15 Surprising Fennel Benefits And Uses For Health

What Is Fennel:

Have you ever heard about fennel? If you haven’t then you’re probably missing out on this lovely magical herb that has been used widely in Mediterranean cuisine. If you are a health freak, you cannot miss out on the juice of this beneficial fennel vegetable which is used primarily for cooking delicious and sumptuous dishes. Speaking about the origin of fennel, it is native to countries like Europe, China and Middle East. The fennel is white and green in colour and has feathery green leaves. It has been used so many times in Italian cuisine and is undoubtedly a grand success. The aroma and taste of these veggies are all you need to spice up your meals and also fill your life with so many benefits.

Some of the best of them have been shared in this article for your understanding and benefit.

fennel benfits

Health Benefits Of Fennel:

If you are curious to know about the fennel benefits and uses on your health and want to incorporate it in your daily diet, read this given detailed article, which states it 15 health benefits of fennel and its advantages.

1. Improves Digestion:

A lot of people in this world have complained that their digestive system is weak. A weak digestive system can lead to so many problems such as stomach infection, dysentery, stomach ache, constipation, nausea, vomiting etc. This also suggests that your digestive system isn’t clean and the bacteria contained in it have not been removed. In order to cleanse your digestive system and fight the bacteria, make use of fennel. This will balance your digestive system and give you good health.

2. Weight Loss And Obesity:

These days obesity is on an increase, primarily because unhealthy items are being sold largely as compared to healthy ones. The oils in which most of the items are cooked tend to be very cheap in quality. This turns out to be very bad for the health and therefore leads to obesity. A simple and smart way to shed some weight is by incorporating green veggies in your diet. One such vegetable that makes your task easier are fennel. You can make a healthy pasta dish out of it or even try and add it to your curry. The lovely taste and fragrance or this veggie will make you want to eat it more.

3. Improves Your Vision:

With fennel, now you can improve your vision as well. All you have to do is add more of these veggies to your diet. The juice contained in fennel is great for your health as it will rejuvenate your vision and reduce any kind of eye irritation. The flavonoids present in this are useful for preventing oxidative stress. With this, you can also prevent macular degeneration and promote clear vision easily. So if you want a good pair of vision, use fennel.

4. Strong Immune System:

In order to get a strong immune and healthy system, you need to eat fennel. They contain 40% of what you need in order to remove your body from all kinds of diseases. If you make these fruits a part of your diet, you will never have any health related issue or problem. They contain all the nutrition you require in order to keep yourself healthy and fit throughout the year.

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5. Gives You Good Skin:

Fennel will also give you good and healthy skin. You can use the juice of this amazing fruit in order to improve the texture of your skin. Try making some dishes using it as a main ingredient. It will boost the production of collagen and eliminate all kinds of bacteria and keep you miles away from blemishes. They are full of all the essential vitamins and minerals which will regenerate younger, brighter and radiant skin. You can also look up the internet for home remedies.

6. Common Health Related Problems:

Fennel will effectively help in dealing with acidity, constipation, mouth problems, kidney disorders, asthma, liver and kidney and common cough and cold. Speaking about acidity, you can use a natural remedy using carom seeds to deal with this problem effectively. All you need to do is consume a healthy glass of fennel juice daily. You will find a quick and easy solution in a couple of weeks. If you have tooth pain, you can simply take some fennel paste with water. This will improve your overall hygiene and get rid of bad breath within a couple of weeks.

7. Gives You A Healthy Brain:

If you want to use something that is highly beneficial for the development of the brain, then we would definitely suggest you to have some fennel. They are extremely important for a healthy brain since they are full of natural antioxidants. They help in boosting one’s memory and have also been recommended by several doctors and patients and those people who suffer with the Alzheimer’s disease. This will help you remember important points during exams and increase the memory power much more from before.

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8. Reduces The Risk Of Cancer:

Reduce the risk of cancer and several other dangerous diseases by simply adding some fennel juice to your diet. From lung cancer to breast cancer to gall bladder cancer, everything shall be taking care of. According to several experts, fennel juice is something you need in order to fight cancer. With this, you will be able to live a life that is happy and tension free. Since it is so important keep yourself healthy these days, you must make good use of fennel juice.

9. Stress:

If you are one of those people who get stressed often because of work load, then you probably need some fennel salads. This veggie can take away strong feels of stress, depression and anxiety. You will not feel lethargic or dizzy at all. In fact, your entire body will feel relieved. Not only will it be an excellent stress buster but will also help in cooling down your body from body pain. This is primarily because of the cooling properties found peppermint oil. This is really what you need after a long tiring day at your work place.

10. Bone Health:

After 30, when the bone starts to lose its mass and elasticity, many people start taking strong doses of calcium and other supplements. But we are unaware of natural substances that are more effective in preventing bone loss than calcium. One of these substances is fennel is highly effective in prevention of bone loss after menopause and also osteoporosis. Fennel reduces osleoclast that are responsible in breaking down weakened bones. Fennel seeds are good source of potassium which helps in optimizing the sodium and potassium ratio in the body, and it has a direct effect on the bone mass.

11. Blood Pressure:

As stated above, fennel maintains the balanced ratio between sodium and potassium. Potassium is a dietary mineral which regulates the amount of fluid in the bloodstream. People with high blood pressure are advised to eat food rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium. A 100 gm of fennel seeds contains 120% of calcium, 108% magnesium and 36% potassium of the daily requirement of the body.

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12. Healthy Heart:

Fennel is rich in fiber contents. Thus it helps to maintain a healthy digestive system. The fiber also helps to maintain a healthy cholesterol level in the blood stream. It promotes elimination process of the harmful and damaging LDL cholesterol, which are the reason behind major heart related issues like heart attack and Atherosclerosis. Fennel is also a rich source of folate, a vitamin B which directly reduces the risk of heart attack by converting a dangerous molecule homocysteine into other simpler molecules.

13. Good For Brain:

For ages, Indian mothers are feeding their children milk mixed with fennel powder. It is believed to not only enhance the memory but also curing cerebral pain and eye aches. It is suggested to have a glass of carrot juice with ½ teaspoon fennel powder. You can also make a powder of almonds, fennel and mishri together and consume it before sleeping. This is to be taken for about one and a half months to improve visual perception.

14. Colic In Children:

Fennel is known as a herb which can alleviate general discomfort in the digestive tract and relive gas. Many anti-colic types of syrup for infants contain fennel extracts in them. However, we should abstain from administering any home remedies on infants without consulting the pediatrician. But a feeding mother can consume fennel tea to help in reduction of colic in the child. It will help in relaxation of gastrointestinal tract and relieves the child from gas. Fennel tea is made by adding 1 teaspoon to water and bring it to boil. Cover and steep for 30 minutes. Strain and drink it.

15. Enhances Libido:

Fennel seeds are a blessing to the couple who are facing sexual issues due to lack of sexual desire. Fennel stimulates the estrogen level and thus enhances the libido. People in ancient Egypt have used a concoction made with fennel seeds to arouse the desire of sex in their women. It contains certain chemicals which are responsible to boost sex desires in both men and women equally. To use fennel for this purpose fennel stalks can be added to the food just like celery. Its seeds can also be added as spice.

Fennel is a herb or spice used in the kitchen to enhance the taste of dishes, but it has been used since ages for its health beneficiary properties by various medical practitioners as well as home remedies. The above 15 best health benefits of fennel are stated and described for you.

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