16 Best Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Glowing Skin

juices for glowing skin

Remember the age-old quote “Beauty comes from within!”? This is so applicable to today’s generation who are used to eating unclean food. Greasy, oily and sugary foods can build up toxins in the body leading to acne breakouts, dark circles, dull and tired skin. What your body needs here is thorough internal cleansing, along with your regular skincare regime — the answer to this problem- Fresh fruits and vegetable juices for glowing skin.

Juices are your best friends when it comes to attaining healthy and glowing skin. They can replace all the expensive creams in the world to make you look naturally flawless. Fruit juices are nutrition-rich and absorbed the body quickly. However, not every juice can do the same trick for you! Each juice offers a particular advantage to cater to the needs of your skin. In this article, we shall discuss the benefits of juices for glowing skin.

Fruits and Vegetable Juices for Glowing Skin:

Let’s see the 16 best juices for glowing fair skin.

1. Carrot Juice:

vegetable juice for glowing skin

The many benefits of carrot juice make it excellent for skin care. A rich source of vitamin A acts as a natural antioxidant that fights against the free radicals in our body consequently slowing down the ageing process. It is also known to fight sun damage, reduce blemishes, treat uneven skin tones due to pigmentation, cure acne and keep the body and skin well hydrated so that young and glowing skin is easily attainable. This is one of the best juices for glowing fair skin.

  • Best Time To Consume: Early Morning is the best time to drink for maximum benefits.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: No more than 120ml per day.

2. Tomato Juice:

Tomato Juices for glowing skin

Tomato juice is packed with antioxidants which is the secret to remaining young. It is abundant in Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Lycopene, which offers oxidative protection. Some of its other benefits involve reducing the tan, shrinking large pores to reduce sebum secretion in oily skin, preventing and treating acne as well as skin discolouration, thereby making it the best juice for glowing skin. Substitute your morning’s tea or coffee with a glass of tomato juice, and that is the little much that you need to do for glowing skin.

  • Best Time To Consume: One glass of tomato juice early in the morning. You can add a pinch of salt or honey to cut the acidity.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day:1 Glass.

3. Lemon Juice:

Lemon Juice for glowing skin

Drinking a glass of lime or lemon juice in the morning is known to work its magic in detoxifying the body and cleansing it inside out. This is one of the refreshing juices for glowing skin in summer. Packed with Vitamin C, it aids in the building up of collagen in our skin which is responsible for maintaining the skin’s young and bright. Regular consumption of lemon juice can help in dealing with acne, dull skin, wrinkles, dark spots and is the best juice for fair and glowing skin.

  • Best Time To Consume: Lemon juice with honey is recommended to be had first thing in the morning.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: No more than 1 glass, as it can lead to tummy upset.

4. Orange Juice:

Orange Juices for glowing skin

Like lemons, oranges are also rich in Vitamin C which helps to get the body rid of toxins resulting in improved skin texture and clear complexion. Drinking a glass of orange juice regularly will also keep other skin ailments at bay. This is an extremely hydrating juice and can keep your skin free from dryness, chapping and flakiness. Being rich in citric acid, oranges can help with slowing your skin’s ageing and is the best juice for glowing skin.

  • Best Time To Consume: Best consumed early in the morning or before the meals.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: One can have 2 glasses of orange juice per day.

[ Read More: Best Home Remedies to get glowing skin ]

5. Cucumber Juice:

Cucumber Juice for glowing skin

Replace the dull, lifeless skin with fabulous glowing skin, just with a pure glass of fresh cucumber juice. The high-water-content in cucumber ensures that your body is flushed of all toxins and the skin remains hydrated. The high amounts of Vitamins like K, C, B-6, Magnesium and Calcium can help you render beautiful glowing skin.

  • Best Time To Consume: You can have cucumber juice early in the morning for better absorption.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: Being a low-calorie drink, it can be had about 2-3 times a day.

6. Sweet Lime Juice:

Sweet Lime Juice for glowing fair skin

Sweet lime or Mosambi juice has a high nutritional value which plays a significant role in skin care. Popular fruit juice in the sub-continent of India and is rich in Vitamin C. It is a wonderful skin tonic known to cure dry and rough skin, cleanse the blood and detoxify the body and get rid of acne, blemishes and dark spots, all of which make way for smooth and radiant skin.

  • Best Time To Consume: Mosambi juice is best had early in the morning to aid internal cleansing or before your workout.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: Not more than 2 times a day.

7. Pomegranate Juice:

fruit juices for glowing skin

Pomegranates are a powerhouse of beauty, and skin care and a daily glass of fresh pomegranate juice can even work a miracle on the skin that might seem to be beyond repair. It is rich in Vitamin C and K and has anti-ageing properties to help in cell renewal. It also purifies the blood imparting a natural glow to your soft, supple skin. This is another ideal juice for glowing skin.

  • Best Time To Consume: Best had early in the morning for maximum benefits.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: One can have 1-2 glasses of pomegranate juice per day.

8. Apple Juice:

apple juice for glowing skin

Apple juice is the ideal skin food for naturally glowing skin. The antioxidants present in the fruit slow down premature ageing and the formation of wrinkles so that your skin remains soft and supple for a long time to come. Being loaded with Vitamin C, raw apple juice can promote clean and glowing skin, along with improving your skin’s texture. This is the best juice for healthy glowing skin.

  • Best Time To Consume: Apple juice is best had on an empty stomach or just before the meals.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: Not more than 2 glasses of apple juice per day.

[ See More: Vitamins For Glowing Skin ]

9. Grape Juice:

grape juice for glowing fair skin

The various health and skin care benefits of grapes and the juice of it can be attributed to its significant amount of antioxidant properties which is a known to be a cure for acne. Grape juice, which is one of the best juices for glowing skin in winter, is also loaded with Vitamin C, which is important information of Collagen. This helps in slowing down the aging process of your skin and is the best fruit juice for glowing skin. Savour the sweetness of grapes in a glass of fresh juice and experience the wonders of its effect on your skin.

  • Best Time To Consume: Grape juice is best had in the morning or along with meals.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: 1 glass of grape juice per day is recommended.

10. Beetroot Juice:

beetroot juice for glowing skin

The best vegetable juice is beetroot juice for glowing skin which contains the goodness of Vitamin A, C, K. Filled with rich iron content and potassium, and it is known to reduce marks, blemishes and other imperfections on your skin. Beetroot juice is one of the best vegetable juice for glowing skin, as it helps in lightening the skin and renders a pinkish glow.

  • Best Time To Consume: Beetroot juice is best had in-between meals.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: 1 glass of beetroot juice per day.

11. Spinach Juice:

Also known as green juice, Spinach juice is loaded with nutrients for healthy, glowing skin. It has high amounts of Vitamin A and C, which are known to lighten your skin tone and improve complexion along with offering anti-oxidant protection. Spinach juice is taken as a meal replacement drink due to the abundant amounts of Vitamins and Minerals.

  • Best Time To Consume: Spinach juice is best had between meals or as a meal replacement.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: 1 glass of spinach juice per day.

12. Baby Corn Juice:

Sounds new? Well, baby corn is a rich source of calorific value. Vitamins A and C in baby corn keeps your skin supple and acts as an aid to fair and glowing skin. It has is rich in anti-oxidants and helps your skin deal with the oxidative stress. This is one of the unique vegetable juices, which can help in promoting healthy, glowing skin.

  • Best Time To Consume: One can have baby corn juice between meals or as a meal replacement.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: 1 glass of baby corn juice per day.

13. Broccoli Juice:

This is another skin whitening juice to drink that provides the skin with adequate nutrients. It is a rich source of Vitamin C, one that is needed for your skin, making it the best juice for skin whitening. A compound called Lutein, present in Broccoli is a powerful anti-oxidant that prevents your skin from dryness, wrinkles and aging.

  • Best Time To Consume: Broccoli juice is best had as a meal in itself.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: 1 glass of Broccoli juice per day.

14. Lettuce, Mint and Cucumber Magic:

The most traditional green juice is cucumber juice for fair skin. Cucumber helps in keeping your skin hydrated. The three ingredients together are known to keep your skin supple and help glow due to the high amounts of Vitamin C, A and K. Blend 3 cucumbers, along with a handful of mint leaves and lettuce with a half cup of water and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Enjoy!

  • Best Time To Consume: This miracle juice for glowing skin is best had before breakfast for maximum absorption.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: 1 tall glass per day.

15. Sweet Potato Spinach and Ginger Juice for Face Glow:

How often have you made something right out of a sweet potato? Well, you could try this juice for face glow. It supplies your skin with all the essential nutrients and is a power-packed juice. The flesh of potato is rich in beta carotene that is filled with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They are known to protect your cells from oxidative stress.

  • Best Time To Consume: Best had before meals preferably during day time.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: 4 to 5 Ounces of juice per day.

16. Papaya Juice:

papaya fruit juice for glowing skin

Get your skin baby soft with this skin whitening juice. Papaya juice is known to make your skin healthy from inside. The Papain enzyme present in Papaya juice can cleanse the skin from deep inside and flush out toxins and impurities. This is one of the most preferred fruit juices which is proven to go plenty of good for the skin.

  • Best Time To Consume: Drink it early in the morning for the best benefits.
  • Recommended Serving Per Day: 1 glass of Papaya juice per day.

Additional Tips Regarding Juices For Glowing Skin:

If you wish to flaunt a beautiful, naturally glowing skin, check out these tips below:

  • Juices are best had on an empty stomach for maximum absorption and better benefits.
  • Avoid adding sugar or salt in the juices. If you want to curb sourness, add a pinch of pink salt or honey.
  • By blending various juices, you can enjoy the maximum goodness of each fruit at one go. Be sure to check for allergies.
  • The best way to retain fibre in the juices is to serve it without straining the liquid.
  • Ensure you go for cold-pressed juices to retain complete nutrition.
  • Avoid canned juices and opt for fresh, homemade drinks.

Fruits and Vegetables are nature’s best gift to humankind. Consuming them regularly in recommended quantities can reduce or eliminate the needs for depending on cosmetics. If you think you can cover your face with makeup, remember one thing! Every artist needs a clean canvas to work on, and it applies to your face as well. With these juices, we are sure you will say goodbye to your concealers and highlighters, because who needs them when your skin is already glowing! So folks! Do let us know which one of these juices for glowing skin is your favourite.

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