15 Home Remedies To Effectively Treat Diaper Rash

Diaper rash and babies are synonymous to any new mother. They are one of the most common problems babies face and cause anguish to the new parents too. Inflamed skin, along with some chafing in the genital area, can be termed diaper rash. You can relieve your baby from this pain with some home remedies for diaper rash.

Since the skin of your baby is sensitive, it has to be handled much more gently. Some of the symptoms of this problem are a burning sensation, and the baby keeps crying. Try these skin-friendly home remedies for diaper rash that give your baby relief immediately and are available readily.

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home remedies for diaper rash

Causes of Diaper Rashes:

Although several reasons result in rashes near the genitals, some of the prominent causes of diaper rashes in babies are:

1. Brand of the Diaper: If you have changed the diaper brand that you use, then that might be a cause for the reaction of your baby’s sensitive skin.

2. Letting the Diaper Stay for a Long Time: If you don’t change your baby’s diaper filled with poop and urine on time, it can cause skin irritation.

3. Unfitted Diapers: If the diaper is ill-fitted, it can cause chafing resulting in a diaper rash.

4. Sensitive Skin: If your baby has sensitive skin.

5. Infection: If the diaper area is left moist for an extended period, it is a perfect place for bacteria to breed. So cleaning the area thoroughly is necessary.

Home Remedies Treatment for Diaper Rash:

This article will explain how to prevent diaper rash and how to treat diaper rash by using home remedies.

1. Aloe Vera for Baby Diaper Rash:

Aloe vera has skin ailing properties that help treat rashes in adults, babies, and toddlers alike. Fresh aloe gel can be applied to the affected areas of your baby’s bottom after washing and patting it dry. It is considered an all-natural baby rash treatment at home. It is perfectly safe unless the baby has susceptible skin or allergic to aloe vera.

2. Epsom Salt for Diaper Rash:

The anecdotal reports of Epsom salt or otherwise known as magnesium sulfate is one of the best treatments for diaper rash. Magnesium is absorbed transdermally, which helps soothe your baby’s bottom within minutes.


Take a cup of lukewarm water and add a cup of Epsom salt in it and mix well. Soak up your baby’s bottom in the water for 15 minutes.


Make sure you don’t make it a daily thing. You can use this Epsom salt bath once or twice a week.

3. Breast Milk to Treat Diaper Rash:

Breast milk is considered one of the best natural remedies for diaper rash in babies as it has many healing properties. Just a few drops of your breast milk is enough to relieve the pain caused by diaper rashes in babies and keep them from spreading.


Apply some breast milk on the affected area and let it dry. It is the best and natural remedy for diaper rash.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Some of the causes of rashes in babies near the genitals can be fungal and yeast infections. Apple cider vinegar is one of the best home remedies for diaper rash in babies that helps kill the bacteria and prevents the rash from progressing.


  • Take a cup of water and add two spoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Every time you change your baby’s diaper, wash its bottom with this liquid.

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5. Baking Soda:

Diaper rash can cause due to the presence of bacteria. Baking soda is a cure for diaper rash quick and easy. It helps eliminate the pain in the diaper area by removing acidic PH and making it alkaline.


  • Mix three spoonfuls cool water with one spoonful baking soda.
  • Combine the mixture well, forming a thin paste.
  • Apply the paste on the affected area and let it dry.
  • Gently rinse it off with water after a few minutes.

6. Oatmeal Bath:

The antioxidant properties in oats help heal the inflammation of your sensitive baby skin. You can prepare a paste or draw an oatmeal bath, which are natural home remedies for diaper rash, which keeps your skin hydrated.


1. Oatmeal Paste:

Mix a spoonful powdered oatmeal in three spoonful water, making a paste. Apply this mixture in the affected area for a soothing effect.

2. Oatmeal Bath:

Take lukewarm water in a tub and add powdered oatmeal mixing them well. Soak your baby’s bottom in the oatmeal bath for a few minutes.

7. Cornstarch:

Cornstarch, in any form, helps reduce friction, therefore, reducing the chances of rashes. And cornstarch with a combination of oil acts as a cure for diaper rash. You can use it instead of powder too.


  • Take a bowl and add cornstarch with olive oil.
  • Mix the contents thoroughly, making a paste.
  • Apply the paste in the area with rashes and leave it for some time.
  • Wash it thoroughly with warm water.

8. Coconut Oil:

The healing nature of extra virgin coconut oil is the best way to treat diaper rash. Baby’s skin gets inflamed and irritated when there is a rash in their genitals. This all-natural and age-old remedy gives your baby instant relief helping stop spreading the rash any further. Be gentle when you apply warm coconut oil to the affected areas for maximum results.

9. Yogurt:

Plain yogurt is the best natural remedy for diaper rash. It moisturizes the skin, thereby healing the area affected by the diaper rash. Without any added ingredient, the natural yogurt can be applied as a cream that, too, at room temperature.

10. Mixture Of Honey, Olive Oil, And Beeswax:

The combination of beeswax, olive oil, and honey has healing properties individually that is enhanced by mixing them. It is a natural diaper rash treatment that gives your baby relief from skin irritation. It lightens or eliminates the rash with the help of the therapeutic effect. Remember only to apply topically and not consume orally.

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11. Chamomile Tea Treatment:

The antiseptic properties of honey and chamomile tea help heal diaper rashes. This treatment works as an excellent cure for diaper rash for babies, along with any other fungal infections.


  • Prepare two cups of chamomile tea and let it cool down.
  • Add spoonful honey and mix it well.
  • Put the contents in a small spray bottle and apply it in the area with rashes.

12. Keep Baby’s Skin Clean and Dry:

Yeast and bacteria thrive in moist and dry areas of the body, diaper area being one of them. One of the natural ways to cure diaper rash is to keep your baby’s skin clean and dry. Wash the baby’s bottom thoroughly so that there are no remnants that cause infection. After cleaning, dry it properly with a soft cotton cloth.

13. Change Diapers Often:

Changing diapers at regular intervals is the key to a rash-free and happy baby. Although it is hectic for a new parent, they need to be on constant vigil if the baby is uncomfortable. An instant check and diaper change is the best way to cure diaper rash. Before you put on a new diaper, wash the genital area, and pat it dry. Remember to change the diaper every 3 to 4 hours so that your baby doesn’t have any skin irritation or inflammation.

14. Applying Cream or Lotion:

If there is no improvement in the rashes with the use of home remedies, you can use skin-friendly ointments that contain zinc or Desitin. It gives fast relief for diaper rash by providing a protective layer over your baby’s skin. Be sure to consult a doctor before using any of these creams, as not all creams suit the baby’s sensitive skin.

15. Talcum Powder:

Moisture retained in the diaper area is one of the leading causes of rashes. Applying powder keeps the area moist-free, odorless, and clean. It is one of the best ways to relieve diaper rash and prevents the outbreak from spreading any further. Remember to apply talcum powder before putting on a fresh diaper.

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Side Effects:

  1. Home remedies for diaper rash can be very effective only if you take some precautions so that it doesn’t affect the baby adversely.
  2. Make sure that your baby is not allergic to the ingredients you use in the remedies.
  3. Be careful while you handle the baby since their skin is sensitive and needs gentle care.

The diaper has become an essential and undeniable part of every baby’s childhood. With all the advantages, diaper rash is a common problem that needs to be attended immediately. This article gives you a plethora of home remedies for diaper rash you can choose from to address the problem and prevent it altogether. Don’t forget to give your baby some diaper-free time, and resulting in a happy skin, thereby a happy baby!

Disclaimer: This article presents you with opinions about the home remedies for diaper rash, which are mere suggestions. They are not a replacement for a doctor’s advice.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What are the Types of Diapers Available in the Market?

Ans: Diaper rash should be treated on an urgent basis without delay, be it in babies or adults. Here are some of the types of diapers available in the market:

  • Diapers for Babies and Infants: These types of diapers come in different sizes and from several brands. Make sure to choose the one that suits your baby’s skin and needs.
  • Training Diapers: These are pant style diapers that are correctly used for young children that are similar to briefs.
  • Sanitary Napkins: These are used by girls who reach puberty. Overuse or first use of these products causes rashes.
  • Adult Diapers: These products are utilized by elderly who have medical issues like leaking bladder. It is a way to stay hygienic for adults in need of assistance.

2. When Should I Visit a Doctor for a Diaper Rash?

Ans: The home remedies mentioned in this article are beneficial and help relieve the pain for your baby. If the rash doesn’t get better in two to three days even after using the home remedies and start spreading to other parts of your baby’s body, visit a doctor.

3. Are Diaper Rashes the Same in Adults and Babies?

Ans: There are several reasons for rashes in both adults and babies a dirty diaper, ill-fitted undergarments, and lack of cleanliness. It is necessary to use skin-friendly products and maintain proper hygiene so that the bacteria doesn’t spread.

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