18 Best Pomegranate Juice Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health

How many times you are told for drinking pomegranate juice” Well, it is because of pomegranate juice nutrition due to which it is always in demand with the users. Pomegranate is actually a fruit-bearing deciduous shrub which belongs to the family of Lythraceae. Also, it just grows within the range of 5-10 m which is 16-33 ft. tall. In this post, we enlisted 18 best pomegranate juice benefits (anar juice benefits) for skin, hair and health.

pomegranate juice benefits

Pomegranate is native from Iran to the Himalayas and was also cultivated in the Mediterranean region. Now, it is widely cultivated throughout India as well as in the drier regions of Southeast Asia, Malaya, the East Indies, and tropical Africa. The scientific name of pomegranate juice is also known as Punica Granatum.

  • Hindi: Anar ka Ras
  • Telugu: Danim’ma Rasam
  • Tamil: Matulai Caru
  • Malayalam: Matalappalam Jyus
  • Kannada: Dalimbe Rasa

Try and use the natural pomegranate juice in your routine and you will witness the pomegranate juice antioxidants delivering their benefits to your health.

What Is Pomegranate Juice?

Pomegranate juice or very popularly known as anar juice is a juice which is made using fresh pomegranate. It is used both as fresh juice and as a concentrated syrup. With time, you can also find some of the amazing pomegranate juice recipes which have added to the charm of the juice. The best pomegranate juice is known to have a high level of antioxidants which are beneficial for the body.

Is Pomegranate Juice Good For You?

Yes, pomegranate juice is extremely healthy for you. However, to get the expected benefits from the real pomegranate juice, you should be regular with its consumption. Include the various uses of pomegranate juice in your diet and then get the plenty of anar juice benefits for your entire body. Pomegranate juice is the complete collection of vitamins and minerals that your body needs and thus is extremely healthy.

Importance Of Pomegranate Juice:

Talking about the importance of pomegranate juice, you can easily understand that by the number of anar juice benefits that you get. The benefits of drinking pomegranate juice daily are not limited to just 1 or 2 benefits but it delivers to the entire body.

The only thing that you should take care when planning to get the pomegranate juice nutritional benefits is to make use of only pure pomegranate juice. With the regular consumption, you will certainly witness some amazing benefits happening to your body.

Pomegranate Juice Nutrition Facts:

It is not just important to know how to drink pomegranate juice. To be sure about is pomegranate juice healthy, you should be sure about the pomegranate juice properties as well as about the pomegranate juice nutrition.

If you are not sure of the nutritional value of pomegranate juice, then here is some of the essential information about the pomegranate juice calories, pomegranate juice vitamins along with the various details of why drink pomegranate juice.

  • Calories: 52.8
  • Total Fat: 0 g
  • Sodium: 1.7 mg
  • Potassium: 177.8 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 13.3 g
  • Sugar: 10.6 g
  • Vitamin A: 2 %
  • Proteins: 1.1 g
  • Vitamin C: 9 %
  • Fibre: 0.8 g
  • Vitamin E: 2 %
  • Magnesium: 2 %
  • Phosphorous: 2 %

With these pomegranate juice nutrition facts, you can plan how to use pomegranate juice in the best manner and also how to make pomegranate juice. All these pomegranate juice nutrition facts are for 100 ML of quantity. It may change if you vary with the quantity of the pomegranate juice.

How To Make Pomegranate Juice?

There is always a certain way of making the best pomegranate juice and if you want to know how to do pomegranate juice on your own, then here are some of the basic steps that you can follow:

Ingredients Needed:

  • 1 large pomegranate.
  • one cup of water.
  • 1 mesh strainer.

Steps To Follow:

  • Cut open the pomegranate and then put it in the bowl of water.
  • Remove the seeds of the pomegranate underwater and remove all the peel associated with that.
  • Strain all the water from the seeds and make them a little dry.
  • Now put them into the blender and run the blender for some time until the seeds are broken.
  • Using a mesh strainer, strain the mixture and extract the juice.
  • You can also add sugar if needed, or else you can have the pomegranate juice in the natural form.

This is a simple and quick way of how to make pomegranate juice.

How Much Pomegranate Juice Should You Drink Daily?

If you are looking for how much pomegranate juice should I drink a day, then there is no set standard limit for the adults. However, it is safe and healthy to have about 8-12 ounces of pomegranate juice in a day.

Along with taking care of how much pomegranate juice per day, you should be sure that you are taking only fresh and organic pomegranate juice for getting the desired results.

Best Time To Drink Pomegranate Juice:

Though you can get all the nutritional value of pomegranate juice whenever you drink it but the best time to drink pomegranate juice is in the morning. Some of the health experts suggest having a glass of pomegranate juice in the morning after having a glass of water, for the concern when is the best time to drink pomegranate juice.

How To Drink Pomegranate Juice?

After knowing the best time to take pomegranate juice, it is also important to be aware of how to drink pomegranate juice. You can easily squeeze some fresh pomegranate juice in a glass and then have it in either the morning or in the afternoon.

Also, the best way is to drink pomegranate juice alone without mixing it with anything else.

Amazing Uses Of Pomegranate Juice:

Here we enlisted top 18 advantages of pomegranate juice for health, hair and skin. Let’s have a look into them.

health benefits of pomegranate juice

Health Benefits Of Pomegranate Juice:

You all must have heard your elders saying to drink pomegranate juice on a daily basis for its numerous benefits, isn’t it? But have you ever thought what are the health benefits of drinking pomegranate juice? Well, pomegranate juice is a complete package that can provide you with ample of benefits which are best for your health.

Here are some of the health benefits of pomegranate juice that you can try getting with the regular consumption of the juice:

1. Improves Heart Health:

Thanks to the presence of a number of antioxidants in pomegranate juice, it proves to be really beneficial for improving heart health. These available antioxidants help in balancing the good cholesterol in the body which tends to improve the functioning of the heart. You can totally rely on the pomegranate juice heart health benefits.

How To Consume:

  • Be sure that you are regular with the consumption of pomegranate juice for keeping your heart health in the best order.
  • In order to get the pomegranate juice concentrate health benefits, consume a glass in the morning or in the evening.

2. Reduces The Cholesterol Level:

Now let us talk about pomegranate juice cholesterol benefits. Yes, just like heart health, pomegranate juice is also beneficial for keeping the cholesterol levels of the users in control. The leaf extract and the pomegranate fruit deliver the maximum benefits for balancing the cholesterol levels. This is one of the popular benefits of anar ka juice that you can get.

How To Consume:

  • Include pomegranate fruit in your diet and keep your cholesterol level in control without any hassles.
  • You can also consume a glass of pomegranate juice for maintaining the cholesterol levels.

See More: Pomegranate Uses

3. It Controls Diabetes:

It has been observed that the sugar contained in pomegranate juice has no negative impact on the problem of diabetes. Therefore, the people who are suffering from diabetes can consume pomegranate juice without any problems. Pomegranate juice also contains anti-diabetic properties which tend to control the problem to the maximum.

This is one of the rare advantages of drinking pomegranate juice that you can rely on. This means that you can get all the benefits from the juice without worrying about impacting your diabetic condition. So, this must-have answered your concern about is pomegranate juice good for diabetes?

4. It Controls Blood Pressure Levels:

Consume a glass of pomegranate juice for getting the benefits of pomegranate juice for lowering blood pressure. Along with controlling the blood pressure levels, it also helps in improving the flow of blood through the cardiovascular system. This again enhances the proper functioning of the body. This is one popular health benefits of drinking pomegranate juice.

How To Consume:

  • You can either consume a glass in the morning or in the evening for getting the desired benefits.
  • Just be sure that you are regular with the consumption so as to get the best results.

5. Reduces Cancer Risk:

One of the major health benefits of pomegranate juice is its strength to reduce the risk of cancer. If you have been regular with the consumption of pomegranate juice, you will be at a lower risk of cancer. Also, you can also cure the symptoms and causes of cancer by being regular with the consumption of pomegranate juice.

How To Consume:

In order to get benefits of pomegranate juice prostate cancer, you can mix some pomegranate juice with spinach juice and then have this mixture. You will witness your health improving within no time with this consumption.

6. It Can Fight Inflammation:

Eating pomegranate seeds can bring desirable relief in the inflammation problem. Along with this, the anti-inflammation properties of pomegranate juice bring significant results for controlling the inflammation struggles. After regular consumption of the pomegranate juice, you will get the required benefit against inflammation along with other problems like anxiety and pain. Most of the people are making the most of these advantage of anar juice, when are you?

How To Consume:

  • You can get these benefits of drinking pomegranate juice if you are regular with the consumption.
  • All you need to do is to drink a glass of pomegranate juice when feeling inflammation.

See More: Pomegranate Seeds Uses

7. Improves Digestion:

It is also one of the popular organic pomegranate juice benefits which many people know about. The vitamins present in pomegranate helps in improving the digestion power of the user by effectively converting fat into energy. Along with this, it has a rich amount of fibre which also improves digestion.

How To Consume:

  • To be sure of getting the benefits of pomegranate juice digestion, you should consume a glass of pomegranate juice on a regular basis.
  • Also, the anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate juice can control gastric problems as well.

8. It Can Strengthen Teeth:

It has been revealed in recent studies that one of the major advantages of anar juice is to strengthen the teeth and improving oral health. Not many people are aware of these pure pomegranate juice benefits and thus they fail to get them as well. However, you can get an effective remedy from pomegranate juice against oral problems. The anti-bacterial and antimicrobial properties of pomegranate juice help in controlling the various infections as well as the growth of bacteria inside the mouth.

How To Consume:

  • You should eat the pomegranate fruit on a regular basis for making your teeth and oral health better.

9. It Promotes Weight Loss:

For all those people who are looking for controlling their weight and to lose those extra kilos, you can try getting the benefits of drinking pomegranate juice for the same. It is observed that pomegranate juice is rich in the fibre content which helps in keeping the weight under control.

How To Consume:

  • Simply consume a glass of pomegranate juice before your meals as it will help you limit your eating capacity and so will control your weight.
  • Also, the consumption of pomegranate juice will keep you full for a long time and you will also feel energized.
  • Include these pomegranate juice benefits for weight loss in your diet and see the magic happening within no time.

10. It Strengthens The Immune System:

The various antioxidants available in the pomegranate juice help its best in strengthening the immune system of the users. A better and stronger immune system is one of the benefits of drinking pomegranate juice every day. Apart from this, the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate juice control all the other possible problems of the immunity system.

How To Consume:

  • Include the consumption of pomegranate fruit in your diet or drink a glass of pomegranate juice regularly for getting the pomegranate fruit juice benefits.

See More: Pomegranate Seed Oil Uses

11. It Makes Pregnancy Easy:

Are you aware of the consumption of pomegranate juice in pregnancy? Most of the health experts suggest the consumption of pomegranate juice during the pregnancy for getting its benefits for the expecting mother as well as for the baby. However, you should try getting the real pomegranate juice benefits in order to improve the health of the baby and the mother.

How To Consume:

  • Drink 2 glasses of pomegranate juice in a day for getting the best of health benefits of anar juice.
  • It will improve the blood circulation along with reducing the inflammation and bacterial growth during pregnancy.

12. It Improves Menstrual Health:

Control all the possible menstrual problems with the health benefits of drinking pomegranate juice. The consumption of pomegranate helps in controlling the irregularity of menstrual cycle along with bringing in the desired ease in the associated problems. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate juice help in making the menstrual cycle better.

How To Consume:

  • In order to get the pomegranate fruit juice benefits, you should start taking the pomegranate juice a few days before the beginning of your menstrual cycle.
  • The anti-bacterial properties will also help in controlling bacterial growth during that time.

These health benefits answer all the concerns about what are the benefits of drinking pomegranate juice. So, when are you planning to include the benefits of drinking pomegranate juice every day?

Pomegranate Juice Benefits For Skin:

Just like the advantages of pomegranate juice for health, there is a number of pomegranate juice benefits for skin as well. If you are still not sure about is pomegranate juice good for your skin, then the information about these benefits of anar juice for skin will certainly clear your mind. Here are some of the essential benefits of drinking pomegranate juice for skin:

anar juice benefits

13. It Is An Excellent Anti-Aging Agent:

Without a doubt, the regular consumption of pomegranate juice can bring effective benefits for controlling the age effects for its users. Along with controlling the ageing signs, it also helps in the generation of new cells which make the skin even more glowing and beautiful.

How To Consume:

  • To get the pomegranate juice benefits for skin to consume a glass of the juice in the morning or in the evening.
  • Within no time, you will see desirable results for your skin.

14. It Heals Scars:

Another amazing benefit of pomegranate juice for skin is its ability to heal the skin scars. As pomegranate juice can help in the regeneration of the skin cells, it can facilitate the healing process of skin scars. The regular use of anar juice also protects the skin from the sun damages.

How To Apply:

  • Mix some of the pomegranate juice with rose water and then apply on the affected skin.
  • You will be amazed by the results that this will generate.
  • This is one of the simple yet effective anar juice benefits for skin that you can try.

See More: Pomegranate For Weight Loss

15. It Makes Skin Glowing:

benefits of drinking pomegranate juice

If you are looking for a natural ingredient with which you can make your skin glowing, then you can try getting the benefits of anar juice for the skin. Regularly applying the pomegranate juice on the skin will improve the skin texture and will make it glowing naturally.

How To Apply:

  • Mix some powdered green papaya, grape seed extract, grape seed oil, and pomegranate juice and then apply this mixture on your face.
  • Leave this mixture for about an hour on the face and then wash your face with lukewarm water for getting the best benefits of pomegranate juice for the skin.

Pomegranate Juice Benefits For Hair:

Along with the many pomegranate juice benefits, one of the significant benefits is for the user’s hair. It is not just the skin or the health that gets benefitted with pomegranate juice but even your hair will get benefit with its consumption. If you are not aware of the advantages of pomegranate juice for your hair, then here are some of them:

uses of pomegranate juice

16. It Controls Hair Fall:

If you are struggling with the problem of hair fall, then you should start consuming pomegranate juice daily. It has been observed that with the regular consumption of pomegranate juice helps in strengthening the hair follicles which in return make the hair stronger. This, as a result, controls the problem of hair fall with the best effects.

How To Consume:

  • Simply drink a glass of anar juice on a daily basis in either the morning or in the evening and you will see amazing results against your problem of hair fall.

17. Improves Hair Health:

Improvement in hair health is one of the other benefits of drinking pomegranate juice for its users. The regular consumption improves the blood circulation in the scalp which in return improves the quality of the hair. Also, pomegranate juice contains punicic acid which helps in making the hair stronger along with stimulating the hair growth.

How To Consume:

  • You should drink a glass of pomegranate juice twice in a week for getting the required benefits for hair growth and hair health.

18. Controls Dandruff:

This might appear to be a bit surprising but it is true. Pomegranate juice can actually control the problem of dandruff for its users. As the regular consumption of pomegranate juice helps in facilitating the hair growth along with improving the hair quality, it controls the problem of dandruff as well. This is one of the effective benefits of anar ka juice that you can get for your hair.

How To Consume:

  • Have a glass of pomegranate juice every alternate day for getting rid of the problem of dandruff and improving the hair quality and texture.

See More: Pomegranate For Diabetes

Pomegranate Juice Side Effects:

We all are aware of the pomegranate juice benefits, aren’t we? But are you aware that there are many pomegranate juice side effects as well? Yes, no matter how hard it is to believe but pomegranate does have some side effects associated with it.

Here are some of the pomegranate juice side effects that you might have to face if you are not sure about the appropriate amount to be consumed:

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Itching.
  • Swelling.
  • Running nose.
  • Difficulty in breathing.

To avoid these side effects and to only get fresh pomegranate juice benefits, you should get consulted by your health expert before starting with its consumption.

Pomegranates are one juicy and delicious ingredient which is simple to eat and also offers optimal health benefits. To make the most of the various uses of pomegranate juice, you should be sure about how to use pomegranate juice. Also, you should make sure that you are using fresh pomegranate juice to avoid the possible side effects.

If you have any doubts regarding the importance of pomegranate juice or about the health benefits of anar juice, then do comment below. We would get back to you with the best possible details and information about your concern so that you can get the maximum benefits of pomegranate juice daily.

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