15 Natural Tips For Black Hair Care

Most of us like the natural black color of our hair. We want to maintain it and keep hair healthy and strong at the same time. However, many of us face the problem of greying of hair with age or some of us face the problem of our natural black hair turning reddish or losing its natural color. Losing the natural color of your hair may happen due to a number of factors. It may be internal like improper diet, hormonal changes or lack of sleep. It can even be external like use of excessive styling products or heat or not brushing hair properly.

Tips For black hair

Natural Black Hair Care Tips:

But today we will give you 15 best and natural tips for black hair care that will help you maintain and preserve your hair’s natural black color.

1. Oil Massage For Black Hair:

If you like the gorgeous black color of your hair and want to maintain it, the first oil that comes to your mind is the amla oil. You can daily massage the head with amla oil and this will help you maintain the black color of your hair. These days you will find various amla oils in the market and these can be used on your hair during all seasons. You can keep amla oil handy and warm it up a bit before applying on the hair. Apply this oil throughout the length of the hair and keep it for 20 minutes before washing off with a mild shampoo.

2. Hair Pack For Black Hair:

You can buy drugstore hair colors which come in various shades like burgundy, black, etc. However if you do not like using peroxide hair colors then your only option to keep your black hair looking and feeling black and strong would be to use a homemade herbal and Ayurvedic hair pack which gives you a black color boost and is also healthy for your hair and scalp. Here is a good black hair pack which you can try. The quantities are mentioned for shoulder length hair. You can increase the ingredients as per your hair’s thickness and length.

  • ½ cup of amla powder
  • ½ cup of henna powder
  • 1 cup of beaten sour curd
  • ½ cup of dust of fenugreek seeds
  • 1 egg beaten (optional)

Mix these up and keep it soaked for 30 minutes before application. If you are not using egg then you can soak the mixture overnight and then apply it 20 minutes before bathing time. Wash off with a mild shampoo. Then you will get your desirable black color hair naturally without getting side effects.

See More: Hair Care Tips For Oily Scalp

3. Comb Properly:

Combing is also one of the best tips to save your black color of hair. For that you can comb your hair with wide toothed brushes instead of thick toothed combs. This will help spread the natural oil of your roots throughout the length of the hair. This will give it natural shine boost.

4. Cut Off On The Styling:

You need to lessen the amount of hair products that you use for maintaining the black hair. You should get your ends trimmed and properly cut time to time to maintain it from getting split ends. This will help you keep your black hair in its natural color and shine for long. It will also keep it healthy.

5. Speciality Clinic Treatments For Black Hair:

If you think your hair needs some special treatment or you cannot cut off on styling or heat application to your hair, then you should consult the treatments offered by specialty clinics. You can go for treatments like intensive conditioning or keratin restoration. This is also saves your black hair permanently.

6. Do Not Wait To Consult Your Doctor:

If you are facing excessive hair loss or loss of natural color from your black hair or you are facing premature greying of hair, you should consult a good trichologist. He/she can suggest you the right diet plan and also extra supplements that your body may need.

7. Amla And Lemon For Black Hair:

One of the best tips for black hair is to use amla. Amla has been proven to keep the hair naturally black; it’s a lot better than applying hair color. It’s a natural way to keep the hair black and I guess that is the reason why most of the hair oils contain amla in it. Mix amla powder with water and some lemon juice and rinse your hair daily with this solution for naturally black hair.

8. Ghee With Mulethi For Black Hair:

Black hair care tips include the use of ghee with mulethi. Lost the once radiant black color of your hair then use this tip for black hair. Heat ghee with mulethi and amla juice and let the water evaporate, what you get is the natural content which can be applied as a hair mask.

See More: How To Know My Hair Type

9. Mango For Black Hair:

The king of fruits along with being very tasty also helps in the restoring the natural black color of the hair. Unripe mangoes are the best for this purpose. Peel off some unripe mangoes and add some mango leaves and blend them with some oil. Now this solution has to be kept in the sun for a long time and what you get is an amazing solution to retrieving the lost ink black color of the hair. This is no doubt one of the most useful black hair care tips.

10. Mango Stones For Black Hair:

Another tip for naturally black hair is to use oil of mango stones. The oil is very useful for people having grey hair, it magically turns the hair into pitch black color with regular use.

black hair care tips

11. Orange Juice For Black Hair:

This nutritious fruit can be very well considered a natural home remedy for grey hairs. Mash up the orange and add little bit of amla powder to make a paste and then apply it on the scalp and in no time it will help restore the color of the hair. This is perhaps one of the most helpful natural black hair tips.

12. Lemon Juice with Coconut Oil For Black Hair:

This is a great and very ancient remedy to treat the graying of the hair. Get the coconut oil warm by heating it slowly and then squeeze a lemon into the oil. Apply the mixture on the scalp and massage it very well. This is perhaps the oldest yet most useful black hair care tips.

13. Gooseberry For Black Hair:

One of the best natural black hair tips is to use this amazing fruit. First of all mix the gooseberry powder with half squeezed lemon juice and apply slowly and consistently on the scalp, keep it for an hour or so and then shampoo your hair

14. Onion Paste For Black Hair:

Onions have a miraculous effect on the grey hair. For naturally black hair grind the onion in a mixture and you will get a pulpy onion paste, apply this paste on the scalp which will nourish the roots as well as follicles. Wash off the paste with a mild shampoo, regular use of onion paste has a good effect on the hair and it keeps the hair black.

15. Carrot For Black Hair:

Carrot is very useful in keeping the hair growth and naturally black. Instead of applying carrot juice over your hair the better technique is to drink carrot juice. It is a visible remedy for grey hairs and effects can be seen quite early. It’s a great tip for naturally black hair.

See More: Dry Hair Care Tips Home Remedies

The above mentioned are few of the best tips for black hair. Using the above natural remedies the effects are sure shot and quick. If you are suffering from hair color degradation then use any of the above natural black hair tips and experience the results yourself.

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