping or during any time of day.

8. Drink Green Tea And Other Herbal Juices:

Drinking green tea is found to protect skin from UV rays, improving skin tone, to bring fairness, and to reduce acne. You can steam your face with herbal tea leaves or add it to your regular face pack. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that help combat free radicals in the body; the steam provides these antioxidants to your skin. Not only can herbal juices leave you with an all-natural glow, but it can also assist with chronic disease healing and organs flushing out toxins.

9. Reduce Sugar And Salt Intake:

Reducing salt and sugar is among the best Ayurvedic tips for glowing skin as this can also reduce the risk of other diseases. The sweet contributor to the fat also demonstrates its impact on the weakness of the immune system and skin’s acne breakouts. Limit the quantity of sugar consumed; therefore, make your skin clear and glowing. Salt (in elevated doses) causes swelling of tissues, making your face look puffy and tired. Besides, iodized salt has been shown to boost acne breakouts.

10. Protect Your Skin From Sun Exposure:

This is an essential one from Ayurvedic fairness tips as exposure to the sun causes tanning, dark spots, blemishes, sunburns, skin cancer, etc. Natural SPF oils, sunscreen lotions, and creams can protect one’s skin from sun damage. If you have to step out, do this before ten in the morning when the sun rays are not harsh. If you have forgotten to use sunscreen, apply natural aloe vera gel to your face once you reach home. This will reverse the damage caused due to sun exposure or sunspots.

5 Best Ayurvedic Remedies to Get Healthy Glowing Skin:

1. Orange Peel for Skin Complexion:

Orange peels contain phytonutrients that are beneficial to the skin and can cure many skin conditions. The Orange peel extract has efficacy in brightening skin and decreasing acne. The combination of orange peel and yoghurt illuminates the skin and removes dead skin, creating a glowing face.


  • Dried Orange peels.
  • Yoghurt.

How to Prepare:

  • Peel an orange. Leave the peels to dry in the sun. Once it gets tough and crisp, grind it to powder.
  • Store the orange peel powder in a container.
  • Use a tablespoon of orange peel powder and blend it with a tablespoon of unflavored yoghurt.

How to Apply:

  • Cleanse the face and apply the mixture. Let it remain for twenty minutes. Afterwards, wash with normal water.
  • Pat dry and apply a moisturizing agent. In this way, orange and yoghurt can be a very effective Ayurvedic treatment for fair and glowing skin.

How Often You Should Do: Twice a week.

Precautions: After using yoghurt for skin whitening masks and treatments, always rinse the face thoroughly.

2. Turmeric for Acne and a Bright Tone:

This is the best of Ayurvedic herbs for glowing skin and acne. For a long time, Indian brides used turmeric body scrubs and face masks to purify and cleanse their bodies. This would provide a healthy glow by brightening their skin right before their weddings. Acne is an inflammatory disease, where the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric mask can assist in soothing blemished skin and encouraging healing.


  • Turmeric.
  • Honey.
  • Yogurt/Milk.

How to Prepare:

  • In a small plastic bowl, combine a few tablespoons of turmeric with honey, yogurt, or milk.
  • Stir the mixture.

How to Apply:

  • Apply to clean skin.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes and wash with warm water.

How Often You Should Do: Twice a Week

Precautions: Turmeric can permanently stain towels and clothing, so when applying a turmeric face mask, avoid wearing your favourite dress.

3. Fenugreek for Preventing Wrinkles:

Men and women of all ages are always looking for ways to get glowing skin. Fenugreek seeds work wonders to achieve radiant skin. This fenugreek seed remedy will give the face a soft glow. Also, fenugreek seeds are capable of whitening the skin. Fenugreek has the added advantage of anti-ageing skincare, which is why many companies that make anti-aging products use fenugreek in their skin creams and lotion.


  • Fenugreek seeds.
  • Milk/ Curd.

How to Prepare:

  • Take 1⁄2 teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds (methi dana) and put it in the grinder. Produce a powdery form of these seeds by grinding.
  • One teaspoonful of fenugreek seed powder will be needed. Mix in a small quantity of milk or curd in a small bowl to create a paste of medium consistency.

How to Apply:

  • Apply this paste uniformly to the face and allow it to dry and then wash away with normal water.

How Often You Should Do: Once a Week

Precautions: Fenugreek seed powder must be stored in an airtight container so that the humidity does not dampen or make the powder stale.

4. Tulsi Leaves for Fair Skin:

Tulsi Leaves are miraculous Ayurvedic herbs for glowing skin. Holy basil is an exceptional germicidal, fungicidal, and disinfectant agent. Tulsi’s antibacterial characteristics assist in combating pimples, acne, and eczema. Tulsi also enables you to get rid of tanned skin, making your complexion brighter.


  • Tulsi Paste.
  • Milk Powder.
  • Oatmeal Powder.
  • Rosewater.

How to Prepare:

  • Take one tablespoon of tulsi paste, milk powder and oatmeal powder for this. Mix the three ingredients and add rosewater to make a smooth paste.

How to Apply:

  • Apply this paste to your face and wait for it to dry. Wash your face after about 15 minutes with cold water.

How Often You Should Do: Use it three times a week to get the required outcome.

Precautions: After using this face pack, make sure that you do not expose your skin immediately to sunlight. Thus, the use of this face pack in the evening would be a better idea.

5. Fuller’s Earth (MultaniMitti) for Clear Skin:

Multanimitti is now part of every family and is used for a variety of reasons – from cooling the skin to glowing it. This traditional skincare ingredient is rich in minerals, such as silicate aluminium, which provides elevated absorbent characteristics that leave the skin fresh and radiant.


  • MultaniMitti.
  • Tomato Juice.
  • Honey.
  • Lemon Juice.
  • Raw Milk.

How to Prepare:

  • Mix Multanimitti powder, tomato juice, honey, lemon juice, and a small amount of milk together.

How to Apply:

  • Apply and leave on the face for 10 minutes.
  • Wash with cool water.

How Often You Should Do: Use this to achieve radiant skin at least once a week.

Precautions: Make sure your paste is not very stiff or watery.

Ayurveda’s ancient healing science has natural and efficient remedies for almost every skin issue and has the most beautiful skin and hair enhancement treatments. We have selected the most excellent Ayurvedic treatment for fair and glowing skin from that old repository for you. Try them and let us know in the comment section how they worked for you. It is also essential to have a balanced diet. It maintains an individual from within and acts as a source of positive energy. Stay young, stay happy!

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