16 Best Choice of Fruits to Eat During Pregnancy

Pregnancy might be the time for every woman to rejoice. First, it gives her a fresh feeling of motherhood and secondly, she has a lot of options open for her food choice. Apart from all the attention of love, she also needs to be told what fruits to eat during pregnancy.

You will have to take a number of healthy options such as vegetable, fruits, etc at the time of pregnancy. Fruits come with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, which are vital when you conceive. Fruits good for pregnancy are plenty, one that makes sure you get health supplements to the body, not just for the baby, but for the mother as well.

fruits to eat during pregnancy

Why Are Fruits Important During Pregnancy At All?

One of the simplest reasons why it is advised to eat fruits during pregnancy is the amount of nutrients they provide. They come with a lot of fibre, folate, vitamins and minerals, all of which are essential for a healthy baby and a healthy mother. Some fruits are also effective in relieving the mothers of the common problems that they face during pregnancy. One of the top determinants of a healthy delivery will be your intake of fruits. Remember to always have some of these essential fruits beside you.

Nutritious Fruits To Eat During Pregnancy:

Below are some of the best fruits for pregnant ladies which you should eat at the time of gestation. The list of fruits to eat during pregnancy will serve better if you keep them handy with you.

1. Avocados:

Avocados are loaded with folic acid. Folic acid is one of the essential elements that pregnant women require. This fruit also comes with antioxidants, vitamins, dietary fibres, etc. It will help you obtain that amount of calorie which you will need for breastfeeding. This fruit will also relieve from the sickness that you are about to experience in the mornings. This is considered to be one fruit good for pregnant ladies.

2. Apricots:

pregnancy fruits to eat apricots

Apricot is fruit good for pregnant ladies and for those who aren’t pregnant as well. It is rich in minerals, phosphorus, iron, etc which are very beneficial for you at the time of pregnancy. This fruit will prevent you from anaemia and other fatal breakdowns at the time of pregnancy. It helps to maintain the calorie level. Apricot is another healthy fruit for pregnant ladies. The best part is the mild sweetness it offers. Apricot is usually eaten raw, after your breakfast. Try that out.

See More: Eating apricots during pregnancy

3. Mangoes:

Who doesn’t like mangoes? The non-carbide version of mangoes is considered to be a healthy serving for pregnant ladies. This delicious fruit is very beneficial for pregnant women. It helps in digestion and provides the tongue with a naturally sweet taste. When it comes to nutritional value, mango is filled with Vitamin A and C which has been proved to be salubrious during pregnancy. Enjoy your mangoes as a juice or as cubed.

4. Blueberries:

fruits to eat when pregnant blueberries

The blueberries are another best choice. Blueberries are fruits to eat during the pregnancy period, as it is rich in folic acid and promotes better digestive health. Raw blueberries have widespread benefits. Even pregnant women can have them to give their baby and themselves the right amount calories that come from the sweet blueberries. Being low in saturated fat, this fruit is considered as one of the main sources of dietary fibre. Along with that, blueberries sport high amounts of Vitamin K and C. Blueberries are best consumed as a smoothie with almond milk. Drink it in between your breakfast and lunch hour.

5. Sliced Banana:

Banana is one of the major sources of potassium, which is a necessity for pregnant women. It comes with vital nutrients and is considered as one of the best fruits for pregnant women to eat on a daily basis. They are loaded with vitamin B-6 and fibre that makes it one of the fruits to eat during pregnancy trimester. Simply eat the bananas after your meal or make a smoothie out of it. Either way, your body will take what is needed for it.

6. Grapes:

Being rich in Vitamin A, a number of experts have made it clear that grapes are actually fruited good for pregnant women through a lot of us consider it unsafe. Grapes help to adjust the metabolic rate. Thus, if you have a low metabolism, this fruit will assist you by improving your bowel movement. Apart from that, grapes are enriched with potassium, magnesium, etc. making it to the top name in the list of healthy fruits for pregnant ladies. Have a bowl of grapes, washed.

7. Lemon:

During pregnancy, many women tend to have digestion problems. Lemon is here to relieve them from the indigestion issue. Lemons help in better digestion. It also prevents you from experiencing morning sickness. Besides all that, lemons are the perfect fruit for flushing out toxins from the body and keeping it clean. Together with cleaning, it loads the body with a good amount of minerals and thus we, have it included in the list of fruits during pregnancy that you may want to try. Squeeze drops of lemon to your warm water and drink it on an empty stomach every day. Watch your body’s metabolism rate go up with every new day.

8. Apple:

These are very healthy fruits for pregnant women and comes with vitamins which are needed for the women who are about to go through labour. Apples are rich in fibre and are considered to have a rich source of nutrition content, thus making it extremely good for the mother to be and the baby. Simply peel the apples and eat them raw. There is probably no better healthy fruit for pregnant ladies. Take a bowl of freshly cut apples. Add a pinch of sugar if you like for extra sweetness, but remember to peel it first before you consume.

9. Kiwi:

Kiwis are very beneficial fruits to eat when pregnant to get sound sleep. The fruit is good for the heart as well. So don’t forget to keep this fruit in your diet plan. Kiwis are known to be good for the baby’s brain and cognitive development. Kiwi is usually advised as one good fruit for pregnant women. Make a bowl of healthy fruit salad. Top it with some sliced kiwis.

See More: Benefits of Kiwi fruit during pregnancy

10. Pomegranate:

good fruits to eat during pregnancy pomegranate

Pomegranate is regarded as a nutrient-dense fruit and thus is often suggested to a mother as fruits good for pregnancy. It contains vitamin K, an essential ingredient for promoting healthy bones. It has also been observed that pomegranate juice can reduce the risk of injury or damage to the placenta. Wash and take out the kernels and eat them every day. You can also make a juice out of it or mix it to your bowl of salad.

11. Guava:

The biggest role of guava in the body is to help relax the muscles and help in digestion, thus reducing the possibility of constipation. It contains a various combination of nutrients and helps to balance the blood pressure levels of the body. Always use ripe ones for consumption. Peel them well and consume about 100-125 grams only.

12. Watermelon:

Watermelon is a fruit that is recommended on a daily basis for all of us, especially in summer. The fruit is rich in water content and thus keeps the body hydrated. It is recommended as another healthy fruit during pregnancy, mainly because it reduces heartburn and can give you relief from morning sickness and dehydration.Watermelon is best eaten as raw cut fruits than as a juice. A big bowl of watermelon will do no harm.

14. Chikoo:

Chikoo is rich in anti-oxidants and therefore has been recommended as fruits to be taken during pregnancy. The healthy calories in chikoo will keep you energized and the minerals in it will keep you and the baby safe. It is a source of good energy for the mother. 100-120 grams of chikoo is safe to eat during pregnancy. However, over consumption of it can lead to an increase in sugar level in the blood, which is not safe for the mother.

15. Orange:

One of the essential supplements a pregnant women needs is her regular dosage of vitamin C. Orange is a rich source of vitamin C and therefore is one of the best fruits to eat while pregnant. Orange is also rich in folate which is another important ingredient to be included in a mother’s dietary supplements. One medium-sized orange a day will be extremely beneficial for mothers to be.

See More:  Which Fruits To Avoid During Pregnancy

16. Dried Fruits:

pregnancy fruits to eat

The dried fruits is another set of dietary supplements suggested as a healthy option. Dried fruits are regarded as the storehouse of minerals, fibre, vitamins and amino acids. This makes them an essential ingredient for your everyday diet. They also provide a good amount of energy to keep you going throughout the day. Do not consume them in high quantities. As far the dried fruits are concerned, it is best to ask your doctor for the right amount.

Tips to Follow When Having a Fruit Diet During Pregnancy:

Now that we have listed out the major fruits to eat during pregnancy, here are some more things you need to keep in mind.

  1. Remember to eat fruits that are rich in fibre. Banana, melons etc. are fruits that are rich in fibre. Along with this, choose veggies that are rich in fibre too.
  2. 2-4 servings of suggested fruits is a must for a healthy pregnancy.
  3. Of course, not all fruits will be suitable for all mothers. It is always best to consult your doctor before you decide to eat them.

This list of fruits during pregnancy will help you have a safe and healthy journey. Most often, we miss out on these intakes because we think they are not really important, but the reality is that they are natural sources of all the ingredients your body may need. You don’t have to go far looking for other sources.

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