15+ Best Juices for Pregnancy Along with Benefits and Recipes

Fruits are healthy and an integral part of the pregnancy diet. Including fruit juices is all the more healthy as they can instantly quench your thirst, and satisfy your hunger pangs and satiate your taste buds. In this article, we have brought you more than 15 juice for pregnant, which are easy to prepare as well as healthy and nutritious to drink during pregnancy.

Importance of Drinking Juices During Pregnancy:

Summer is around the corner, and it is already getting unbearably hot. If you are pregnant, you will know exactly what I am talking about. You tend to dehydrate more quickly than the others, and you feel fatigued all the time no matter how much you try to energise yourself. However, do not worry anymore! I have compiled a list of some of the best juices for pregnancy that will not only keep you hydrated, but every sip of the drink will make you feel energised and keep your body and baby cool and healthy. Check out here the various varieties of juices one can have during pregnancy along with its recipe and benefits.

best juices for pregnancy

Table of Content:

  1. Fruit Juices for Pregnancy
  2. Vegetable Juices in Pregnancy
  3. Homemade Juices for Pregnancy
  4. Fruity Mocktail Juices for Pregnancy
  5. Smoothies for Pregnancy
  6. Other Juices for Pregnancy
  7. Tips and Precautions for Preparing Juices

Various Juicing Varieties to Be Had During Pregnancy:

1. Mixed Fruit Juices for Pregnancy:

If you do not like having milk, mix a variety of fruits together to get a host of nutrients in a glass. Use your creativity in the kitchen and blend all the berries or all the citrus fruits together. Who knows, you might just discover a new favourite drink, the mixed fruit juice!

2. Vegetable Juices for Pregnancy:

Mix all the veggies to make a fresh combination of juices. If you are not willing to experiment, go for the time trusted combination of spinach and mint, gourd and carrot. Google and find some of the best vegetable juice combinations as there is no dearth of options available online!

3. Fruit Mocktails:

These Fruit mocktails are a good alternative when you are out partying, at a pub or some social gathering and want to avoid alcoholic drinks. Fruit mocktails give you all the right nutrients for both you and your baby. These fruit mocktails are very yummy and easy to make.

4. Home Made Traditional Drinks:

Fruit sherbet-like an ampanna and jaljeera help to cool your body during summer and is a good juice for pregnant ladies. These hydrate the body and help the pregnant woman cope with morning sickness. Besides, they also provide nutrients that are essential for the developing baby.

5. Smoothies for Pregnancy:

Blend milk and fruit together and add a few ice cubes, and the result is a lip-smacking drink that is not only cool but also healthy. A smoothie is packed with calcium, fibre and a lot of other nutrients. Home-made smoothies are one of the best juices for pregnancy. You could add fruits like strawberry, mango, banana or any other fruit of your choice.

6. Fresh Fruit Juice for Pregnancy:

Fresh fruit juice is packed with nutrients and is also great for summer! Juices from oranges, sweet lime, musk melons, and watermelons are good for hot weather and the perfect option for quenching your thirst. However, if you want to get the nutrients from your juice, make it yourself at home.

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15+ Best Juices for Pregnancy:

Apple | Pomegranate | Grape | Strawberry | Lemon | Mixed Fruit | Beetroot | Carrot | Tomato| Ginger | Sugar Cane | Kiwi Litchi Mocktail | Mango Banana Mocktail | Dry Fruits Smoothie | Pineapple Avocado Smoothie | Orange Juice | Peach Juice |

A) Fruit Juices for Pregnancy:

1. Apple Juice:

Fruit Juices for Pregnancy

Orange is good, but Apple is the best. If you buy apple juice from the market, make sure the pack says one hundred per cent real fruit juice. Apple juice during pregnancy is packed with nutrients that are beneficial for both your baby and you. It keeps your body hydrated and is good for the well-being of the mother and child.


The antioxidants and the phytochemicals contained in the apple juice helps in eradicating free radicals from the body.

  • The risk of cancer is reduced to a great extent.
  • The iron content in apple juice prevents you from becoming anaemic.
  • The fibres improve bowel movement and reduce constipation.
  • Vitamin C builds immunity and reduces the chances of infection.


  • Apple
  • Water
  • Sugar as per taste

How to Make:

  • Wash the apple well and peel the skin.
  • Cut the apple into small pieces and add them in a pan.
  • Add a glass of water and boil nicely.
  • When cooled churn it nicely.
  • Add sugar or lemon as per taste.
  • Run it through a blender if you want it smooth.

2. Pomegranate Juice:

pomegranate juice for pregnancy

Pomegranate juice in pregnancy is very nutritious and healthy and must be included. The following are the various benefits of including pomegranate juice in pregnancy and also its recipe.


  • The high content of fibres helps to prevent constipation.
  • The iron content prevents the risk of anaemia.
  • The Vitamin C absorbs iron from the food, builds the bones and repairs the tissues.
  • The Vitamin K helps in blood clotting and strengthens the bones
  • The folate protects the baby from neural tube defects.
  • Keeps you hydrated.


  • Pomegranate

How to Make:

  • Put the pomegranate arils in the mixer grinder and blend it nicely.
  • Sieve the juice using a strainer.
  • Add salt if required.
  • Consume fresh.

3. Grape Juice for Pregnancy:

Best Juices for Pregnancy 9

Grape juice is a very refreshing drink that is very good for you and your child as well. You can make it easily within your home, so enjoy it on a daily basis.


  • The high content of magnesium helps in relieving pregnancy cramps.
  • The fibres aids in proper digestion of food and thereby prevents constipation.
  • Relieve stress.
  • The antioxidants help in fighting the infection and thereby boosts the immunity.
  • Keeps the cholesterol levels under control.


  • Grapes
  • Water
  • Salt and sugar to taste

How to Make:

  • Soak the grapes in water for at least 2 hours to remove any pesticides used on them.
  • Rinse them nicely under running tap water and add them to a blender.
  • Add some water and sugar if required and blend it until you get a smooth consistency.
  • Strain using the strainer.
  • Add a pinch of salt if required and consume it fresh.

4. Strawberry Juice for Pregnancy:

Strawberry juice is yet again a very refreshing drink that can be enjoyed on a daily basis to give you the energy to handle all the issues that might arise during your pregnancy.


  • Strawberry being rich in Vitamin C helps in boosting the immunity and strengthening the bones.
  • The magnesium helps in fighting free radicals.
  • The potassium helps in healthy functioning of the heart.
  • The iodine content helps in the nervous system development of the baby.
  • Vitamin A and E help in good eyesight and healthy skin.
  • The endorphins in the juice help in controlling mood swings.


  • Fresh Strawberries
  • Sugar
  • Water

How to Make:

  • Wash the fresh strawberries well and chop them into small pieces and add them in a blender.
  • Add sugar as per requirement depending upon the taste of the strawberries.
  • Add some water and blend to get a smooth consistency.
  • Strain it using the strainer.
  • Add some salt and lemon juice if required and drink fresh.

5. Lemon Juice:

lemon juice pregnancy

The lemon juice is the best juice which is available all around the year and very easy to prepare. It can act as an instant source of energy and helps a lot during the phase of morning sickness.


  • The high content of Vitamin C helps in fighting any infection and prevents cold, flu, fever, etc.
  • It is a very refreshing drink which can keep you hydrated at all times.
  • It helps in removing the toxins from the body.
  • The potassium content helps in the development of the bones.
  • It eases the flow of bile and thereby treats nausea.
  • Consuming warm lemon juice helps in relieving the swelling in feet.
  • It helps in keeping the blood pressure under control.


  • Lemon
  • Water
  • Sugar
  • Salt

How to Make:

  • Take a glass of water and add 2tspof sugar in it and stir nicely until the sugar dissolves in water.
  • Extract the lemon juice and add to this water.
  • Add salt or sugar as per your preference.
  • You can have this juice multiple times in a day to keep yourself hydrated and fresh.

6. Mixed Fruit Juice:

Best Juices for Pregnancy

The mixed fruit juice during pregnancy is the best juice one can have. You can add multiple seasonal fruits as per your liking and reap the benefits of all the fruits in a single serving. It is very easy to prepare and very tasty to drink.


  • Benefits of multiple fruits can be had in a single serving.
  • Vitamin C in the fruits helps in the healthy development of the bones and protects from infection.
  • The fruits being rich in fibres helps in healthy bowel movement and thereby prevents constipation, which is a common complaint during pregnancy.
  • The antioxidants present in the fruits help in removing the toxins from the body.


  • Seasonal fruits available such as sweet lime, orange, pomegranates, grapes, kiwi, etc
  • Water
  • Salt and sugar as per taste

How to Make:

  • Wash all the fruits nicely
  • Remove seeds if any and cut the fruits into small bits
  • Add the cut fruits to the mixer and blend well to get a smooth texture
  • If it is too thick, add some water to get the required consistency
  • Sieve the juice using a strainer
  • Add salt and sugar according to preference
  • Drink fresh

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B) Vegetable Juices in Pregnancy:

7. Beetroot Juice:

Beetroot juice has been undermined for ages, but it actually provides plenty of nutrition for your body to help you deal with pregnancy and can be had for most of your pregnancy period. It is used Beetroot juice during pregnancy not only makes your blood thicker but also provides for a wholesome snack when you are hungry. It also provides for the overall growth of your baby during the period of your pregnancy.


  • The beetroot juice improves the haemoglobin level and prevents you from becoming anaemic.
  • They are a rich source of iron and thereby help in proper absorption of oxygen in the body.
  • Folic acid prevents the baby from developing any neural tube defects.
  • It helps in reducing the pains from oedema.
  • It is an excellent source of calcium and prevents osteoporosis.
  • The potassium content in the juice helps in regulating the metabolism.


  • Beetroot
  • Water

How to Make:

  • Peel the skin of the beetroot and boil it (You can avoid boiling if you want)
  • Cut the beetroot into small pieces and add them to the blender.
  • Add some water and blend it into a smooth paste.
  • Strain the juice and drink fresh.
  • You may add some sugar or salt if required.

8. Carrot Juice:

best juices for pregnancy carrot

When talking about juices that pregnant ladies can enjoy during their pregnancy for the nutrition of themselves and their children, then carrot juice is one of the first on the list. Carrot juice is not only a rich source of vitamin A, but the right amount of juice is very refreshing and wholesome for your body making it a multi-benefit juice that you can make at home and enjoy every day. It is always better to make some carrot juice at home daily during your period of pregnancy for the best results. The following are the benefits of having carrot juice during pregnancy.


  • Carrots being rich in Beta-Carotene helps in improving the eyesight of both the baby and the mother.
  • Vitamin C in the carrots aids in the healthy development of the bones.
  • The antioxidants present helps in getting rid of the free radicals.
  • The potassium improves with the blood circulation, normalises the heartbeat and reduces the muscle cramps.
  • The fibres help in relieving constipation.


  • Carrots
  • Water

How to Make:

  • Wash and peel the carrots
  • Cut the carrot into small pieces.
  • Add the chopped carrots to the juicer or blender and blend to a smooth paste
  • Add water to get the required consistency
  • Strain the juice in a glass and consume fresh

9. Tomato Juice:

tomato juice for pregnancy

Tomatoes are an excellent source of various vitamins and minerals that are crucial for pregnancy. It is very easy to make, and it is power-packed with vital nutrients. Here are some of the benefits of tomato juice.


  • The antioxidants, such as Beta-carotene helps in reducing the chances of any heart disease.
  • It keeps the blood pressure under control and reduces the risk of high cholesterol.
  • The antioxidants present in the tomato juice reduces inflammation and damages caused by free radicals.
  • The magnesium and potassium present normalises the heart rate and reduces muscles cramps.


  • 5-6 fresh tomatoes
  • Celery

How to Make:

  • Wash the tomatoes nicely and cut them into small pieces and add them to the blender.
  • Add some celery to this as well
  • Blend to make a smooth paste
  • Sieve the juice into a glass and add some salt if required
  • Drink fresh

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C) Homemade Traditional Juices for Pregnancy:

10. Ginger Juice:

Add grated ginger to a glass of cold water. Ginger helps your digestion and eliminates gas from the stomach. It keeps your body cool and hydrated and helps combat nausea, morning sickness, and vomiting.


  • The ginger juice promotes the blood circulation and thereby promotes the adequate supply of blood to the baby.
  • It keeps the cholesterol levels under control.
  • If you are suffering from morning sickness, then this juice is best at providing relief as ginger acts as a soothing agent to control nausea.
  • This is a helps in keeping cough and cold at bay and also prevents other infections.
  • It keeps blood glucose levels under control and prevents the chances of having gestational diabetes.
  • It is an excellent remedy for heartburn.
  • This is a helps to resolve bloating and constipation issues which are very common during pregnancy.
  • Vitamin C in ginger juice helps in boosting the immunity as well as lowers the risk of congenital diabetes.


  • Ginger 1 inch piece
  • One lemon
  • Water
  • Salt and sugar as per taste

How to Make:

  • Crush the ginger and extract its juice in a glass.
  • Add the juice of 1 lemon and fill the remaining glass with water.
  • Add salt and sugar as per your requirement.
  • Drink fresh

11. Sugar Cane Juice:

This is a good juice for pregnant ladies. It gives you instant energy and cools down your body. It is a great option for quenching thirst during summer and is good for your digestive system.


  • Sugarcane juice provides relief from constipation.
  • The proteins in the sugarcane juice help in healthy growth and development of the baby.
  • The antioxidants in sugarcane juice help in fighting the bacterial and fungal infection which could be very dangerous during pregnancy.
  • It helps in healthy functioning of the liver by keeping the bilirubin levels under check.
  • It strengthens the immunity system and keeps the weight under control.
  • The folic acid present in sugarcane juice helps in preventing any neural birth defects in the child.


  • Sugarcane sticks
  • Lemon
  • Ginger

How to Make:

  • Wash the sugarcane nicely and peel off its skin with a sharp knife
  • Cut the sugarcane into small pieces and add them to the mixer
  • Also, add ½ inch ginger piece and crush well
  • Sieve the juice
  • Add some lemon juice into it and drink immediately

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D) Fruity Mocktail Juices for Pregnancy:

12. Kiwi Litchi Mocktail:

Both kiwi and litchi are power fruits rich in various nutrients and a good source of energy. Together they form a great combination for a mocktail that is very tasty as well as healthy for pregnancy.


  • The folate present in this mocktail helps in the cognitive development of the fetus
  • The Vitamin C and antioxidants present in it boosts the immunity and protects the mother from any harmful radicals.
  • They contain fructose, and hence, they will be able to satisfy your sweet tooth without adding anything extra.
  • The iron content helps in proper absorption of oxygen in the blood and prevents anaemia.
  • The calcium is essential for healthy bones, muscles, and teeth.


  • 2 Kiwi fruit
  • 6-8 litchis
  • Water
  • Sugar (If required)

How to Make:

  • Wash both kiwis and litchi fruits well
  • Peel the skin of the kiwi and cut it into small pieces and add them to the blender
  • Next, peel the litchi and add the pulp
  • Blend them both well into a smooth paste
  • You can drink this even without straining it.
  • Just empty the contents into a glass and slurp.
  • Add water to adjust the consistency
  • Add sugar to taste

13. Mango Banana Mocktail:

Both mangoes and bananas are superfoods and are extremely healthy for pregnancy. The smoothie prepared with this combination is very tasty and healthy. The following are the various benefits of mango banana mocktail.


  • The mango banana mocktail being full of fibres it relieves constipation, which is a common complaint during pregnancy.
  • The antioxidants present in them will help in boosting the metabolism
  • It helps in relieving stress and satiates the hunger pangs.


  • 1 cup cubed peeled mango
  • One medium ripe banana
  • 2/3rd cup milk
  • 1tbsp milk powder (Optional)
  • 1tsp honey
  • 1/4tsp vanilla essence

How to Make:

  • Arrange the mango cubes in a baking tray and freeze until rock solid (At least 1 hour)
  • Add these mango cubes in a blender along with ripe banana
  • Add all the remaining ingredients and make it into a smooth paste
  • Empty the contents into a glass and enjoy.

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E) Smoothies for Pregnancy:

14. Dry Fruits Smoothie:

Dry fruits are said to be a powerhouse of various vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fibres, and during pregnancy, an expectant mother should be making most out of it. These Dry fruits are one food which under no circumstances should be ignored during pregnancy. A dry fruit smoothie is the best way of consuming all of them together.


  • Being rich in fibres they help in combatting constipation, which is a common complaint during pregnancy.
  • They are rich in Vitamin A, which is essential for healthy bones and teeth as well as healthy eyesight.
  • The potassium controls the blood pressure.
  • Eating dry fruits during pregnancy will greatly reduce the chances of asthma in the baby.
  • It strengthens the muscles and reduces the chances of post-delivery bleeding.


  • Almonds 1/4cup
  • Unsalted pistachios 1/4 cup
  • 1/4 cup cashews
  • 1/4 cup raisins
  • 7-8 dates
  • 2-3 figs
  • 2 cup milk
  • A pinch of saffron
  • Sugar as per taste
  • Chopped dried fruits for garnishing

How to Make:

  • Soak the figs and dates in water for a couple of hours
  • Rinse all the other dry fruits except saffron
  • Put all the ingredients in the blender along with ½ cup milk and blend to make a smooth paste
  • Add sugar (as per taste) and add the remaining milk and saffron and again blend well
  • Pour it in the glass and garnish with chopped dry fruits.

15. Pineapple Avocado Green Smoothie:

This green smoothie is delicious, nutritious and is a powerhouse of energy. The best part is it has only four ingredients and is very simple to make. It is tasty until the last drop.


  • Being rich in fibres it helps to relieve constipation which is a common complaint during pregnancy
  • The iron content in avocados helps in maintaining the haemoglobin levels and prevents anaemia
  • The folate is very important as it prevents any neural tube defects in the child and it can be found in abundance in this smoothie
  • It is a very healthy and heavy smoothie to satisfy your hunger pangs, which often come during pregnancy.


  • 1/2 medium ripe avocado peeled and pitted
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 2 cups pineapple chunks
  • 2tbsp honey (or as per taste)
  • 1 cup of water

How to Make:

  • Add all the ingredients in the blender and blend until you get a smooth paste
  • Pour it in the glass and relish.

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F) Other Juices for Pregnancy:

16. Orange Juice:

Orange juice during pregnancy is an undermined drink in the society that actually helps to provide some of the most nutritious requirements for your body. This is Orange juice can be easily made, and it is always better for you to make orange juice in your home naturally for best results. The best way for you to do this is to use fresh oranges and a mixer that can provide you with a well-made juice for a quick refreshment that you will surely enjoy.

17. Peach Juice for Pregnancy:

Peach juice has a very high calcium and potassium content that is the best way to provide nutrition for your baby on a daily basis without fail.

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Tips and Precautions to Take While Preparing Juice in Pregnancy:

The following are the various tips and precautions that one needs to take while preparing the fruit juices and smoothies during pregnancy.

  • Always wash the fruits nicely before eating to remove pesticides and toxins.
  • Fruits such as grapes, watermelon, apple, mangoes, etc. should be soaked in water at least a couple of hours before consuming.
  • Only use fresh fruits for juices during pregnancy. The canned fruit juices contain a lot of added sugar and preservatives, which is not good for the mother and the baby.
  • Prefer buying organic fruits which are free from any pesticides or chemicals.

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So, what are you waiting for? This is a comprehensive list of some of the best juices to drink when pregnant. Go, try them all out. You might end up having a new favourite drink this summer. Pass it on to your pregnant friends! Use your creativity and keep yourself and your child healthy and happy. Women who are not pregnant, as well as people of all ages, can try these drinks.

Thus the aforesaid are the various healthy juices for pregnant ladies along with their benefits and recipes. Juices are healthy for pregnancy and must form a part of your pregnancy diet, but it should not be the only content of your pregnancy diet. It is essential that a variety of other foods should be included in the pregnancy diet to make it a complete balanced meal. Write to us here if you have any suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

Q1: Which Juices to Avoid During Pregnancy?

Ans: There are hardly any fruit juices that should be avoided during pregnancy. One must, however, resort to moderation and consume within the limit to avoid any possible side effects of the same.

Q2: Is it Safe to Drink Packed or Canned Juice During Pregnancy?

Ans: Packaged or canned fruit juices contain the risk of being contaminated with bacteria called E-coli, which is very dangerous for pregnancy and can even lead to stillbirths. Besides, it also includes a lot of added sugar and preservatives, which is not healthy for the pregnant mother and baby.

Q3: Is there any Side Effects of Drinking Juices in Pregnancy?

Ans: There are hardly any side effects of drinking fruit juices during pregnancy. They are very healthy, and it is essential that they are added to a pregnancy diet. However, the quantity of the same must be limited as anything in excess during pregnancy can be harmful and have unwanted side effects.

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