15 Best Natural Ways to Stop the Bleeding from Gums

There’s no denying of the fact that white and shining teeth smile is the easiest way to impress anybody. Isn’t it? However, you can face interruptions in your visible white smile if you are facing the problem of bleeding gums. This is where you would need to try the various Indian home remedies for bleeding gums.

Bleeding gums is one of the common problems that most of the people are suffering from nowadays. The best thing that you can do is to be regular with your visits to your dentists for early detection of the causes and symptoms of this problem. Other than this, there are some home remedies that can be tried for getting effective solutions against the problem.

Home remedies for bleeding gums

Table Of Content:

  • Causes Of Bleeding Gums
  • Symptoms Of Bleeding Gums
  • Preventive Tips For Gums Bleeding
  • Home Remedies For Bleeding Gum

What Are The Possible Causes Of Bleeding Gums?

Bleeding gums are the first indication about the gum diseases and thus the various bleeding gums causes should never be ignored. There can be many reasons for the causes of bleeding gums in adults which may vary from the different lifestyles to varying eating habits.

Some of the common bleeding gums causes are as follow:

  • Deficiencies of vitamin, especially vitamin C and K
  • Individuals wearing denture may also face bleeding gums
  • Plaque formation
  • Bad oral health and hygiene
  • Gum infections can also cause bleeding in the gums
  • Hormonal changes
  • Medical problems with which individual might be suffering

The various teeth bleeding causes should not be ignored as it may cause some serious oral problems. Though, this condition may be painless but can be dangerous for oral health.

What Are The Possible Symptoms Of Bleeding Gums?

The gum bleeding causes and treatment would be the most effective only if you get aware of the bleeding gums symptoms at their early stage. The primary need to do in the case when you witness these symptoms is to maintain good oral health followed by trying the various home remedies for overcoming the problem.

If you are still not aware of the bleeding gums symptoms, then here are some of them for your knowledge:

  • Swollen gums
  • Redness in the gums
  • Receding gums from the tooth
  • Bad breath
  • Teeth loosening process
  • Pus formation around the gums and teeth
  • Inflamed gums

You should also take care of the bleeding gums causes symptoms treatment for quickly controlling the problem of bleeding gums.

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How To Avoid And Prevent Gums Bleeding At Home:

Before beginning with the home remedies that can be tried during the problem of bleeding gums, you can also try some of these preventive measures for minimizing the impact of the problem. Half of the problem of bleeding gums can be taken care of you are aware of how to prevent bleeding gums naturally.

Here are some of the preventive measures that you can take when fighting against the bleeding gums problem:

  • Properly brush your teeth, especially after every meal.
  • Use soft bristle toothbrush for brushing.
  • Quit the use of tobacco along with smoking.
  • Make use of cold compress on the bleeding gums for preventing further bleeding.
  • Floss regularly for avoiding the formation of plaque.

See Also: Home Remedies For Whiten Teeth

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Home Remedies For Bleeding Gums:

Coconut Oil | Tea Tree Oil | Clove Oil | Natural Vitamins | Saltwater | Honey | Milk | Cayenne Powder | Cranberry Juice | Lemon Juice | Sesame Oil | Turmeric | Ginger | Aloe Vera | Baking Soda

What Are The Natural Remedies To Treat Bleeding Gums?:

To avoid the problem of bleeding gums, visiting the dentists is the best solution for getting the desired and effective solution. However, other than this, you can also try some of the home remedies for bleeding gums which are quite popular in delivering the required solution.

For enhancing your knowledge, the following natural cure for bleeding gums can be tried without facing any further consequences:

1. Coconut Oil For Treating Bleeding Gums:

This is one of the effective and the easiest bleeding gum remedy that can be tried. Moreover, this home remedy for bleeding gum is inexpensive and thus can be tried as and when needed.

What Is The Process?:

  • The anti-inflammatory as well as antimicrobial properties of coconut oil act like the required natural healing properties for the bleeding gums.

How Often You Do This?:

  • Use 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and swish it in your mouth, over the gums, for about 10-15 minutes. Repeat doing so for once on a daily basis.

2. Tea Tree Oil For Bleeding Gums:

Apply about 1-2 drops of tea tree oil on your gums and massage it for some time. Later, leave the oil on your gums for 5-10 minutes and then wash your mouth with normal water.

What Is The Process?:

  • The antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil help in bringing the desired relief in the infected gums that causes the bleeding.

How Often You Do This?:

  • Repeat doing so for 2-times on a daily basis and witness some significant results in the problem of bleeding gums.

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3. Clove Oil for Bleeding Gums:

What Is The Process?

  • The anti-inflammatory properties, along with the anti-bacterial properties of clove oil, prove to be extremely beneficial against the problem of bleeding gums. The best thing is that you can directly apply clove oil on your gums and it can bring the expected results within no time.

How Often You Do This?

  • Take a few drops of clove oil and warm it a little. Then apply this warm clove oil on your gums for 2-times in a day. Leave it for about 5-10 minutes on the gums and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

See More: How To Use Clove Oil For Teeth

4. Natural Vitamins:

As one of the reasons that cause bleeding gums is the lack of vitamins in the body, it can be prevented by consuming the right dosage of vitamins.

What Is The Process?

  • For this, you should include more food items which are rich in vitamin C and vitamin K, to meet the required amount of vitamins in the body.

How Often You Do This?

  • You can consult the oral expert to be sure of the diet that would be sufficient in delivering the right dosage of the required vitamins. However, the regular consumption in any form will bring the desired benefits.

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5. Saltwater For Curing Bleeding Gums:

The regular use of saltwater also acts as one of the effective home remedies for bleeding gums.

What Is The Process?

  • Salt has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which are useful in reducing the swelling and infections in the gums and thus controls the bleeding gum problem.

How Often You Do This?

  • Mix some warm water with some amount of salt and then use this saline solution for rinsing your mouth. Repeat doing the same for around 2-3 times in a day for getting the best results.

See Also: Best Toothpaste For Teeth

6. Honey To Treat Bleeding Gums Problem:

If you are looking for how to prevent bleeding gums, then you can take the benefit of honey for doing so.

What Is The Process?

  • Honey is known to have antibacterial properties and thus prove to be quite effective in controlling the various gum infections. Along with this, the anti-inflammatory properties of honey also reduce the swelling and inflammation in the gums.

How Often You Do This?

  • Simply take some honey on your fingertip and gently massage on the affected gums. Repeat doing this for 2-3 times in a day.

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7. Milk That Reduces Bleeding Gums:

Milk is a good source of vitamin K as well as calcium, and thus its regular consumption proves to be an effective Indian home remedy for bleeding gums.

What Is The Process?

  • It strengthens the gums and thus stops the problem of bleeding gums. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties of milk help in controlling the swelling and inflammation in the gums.

How Often You Do This?

  • Drink a glass of warm milk when your gums start bleeding. You can also apply some fresh milk on your gums when they bleed.

8. Treat Bleeding Gums Using Cayenne Powder:

What Is The Process?

  • The pain-relieving properties of cayenne powder make it one effective ingredient for treating the problem of bleeding gums. Along with the pain, it also helps in reducing the swelling and inflammation with its properties. Apply some of the cayenne powder on your toothbrush and brush your teeth with that.

How Often You Do This?

  • Leave it for some time and then rinse your mouth with the regular freshwater. Do this once every day and witness some of the best results against bleeding gums.

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9. Cranberry Juice For Prevent Bleeding Gums:

To try this to prevent bleeding gums home remedies, you can make use of cranberry juice.

What Is The Process?

  • Cranberry juice contains anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and thus proves to be one of the effective natural remedies for bleeding gums. You don’t need to do anything special with the cranberry juice.

How Often You Do This?

  • Simply drink a cup of cranberry juice once every day and then see the problem of bleeding gums getting solved. However, make sure to have unsweetened cranberry juice for getting the best results.

See Also: Home Remedies For Gum Infection

10. Lemon Juice To Treat Bleeding From Gums:

Lemons are useful for several gum benefits.

What Is The Process?

  • They are high with their anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and thus deliver many benefits to the people who are suffering from the problem of bleeding gums. They are also used for reducing the gum infections which further helps in bringing relief against bleeding gums.

How Often You Do This?

  • Mix some warm water with some lemon juice and then use this mixture to wash your mouth after every meal. This will bring some instant relief to the problems. Just be regular with the use.

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11. Sesame Oil For Curing Bleeding Of Gums:

This oil is also one of the great home remedies for bleeding gums and bad breath when used for the regular interval.

What Is The Process?

  • The anti-inflammation and anti-bacterial properties of this sesame oil help in bringing desired relief against the problem of gum swelling and inflammation. Swish some sesame oil in your mouth or apply some sesame oil on your gums for controlling the problem of bleeding gums.

How Often You Do This?

  • Use this oil for 1-2 times every day for getting the best of its results.

12. To Stop Bleeding From Gums Using Turmeric:

Most of the people are aware of the various benefits that turmeric powder has in its store. One of its benefits is to control and bring relief to the problem of bleeding gums.

What Is The Process?

  • Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties as well as anti-bacterial properties of turmeric, it can be used for minimizing the problem of gum infections.

How Often You Do This?

  • Mix some amount of mustard oil, salt and a little bit of turmeric and then apply this mixture to the affected gums. Do this for 2-3 times in a day.

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13. Ginger Remedy For Bleeding Gums:

Just like turmeric, ginger also has the desired properties and qualities that make it an effective ingredient for treating the problem of bleeding gums.

What Is The Process?

  • Ginger is used for controlling the gum infections and thus controls the problem of bleeding gums. Along with this, the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties bring the needed solution.

How Often You Do This?

  • Squeeze some fresh ginger juice and then apply it on the gums and leave for 5-10 minutes. Repeat applying this juice for about 1-2 times in a day.

14. Bleeding Gum Aloe Vera Remedy:

What Is The Process?

  • Aloe vera is known for its healing, anti-inflammatory as well as anti-bacterial properties. The use of aloe vera on the affected gums can bring in the expected results against the problem of bleeding gums. This is one of the best-known home remedies for bleeding gums and bad breath that can be tried.

How Often You Do This?

  • Take some aloe vera on your fingertip and then massage it on the gums for getting the benefits of its properties against the problem of bleeding gums. Repeat doing this for as many times as you can.

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15. Baking Soda To Cure Bleeding Gums:

What Is The Process?

  • The anti-bacterial properties of baking soda can be used for minimizing the bacterial growth inside the mouth. The regular and effective use of this ingredient can prove to be one of the best natural remedies for bleeding gums.

How Often You Do This?

  • You can either mix some of the baking soda with warm water for rinsing your mouth with that, or you can directly apply baking soda on your gums for getting the desired benefits. Repeat this for 3-4 times in a day.

Try these varying home remedies against the problem of bleeding gums and control the problem without facing any further consequences or side effects. So, which one of the following did you find to be the most effective and useful? Do comment that below.

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