17 Best Celery Juice Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health

Celery Juice is gaining a lot of attention, especially in the western countries for its health benefits. Known for its incredibly low-calorie nutritional profile, Celery juice has become the top favourite with health enthusiasts. Many nutritional experts believe that Celery juice is an elixir to the body. From aiding in better digestion to reducing blood pressure and even treating heart problems, Celery Juice is your best bet, when it comes to good health. In this article, we shall learn about the celery juice benefits for skin, hair and health.

Celery Juice Benefits

Is Celery Juice Good For You?

Celery Juice is packed with vitamins and minerals to offer high energy to your body, without adding excess calories. It is a key source of folate, potassium, manganese and pantothenic acid which are required by healthy bones and blood. Celery juice also contains certain chemicals called phytonutrients, which are natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents.

Celery Juice Nutrition Facts:

Here is the nutritional value of Celery Juice, per 1 cup (8 Ounces) serving:

  • Total Calories: 42
  • Sodium: 215 mg
  • Potassium: 670 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 9 gm
  • Dietary Fiber: 4 gm
  • Sugars: 6 gm
  • Protein: 2 gm
  • Vitamin A: 9 %
  • Vitamin C: 19 %
  • Calcium: 10 %
  • Iron: 6 %

How To Make Celery Juice?

There is absolutely no alternative to freshly prepared Celery Juice. Although many people prefer mixing it with other elements like fruits and vegetables, you can drink pure Celery juice to reap maximum benefits. Here is a best Celery Juice recipe to try at home:


  • Celery Stalks – 2 Bunches
  • Water – ¼ Cup

Time To Prepare: 5 minutes

Preparation Time:

  • Wash celery thoroughly in running water.
  • Chop off the base and top of the stalks.
  • Roughly chop the centrepieces and transfer them into a blender.
  • Add little water and blend until smooth.
  • Strain the juice and serve immediately.

How Much Celery Juice Should I Drink Per Day?

Experts recommend taking up to 90ml of Celery juice per day to start with. You can increase the serving up to 480ml of serving. It is also advised to maintain a 30 min gap before and after consuming the juice for better absorption of nutrition and enhanced health benefits.

Best Time To Drink Celery Juice:

The best time to drink Celery juice is on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. This can help in flushing out the toxins from your body, along with renewing your system. You can also have Celery juice in between meals for better digestion.

Amazing Benefits Of Drinking Celery Juice:

This article will guide you about the celery juice benefits for skin, hair and health. Let’s have a look into them.

health benefits of celery juice

1. Lowers Levels Of Bad Cholesterol:

There is a chemical in celery known as butylphthalide. This is responsible for lowering the levels of LDL or bad cholesterol accumulated in the body, thus keeping the heart healthy and free from risks of diseases and attacks. It also enhances the bile secretion that well again works really well on the cholesterol levels in the body.

2. Offers Diuretic Properties:

Celery Juice is known for its diuretic properties, to detox your body in the form of urine. There are potassium and sodium levels in celery juice that ensures proper regulation of the urinary tract and helps in the removal of excess fluids from the body along with the dangerous ones. It is one of the top-notch benefits you should know about.

3. Aids In Digestion:

There are some nutrients and chemicals in the fibre of celery that is released during the preparation of the juice. This helps in regulating the entire digestive system as well as the bowel movements. It actually works as a laxative for those people who have issues of constipation. This is one of the important health benefits of celery juice.

4. For Blood Pressure Control:

Just about 1 glass of freshly prepared celery juice is perfect for keeping the blood pressure levels on a balanced forum. Celery juice is low in salt content along with containing good amounts of magnesium, fibre and potassium to regulate your BP and protect your heart from sudden strokes and other life-threatening conditions.

5. Treats Insomnia:

There are some specific essential oils and minerals in celery juice that useful to provide a calming feeling to the nervous system and help people treat insomnia and get some sound sleep. It is also the magnesium levels in the drink that gives undisturbed sleep to the consumer.

See More: Celery Benefits

6. For Weight Loss:

Celery juice intake helps in preventing the cravings that we usually have for sweets thus preventing extra calories. This keeps the overweight issues at bay and also helps in weight loss to a good extent. Celery juice also imparts better digestion, thanks to the high amounts of dietary fibre it contains, making it one of the best foods for weight loss aspirants.

7. Serves As An Aphrodisiac:

For those who want to improve their libido also known as sexual desire, there is nothing better and more natural than taking celery juice that has aphrodisiac properties. It helps in balancing the secretion of sexual hormones and thus gives you desired results in sexual performance. This is one of the best Celery juice benefits for men.

8. For Treating Stones:

To eliminate the toxins from the body, celery juice is the perfect choice to make. This also helps in breaking and eliminating all stones present in the gall bladder. It is also an ideal choice to prevent the reoccurrence of the problem again and again along with treatment. To remove stones in gall bladder you have to drink celery juice daily for better results.

9. Hydration Of Skin:

If you feel dehydrated, Celery juice is considered to be the best alternative to drinking plain water. There is 95 % water in celery and hence it has great hydrating properties. Having celery juice can help in providing the same benefits to the skin as well. This helps you get skin that is soft and supple. It is a perfect choice to make for ideal skin health and in a simple and safe manner.

10. Prevents Skin Damage:

Benefits of celery juice include preventing your skin from damage over time. The water content of the celery juice along with the antioxidants present in it is a good thing and works in purifying your body troubles. It makes your skin clearer. Antioxidants free your body from the harmful toxins and thus overall damage. With that, your chances at flaunting a flawless skin are literally doubled.

11. Alleviates Menopause Issues:

Celery juice for insomnia is something we already covered, so we take to another of the most common symptom that needs to be looked after. Every year, millions approach their menopausal stage. While it might mean the end of your annoying cramps, the other symptoms that advents in a place like hot flushes are hard to say goodbye to. So, here is something else, that is equally effective like the over the counter medicine but not half as costly. Yes, we are talking about celery juice. Without side effects and the benefits it literally blesses you, we hardly doubt there has been a better vegetable on your grocery list.

See More: Celery In Pregnancy

12. Nourishes Hair:

Advantages of celery juice on the next one include hair care routines to brag of. We already spoke about how celery is big on water and the Vitamins, A specifically. Both of these elements are equally great for our hair. The water helps in keeping our scalp better with its hydration, thus bringing dandruff that we are so prone to. On the other hand, vitamin A stimulates and nourishes the roots, so that the hair strands are healthier. Celery juice is also known to improve the texture of the hair. So, now you know why you need the vegetable back on your diet.

13. Fights Fungal Infections:

Let’s begin from the very basic with this one. Ever wondered how the shelf life of celery is so long? Well, surprise! It’s not magic. Celery contains a whole lot of different natural fungicides. This, in turn, is obviously beneficial for your overall health. It is said by doctors that if you have a celery stick every day as a rock thick part of your diet, it can help keep the bad microbes of your body away. Also, you need to know that these funguses in celery are the good ones only.

14. Used to Treat Gout:

Celery contains an anti-inflammatory component, which is very rare to find, that is known as a COX-2 inhibitor. It is in good health, known in the reduction of uric acids overall. As you know, uric acids are the main reason by gout. When you can cook celery juice and consume celery seeds along, it can eventually, naturally is a reason behind the reduction in your gout. Celery juice for arthritis as you should know usually works the same way on your joints and their issues to give you the desirable pain-free body and life that you have been so longing for.

15. Can Be Used to Treat Vitiligo:

Celery can be used to treat Vitiligo, the skin disease with white spots. Try the juice every time you have a hectic schedule and need to work on your body but you don’t have the time. This is the best natural remedy that will work in your favour for good. So, the side effects are none really in case you were wondering about the same and doubting your idea of taking celery daily.

16. Alleviates Arthritis Symptoms:

Celery juice is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which may be beneficial in treating Arthritis. A substance called Luteolin is known to reduce inflammation in tissues, along with offering instant relief from the painful joint conditions like Arthritis. This is why a glass of Celery juice is highly recommended for chronic Arthritis patients.

17. Prevents Cancers:

Another reason behind the popularity of Celery juice is its potency to prevent many types of Cancers. Celery contains many phytochemicals like apigenin and Luteolin, which are natural antioxidants. These chemicals are known to fight free radicals that lead to Cancers due to the effects of Oxidation.

See More: Vegetables For Weight Loss

Celery Juice Side Effects:

Although the health industry is going gaga over this juice, the fact is that Celery juice is not suitable for everyone. Here are some of the lesser-known side effects of drinking this juice:

  • Increases Photosensitivity.
  • Digestion Disorders.
  • Breathlessness.
  • Hives.
  • Nausea.
  • Increased Heart Beat.
  • Lowered Blood Pressure.
  • Dizziness.
  • Cardiac Arrest.

Those are some of the top benefits of Celery Juice. The fame of this juice has spread so wide that many superstores are running short of Celery stalks due to huge demand. However, there is also scope for myths behind these unbelievable used of the drink and is therefore recommended to consume it in small quantities. Also, if you are pregnant, lactating or suffering from chronic medical problems, it is advised to see the consultation of a doctor before you overload your pantry with Celery!

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