15 Best Yoga Asanas For Hair Growth: Guide on How to Perform

Do you believe when we say there are yoga for hair growth and healthy hair? There is nothing like having dull and lifeless weak hair on us. This can reduce our overall beauty and wellbeing. In case you are wondering and not sure on what to do for this, here are the best yoga for hair growth and to control hair loss and dull hair. Having healthy and black thick hair is a dream for all of us, and this will not remain as a dream only. Doing and performing yoga every day will improve your hair growth and also keep your overall health in check. Here are the best yoga asanas for good hair. Now you can as well have good hair with the best yoga for healthy hair and avoid all hair concerns.

Yoga Asanas For Hair Growth

How Yoga Helps In Hair Growth:

  • Yoga can remove stress and anxiety, which are a few reasons for hair loss.
  • It further enhances blood circulation to the scalp, which could be the main cause of hair loss.
  • Oxygen consumption in the head will be improved
  • Helps eliminate toxins from the body that might result in hair loss.
  • Improves digestion, which means better absorption of food by the body resulting in good hair growth.
  • Better absorption of nutrients by the scalp and in turn promoting thick hair.
  • Improved physical and mental health.

Cure Hair Fall With Yoga:

Our ancient yoga practices have now become very popular worldwide. Many yoga poses are available to cure hair fall problems and diseases. We perform yoga for well-being and cure our health problems with these poses. One of the issues is hair loss for which we have few common yoga asanas (poses) to cure.

Best Yoga Asanas For Hair Growth:

Below we have the best 15 yoga asanas for hair growth and control hair fall naturally without any side effects. The best time to perform these yoga poses is always early in the morning when the sun rises.

1. Kapalabhati/Front Lobe Cleansing Technique:

Yoga Asanas For Hair Growth

This is a very ancient technique to cleanse the body naturally. Following is the way in which you can perform the Kapalbhati technique of yoga for beautiful hair.

  • Keeping your back, neck, and head straight sit in crossed leg position.
  • Place your hands on your knees and relax all your muscles.
  • Take in deep inhalation and exhale all the air contracting abdominal muscles.
  • Do this for 15 times and try to exhale.
  • This was your first round. In your second round, do the same for 30 times.
  • In your third round, do this for 60 times and so on. You can take breaks between rounds.
  • This is one of the best yoga poses for getting hair growth.

2. Sarvangasana/The Shoulder Stand Pose:

Sarvangasana/The Shoulder Stand Pose

By doing Sarvangasana, the blood circulation in the head is increased, which results in the strengthening of the hair. This is how you can do Sarvangasana as yoga for good and healthy hair.

  • Lie down on your back and breathe deeply.
  • Slowly raise your legs until your feet point to the ceiling or towards the sky.
  • Your body should rest on the shoulders and the back of your neck.
  • And Your hands should be at the center of your spine, and they should support your body.
  • Your legs and your spine should always be straight.
  • Concentrate on the thyroid gland and breathe deeply throughout the process.
  • This yoga pose can reduce your hair fall completely if you practice this posture daily.

3. Sirsasana/Headstand Pose:

The name itself says that you need to stand on your head in this pose. It is difficult but has very good effects on the body. However, this is only for men. Women, please avoid this. It is one of the perfect yoga asanas for hair fall control and helps you in promoting hair regrowth.

Sirsasana/Headstand Pose

  • Invert your body and stand on your head slowly.
  • Give support using your forearms by placing hands on the backside of neck or head.
  • For beginners, you should take the wall support to perform this asana.
  • Besides, always perform this asana under proper guidance, or it may result in serious injuries.
  • This is an amazing yoga for thick hair.

4. Uttanasana/The Standing Forward Bend Pose:

Uttanasana/The Standing Forward Bend Pose

Uttanasana yoga also works well for hair growth. As one bends down in the standing position to touch the head to the knees, there is a tremendous increase in the blood circulation to the scalp. This is how you can do this yoga for strong hair.

  • Bend your body in such a way that you stand straight, and you bend at your hips, reaching your knees with your head.
  • Touch your feet with your head.

5. Sasangasana/Rabbit Pose For Hair Loss Prevention:

Sasangasana/Rabbit Pose For Hair Loss Prevention

Most of the yoga professionals say that this is the best and one of the most popular yoga poses to reduce hair fall problem and gives back your hair growth. This is among one of the best yoga for hair growth and to get healthy, thick hair.

  • For doing this yoga pose, you need to bend on your knees first and lean forward so that your head reaches your knees.
  • Try to touch your feet.
  • Be careful while you flex and begin with slowly flexing than a sudden bend in order to avoid muscle spasms.
  • This is also a good yoga asana for hair growth.

6. Adho Mukha Svanasana/The Downward Dog Facing Pose:

Adho Mukha Svanasana/The Downward Dog Facing Pose

This yoga asana also results in a tremendous increase in blood flow, and thus, there is a boost to the oxygen reaching the scalp. One can try this regularly for yoga asanas for hair growth and yoga for faster hair growth.

  • Stand straight then slowly bend and reach the floor with your hands.
  • The distance between the hands and feet must be a little more.
  • Insert your head or face your head towards your legs, making it reach maximum towards the feet.
  • The primary purpose is to put your head on the floor in reverse position.
  • This is one of the best yoga poses for hair loss prevention and gives healthy and beautiful hair.

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7. Ustrasana Yoga /The Camel Pose:

Ustrasana Yoga /The Camel Pose

Ustrasana is very difficult to practice, but it has a lot of benefits, one of them being hair growth and reduction in the hair fall. In case you are suffering from hair loss, then this is an amazing yoga for hair loss. The following are the steps to perform this asana as yoga for hair fall.

  • Sit or stand on your knees.
  • This time bend backward and touch your feet with your hands.
  • Try to look backward.

8. Pavanamuktasana/The Wind Relieving Pose:

Yoga For Hair Growth

Did you know, there is a direct connection between stomach and hair problems? A healthy stomach can ensure lesser hair problems, and this is why pavanmuktasana is considered very beneficial to treat hair problems. This is also good as yoga for hair fall control. This is how you can do it:

  • Lie down straight facing upwards. Inhale deeply.
  • Move one of your legs towards your chest.
  • With your hands hold your leg close to your chest.
  • While doing so, exhale the air completely.
  • Stay in that position for some time until you can hold without breathing.
  • Relax and put your leg back to its original position. Inhale again.
  • Now move your second leg towards your chest and hold it with your hands exhaling the air.
  • Repeat this for a few times for better outcome to get healthy hair and as yoga to stop hair fall.

9. Vajrasana/The Thunderbolt Pose:

Vajrasana/The Thunderbolt Pose

This is a very simple yet very powerful asana. It is a powerful asana that deals directly with your stomach issues and thus, hair fall problems. Here is the best yoga to reduce hair fall.

  • Sit, folding your legs on your knees.
  • Place your arms on your thighs and keep your back, neck, and head straight.
  • Stay in that position for some time.
  • You can inhale and exhale during this time.

10. Meditation:


All the poses were for better blood circulation to your scalp and better hair growth. Stress is another root cause of hair loss. To solve this, you need to meditate daily. This works very well to reduce stress levels and anxiety.

Few people opt for exercises for hair growth. Men join the gym for this purpose, but there is no workout for this. Remember, weight lifting should be avoided if you have hair loss problem. Instead go for walks, running, cycling, etc. which improves blood circulation to your scalp. Few Pilates workouts may also work for this, but it is good to take advice from a Pilates instructor. Practice pranayama as well for 20 to 30 minutes daily. Remember doing all these once or twice does not work. This is not magic. You need to work every day for better results.

11. Balayam Yoga Posture:

Yoga For Hair Growth

This posture is also known as rubbing nails posture. This is one of the best yoga for hair growth to date. The method is pretty easy and has successfully helped a lot of people to deal with their hair growth issues. This can be done anytime and every time irrespective of the place or situation you are in. This is also a beneficial yoga for black hair.

  • For doing this yoga, you will have to turn the palms inwards and curl the fingers of your hands.
  • The next step requires you to bring the nails forward so that they touch each other and then start rubbing them firmly.
  • Continuing this posture for not less than two to three minutes will give you effective results within a few days.
  • This is one of those yoga postures for hair fall which has been done and is being done by women all over the world and is also considered as one of the most recognised yoga for hair growth.

12. The Fish Pose Or Matsyasana Yoga For Hair Growth:

Yoga Asanas For Hair

Here, we have an excellent yoga for hair growth, which is often recommended by professionals who deal with natural hair growth issues. The fish pose is one of the most popular and effective poses among women and is highly practised for the sake of long, strong, and healthy hair. It is pretty easy to practice and can be done at home quickly. Practice this asana daily and, within a month, you will feel as if you never had any hair fall problem. This is how you can do this asana:

  • For performing this asana, all you have to do is lie down on your back and keep the body straight in the first place.
  • Then slowly bend your knees inwards in such a manner that your elbows touch your arms or palms which are further spread out.
  • If they do not touch your palms or arms, that is not a problem.
  • Just stretch as much as you can. Now put some pressure on your elbows and slowly push your stomach towards the ceiling (upwards).
  • Try holding this position for quite some time (not less than 30seconds).
  • This technique is often practised by professional yoga people, and it can be said that it will bring positive results for you.

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13. Apanasana Yoga For Reducing Hair Fall:

Apanasana Yoga For Reducing Hair Fall

This posture is also known as the wind relieving posture. It is one of the best yoga for hair fall control. This yoga posture is also recognised by the name of knees to chest posture. An advanced version of the pavanmuktansana, this is how you can do it as yoga for healthy hair.

  • For performing this particular posture, first, you will have to start with the standard reclining position, which is pretty easy and can be performed by women of almost all ages.
  • The next step is to bring both the knees close to the chest slowly.
  • Now, you will have to wrap your arms slowly around the legs and maintain this posture for quite some time.

This yoga posture has brought effective results to a substantial number of daily yoga practices. There are many benefits of this posture, which are as follows.

  1. It stretches the spine effectively.
  2. It helps with digestion issues.
  3. Cures lower back pains.
  4. Stretches and opens the hip muscles.

There are many other benefits of this particular yoga posture for hair growth.

14. The Squat and Rise Yoga Pose:

The Squat and Rise Yoga Pose

This is one of the best yoga pose for hair regrowth ever invented. In this particular pose, the body gets a lot of benefits which hardly any other yoga posture offers. For performing this posture, you will have set your mind in such a way as if you are going to be performing a squat. Spread the legs so that the foot faces the opposite direction. Then slowly bend down at your knees and join the palms and keep bring the joined hands below your lower belly. This is one of the best yoga postures for women who are dealing with hair fall issues.

15. Pavanmuktasana Yoga For Hair Loss Control:

Pavanmuktasana Yoga For Hair Loss Control

Last but not least, pawanmuktasana is one of the most useful yoga pose for hair fall control and give hair growth. It has helped a lot of women and hopefully will help you as well. By doing this asana, the lower back is straightened, and the body fat is reduced as well. This is among good yoga for hair fall control.

[See More: Yoga Asanas For Weight Loss]

These were some of the best yoga poses for hair growth or hair fall. These postures have been recommended and practised by women all over the world. These yoga asanas for hair fall control or beautiful and healthy hair growth are probably one of the most effective natural ways to treat such hair problems.

Additional Tips:

It is important to practise yoga for hair growth regularly. However, the following are some additional tips that will help one maintain the health of the hair in the long run:

  • Always take a balanced diet. This will ensure that all the required nutrients are received by the body that is required for healthy hair.
  • Massage your scalp well.
  • Regularly wash your hair, but at the same time, do not over wash hair. While dirty hair will increase hair fall, excessive hair wash will deplete the scalp of necessary nutrients.
  • Avoid excessive use of hair colour.
  • Instead, use natural hair packs.

Doing yoga regularly not only improves your physical health but is also a magical way of healing the body internally. There are many psychosomatic problems such as depression, stress, anger, irritability, etc. which though does not have any visible symptoms but hurts your health, especially hair. By doing the above yoga for hair growth, one can improve the overall health of a person, including many hair problems.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers:

Q1. Which is the ideal yoga for healthy hair?

Ans: It has been observed in most cases that stress leads to hair loss. So if one can manage stress, hair fall can be controlled automatically. In such cases, AdhoMukhaSvanasana is an excellent stress buster. As the head goes down, the blood flow to the head is stimulated, and thus, stress is reduced. This, in turn, results in healthy hair.

Q2. Which pranayama is good for hair growth?

Ans: Kapalbhati pranayama is one of the best forms of yoga to stop hair fall and have good hair growth. While doing this asana, as the air passes, the body eliminates the toxins from the body, purifies the brain’s frontal portion and boosts the blood circulation thereby reducing the hair loss and premature greying of hair. While doing this asana, one must sit in padmasana, keeping the back and neck straight to receive an enhanced benefit.

Q3. Is rubbing nails good for hair?

Ans: According to reflexology, by rubbing nails, one can treat hair loss effectively. The nerves under the fingernails are directly connected to the hair follicles, and thus by rubbing the fingernails, one can stimulate the blood circulation in the scalp and ultimately result in hair growth.

Q4. Does yoga reduce hair loss?

Ans: Yoga and pranayama helps in stimulating blood circulation in the scalp and thereby helps in rejuvenating dry and limp hair. This, in turn, controls hair loss and promotes hair growth. So if you are experiencing hair loss and are seeing early signs of baldness, then you should start doing yoga for hair loss control and see the positive changes within a month.

Q5. How can one strengthen hair?

Ans: The following are some of the steps that will help to reduce hair loss and strengthen the hair:

  • Wash your hair regularly as dirty hair escalates hair fall problem.
  • Take vitamin supplements that can control hair loss.
  • Take a diet rich in proteins.
  • Massage the scalp regularly with oil, preferably before every hair wash.
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Do yoga for faster hair growth.
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