15 Surprising Bignay Benefits + Nutritional Facts & Side Effects

Have you ever heard of Bignay Fruits? These fruits are not a common sight in India but are abundantly available in other Asian countries like Malaysia and Singapore. Bignay fruits have high water content and are loaded with many essential vitamins and minerals. These small gooseberry sized fruits are used in many culinary delights like Jams, Syrups and even teas which can make you salivate. Bignay fruits are also used in many health products to promote better well-being. Let’s take a look at some of the Bignay fruit benefits in detail, which are too good to believe.

bignay benefits

What Is Bignay Fruit?

The Scientific name of Bignay Fruit is Antidesma Bunius and is originated in the Southeast Asian countries and is grown on the Bignay trees. These fruits are available throughout the year and have a bright red pigmented skin. They have a sweet, tangy taste and are widely in making many types of foods and even medicines.

Is Bignay Good For Health?

The importance of Bignay fruits to good health is numerous. These red colour fruits are known to promote weight loss, lower cholesterol levels and even prevent Cardiovascular diseases. They are also used to strengthen the immune system and ward off many types of common infections.

How To Eat Bignay Fruit?

If you wish to enjoy whole fruits, ripe, bright red Bignays are the best. You can also extract juice out of these fruits and also prepare them jams, jellies, spreads. Bignay tea is also available in the market, which can offer soothing relief.

Bignay Nutrition Facts:

Here is the nutritional breakup of Bignay fruits per serving:

  • Water Content: 91.1 gm to 94.8 gm
  • Protein: 0.75 gm
  • Calcium: 0.12 gm
  • Phosphorous: 0.04 mg
  • Iron: 0.001 mg
  • Thiamine: 0.031 mg
  • Riboflavin: 0.072 mg
  • Niacin: 0.53 mg

Best Bignay Benefits For Health & Skin:

Listed below are some of the important Bignay health benefits to our body. Let’s have a look into them.

1. Aids In Weight Loss:

A great way to keep you in shape and lose a lot of weight is by having some Bignay fruits. They are very low in calories and fat as well. They are definitely something you could use in order to shed the pounds. You can have this in your salad as well as make syrup out of it. But an ideal way to use Bignays is by having Bignay tea or Bignay Juice. This will boost your metabolism and manage your waist as well.

2. Prevents Urinary Tract Infections:

Bignays also deal with different kinds of urinary tract infections. You will be a healthier and fitter person if you make use of Bignays. They will get rid of all infections related to your stomach or digestive system and make you a stronger. You will be free from all kinds of dangerous and harmful diseases if you make use of Bignays daily.

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3. Treats Sexual Disorders:

In order to deal with sexual related problems, you should use Bignays. According to several studies, when Bignay fruits were boiled and applied to affected areas or even taken as a drink, there was a large difference noticed. Bignay fruits offer good strength and stamina to help you enjoy a happy sexual life.

4. Antidote For Snake Bites:

Even though this problem is very rare, you can still use Bignays to your benefit. Whenever anyone around you experiences something as painful and difficult as snake bites, call the doctor first. Meanwhile, use Bignays which have the ability to act as a natural antidote. They have also been used in several Asian physicians to deal with this grave problem.

5. Lowers Your Blood Pressure:

In order to control your blood pressure, you can use Bignay fruits again. People who suffer from this problem should definitely drink Bignay tea, two to three times a day. This will control their blood pressure and keep you healthy, light and active all throughout the year. Not just that, your immune system will be boosted and you will improve your cardiovascular health as well. So if you want to keep calm and sedate, make sure you get hold of Bignays.

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6. Promotes A Healthy Liver:

Bignay is responsible for improving your overall health. One of the most important segments of your body which require proper attention and care is the liver. In order to protect this organ from any kind of damage, you should definitely make use of Bignay tea. All you need to do is drink this two to three times a day and you will be keeping your liver safe and miles away from diseases.

7. Improves Metabolism:

A great way to boost metabolism and keep your digestive system healthy and clean is by using some Bignay. They are the best in the market and are known for their amazing and helpful benefits. It is full of nutrition which will keep you healthy and fit and if you are trying to lose some weight, don’t forget to add this natural and organic element to your diet.

8. Nourishes Your Skin:

If you want to improve the texture of your skin, you cannot miss out on Bignay. There are so many home remedies available on the net which you can use to give yourself smooth and gentle skin. This will find ageing symptoms such as fine lines and wrinkles. You will have firmer, softer and radiant skin with the help of this fruit. This is one of the top reasons why countries such as Malaysia use Bignay while preparing face packs and body massages. You are definitely going to benefit out of them, so don’t miss out on Bignays.

9. A Culinary Delight:

Since Bignay fruits are very much edible, you should use them while cooking. In fact, they have been considered as a blessing in the culinary world. Some of the best juices jam and syrups are made with the help of Bignay fruits. Not just tasty, they are super healthy. People have used them in salads and continue to do so. However, it is important to make the right decision while choosing Bignay because some of them are very poisonous.

10. Rich In Antioxidants:

Bignays are also a natural source of antioxidants. They are full of natural properties that will protect your skin from cancer and other dangerous diseases. Not only that, they will protect you from the harshest rays of the sun. There is no need for you to buy fancy products and spend thousands of bucks on it. Keep it simple and by using Bignay fruits. We are sure you are going to derive a lot of benefit out of it. According to several types of research and surveys, the best way to consume this fruit is by having it in the form of tea.

See More: Cranberry Fruit Benefits

11. Treats Constipation:

Bignay fruits are high in natural fibre, making them wonderful for people suffering from chronic constipation. They can help in reducing stomach bloating and reduce flatulence. Consuming Bignay benefits in promoting smooth bowel movements and reduce unnecessary bulk in your body.

12. Good For Your Colon:

Bignay tea is a wonderful drink for cleansing your colon and flush out unnecessary toxins from your body. Regular consumption of this drink can help in losing weight and make you feel light again. It can also assist in the prevention of abnormal contractions in your colon that can cause you pain and discomfort.

13. Prevents Premature Aging:

Bignay fruits are loaded with antioxidants and flavonoids that can repair and rejuvenate your skin cells. These agents improve the elasticity of your skin and also encourage new cell growth. Including Bignay in your diet can result in a visible difference in the quality of your skin and make you look young again.

14. Strengthens Immune System:

Bignay fruits are loaded with powerful anti-oxidants which can prevent the risk of falling prey to many infections. It has microbe-fighting properties which can ward off many disease-causing bacteria and virus. Taking Bignay tea regularly can help you stay away from anti-biotics and enjoy naturally good health.

15. Improves Your Vision:

The abundance of Vitamin A in Bignay fruits makes it a wonderful ingredient for your eyes. The presence of this Vitamin can strengthen your optic nerves and helps you deal with cataracts and macular degeneration problems. Consuming Bignay in the form of juice or teas can sharpen eyesight.

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Bignay Side Effects:

Although Bignay fruits are considered to be healthy, the cause many side effects in certain circumstances. Bignay fruits are known to cause early abortions. Hence pregnant women must stay away from them. Listed below are some of the adverse effects of these fruits:

  • Diarrhoea
  • Acid Refluxes
  • Stomach Upset
  • Vomiting
  • Loss Of Appetite
  • Heart Burn

Now that you have heard about the amazing Bignay benefits, it’s time to put them to good use. Bignay fruits are not available in the local markets. You can try consuming Bignay tea, which also contains a good amount of nutrition. Along with helping you relax; this tea can help you get many of the advantages listed above. Check out the online stores to buy good quality Bignay tea and witness amazing results in just a few days.

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