18 Amazing Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Skin, Hair & Health

Coconut oil is also known as the wonder oil which is quite popular to deliver the best benefits to the skin, health, and hair of its users. It is not just now that coconut oil has become famous, but coconut oil and its uses have been famous from the ancient time.

Coconuts were first cultivated on the lands of Southeast Asia along with the regions of India, Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and the Laccadives. It is believed that coconut oil was first found in either the 5th century or in the 9th century and till now it is being used for many of its amazing benefits.

benefits of coconut oil

The benefits of coconut oil on the body are not just limited to skincare, but the benefits of using coconut oil extend to the health and hair of the users. Here are some of the names of coconut oil in different languages:

  • Telugu: Kobbari Nune
  • Hindi: Naariyal ka tel
  • Tamil: Tenkay Enney
  • Marathi: Khobarela Tela
  • Malayalam: Veliccenna

What Is Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is edible oil which is extracted from the meat of the mature brown coconuts. The fresh coconut oil extracted properly can last for up to 6-months without getting spoiled, and thus the users can get dependent on the coconut oil and its benefits for all their needs. There are many ways in which you can use coconut oil and get the benefits of drinking coconut oil for your entire body.

Is Coconut Oil Good For Health?

Yes, coconut oil is extremely beneficial for health. Eventually, it is not only the health which is benefitted by the organic coconut oil uses, but the various benefits of coconut oil can be used for the skin as well as for the hair. Thus, coconut oil acts as a complete package for benefiting the entire body and the overall health of the users.

Importance Of Coconut Oil:

The various available health benefits of coconut oil reflect the importance of coconut oil in our daily lives. It contains all the right amount of nutrients and vitamins which delivers some of the fantastic benefits to the health, hair, and skin of the users. Considering the various benefits of cooking with coconut oil many people use it for cooking and preparing their meals.

How To Make Coconut Oil?

It is not necessary to buy coconut oil from the market to make the most of the organic coconut oil uses. You can also make the coconut oil at home by following some simple steps. Make sure that you are using a mature brown coconut rather than a young green coconut for getting the maximum oil from the coconut.

Ingredients Needed:

  • 1 brown coconut
  • Food blender
  • Stove
  • Pans
  • Knife
  • Cheesecloth

How To Do Process:

  • Take a mature coconut and allow all its water to come out before moving further.
  • Once all the water is out from the coconut, now cut the coconut into two halves.
  • After cutting and opening the coconut into two halves, bring out all the meat of the coconut.
  • Once it is done, cut all the extracted coconut meat into smaller pieces and then put them in the blender.
  • Add some hot water and blend until you get a smooth paste.
  • Separate the water from the cream by making use of cheesecloth.
  • After this, cook the cream on the stove for about 45 – 50 minutes for getting the desired coconut oil.
  • Lastly, filter the coconut oil extracted and it is ready to be used and for getting the benefits of pure coconut oil.

How To Use Coconut Oil?

To make the most of the pure coconut oil uses, you should be sure of how to use coconut oil. If you are using coconut oil in an inappropriate amount or the wrong manner, then you may have to face some possible side effects as well.

Therefore, you should always consult with your health experts about how to use coconut oil for getting only the required benefits. Though coconut oil can be used on its own, it can also be mixed with other essential oils and ingredients for maximizing the benefits.

Coconut Oil Nutritional Benefits:

For making the most of the benefits of drinking coconut oil, it is essential to be aware of coconut oil nutrition. Having the required information will help the users to be mindful of the coconut oil vitamins, coconut oil calories, coconut oil protein, and coconut oil fibre values.

Here are some of the facts about the nutritional value of coconut oil that you should be aware of for better utilizing all the benefits of coconut oil.

  • Calories: 862
  • Total Fat: 100 gms
  • Saturated Fat: 87 gms
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 0 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 0 gms
  • Dietary Fiber: 0 gms
  • Sugar: 0 gms

No doubt having the proper knowledge about the exact value of coconut oil protein, coconut oil fibre, coconut oil calories and coconut oil vitamins will allow the users to make the better utilization of the oil without facing any of the possible side effects.

Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil:

coconut oil uses

Coconut oil is the all-in-one solution that has all the essential vitamins and nutrients which can deliver the various health benefits to the users. You can surely improve your health by including the benefits of consuming coconut oil in your diet or by using it for the cooking purpose.

If you are still not aware of the health benefits of coconut oil, then you can find all the required information about the same. Strike a balance between coconut oil uses and benefits and enrich your health in the best possible way. Here are some of the health benefits of coconut oil. Let’s have a look into them.

1. Coconut Oil is Antimicrobial and Antiviral:

Talking about some of the ordinary coconut oil and health benefits, you can make the best use of its antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Yes, coconut oil is a rich source of lauric acid and saturated fat which helps in making coconut oil one great ingredient with antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

How To Use:

  • Make sure that you are using the health benefits of virgin coconut oil to get the maximum of these properties in the purest form.
  • The best way to get the benefits of natural coconut oil is to have some on an empty stomach every day in the morning and the evening as well.
  • However, you should only take 1-2 teaspoons of coconut oil to be protected against the side effects of coconut oil.

2. Lowers Cholesterol Levels:

Are you aware of some of the amazing benefits of coconut oil? If not, then you will be surprised to know that the regular intake of coconut oil helps in lowering the cholesterol levels. The frequent use of coconut oil in your diet helps in the generation of good HDL cholesterol due to the presence of saturated fat. Along with this, it also helps in minimizing the impact of harmful cholesterol on the body.

How To Use:

  • All you need to know is how to get the coconut oil in diet benefits for keeping the cholesterol levels in control.
  • You can either drink some of the virgin coconut oil in the morning or can mix some coconut oil in regular mustard oil and then cook your food in that.

3. Promotes Weight Loss:

Are you aware of the fact that with the daily consumption of coconut oil, you can actually lose the extra body fat and weight? Yes, it is possible as coconut oil is a rich source of medium-chain triglycerides which can help in easy removal of extra body weight and fat.

How To Use:

  • If you want to make the most of these real benefits of coconut oil, then you should use coconut oil for your cooking needs.
  • Mix some coconut oil and olive oil and then use this mixture for your cooking needs daily.
  • This will bring the best and fast benefits when in need to lose the extra weight.

4. Promotes Heart Health:

If you want to keep your heart healthy, then consume some amount of coconut oil regularly. Though it might sound a little confusing the same has been observed by the health experts as well. The saturated fat present in the coconut oil helps in the generation of good cholesterol along with controlling the bad cholesterol levels. The overall impact of this tends to promote heart health along with curing some of the associated heart problems by using the healing benefits of coconut oil.

How To Use:

  • You can drink some of the virgin coconut oil in the morning and the evening and can keep your heart in all good condition.

See More: Coconut Water Uses

5. Treats UTI and Kidney Infection:

Kidney problems and infections are quite crucial and can become serious if proper care is not taken about them. One of the simplest ways for preventing kidney problems is to have coconut oil in your diet. This is one of the coconuts oil daily benefits that can prevent some of the crucial kidney problems. The saturated fat present in coconut oil helps the body to enhance its ability to better utilize the omega-3 fatty acids which can cure the kidney infections.

How To Use:

  • You can either drink 1-2 teaspoon of coconut oil in the morning and can give your body enough possibility to maximize the utilization of omega-3 fatty acids for treating all types of kidney infections.

6. Boost The Immune System:

Thanks to the benefits of coconut oil, you can boost your immune system as well. Coconut oil contains all the necessary vitamins and nutrients that are essential for advancing the immune system in the best possible way. One of the major nutrients that help in boosting the immune system is lauric acid which gets converted to monolaurin for fighting against the troubles present in the immune system.

How To Use:

  • Make sure that you include coconut oil in any form in your meals to get its benefits for your immune system.
  • The best way is to cook your meals in the mixture of coconut oil and olive oil for maximizing the benefits for the immune system.

7. Improves Memory and Brain Function:

Highlighting one of the major coconut oil uses and health benefits, it can be used for improving the memory and brain function of its users. Ketones play a major role in boosting the memory and brain power along with the good saturated fat. Both these necessary ingredients are available in abundance in coconut oil, and as a result, coconut oil can be used for improving the brain function.

How To Use:

  • This is one of the major benefits of natural coconut oil which is even suggested by many health experts.
  • Thus, to boost the ketones and saturated fat, make sure to utilize the virgin coconut oil uses to the fullest by consuming it in the morning and the evening.

8. Improves Digestion and Reduces Stomach Ulcer:

If you have a strong digestive system, then you can prevent the majority of disease and ailments without any hassles. However, if you are struggling with a bad digestive system, then you can use edible coconut oil benefits for improving the same. The antibacterial properties of coconut oil help in easy digestion along with better absorption of other nutrients by the stomach.

How To Use:

  • To make the most of coconut oil and benefits drink some coconut oil in the morning and especially before going to sleep.
  • You will certainly have healthy digestion in the next morning.
  • Make it your habit of consuming some coconut oil in your diet for never facing any problems with the digestion.

9. Coconut Oil Helps Regulate Blood Sugar:

One of the essential benefits of consuming coconut oil is its ability to control blood sugar. This is one of the rare benefits of coconut oil which is not that popular amongst many users. As coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triglycerides which helps in stabilizing and balancing the blood sugar levels for the users.

How To Use:

  • Along with its use to regulate blood sugar, the regular consumption of coconut oil can prove beneficial for preventing the problem of diabetes.
  • All you need to do is cook your food in coconut oil or drink some amount of coconut oil in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • However, if you have high sugar levels, then you can have coconut oil, both in the morning as well as in the evening.

See More: Coconut Milk Uses

10. Coconut Oil May Treat Cancer:

It has been observed in many types of researches that the saturated fats present in coconut oil help in the prevention and treatment of cancer and its symptoms. The regular intake of coconut oil helps in delivering the coconut oil daily benefits to the body which in return prevents the possibility for the occurrence of cancer-causing cells.

How To Use:

  • Along with this benefit, talking about the healing benefits of coconut oil, then coconut oil can be used for overcoming the impacts of chemotherapy as well.
  • This is one of the major medical benefits of coconut oil which can be availed by drinking some coconut oil in the morning and evening.
  • You can also mix some coconut oil, olive oil, and mustard oil and then prepare all your food in this mixture of oils.

11. Coconut Oil is A Natural Pain Killer:

Talking about the virgin coconut oil benefits, you can use that as an effective pain killer. Virgin coconut oil contains the needed anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which help in reducing the pain along with curing the wound as well.

How To Use:

  • For any external injury, you can apply the virgin coconut oil on that and can get its benefits in the form of reduced pain and healing of the injury.
  • On the other hand, for all the internal injuries, you can drink some of the virgin coconut oil to make the most of the virgin coconut oil benefits.
  • However, before taking these medical benefits of coconut oil, don’t forget to consult with your doctor about your situation for avoiding any side effects.

Benefits Of Coconut Oil On Skin:

health benefits of coconut oil

Along with the various health benefits of coconut oil, you can also use this fantastic ingredient for getting some excellent skin benefits. Thanks to the nutritional value of coconut oil, it can deliver some of the best benefits for the skin which can give you the ultimate desired beauty.

Interested in knowing the various ways in which you can use coconut oil for your skin? Here are some of the virgin coconut oil benefits for skin that you can get:

1. Prevent Stretch Marks:

One of the major coconut oil uses for skin is its ability to reduce and prevent the formation of stretch marks. The moisturizing properties of coconut oil along with antimicrobial properties are simply perfect to prevent the formation of stretch marks and many infections. The oil totally gets absorbed by the skin and thus offers the maximum benefits to the entire body.

How To Use:

  • Also, the antioxidants present in coconut oil helps in enhancing the skin texture along with making it smooth.
  • Mix some coconut oil with aloe vera gel and rose water and then apply the same on your stretch marks for 2-3 times during the day time and one night before going to sleep.
  • Repeat doing the same thing unless and until your stretch marks totally disappear and you are satisfied with the results.

2. Moisturize Your Body:

It has been observed by many types of researches that coconut oil is one of the best things that you can apply on your skin to moisturize it. This is one of the best benefits of coconut oil on the skin especially during the winter season when the body needs more miniaturization than any other season. The coconut oil uses for skin is not just limited to moisturizing the skin, but it can also be used to control acne and other skin infections.

How To Use:

  • Mix some of the coconut oil with essential oils and then apply it on your face and body for witnessing the benefits of coconut oil on your face.
  • As the body and face fully absorb the coconut oil, it will moisturize the body from inside.
  • Make sure to apply this mixture in the night for getting the maximum benefits.

3. Nourish Cracked Cuticles:

If you are looking for a natural and effective remedy to cure your cracked cuticles, then consider applying coconut oil on them. Curing the cracked cuticles with minimal pain and struggles is one of the best uses for coconut oil that the users can depend on. Coconut oil moisturizes the skin which is one of the major needs to cure the cuticles quickly. Along with this, the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of coconut oil help in controlling the problem from getting worse.

How To Use:

  • To get these benefits of coconut oil on the skin make sure to apply virgin or natural coconut oil on the cracked cuticles for about 5-6 times in a day.
  • This will bring the needed benefits within 2-3 days of application.

See More: Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

4. Remove Eye Makeup:

We all use makeup in our daily lives. However, removing makeup is not that easy and pleasing as applying makeup and thus needs some effective ingredients which can remove the makeup. This is where you can take the maximum benefits of coconut oil on a face by easily removing the applied makeup along with moisturizing your skin.

How To Use:

  • Warm about 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and then massage the same on your face for about 2-3 minutes.
  • Your makeup will start melting instantly which can later be removed easily.
  • While applying coconut oil on the face, you can be sure that you will not face any harm and will only get the benefits of coconut oil on the face.

Coconut Oil Benefits For Hair:

coconut oil benefits for hair

While talking about the health and skin benefits of coconut oil, let us not forget the coconut oil benefits for hair. Coconut oil has been one of the favourites to be used for hair massage and application right from the ancient time. In fact, there was a time when people only trusted coconut oil for applying on their hair.

Do you want to know the major benefits of coconut oil for your hair? If yes, then here are some of the good uses for coconut oil that you can use for your hair:

1. Promote Hair Growth:

One of the major coconut oil uses for your hair is related to hair growth. This is one of the uses of coconut oil which is being used by people for many years. The various antioxidants, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties present in coconut oil helps in providing enough blood circulation to the scalp which in return helps in enhancing the hair growth.

How To Use:

  • It is not only that, but coconut oil also helps in enhancing the quality of the hair along with improving their growth.
  • Mix some of the coconut oil with almond oil and warm the mixture a little before applying it on the scalp and hair.
  • Leave it for about 25-30 minutes before washing and repeat doing the same for about 1-2 times in a week for getting gorgeous long hair.

2. Prevent Hair Damage:

If you have been struggling with the various hair damages and are looking for an effective and natural way to control the hair damage, then you can rely on the available coconut oil uses to get rid of them. Thanks to the antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of coconut oil, it can cure and prevent many hair damages and its symptoms and reasons.

How To Use:

  • All you need to do is to apply warm coconut oil on your scalp for about 2-3 times in a week for getting this amazing benefit for your hair and scalp.
  • You can also trust the extra virgin coconut oil benefits for maximizing the results.

3. Stops Hair Graying and Balding:

It has been seen that with the regular application of coconut oil on the hair and scalp, you can control the problem of hair greying. Grey hair is one of the common problems which bother each and everyone with time and now even before the actual time. But, with the effective use of coconut oil, you can rely on the coconut oil benefits for hair and can prevent the problem of grey hair.

How To Use:

  • Warm some coconut oil and then apply it all over your hair and scalp.
  • Leave it overnight or for a minimum of 30-minutes before washing.
  • Repeat the application of coconut oil on the hair for 2 times in a week and witness the necessary results against hair greying.

See More: Coconut Water For Weight Loss

Coconut Oil Side Effects:

Not many people are aware of the fact that despite the various benefits of pure coconut oil, you may also have to face some of the coconut oil side effects. Yes, there are some side effects associated with coconut oil, and thus it should be taken with proper care and after proper consultation from the health expert.

If you are unaware of the side effects associated with coconut oil, then here are some of them that you should keep in mind:

  • It can elevate cholesterol levels.
  • It may cause some allergies.
  • It might harm the heart.
  • Can cause diarrhoea.
  • Can be the reason for liver damage.
  • Acne breakout.

These are some of the popular coconut oil side effects which may show up if it is taken in not so appropriate amount.

Coconut oil is simply the best solution that you can use for most of your health, hair and skin needs. It contains all the needed benefits that can effectively solve all the problems of its users. Coconut oil nutrition is totally suitable for improving the health, hair, and skin of its users. The only thing that is needed is to be aware of all the benefits of coconut oil and the various ways in which you can make the most of them.

If you need any other information about the various benefits of coconut oil, then do comment below. We would get back to you with the best possible information about the same.

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