15 Weeks Pregnant – Symptoms and Fetal Development

You are now a new mother. Your body is different and is preparing you for the birth of a small human being. With each passing day, your body changes, and so does your baby. At the 15 weeks pregnant, your body will experience some new changes, and you will see how your belly has grown. Here is all you need to know.

In the 15th week of pregnancy, your baby is already developing, and now the major organs such as kidneys have developed, allowing the baby to now urinate whenever he/she needs. Other organs such as the heart and the brain are also developing now allowing your baby to make a whole lot of new facial expressions which they would otherwise find it difficult to do. A strong heart allows the baby to move more eagerly than before.

15 weeks of pregnancy

At this point, the immune system is well underway of development and allows the baby to make its own decisions on whether it likes certain foods or not that the mother is consuming. Along with the immune system, the baby has a strong and functioning brain now that is well connected to the baby’s nervous system. Your baby can now feel pain, hunger, fatigue and many other feelings. The eyes are also developing at this point, allowing your baby’s first glimpses of their future. Overall this is an extremely important week for the baby.

See More: 14 Weeks Pregnant

Table of Contents:

  • How Many Months? – Symptoms – What to Think – Baby Development
  • Activity – Diet and Exercise – How To Overcome Stress – Tips
  • Medical Tests and Scan – Care & Precautions – What Are The Risks?

15th Week of Pregnancy is How Many Months?

At 15 weeks pregnant, you are about 3 months into pregnancy. You are now at the beginning of the second trimester. The second trimester is ideally the middle of three months into the pregnancy, and it is at this point that people usually announce to the outside world about their pregnancy.

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15 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms:

You will know it when you are in the 15th week of your pregnancy. Here are some 15 weeks pregnant body changes. Along with your body changes, some psychological changes begin too.

1. Weight Gain:

It is during this period that you will gain maximum weight. However, the weight might come down after the 15th week. It is during this period that the baby grows. The baby’s growth maximum happens in the second trimester. This is an important period of your baby’s growth, and at this point of time your body has adjusted to being pregnant but the baby is still growing, and due to this your body needs all the support possible to help your baby grow, and this is why you gain weight. The fat in your body provides the necessary nutrients for the baby as the stomachs amino acids break down your fat to provide nutrition for the baby; therefore, the more the fat, the healthier the baby. To overcome the extra weight you gain, indulging in quick and comfortable exercises will go a long way.

2. Bowel Problems:

The other irritating problem you could experience is your bowel movement change. During this period you may suffer from unwanted bowel problems and may run to the toilet more than usual, this is only because the baby is now able to process its food consumption at a better rate than before. The more it processes, the more it excretes causing you not only to feel hungry but also makes you run to the toilet more often than normal. Taking constipation medicines like Metamucil should take care of your bowel troubles in no time. A regulated diet can help elevate the metabolism and improve the movements.

3. Low Energy Levels:

You may run out of energy often, and you will sense it. In this period your baby is more active in your stomach, moving around a lot, and this will continue right through till the baby’s birth, and due to this, you will start feeling tired. This is because your child is attached to you, and the more energy the baby uses the more energy you will use. You will find that you have started sleeping longer, and when you wake up, it will feel like you hardly slept. Keep an energy drink around, and this will help you overcome your lack of enthusiasm.

4. Gastrointestinal Issues:

Another problem during the 15th month is gas issues. The gastrointestinal issue occurs because your progesterone levels are helping the gastrointestinal muscles to relax thus slowing down the process of your digestion. This issue can lead to burping and flatulence. To overcome this issue, you need to keep an eye on your food habits so that intake of calories can be minimized. This will make your digestion easier.

5. Insomnia:

A very common problem during pregnancy is insomnia. Studies show 70% of the pregnant women to be insomniac by the 15th week. The main reason behind this could be the pressure on your bladder by your growing belly, forcing your urination to be more frequent and waking you up. A larger belly also means having trouble finding the right position to sleep in. This can be another reason. The best way to overcome this is to take power naps as and when possible. This will give your body a better shot at resting. There are pregnancy pillows available in the stores now as well, so you can buy those to support your belly.

6. Heartburn:

The most common problem nowadays in pregnancy is heartburn. Excess salivation can make this issue worse. To avoid this, try to say no to sodas, spicy and sour foods. Also, try to minimise the production of gastric acid by keeping a check on your diet. 15 weeks of pregnancy care is, therefore, very essential.

7. Stuffy Nose:

Stuffy nose is a symptom you will find yourself falling prey to during pregnancy in the15th week. This is usually owing to the swelling of the nose membranes because of an increase in hormone production. The best way to avoid feeling congested in the nasal canal is to avoid situations that lead to a bad cold. Another alternative is to keep a warm bag around at all times and taking ginger tea every morning.

During the 15th week of pregnancy, there are significant developments that show the growth and development of your child. Constant ultrasound checkups every week will give you a detailed account of the week by week development of your baby.

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What to Think About This Week:

Now that your womb is beginning to show more telltale signs of pregnancy, you will notice how neat your belly button looks.

Another change this week will be either activated milk glands that have already started the production or will start soon. Keep breast pads around so you can fit in inside the bra when needed. Your body will also feel like loosening itself, putting a strain on your skin. You need to find ways to control the stretch marks, so put that in your thought list as well.

How Do Your Baby and Belly Look Now?

Well, now your uterus will stretch outside the pelvis to accommodate the growing baby. It will further grow and sit up higher in the belly, thus making it look big. 15 weeks pregnant belly will actually see the transition.

See More: 16 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

What is a 15 Week Pregnant Baby Size?

Your baby is the size of an orange or apple, roughly 70 grams. It will measure about 10cm in all.

15 Weeks’ Pregnancy with Twins?

You would not really see much of a difference if it is a twin or not a twin. The only difference might be that you are more likely to have morning sickness and will experience severe nausea. However, your belly will stretch out a faster rate

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15 Week Pregnant Baby Development:

Here are some changes that happen to the baby.

1. Functioning Kidneys:

In the 15th week, your baby’s kidney has entered into the functioning phase as the growth of organs also starts to develop. Due to this, your baby can urinate, thus allowing certain bacteria to get away from the body. The pee mixes with the liquid and finally excreted by the to-be mom. The kidneys play a vital role in the development of the baby.

2. Lungs:

The lungs of the baby are now expanding, allowing the baby to start the process of breathing. Though the lungs are expanding the baby will not breathe until they are born. The lungs until this time will expand and remain dormant. The lungs are one of the important organs of development in your baby’s body, and this happens in the 15th week of development.

3. Stomach:

The stomach is another development that your child goes through. Due to this development, your child can now process more and more food allowing their strength and growth to increase at a significant pace. The body starts accepting more types of food than before showing that the child is growing normally.

4. Immune System:

The immune system is the most important part of a person; therefore, during the 15th week of pregnancy, this particular development is extremely important. A healthy baby has a developing immune system during its 15th week of growth and now has enough white blood cells to fight off certain bacteria that would otherwise hamper its growth.

5. Hair:

An ultrasound will show that the baby has a level of hair on the head which was not there before. Though the hair is small, it still is a significant development showing that your baby is now sprouting hair. The hair can be of any colour and normally depends on the parent’s hair colour. Hair colour is normally hereditary. Hair is the first telltale sign of the complete development of your baby. A small layer of hair also grows on the entire body of the baby, though it is not visible the hair is there present on the baby’s skin.

6. Arms and Legs:

Your little one has his legs growing faster and longer now as compared to his arms. His joints are more flexible and can move now. You might have to wait longer for your next scan, which is usually scheduled around the 20th-week mark.

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15th Weeks Activity:

Your belly is still in its growth period, so you need to find out ways of walking comfortably. In this phase, you also need to take care of your sleeping position. In 15th week you had to pay special attention to your sitting, sleeping and walking style. You also need to remember that you adopt good posture. The spine of your body should be as straight as possible, and when you get up, you should use something to maintain the balance and the centre of gravity throughout your body.

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15 Weeks Pregnancy Diet and Exercise:

Your diet and exercise will have to fall in place now. Here are some of our suggestions.


1. Fruits and Vegetables:

A healthy diet will cure you and your baby of all the problems. Take the fresh fruits and vegetables that will give you vitamins. In my suggestion, take at least five different varieties of rich fruits and veggies throughout the week.

2. Raw Foodstuff:

Do not ever think that you should eat more food as my baby is still developing as this can lead to bloating. Try to eat raw food as much as possible. This keeps the nutrients preserved.

3. Iron:

Everybody needs iron to live a healthy life, so does a pregnant lady. Iron provides red blood cells to develop your baby. You should eat food like spinach, pulses, banana, meat etc. Tannins, on the other hand, found in tea and coffee is known to interfere with how the iron is absorbed by your body. Which is why the right thing to do is to make sure of is there is a decent gap between the tea or coffee and iron-rich foods.

4. Calcium:

In case you do not like meat or are a vegetarian, you need to make sure you have more calcium and iron since these are the two main components apart from proteins and vitamins that are needed for your child’s development. Your doctor might advise you to eat dairy products, bread, leafy vegetables, raisins and nuts.

5. Vitamin C:

Absorption of Vitamin C can make it easier for your body to gain iron that you take. For this, you can have oranges and lemons among the fruits to boost up your levels. Taking Vitamin C supplements is not a wise idea given your condition.


The best exercises to work on during this time should be the ones that focus on your stomach and pelvis for a better body posture. A few exercises that can help you are:

1. Belly Breathing:

To do this exercise sit and cross your legs, give support to your back and keep your hands on the stomach. Inhale through your nose now and keep expanding your belly. Repeat for 5 times.

2. Squat:

To begin the squat exercise, hold some object like an exercise ball or a chair and stand away from it. Lower your body slowly and keep your weight mostly on your heels. Inhale and exhale while doing the same. Repeat 5 times. This exercise helps to correct your posture and give more area to the pelvic region for expansion.

3. Walking:

Every doctor asks you to walk during the pregnancy. This exercise not only keeps you active but also helps you to keep calm and relax and prevents negative thinking while spending time lying in your room.

4. Inhale & Exhale:

This exercise of inhaling and exhaling helps you strengthen your muscles so that they can help with your contractions at a later stage. To do this exercise, you inhale the breath through the nose and hold it in for a while. Then you exhale, and while doing so, you bring your abdominal back in and bring your navel close to the spine.

5. Stretching:

Stretching during pregnancy gives you the flexibility and strength in your legs. This exercise also releases muscle tension, thus giving instant relief to your sore back and pelvis.

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Sex During Pregnancy 15th Week:

You can most certainly engage in sexual activities when pregnant. However knowing that it is the 15th week and you are soon going to enter the second trimester, handling things with caution would be the right way to go. Indeed, pregnancy is when you need your partner the most and sex can give you the connection better than ever. Do try to avoid risky positions. This should be a good experience for both the partners and talking to your gynaecologist about it will most certainly brighten things up.

See More: 17th Week of Pregnancy

How To Overcome Stress During Pregnancy:

  • Try to focus on your baby and the rest you need for him to develop. Now is the best time for you to relax. Trust us; your baby will thank you later.
  • Talk to your doctor so that you can overcome the stress in your head. Talking not only will that clear things up for you, but also make it easier for you to know where you are heading.
  • You can use prenatal classes for a change to see how other moms-to-be are dealing with their stress in similar situations. It can be of great help.
  • Do not neglect your food. A lot of nuts and seeds help reduce depression owing to their compositions.
  • Regularly exercise as it might improve your mood. You can go for yoga and meditation as well if your stress is severe.
  • Be relaxed and do not be anxious. Prepare yourself for birth. Talk with your better half and be happy.

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15 Weeks Pregnancy Tips:

  1. Get to know about preeclampsia. This generally develops after 20 weeks, and you will notice a sudden rise in blood pressure and will experience severe swelling in the hands and face.
  2. Learn about the fundal height of the baby. This is usually measured by the size of the uterus of the mother.
  3. Eat a lot. Add a lot of nutritious supplements to your diet and take a break in between your work to eat.
  4. Do not skip your breakfast and let that be your priority too. Indulge in a bag of cereal or breakfast smoothie that will pack all the essentials in a glass.

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Medical Tests and Scan:

Medical tests and scans in 15 weeks of pregnancy care are important. There are checkups and health issues, but since this is the 15th week, it can be easily cured. Occasional ultrasound and blood tests can make things clear. Spinal fluids and HCG fluids will be checked for as well to determine any abnormalities in the fetus, which should now be clear. A few medicines to keep by your bedside are:

  • Aches and pains- Acetaminophen. Steer clear of ibuprofen and naproxen.
  • Cough- Dextromethorphan and Guaifenesin.
  • Heartburn- Antacids and Famotidine.
  • Allergy- Antihistamines and Loratadine. Avoid Pseudophedrine and decongestants like Phenylephrine.
  • Constipation- Metamucil and Colace. Avoid laxatives and mineral oil.

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15 Weeks Pregnant Care & Precautions:

  1. Ensure that you continue to use sunscreen.
  2. Take care of oral hygiene now to prevent bad bouts of infections in your gums, which can pass through food and harm your little one.
  3. Shop for maternity clothes well ahead in time
  4. Take care of your position when walking, sleeping or sitting since it can lead to bad aches otherwise.
  5. Drink more water than usual to keep yourself hydrated, even if it means more urination.

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15 Weeks Fetus: What Are The Risks?

You might be prone to miscarriage if you do not follow your diet and what is suggested to you by your doctor. Since the 15-week fetus weight is not too big, you will not even know. You will often experience body aches and tingling sensation in your feet. But, these are no major risks. Hormonal changes can trigger nose bleeds and sensitive gums and teeth.

15th week can be exhausting because much of the symptoms of the second trimester will kick in. There is nothing to worry if you are going by the diet that is advised to you. Talking to people can be a great way to relieve stress, though.

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Frequently Asked Questions And Answers:

1. Is Travelling Safe at 15 Week Baby Development?

Travelling is not generally recommended now. However, you could always consult the doctor and take guidance. Nevertheless, even if you travel, remember to carry everything that you need with you.

2. What is The Sleeping Position?

The safest sleeping position is on your left side. This will ensure good blood supply to your whole body.

3. When to Consult a Doctor at 15 Weeks Pregnant?

If you experience severe bleeding or any sort of discharge, it is at best to consult your doctor. At 15 weeks pregnant movement of the baby will not be much; therefore, you do not have to worry about the kicks of the baby.

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