15 Sure-Shot Home Remedies To Treat Pimples (Acne)!

home remedies for pimples

Does your facial acne make you feel unattractive? Afraid of trying harsh chemicals to treat this problem? Don’t worry! You are not alone in this fight! Acne is a common problem that affects 90% of teenagers and a fair percentage of adults in the world. Before you get tempted to squeeze the zit out, we recommend you to learn about some safe home remedies for pimples.

But, prior to that, we want you to overcome your fears and inhibitions about acne! Although an embarrassing problem, pimples are treatable and go away with time and proper care. Read along to understand what leads to this skin condition and how you can overcome them with everyday ingredients.

What is Acne?

The human skin is made of tiny components called the Pilosebacious units. These structures comprise of the hair follicle, the shaft and the sebaceous glands which secrete sebum. When these units undergo an inflammation due to blockages from dirt, oil or bacterial infections, the result is a raised bump on the skin called a pimple and the overall condition is called acne (1)

Causes and Symptoms Of Acne:

Now that you have understood what acne is all about, let us also know the key contributors to this problem

  • Heredity: If there is a history of acne in your family, the chances are that you could get it too.
  • Sun Exposure: The UV rays from the sun can trigger excess production of Sebum, leading to acne. It may also dry out your skin and cause a comedogenic (blocking of pores) action which gives rise to pimples.
  • Medications: Certain drugs like Lithium, Steriods and anticonvulsants are known to worsen the current state of acne.
  • Cosmetics: Makeup products that block the pores increase the risk of acne.
  • Hormonal Problems: An Imbalance in hormones during menstruation, PCOS and pregnancy can trigger (Ref: Acne Vulgaris) in women.

Here are the common symptoms to diagnose acne:

  • Pus-filled lesions on Face, Back, Chest, Neck and Shoulders.
  • Small reddish bumps called Papules.
  • Painful bumps that grow beneath the skin layer called Cystic lesions or Cystic Acne.
  • Tenderness on Skin.

15 Best Home Remedies To Treat Acne and Pimples

As we mentioned above, Acne is not a serious problem and in most cases, can be treated at home using natural remedies. They are gentle for regular use and also help in preventing future breakouts. Some of the ingredients listed below also have scientific evidence on their efficacy in treating acne. So, before you load your skin with harsh anti-acne creams and gels, we recommend you to try these methods.

– Papaya – Neem – Aloe Vera – Rice Water – Tea Tree Oil –

– Lemon – Jojoba Oil – Lavender Oil – Garlic – Raw Honey –

– Cinnamon – Turmeric – Rosewater – Multani Mitti – Aspirin –

1. Papaya

papaya home remedy to get rid of acne

Papaya contains the proteolytic enzyme papain, which is a natural solution for treating acne. This enzyme has exfoliating effects on the skin, as it removes the dead cells that clog your skin pores. That’s not all! Papain can also remove the scars and pimple marks to make you look spotless (2). Adding honey to papaya pulp can lighten the skin by working as a natural bleach.


  • Raw papaya cubes – 1 cup.
  • Honey – 2tbsp.

How to Prepare and Use:

  • Grind papaya cubes along with Honey to form a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste on clean and dry skin
  • Leave it for 20-30 minutes.

How Often You Should do: Twice a week.

Suitable Skin: Dry and Normal Skins.

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2. Neem

home remedies to cure pimples 2

Neem is a traditional acne remedy for its powerful antibacterial properties. It can kill the microbial growth to bring down the size of the lesion and offer quick relief. Also, Neem can control the production of excess sebum to reduce the chances of acne. It can also lighten the spots to give you a flawless look. Combining with other agents like Tulsi and Rosewater enhances its anti-acne action.


  • Fresh Neem leaves – a cup.
  • Tulsi (Basil) – a cup.
  • Rosewater – 1tbsp.

Preparation and Use:

  • Grind neem leaves and tulsi leaves with a little amount of rosewater to a paste.
  • Apply the paste on the affected areas and leave it for 20-30 minutes.
  • Wash it off after it is dry with cold water.

How Often You Should do: Twice a week.

Suitable Skin: Combination to Oily Skin.

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3. Aloe Vera

aloe vera for pimples

Aloe vera gel can reduce the appearance of zits with its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. It keeps your skin hydrated, along with cleansing the pores to remove impurities. Studies also suggest that a mix of aloe vera gel and OTC cream like Tretinoin, when applied topically for 8 weeks, can treat mild to moderate acne (3).


  • Aloe Vera gel – 1/2 cup.
  • Lemon juice – few drops.
  • Honey – 1/2 tbsp.

Preparation and Use:

  • Mix all the ingredients into a gel paste.
  • Apply the gel on your face and neck.
  • You can leave it for 20-30 minutes
  • Wash it with water and pat dry

How Often You Should do: Use Alternate day.

Suitable Skin: All Skin Types. If you have dry and sensitive skin, avoid using lemon juice.

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[ Read More: Aloe Vera for Acne Remedies ]

4. Rice Water

home remedies to cure acne

Rice water offers incredible benefits for patients for acne rosacea. As per many studies, rice water prepared by boiling or soaking contains a significant percentage of Zinc and Selenium, which can fight acne-causing bacteria (4). Even the starch present in boiled rice water can reduce the size of lesions with its anti-inflammatory properties.


  • Rice water – 1/2 cup.
  • Cotton balls.

Preparation and Use:

  • Save the water in which the rice is cooked or washed.
  • Soak the cotton balls in the rice water and apply it on your face and neck.

How Often You Should do: Twice a day. You can also leave it overnight fo better results.

Suitable Skin: Best for all skin types.

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5. Tea Tree Oil

tea tree oil for acne

Tea tree oil is a well-known remedy for acne. It contains many anti-bacterial agents that can kill P.acnes, the organisms responsible for pimples. The anti-inflammatory properties of this essential oil can bring down the inflammation and redness of the skin. Research also states that the OTC products which contain tea tree oil as its key ingredient are very effective in treating mild to moderate acne (5).


  • Tea tree essential oil – few drops.
  • Coconut Oil or any carrier oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Cotton Bud.

Preparation and Use:

  • Dilute tea tree oil in any carrier oil like coconut, almond or olive
  • Dip the head of a bud into the oil mix and apply it only on the affected areas
  • Leave it for 20-30 minutes
  • Rinse with water

How Often You Should do: This spot treatment can be done every day.

Suitable Skin: Normal, Combination and Oily Skin.

Caution: Never use undiluted tea tree oil directly on the skin, as it can cause severe burns.

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6. Lemon


Lemon helps in removing scars and breakouts of acne. It contains a high amount of citric acid, which can dry out the excess oil in your skin. Also, the antiseptic properties of this agent can fight microbial infections in the pores. It can also bring down the severity of inflammation, as well as lighten the scars.


  • Lemon Juice – Few drops.
  • Honey – 1 tbsp.

Preparation and Use:

  • Mix lemon and honey to form a paste.
  • Apply the paste on your face and neck and leave it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Wash it with water.

How Often You Should do: Twice a week.

Suitable Skin: Oily and Combination Skin.


  • Do not leave it for a long time on the skin as the citric may cause burning sensation or irritation.

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7. Jojoba Oil

home remedies for acne and pimples

Jojoba oil (pronounced as Ho-Ho-Ba) is an excellent remedy for treating pimples. It has a waxy texture that can heal the wounds caused due to acne. Also, Jojoba oil has a pH similar to that of the human sebum. When applied to the skin, it naturally signals the brain to stop secreting more oil. It is also effective in reducing redness, inflammation and whiteheads associated with pimples.


  • Jojoba Oil – few drops

Preparation and Use:

  • Apply Jojoba oil with clean and dry fingers on the affected regions of your face.
  • You can also use a cotton bud for easy application.
  • Leave it overnight.
  • Wash it off the next morning.

How Often You Should do: Every night.

Suitable Skin: All skin types.

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8. Lavender Oil

natural remedies for pimples

Studies show that Lavender oil is one of the best solutions for treating acne (6). It can kill bacteria that infect your pores and also reduces the inflammation on the skin. This aromatic essential oil can also heal and repair your skin from the wounds caused by pimple breakouts. It is always better to use it with a carrier oil like Coconut for safe applications.


  • Lavender oil – few drops.
  • Coconut Oil – 1 tbsp.

Preparation and Use:

  • Mix lavender oil with Coconut oil.
  • Apply the mixture on the affected area.
  • Leave it overnight.

How Often You Should do: Daily before bedtime.

Suitable Skin: All skin types

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9. Garlic


Garlic is an instant pimple medicine used in many Indian households. It contains Sulphur as its key compound, which combats bacteria and brings down the infections. A 2020 research suggests that garlic juice contains many alkaloids, tannins and other chemical agents which have an anti-acne activity against P.acnes.


  • Garlic Pods – 2-3

Preparation and Use:

  • Grind the peeled garlic into a paste without adding water.
  • Apply the mixture on the affected area.
  • Leave it on for 10-15 minutes.
  • Rinse it with cold water.

How Often You Should do: Twice a week.

Suitable Skin: Oily and Combination Skin.

  • It is suitable for oily skin as the garlic many burn the dry skin.

Caution: Avoid using garlic on sensitive and bruised skins, as it causes further irritation and redness.

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10. Raw Honey

honey for acne/pimples

Honey plays a major role in reducing and preventing acne. It contains many antioxidants that can combat free radicals that cause oxidative damage to your skin cells. As per certain studies, Honey can also fight with the P.acnes and inhibits their growth for reducing the severity (7). It can clear your pores and also lighten the skin tone.


  • Raw honey – few drops.
  • Cotton swabs.

Preparation and Use:

  • Take a few drops of raw honey.
  • Dip the cotton swab in the honey and apply it on the pimple.
  • Leave it for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with water.

How Often You Should do: Every day until the condition subsides.

Suitable Skin: All skin types

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[ Read More: Honey for Acne Removal ]

11. Cinnamon and Honey

pimple treatment home remedy

By now, you have must have understood the role of honey in treating pimples. Adding Cinnamon powder to honey can give you double the benefits of both the ingredients. As per a study, the combination of Cinnamon and honey has shown significant action against P.acne and S. epidermidis, the two main types of bacteria which cause acne (8). The mixture also brings down the inflammation associated with this problem.


  • Honey – 1/2 tbsp.
  • Cinnamon powder – 1 tbsp.

Preparation and Use:

  • Mix honey and cinnamon powder to a paste without any lumps.
  • Apply the mixture on your face and neck.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Wash with cold water.

How Often You Should do: Twice a week.

Suitable Skin: Normal to Oily Skins.

Caution: Avoid this remedy if you have very sensitive skin.

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12. Turmeric


Turmeric is a staple ingredient in every Indian kitchen and is better known for its anti-bacterial properties. According to a study in 2020, Curcumin in turmeric, when combined with Lauric acid (found in agents like coconut oil) has a significant effect in reducing the growth or P.acne bacteria on the skin (9).


  • Turmeric powder – 1/2 cup.
  • Coconut Oil – 1 tbsp.


  • Mix turmeric powder and coconut oil.
  • Apply the paste on your face and leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse well with water to remove the yellow stain from turmeric.

How Often You Should do: Every day.

Suitable Skin: All skin types.

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[ Read More: Turmeric Remedies for Pimples ]

13. Rosewater for Pimples

Rose Water for Pimples

Rosewater is a natural cleansing agent, which offers soothing relief to irritated acne skin. It contains many phenolic compounds and anti-inflammatory agents like Vitamin C to reduce skin inflammation (10). It also works a mild astringent to tighten the pores and drain out the abscess from them.


  • Rosewater – few drops.
  • Cotton ball.


  • Wash and dry your skin.
  • Now apply rose water with a cotton ball.
  • Leave it on.

How Often You Should do: Twice a day after cleansing routine.

Suitable Skin: All skin types.

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14. Multani Mitti

Multani Mitti for Pimples

Multani mitti or Fuller’s Earth is an excellent remedy to fight acne caused due to oily skin. It absorbs excess oil and impurities from the pores of your skin. Also, the anti-inflammatory properties of this agent can reduce the severity of the eruptions and offer a cooling sensation to the skin. You can combine it with other ingredients like rose water, turmeric etc. to achieve faster results.


  • Multani mitti – 1/2 cup.
  • Rosewater – 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice – few drops.


  • Mix all the ingredients to a paste without lumps.
  • Apply the mixture on your face and neck.
  • Leave it until it dries out.
  • Then wash it off with cold water by massaging in a circular motion.

How Often You Should do: Once or twice a week.

Suitable Skin: Oily to Normal Skin.

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15. Aspirin

Aspirin for PimplesThe benefits of Aspirin for your skin are too good to believe. It contains Salicylic acid as its main agent which can remove excess oil and dry out the surface of your skin. This agent also dissolves the clogged skin pores that cause acne. Along with reducing the swelling of the lesions, it can also bring lower the redness and irritation associated with them.


  • Aspirin tablets – 3-4.
  • Warm Water – ¼ Cup.

Preparation and Use:

  • Crush the tablet to powder, mix it with water.
  • Apply this paste on the affected regions of your skin’
  • Leave it for 10 minutes.
  • Wash off with water
  • Follow it with a moisturizer.

How Often You Should do: Once or twice a week.

Suitable Skin: Oily, Combination and Normal Skins.

Caution: Not recommended for very dry and sensitive skin.

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Additional Tips To Prevent Acne in Future

Acne can be easily prevented (unless caused by internal factors like medicines, hereditary etc.) by indulging in a healthy skincare regime and lifestyle. Follow these tips to keep your pimples in check:

  • Wash your face thoroughly with an antibacterial cleanser, twice a day.
  • Use an oil-free moisturizer to hydrate your skin and prevent dryness.
  • Choose the right skincare products and always go for those which has the label “non-comedogenic”.
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.
  • Avoid using excessive makeup that clogs your pores.
  • Never sleep with your makeup on. Use a cleanser to wash off the product traces from your face before hitting the bed.
  • Restrain from squeezing out the pimples, as doing so can leave a permanent scar or blemish on the area.
  • Stay away from direct sun exposure and always shield your skin with sunscreen and hat.

Acne is an annoying problem that can take away your beauty and also your self-confidence. Instead of waiting to see a doctor or trusting an OTC medicine, try these home remedies for pimples. Choose a method that suits your skintype after performing a patch test. Even if after two weeks, you do not notice any improvement, it may be the right time to see a dermatologist. So, have you tried any of these remedies before? If yes, do share your experiences with us!

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