15 Signs and Symptoms Of Stress

There are various psychological, physical and emotional disorders that have now been tied to great stress. These include anxiety, depression, heart attacks, hypertension, stroke, and immune system disturbances that include Irritable Bowel Syndrome, becoming increasingly susceptible to various infections, along with a range of viral linked disorders that align from the common cough, flu and cold and gastroenteritis to herpes and AIDS and even certain types of cancers, as well as generic autoimmune diseases for example rheumatoid arthritis, Alzheimer’s and multiple sclerosis.

Causes of stress

In addition to all these disorders, stress has been shown to have direct effects on the skin, with outbreaks like rashes, atopic dermatitis, hives, the gastrointestinal system like peptic ulcer, GERD, irritable bowel syndrome, and even ulcerative colitis. Stress can also cause and add to insomnia as well as certain degenerative neurological disorders like Alzheimer’s senile dementia and Parkinson’s disease. In fact, it is difficult to talk of any disease in which stress of daily life does not play an aggravating role, or even any part of the human body that is not affected by depression. This article lists the various symptoms and causes of stress.

If one sees a “stress effects on the body stress diagram”, one can tell for certain that there is no part of the human body that is not upturned by stress. This list will obviously increase as extensive effects of stress are increasingly being researched and tabulated by scientists in the current day.

Common Signs and Symptoms Of Stress:

Given below are the symptoms and signs that will tell you that you are being affected by stress:

Stress causes

1. Headaches, Tooth Problems, Speech Impairment:

Stress has been known to cause frequent headaches, pain or jaw clenching. Depression has been known to cause gritting, or grinding teeth. Stress has been known to cause stammering or stuttering

2. Muscle Impairment:

Stress has been known to cause tremors, and even trembling of lips, and hands.  It has been known to cause muscle spasms, neck ache, and even back pain. It has been known to cause dizziness, light headedness, and faintness. It has been known to cause buzzing, ringing, and “popping sounds in the ears

3. Skin Issues:

Stress has been known to cause frequent sweating and blushing. It has been known to cause cold or clammy hands and feet. It has been known to cause rashes, pimples, itching, acne, hives, and “goose bumps”. It has been known to cause unexplained and frequent “allergy” outbreaks

4. Diseases While You Are In Stress:

Stress has been known to cause dry mouth and problems in swallowing. It has been known to cause frequent colds, flu, infections, and herpes sores

5. Stomach Problems:

Stress has been known to cause heartburn, indigestion, stomach pain, and nausea. It has been known to cause excess belching, bloating and flatulence. It has been known to cause constipation, loose motion, diarrhoea, and loss of control.

6. Breathing Trouble:

Stress has been known to cause difficulty breathing, asthma and frequent sighing. It has been known to cause sudden panic and anxiety attacks that are life threatening. It has been known to cause chest pain, rapid pulse and palpitations

See More: Ways To Handle Stress

7. Physical Distress:

Stress has been known to cause urination at short intervals. It has been known to cause diminished sexual libido or desire

8. Psychological Turmoil:

Stress has been known to cause excess anxiety, guilt, worry, and nervousness. It has been known to cause increased anger, hostility and frustration. It has been known to cause depression, and frequent mood swings.  It has been known to cause increased as well as decreased appetite. It has been known to cause insomnia, disturbing dreams and nightmares. It has been known to cause difficulty in concentrating. It has been known to cause trouble learning. It has been known to cause forgetfulness, and disorganization. It has been known to cause difficulty in forming thoughts.

9. Low Energy:

Lacking energy is one of the basic symptoms of stress. You should know that you’re stressed out when you’re lacking energy at almost anything you’re doing. You have gotten lazy over time and you don’t really feel like doing anything at all. This is one of the most sighted points of stress that are seen in almost anyone. If you’re spending more than enough energy on something you won’t be able to able to devote yourself into some other work in the same way. After all, we are all humans only.

10. Rapid Heart Beat:

This is one of the most sighted stress symptoms. A rapid heartbeat is not good for you, s do not ignore it. When you’re stressed out, your mind is always under a constant pressure and since all our organs are connected, the connection link under our skin which links the upper portion of the head to the middle portion of the body passes the constant blood pressure onto the heart which further leads to rapid beating of the heart.

See More: How To Reduce Stress

11. Hair Loss During Stress:

Almost everyone is aware of this. The stress symptoms have just taken a physical turn and now we are discussing the physical symptoms of stress. Hair loss is one of the most sighted harmful effects of excessive stress in women. So when you’re losing hair beyond the bar you should understand that you’re undergoing heavy stress and this might be harmful to you. Stress has many bad effects and this is one of them.

12. Eyelid Twitching:

Ever experienced eyelid twitching? You should. It is really common. But when it happens too much, it is not a good sign. It means that your mind is and body is under stress and this is one of the most common physical symptoms of stress. When such a twitch strikes your eyes, the best thing you can do is close your eyes, take deep breaths and relax. It will surely reduce the eye twitching and make you feel a lot better. According to many doctors, artificial tears have the ability to release the spasms.

13. Rashes:

Rashes are a common sight during stress. It is one of the most common symptoms of stress. Stress can bring up many rashes in a high number which further cause irritation. The rashes and skin infections (already discussed before) are basically caused by staph. If your immunity is not the right point then your skin will become sensitive and this will lead to many malfunctions inside your skin. Bland emollients can cure these rashes and remove the irritation. In some cases, it has been seen that these rashes are not the only thing, something they are accompanied by flu or fever along with random chills and sweating.

See More: Common Causes Of Stress

14. Insomnia:

We all know about this. Whenever you’re stressed out you start lacking sleep and it is not good for you. It doesn’t help you anyway, rather it makes you weaker and heats up your head and makes you grumpy.

15. Menstrual Problems:

Women often experience this problem while they are stressed out. It is not good for the women’s body at all. Menstrual is the series of changes that a women’s body goes through throughout the month. There are hormonal changes, then there is ovulation, etc. If there is a disruption in this process it might prove to really harmful for the women. Hence, they should get rid of stress as soon as possible.

Stress is one of the most common problems these days. Some basic symptoms of stress have been discussed above which might have harmful effects on your body if you don’t get rid of your stress issues in time. There might be man other symptoms other than these, but these are the most common ones.

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