18 Latest Celtic Tattoo Designs To Adorn Your Body

Celtic tattoo designs feature a number of complicates twists and turns fraught with knots and complicated curves. On the surface they appear to be stunning tattoo designs that never fails to capture your attention, however its meaning goes a little deeper than its beautiful facade. Most Celtic tattoo designs symbolize various different kinds of meanings.

Celtic Tattoos Meaning and Significance:

The symbols are mostly a mixture of German and Pagan cultures. It was originally tattooed on the Celtic warriors. Celtic knots also hold a religious significance where the knots represent the interconnection of humans with the rest of the universe. Celtic knots also indicate endlessness. Made of a single thread, they have no beginning or end. It indicates the never-ending circle of a human life. The trinity Celtic knots, which are made using three knots indicate the union between three people. Although Celtic tattoos are originally done on men, today it does not hold to any sort of gender bias.

celtic tattoo designs

Latest Designs of Celtic Tattoos:

Here we present the best Celtic Tattoo Designs and their meanings for both men and women have been enlisted in the following paragraphs.

1. Celtic Bird Tattoo Designs On Girl Belly:

Celtic bird tattoo designs

Celtic birds look extremely beautiful. They are way more complicated then the flowers or other curves and look stunning. They generally hold supernatural significance’s and are more common with the ladies. You can get one made anywhere on your body arm, leg, shoulder, waist anywhere at all! Birds symbolized a higher vibration of existence for the Celtics since they spent their times flying in superior skies. Thus bird tattoos often symbolize purity.

  • Best for: These Celtic style tattoos are suitable for both men and women who love nature. Birds, which are also a part of nature symbolise innocence, purity and freedom. Just like the winged birds, the wearers also wish to have endless freedom and connection with nature.
  • Preferable ink: The Celtic knot tattoo looks best in black colored ink.
  • Where: This tattoo looks great on arms, shoulder, neck and back.
  • Size: It is preferably done in small and medium sizes.
  • Skin tone: This tattoo is best suitable for those with Wheatish to fair skin.

2. Interwoven Celtic Cross Tattoos:

There are several Celtic tattoo designs which feature a cross in them. They can either be interwoven within a Celtic circle or have curves twisted around them. Most of the cross designs, hold deeply religious and spiritual meanings. They are popular forms of protection too. Celtic crosses denote a passage between heaven and earth. Crosses with circles around them are used to denote infinity. They hold a number of religious meaning s too and are popular in today’s world.

  • Best for: This interwoven Celtic knot design is a unisex pattern. It is preferable for those who are religious and spiritual. If you also seek divine protection, this is the best design.
  • Preferable ink: The complex design is best done in three main colors using black in the background.
  • Where: It is usually done on arms and shoulders. You can also opt for neck and back.
  • Size: Medium to large sized designs look amazing, as the color demarcation is clearly visible.
  • Skin tone: This tattoo is best suitable for those with light and fair skin tone.

3. Celtic Trinity And Triquetra Symbol Tattoo On Neck:

Triquetra is a Latin word meaning three cornered. It refers to the three sided triangular design and symbolizes various meanings like spirit, cosmos, nature or one’s beingness. The trinity symbol which is the triquetra along with a circle is sometimes used to symbolize the different moon and sun phases. It basically represents the lunar goddess of the Celts and is symbol of beauty and the female spirit.

  • Best for: If you are a person who believes in the supreme power of God, this tattoo is just for you. It also indicates your acceptance of being one in the endless universe. Suitable for both men and women.
  • Preferable ink: This Celtic back tattoo is preferably done in black ink.
  • Where: While biceps are the best spots, upper back also looks quite elegant.
  • Size: You can opt for medium to large sized designs based on where you want to get them inked
  • Skin tone: Suitable for dusky to light skin tone.

See More: Ankle Tattoo Designs For Men

4. Fish or Salmon Celtic Tattoo Designs On Arm:

The fish or the salmon is the zodiac animal for the time between august 5 to September 1. Fishes dive deep into the sea waters and leave us far behind upon our lands. Thus, fish symbols represent depth and a greater level of introspection. They also symbolize brilliance and excellence. They are common with those whose birthday falls within the given period.

  • Best for: Suitable for men and women who have an eye for details and have the ability to introspect before making any decisions.
  • Preferable ink: This tattoo is preferably done in black ink with hints of brown.
  • Where: There is no better choice than your shoulders to flaunt this gorgeous tattoo.
  • Size: A large sized tattoo design works well considering the size of the shoulder.
  • Skin tone: Looks great on medium, light and fair skin tones.

5. Small Butterfly Celtic Tattoo Designs:

Butterfly is the zodiac symbol for the period September 30 to October 27. Butterflies symbolize a youthful happiness and sense of wonder. The common idiom- “social butterfly”, is apt to describe this tattoo’s significance. The butterfly design can be made beautiful by adding various kinds of curves. Its commonly used as a zodiac sign and also for its beauty and simplicity.

  • Best for: For all those men and women who love to socialize and believe in human relationships, there can be no better way to do it than getting this Celtic Butterfly tattoos inked.
  • Preferable ink: Black is the best suited ink for this tattoo.
  • Where: You can place them on arms, shoulders, neck and back.
  • Size: Small to medium sized butterfly design works well.
  • Skin tone: Best suitable for medium, light and fair skin tones.

6. Dara Celtic Knot Tattoo:

Celtic tattoos are the most famous of all Celtic forms of artwork. The Dara Celtic knots symbolize power, destiny, wisdom, strength, endurance and leadership. They are complicated designs that look formidable as tattoos. This knot is often associated with the oak and thus seeks to remind us of our roots too.

  • Best for: This is another unisex tattoo, which is popular with people who have a strong affinity for their roots. They are emotional and attached to their loved ones and places.
  • Preferable ink: Black ink highlights the tattoo well.
  • Where: Get them placed on your arms, back and neck.
  • Size: This is one of the small Celtic tattoos which can adorn your body.
  • Skin tone: These tattoos are done in black, so the best suited skin tone in dusky, light and fair.

See More: Trinity Knot Tattoo Designs

7. Quaternary Celtic Knot Tattoos On Leg:

Quartenary celtic designs

Quaternary Celtic leg tattoos have four corners which can either represent the four directions, the four main seasons or the four elements earth, water, fire and air. These knots are used in different designs to symbolize different meanings. Closed Celtic knots signify infinite while the open ones symbolize journey. There are several different kinds of Quaternary Celtic knots. Their distinguishing mark is that they always have four different corners.

  • Best for: These Celtic tattoos on ankle are quite popular with women who identify themselves as part of the nature. The four knots indicate their harmony with the four elements of nature.
  • Preferable ink: You can get this design inked in black and brown colors.
  • Where: The best places are arms, ankles and even wrists.
  • Size: As they placed on smaller areas, small to medium sized tattoos look well.
  • Skin tone: This design is suitable for dusky to fair skin tones.

See More:Capricorn Tattoo Designs And Meaning

8. Triple Spiral Celtic Tattoo Designs:

Triple spiral celtic design

The triple spiral symbol represents the feminine powers of the maiden, the mother and the crone. It represents the power that one gains through transformation of growth. It holds a deep meaning. But often people use it in their designs without truly understanding its implications. The tattoo is also done with a realistic 3D effect to make it look unique and appealing.

  • Best for: This is one of the best Celtic tattoo designs for women, who at every stage have proved their worth. These multi talented women are equal to men in all respects and are an inspiration to fellow women like them.
  • Preferable ink: Use black ink for the base with brown shaded ink to give a 3D look.
  • Where: These are placed on arms, shoulders, biceps and even upper back.
  • Size: Due to the complexity of the design, this tattoo is best done in medium to large sizes.
  • Skin tone: This design is apt for light and fair skin tones.

9. Celtic Tribal Tattoos On Half Side:

Tribal Celtic tattoos make use of all sorts of Celtic knots and symbols. They are beautiful and somewhat intimidating to look at. They also represent different elements of nature like sun, moon, air etc. They also indicate the pride with which they carry the tribal culture and heritage. Tribal tattoos are often indications of strength, valour and chieftain qualities.

  • Best for: This Celtic Chest tattoo is preferably done by men who believe in their power. They are deeply connected with the elements of nature from which they acquire all the energies.
  • Preferable ink: Black or dark brown ink works amazing for this tattoo design.
  • Where: Tribal tattoos hold different meaning based on the placement area. If you want to indicate power and strength, you can choose a spot on the upper part of your body.
  • Size: A large sized tattoo alone can capture all the details of the tribal art.
  • Skin tone: Mainly intended for medium to light skin tones.

10. Cool Celtic Tree Tattoos:

By Celtic tattoos we mostly talk about the tribal ones which are made up of tribal patterns along with Celtic lines and knots. However, the truth is that there are a number of other varieties when it comes to Celtic tattoo designs for men because you can get a lot of other designs which can be broadened with the help of Celtic lines and designs. This tree design indicates the deep connection with their roots which are hard to uproot.

  • Best for: For all the men who are proud of their roots and are quite emotionally attached to them, this tattoo is one of the best designs.
  • Preferable ink: Black works really well for this tattoo design.
  • Where: Celtic trees are usually done on the back, shoulders and even biceps.
  • Size: A medium sized to large sized tattoo design can do justice.
  • Skin tone: Suitable for medium to light skin tones.

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11. Celtic Owl Tattoo Design:

It is a trend nowadays to get Celtic tattoos done but we often fail to understand the Celtic tattoo meaning of most of them. Here we can see this owl and moon design where we find the scene of a night where the owl can be seen in the light of the moon. The body of the owl is completely done with the help of Celtic lines which indicates psychic awareness and knowledge about other worlds.

  • Best for: This is for both men and women who are full of wisdom and intellect. They are people with secret knowledge about the other worlds and think beyond the normal.
  • Preferable ink: This Celtic Sleeve tattoo is usually done in black colored ink.
  • Where: These tattoos are inked on sleeves, back, neck and shoulders.
  • Size: A medium sized to large sized tattoo design can capture the details of the owl well,
  • Skin tone: Suitable for medium to light skin tones.

12. Bold Celtic Cross Tattoo Designs:

Earlier we have spoken about a Celtic cross in green color which looked very bright and colorful. This one is also a Celtic cross but very different from the previous one because this is much bolder and does not have any kind of color in it. Also this is one of the best ideas for Celtic tattoo designs for men with the grunge and Gothic look and the rich design of course. The detailing of the cross is done with the Triquetra Celtic knots and looks beautiful absolutely. The Celtic knots make each part look very broadened.

  • Best for: If you have a love for the Gothic, this tattoo is the best one. It is suitable for men, but women who are fascinated by the elements of the medieval era can also try this.
  • Preferable ink: Use black, white, brown and red colored inks.
  • Where: As this tattoo is exceptionally large in size, the area on back and check is apt.
  • Size: Go for a medium to large sized tattoo to capture all the details.
  • Skin tone: This looks great on medium to fair skinned people.

13. Celtic Heart Tattoo With A Cross:

With a deep meaning, this is one of the best Celtic cross tattoo designs. The meaning of this pattern is the combination of a heart and a cross where it is shown how you can purify the heart with a cross. There is a divine relation between a cross and the human heart and here a person’s hands are shown holding the heart. This is a very thoughtful tattoo and is mainly a one chosen by the spiritual minded people. This tattoo is a manly one however a woman can modify a little to get it inked since the design is just so beautiful

  • Best for: This Celtic arm tattoo is specially created for spiritual men and women, who have an emotional and psychological connection with the divine.
  • Preferable ink: Best done in black, red and brown colored inks.
  • Where: This tattoo is preferably done on the arms and biceps.
  • Size: Opt for a medium to large sized tattoo to cover the arm well.
  • Skin tone: Perfect for medium to fair skinned people.

14. Compass And Shield Sleeve Celtic Tattoo Designs:

It is impressive to see how simple Celtic lines and knots can become bases of the most gorgeous tattoo designs and this is yet another example of the most beautiful Celtic tattoos for men which can best ornate the well puffed arms and muscles of the hunk. Here the design is of a shield on which we can even see a compass done. There must be some significance of both of these and together they make an awesome combination absolutely. The richness of the design is another plus point and it is not a very long one also that it would cover the whole arm.

  • Best for: For all the men and women who love to travel and witness the endless beauty of the world, this is the best design. It also highlights their sense of direction and ability to make the right decisions.
  • Preferable ink: Usually done in black colored ink.
  • Where: If you have well-toned biceps, this design is just for you.
  • Size: A medium to large sized design is ideal on those beautifully built biceps.
  • Skin tone: Best suits for medium to fair skinned people.

15. Celtic Full Body Tattoo Designs:

Tattoos are passion for a lot of people and this one is a perfect example of this notion. While Celtic tattoos for men are very common women such as this one breaks all rules to get a look as this one. Her whole body is inked with tattoos where Celtic lines are making the base of almost all designs if you take a very close look at her. She looks gorgeous with all the body art and it surely needs a lot of courage to get something like this done.

  • Best for: This is for men and women who are extremely bold to cover their whole bodies in tattoos. These people are fearless and emotionally very strong.
  • Preferable ink: Body tattoos are better done in black colored ink.
  • Where: You can choose any spot on the body to capture the beauty of Celtic knots.
  • Size: You can have a group of tattoos in combination of small to medium sizes.
  • Skin tone: Fair skinned people can carry it off really well.

16. Celtic Warrior Tattoo Designs:

This tattoo is specially made for people who believe in the power of true warrior spirit. Celtic warriors are symbols of power, strength and masculinity. They also represent status, action and heroism. Many people especially the men get these tattoos done to symbolize that they are warriors in their family, who can bring in light even in utmost darkness. These tattoos also mean that the person is reliable and dependable.

  • Best for: Ideal for men, but even women who believe that they are true fighters can get this tattoo done. Celtic warrior tattoos represent loyalty, strength and reliability.
  • Preferable ink: These tattoos are usually done in black, brown and red colors.
  • Where: Celtic warrior tattoos are done on the biceps and shoulders.
  • Size: They are best done in large sizes to capture the fine details of the warrior and the background scenes.
  • Skin tone: Medium to fair skinned people can carry it off really well.

17. Celtic Dragon Tattoo Design:

A Dragon is one of the significant motifs in the Celtic mythology. They are considered to be symbols of highest power and strength. Celtic dragons also represent wisdom and status. They are known to be the guardians of the family and also leaders of their clan. Celtic dragons are also seen as symbols of immortality. However, another way to look at Celtic dragons is to equal them to confusion, chaos and death, with the head and tail twisted into a knot.

  • Best for:Celtic dragons are best suitable for both men and women who are the bosses of their business. They are true leaders and strongly believe in themselves.
  • Preferable ink: These tattoos are usually done in jet black ink.
  • Where: Celtic dragon tattoos are usually placed on arms, biceps and even the back of the neck.
  • Size: Medium to large sized designs offer better visibility.
  • Skin tone: Best suits all skin tones, especially light to fair skin tone.

18. Celtic Flower Tattoo Designs:

This beautiful Celtic flower tattoo is a symbol of love, affection and relationship. It also indicates motherhood. Just like the way a mother and child are connected with the umbilical cord, the two flowers are interconnected using the Celtic knot. The complex part of this design is that the tattoo indicates role reversal after a few days, where in the older days, the child becomes a guardian of her own mother.

  • Best for: This is one of the best Celtic wrist tattoos for females who have experienced the beauty and joy of motherhood. They use these tattoos to connect themselves with their children and their own parents.
  • Preferable ink: Best done in black colors.
  • Where: They are done on arms and wrists to offer better visibility.
  • Size: You can get them in medium to large sized designs for capturing even fine details.
  • Skin tone: Medium to fair skinned people are ideal for this design.

Additional Tips To Return The Elegance Of Celtic Tattoo Designs

Check out these tips to make your Celtic knot tattoo look perfect:

  • Celtic tattoo designs are extremely complex and it takes years of practice to achieve the design using free hand.
  • It is better to use a stencil to etch the outline perfectly and fill the colors.
  • Celtic knots have specific purpose and should be done only when you fully understand its meaning and importance
  • Smaller sized Celtic tattoo designs may end up looking like a patch after few years. Medium and larger sized designs work well.

We hope this article gave you some major tattoo goals this season! Celtic knots are definitely trending thanks to the complexity and also the intricacy with which the designs are made. Most people who have a love for the past, particularly the Gothic and the medieval eras are totally sold with these designs. They have deeper symbolic meaning which needs to be thoroughly understood before zeroing in on a particular design. So folks, if you want to add a touch of religion and spirituality in your tattoo, Celtic tattoos are your best bet!

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