17 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms and Baby Development

17 weeks pregnant is the next stage a woman will have to deal with. The experience is new, and the body also tends to show all new changes. Your body deals with the fact that you are pregnant and helps you adjust accordingly. Your morning sickness would have come down, and you would start seeing yourself a little more active. You could rely on meditation and yoga to start your day.

17 weeks pregnant

Table of Content:

  • What to Expect & Think About || Signs and Symptoms || Fetal Development ||
  • Activities || Diet and Exercise || Size of  Your Baby and Belly ||
  • Baby Position || Ultrasound || How To Overcome Stress ||
  • Medical Tests and Scan || Tips and Precautions || Checklist ||

What to Expect & Think About This 17th Week Of Pregnancy?

Baby at 17 weeks pregnant means you are in your third month, around 3 weeks pregnant. This is your second trimester.

You will notice how your body has finally calmed down, allowing you to live a healthier lifestyle which was otherwise very difficult due to fatigue and sickness. The 17th week of pregnancy is a good time for you now to start planning your baby’s living space maybe or start buying your baby’s clothes if you have not already bought them this is because now with the help of your baby’s fully developed genitals you can actually determine your baby’s gender allowing for the first time some sort of future planning that does not involve going on a whim.

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Baby at 17 Weeks Pregnant: Signs and Symptoms:

Here are some symptoms you will experience when you are 17 weeks pregnant. A host of body changes takes place, along with changes to the physical shape of the baby. Here are some changes to your body you need to know.

See More: 16 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

1. Increasing Waistline:

As the baby will grow during this week, your waistline will expand further. The small bump which you have earlier will expand further, which will become significant, allowing you to know how fast your baby is growing. The waistline will grow for giving support for the baby to grow. In general, an uneasy feeling will be felt due to the bone growth, and so the baby will start to kick as the baby’s leg starts to stretch out longer.

At this point, the baby’s arm will grow in size, which will be proportional to the size of its body. During these times, your dress may not fit you anymore, and so you have to invest for the new maternity dress, which will be a good idea. Investing in this will help you address all your essential needs for the next few months, but, you should follow a healthy diet which will prevent you from gaining more weight.

2. Increase in Breast Size:

There will be further growth in your breast size owing to the fact that your baby is growing too. The bigger and healthy the baby, the more nourishment it needs; therefore, your breasts will keep growing as long as your baby is in your womb. Breast size increases may cause cracking around the nipples, which may hurt, but simple moisturisation will take care of this problem.

To make sure everything works well for you and to overcome the stretch marks which were created during the baby birth time, you have to wear a comfortable bra that fits your breast size allowing you to breathe well. For the better results, you have to go for the massage with the olive oil or Vitamin E. By default; your breast vein will show that it is well by making your pregnancy obvious which will let you feel out of the stress. The symptoms created during birth will go away naturally, and the only way to overcome the pain will be achieved by applying the ice packs and cooling bags. Soreness will be cured by drinking more water. The best idea is to wear a loose bra that helps you to relax the breast tissues by giving more space to breathe.

3. Sleeplessness:

At this stage, you will tire out easily, and have trouble falling asleep. At this time, during night times, you will seem strange looking at the ceiling and worrying about future life problems. In addition to this, you will feel the pain and discomfort where you can struggle for getting the right sleeping position. The only best way to overcome all these issues is to take care of your health and by getting ideas from others who have already experienced this.

4. Fatigue:

Whenever you have time, try to be relaxed and reduce work. Doing work and caring for others will not be your prerogative anymore and hence, going to bed will only be the best option that keeps you healthy for the upcoming few months. If you are a working person, take maternity leave for about six months which is essential.

5. Stretch Marks:

In the 17th week of pregnancy, your uterine walls will start to stretch beyond its ability, and hence, your baby will grow beyond the tolerance limit as it needs to get adjusted with it growing day by day. If your body is not compatible with this adjustment, you will develop stretch marks in your lower abdomen. An effective way to overcome all those marks will be possible using the creams and oils that hydrate your skin even though your skin might be pulled out from the inner layers. Using oils will help you a lot, and also you can apply Aloe Vera or Vitamin E to get the same benefits.

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Fetal Development of the Baby In 17 Weeks Pregnancy:

1. Baby Size:

The size of your fetus has further increased this week; this week, your baby has grown an entire half-inch leaving the baby’s size at an accurate 5 inches which are perfect for their development. The baby’s growth will somewhat stall at this point, giving way to the further development of the baby’s internal organs. Due to the growth of the baby this week, your stomach size will also increase significantly.

There are several further developments that the baby goes through this week, but it is similar to the 16th week. Overall there is not much consequence this week, the baby just grows further, and the internal organs further develop. Some of these developments are:

2. Lungs:

At this stage, the baby can breathe on its own and also can inhale and exhale the amniotic fluid that is present around them. During the 16th week of pregnancy, lungs will end up with entire development which is the most important part of the body that associates with the heart and brain. The lungs are the essential organs that develop during the 16th week of pregnancy. At the end of this week, the lungs have expanded greater than before, and your baby has now finally understood the complete process of inhalation and exhalation.

3. Fat:

During this week, your baby’s skin starts developing fat under it which is like insulation that makes the baby feel comfortable and warmer. Fat developed at this stage will acts as a source of nutrition and strength as they grow longer. Fat is also protection for the baby’s bones which are still somewhat soft at this point. The fat keeps the baby safe and healthy. However, too much fat is also bad for your baby’s heart which is still fragile. So be careful with what you eat because whatever you eat counter affects your baby greatly.

4. Visual Sensors:

The baby’s visual sensors also improve this week, making the baby extremely sensitive to light. In the 16th week, you can still see the baby covering its eyes if introduced to bright light via an ultrasound. As the visual sensors will be left under development, the baby feels uncomfortable with the light. This is considered to be the important stage as the baby eyes will start to develop for the vision. Visual sensors will further develop for as long as the 8th month of pregnancy at which points the baby is completely developed and ready to come into the world in a month.

5. Nose:

The development of the nose might be the unique development that your baby goes through during this week. The nose is a vital sensory organ of your body and helps your baby start to ascertain various smells around them. The sinuses in the nose open so that the baby can now inhale and exhale from the nose and also breathe in various smells that were earlier not at all possible for your little one. Even the smallest developments in your womb are important stepping stones for your child to face the world when they are born.

6. Movement:

Normally, you can feel the baby’s actions during this stage as this is the stage where the baby starts to move during the 16th to 20th week of pregnancy. You will be lucky feeling your baby’s movements, and this would be caused when they try to push upon the space enclosing them.

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17 Weeks Pregnant Activities:

At this week, most of the activity will be restricted because of your belly bump, and there may be another situation where you have to spend most of your time going to the washroom because of an increase in urination. You can feel more hunger with food cravings and so that you have to spend most of the time in the kitchen looking for food. Checkups and tests are highly recommended during this stage. Try to engage yourself in exercises that ensure a good sleep and a healthy diet.

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Diet and Exercise for the 17 Weeks Pregnant:


1. Fruits and Vegetables:

Taking fruits will make you healthy as they contain essential nutrients that bring you a long way in your motherhood days. Drink sufficient water that keeps you hydrated and keeps your bowel movement comfortable. You should consume veggies and fruits like bananas, oranges, apples, beans and some other green vegetables.

2. Raw Foodstuff:

Taking raw food will help you preserve the nutrients that get lost during the boiling process. Taking vitamins will help you curb all your food cravings, so you can indulge in taking healthy fruits and food.

3. Water:

At this stage, you should not overlook hydration as you have another life inside you, whether it may be the twins or triplets. Water is an essential fluid that helps you to keep harm away by staying healthy, thus preventing you from excess weight gain.

4. Calcium:

Calcium is a crucial product for your child’s development. A rich source of calcium provides healthy development of teeth and bones. Calcium is indeed a mega food prescribed by doctors since the dawn of time. All milk products like yoghurt, cheese and cream are rich in calcium and safe for consumption twice a week, but no more.

5. Chicken:

Lean meat is very good for you to eat during the times of pregnancy as it will not only provide protein but also helps you to boost up metabolism and energy rate. You should strictly avoid seafood and pork since they affect a baby’s health, but eating chicken will be really healthy.

See More: 18th Week of Pregnancy


During this time, the best exercise to be done is to focus on the abs and pelvis and gain better posture. Some of the exercises are listed below for your reference.

1. Belly Expansion:

Fold your legs and support your back against the wall. Place your hands on the knee folds and start inhaling through your nose by bringing the belly closer to the body. Hold on continuously and exhale after 5 seconds. Repeat this for five times. Repeat for 5 rounds.

2. Sleeping Stretch:

Lie on the backside by placing the hands towards the ceiling on the opposite side to which you are lying. Repeat this procedure for five times just by altering the locations.

3. Swimming:

For the 17th week of pregnancy, the rapid weight gain can lead to the formation of stretch marks, as said. You can easily counteract that by choosing swimming as your weight loss regime and maintain an even weight gain.

4. Walking:

For all months of pregnancy, walking will prove to be the most dependable exercise to choose. Not only will it make you flexible, but will also keep your body active the whole time.

5. Stomach Adjustment:

Breathe using the nose and hold your breath for a few seconds. Try to adjust the centre of gravity which makes it easier to work for the next few months as the bump increases.

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What is the Size of  Your Baby and Belly?

17 weeks pregnant baby size is that of your palm. He/she would weigh 5 or more ounces and would be about 5 inches long. Your baby will now be practising sucking and swallowing. There would no more be random heartbeats, and its brain regulates the heart. Many of the survival reflexes are learnt now, and the baby is much more developed than ever. Your belly now will be big, enough for everyone to notice.

Baby Position at 17 Weeks Pregnant:

Your baby will now have an erect neck and head pose. Its fingers would have developed and are probably finessing its sucking and swallowing. It will have a regular heartbeat, around 140-150, and you would be able to feel the movement of your baby by now.

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17 Weeks Pregnant Is During Sex:

While intimacy might not exactly be the thing on your plate right now with everything crazy going on, however, talking to your partner might do wonders for you. Besides, diverting your mind from all the stress that is bringing you down, nothing works better, isn’t it? Of course, you worry about your child, but there is no need to since the sac is keeping him well protected the whole time.

See More: 19 Weeks Pregnancy

17 Weeks Pregnant Ultrasound:

By now, your baby’s rubbery cartilage is turning into bone. Your ultrasound will show you how the baby is putting on fat. It will move its joints, and even the sweat glands will begin to develop. This ultrasound will be an amazing experience, where the previously seen baby bits are now fully developed parts. It is at this stage that any abnormalities in the baby are also detected.

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How To Overcome Stress During Pregnancy:

  • You need to relax as much as you can as this point since your developing baby will keep your hormones changing. Stress should not affect your sleep patterns.
  • You can get all the support you want from prenatal classes, so do not forget to check those out around your area.
  • Yoga is a good way to let go of everything, worrying you and strengthen your mind. Give it a try to de-stress.
  • If you plan on home birth, now would be a good time to start. Talk to someone who can arrange a midwife for you.

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Medical Tests and Scan at Seventeen Weeks Pregnant:

During this stage, a blood test would be taken to make sure your baby is risk-free or free of any abnormalities. Through the Quadruple Marker Screening Test, the possibilities for the Down syndrome will be identified, and amniocentesis will be done to test your amniotic fluid. Trimester 2 is the phase where the complete transformation takes place in your body. Here are the several medicines that you should keep beside you and they are:

  1. Acetaminophen for aches and pains
  2. Antihistamines and loratadine for the allergy problems but try to avoid pseudoephedrine and decongestants like phenylephrine
  3.  Take Dextromethorphan and guaifenesin for the cough
  4.  Intake Metamucil and Colace for the constipation-related problems
  5. Try to avoid laxatives and mineral oil.
  6. Use antacids and famotidine for the heartburn problems.

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Tips and Precautions:

  • You will have funny feelings. This is because your child has started developing rapidly. It is normal, however, if something unusual happens, inform your doctor.
  • Sunscreen is your friend, now more than ever. Your little one needs it dearly.
  • You should try to finish your dinner before two hours to bed.
  • You should make balance your centre of gravity as the slip will make you fall that injures the baby.
  • Sleeping for at least 10 hours is highly recommended.

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  1. If you are looking for a child care provider, it is time you start doing your research now.
  2. Drinking plenty of water becomes imperative. Your food should have a good amount of fibre to prevent haemorrhoids
  3. You can also start reading on pregnancy books to understand and get clarity on everything that is happening to you.

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Being pregnant with twins at 17 weeks of pregnancy means, you need to drink and eat very healthy. Ensure a food supply of nutrients to your body and stay hydrated.

That is sometimes closer to your actual date. This should not freak you out. Rather, stay prepared with the range of things you may experience. Start taking pictures of your belly to track the progress. The experience will surely be worth it.

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