20 Easy Home Remedies For Cracked Heels That Work

Who doesn’t love shopping for shoes or sandals? Women especially love having multiple pairs of footwear. But cracked heels can be embarrassing since you need to try different shoes to pick one; sarees get stuck in the heel cracks. Many of us, including men and women, have the issue of cracked heels that result in pain and awkwardness. We present you with a list of practical home remedies for cracked heels. People have severe tenderness, roughness, deep cracks that cause severe pain and burning sensation. Let us check out the causes, preventive measures, and remedies for cracked heels.

home remedies for cracked heels

What Causes Cracked Heels:

Here are some of the reasons that cause cracked heels making your feet look like parched earth.

  • If you stand in damp areas for an extended period.
  • If there is excess dryness in your skin.
  • Deficiency of vitamins.
  • Obesity.
  • If you have poor hygiene.
  • Genetic factors.
  • With age.
  • Inadequacy of moisture.

How Can You Prevent Cracked Heels:

Here are some ways you can prevent your cracked heels. Since prevention is better than cure, by following some simple steps, you can avoid cracked heels altogether.

  • Stay hydrated by drinking water in large quantities.
  • Wear socks that help lock moisture.
  • Apply any foot cream or petroleum jelly before going to bed.
  • Don’t do any work that puts pressure on your heels.
  • Scrub dead skin from your foot with a pumice stone.
  • Try not to wear ill-fitted shoes or high heel sandals.
  • Consult a doctor if there is a medical reason for your cracked heels such as Diabetes.

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Home Remedies To Treat Cracked Heels:

Here is a list of home remedies explained in detail with instructions about how to prepare and how it works in healing your cracked heels.

1. Banana And Avocado:


  • ½ of Avocado.
  • One ripe banana.

How To Prepare:

  • Put one ripe banana and half avocado in a blender and blend it.
  • Apply the smooth paste to the cracked heels.
  • After 10 to 15 minutes, wash your heels with warm water.

How Does It Work:

Bananas are abundant in vitamin A and potassium with a creamy texture that works as a natural moisturizer making your dry skin soft. Whereas Avocado repairs your dry skin with the help of vitamins and essential oils in it. You can use this paste daily for two weeks to get the desired results.


  • Be sure to pick ripe bananas, as raw bananas have acids that may affect your feet adversely.

2. Epsom Salt, Turmeric Warm Water Soak:


  • Half a cup of Epsom salt.
  • Spoonful turmeric.
  • A bowl full of lukewarm water to soak your feet.

How To Prepare:

  • Take a big bowl filled with lukewarm water in which you can soak your legs.
  • Add half a cup of Epsom salt and spoonful turmeric into the water.
  • Soak your legs by putting them into the water.
  • Let your legs stay in the water for 20 minutes.
  • Scrub your feet with the pumice stone.
  • Later dry off your legs.

How Does It Work:

The magnesium sulfate in Epsom salt works perfectly to ease soreness and pain caused by cracked heels. Turmeric is a natural antiseptic adding to the benefits of Epsom salt. This is one of the simple ways to heal your cracked heels. (1)


  • There are many types of Epsom salts available in the market. But be sure to buy an organic product that is used explicitly for soaking your feet. If you are allergic to Epsom salt, then they may cause allergies.

3. Tea Tree Oil:


  • Six drops of tea tree oil.
  • Spoonful coconut oil.
  • A pair of socks.

How To Prepare:

  • Take the spoonful coconut oil, six drops of tea tree oil, and mix them properly.
  • Apply the mixture on your cracked feet.
  • Put on your socks and leave them overnight.

How Does It Work:

Tea tree oil has anti-microbial properties that help you treat the germs in your heels that cause pain and discomfort. It is also helpful in cleansing your skin, too, thereby minimize the pain associated with it. You can repeat this process every day until your heels heal. (2)


  • It is necessary to remember to dilute tea tree oil with a combination of another oil.

4. Olive Oil:


  • One spoonful olive oil.
  • Cotton balls.
  • A pair of thick cotton socks.

How To Prepare:

  • Take a spoonful olive oil in a bowl.
  • Apply the oil with the help of cotton balls on your feet where you have cracks.
  • Put on your socks; keep it there for an hour.
  • They remove your socks and wash your legs with warm water.

How Does It Work:

One of the most readily available remedy to get soft heels is olive oil. It makes your skin supple and provides the nourishment it needs. (3)

5. Neem:


  • A handful of neem leaves.
  • A pinch of turmeric.
  • Some water.

How To Prepare:

  • Place the handful of neam leaves, turmeric, and water into a blender.
  • Blend it into a smooth paste.
  • Apply the paste generously for 30 minutes and leave it.
  • Take warm water and wash your feet.

How Does It Work:

To fight the infection and soothe the cracked heel, Neem is a natural solution as it is abundant with anti-bacterial and fungicidal properties. You can use this paste daily to get the desired results. (4)

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6. Camphor:


  • Camphor.
  • A big bowl of warm water to soak your feet.

How To Prepare:

  • Add camphor to the big bowl of water and mix it well.
  • Soak your feet in the solution for 15 minutes.
  • You can scrub your feet with a pumice stone.
  • Remove your feet and pat them dry.
  • Moisturize your feet.

How Does It Work:

One of the readily available ingredients in every home is camphor that has reduces itching and irritation for your feet softening them. It also stops the cracks from reoccurring.

7. Baking Soda:


  • Three spoonfuls of baking soda.
  • A big bowl of warm water you can put your feet into.

How To Prepare:

  • Add the three spoons full of baking powder into the bowl of warm water.
  • Now soak your legs into the bowl of soda mixture for 15 minutes.
  • You can scrub your feet with a pumice stone.
  • After 15 minutes, you can remove your legs and dry them out.

How Does It Work:

Baking soda works as a natural exfoliator and has anti-inflammatory properties that help heal the cracks in your heels and removes dead skin cells naturally. You can use it twice or thrice a week. (5)


  • It is always better to do a patch test on your skin to see if you are allergic to baking powder.

8. Listerine Vinegar Sugar Scrub:


  • One cup of Listerine.
  • One cup of vinegar.
  • Two cups of water.

How To Prepare:

  • Mix all the ingredients with two cups of water and add the contents to a bigger bowl where you can soak your feet.
  • You can scrub your feet with a pumice stone.
  • Soak your feet for 15 minutes and dry your feet.

How Does It Work:

Vinegar acts as an exfoliating agent and has mild acids that soften dead, dry skin. Listerine heals your cracked skin as it contains alcohol and thymol help fight infections in your feet. You can use this scrub daily to get soft and relieved heels.


  • Listerine can result in irritation if you have sensitive skin.

9. Honey:


  • A big bowl of warm water to soak your legs.
  • One cup of honey.

How To Prepare:

  • Take a big bowl of warm water and add the cupful honey to the water.
  • Mix it well so that the honey mixes well into the water.
  • Soak your feet for 20 minutes.
  • Remove your feet, wash them, and pat them dry.

How Does It Work:

The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of honey, making it one of the best remedies to treat cracked heels. It also cleanses your heel and moisturizes it. You can use it daily.


  • Honey is rather safe unless you are allergic to pollen or bees.

10. Oatmeal With Oil:


  • One spoonful of oats.
  • Five drops of Jojoba oil.

How To Prepare:

  • Take spoonful oats and five drops of jojoba oil and mix them, making a thick paste.
  • Spread the oatmeal paste evenly on your feet.
  • Leave it there for an hour.
  • Clean your feet with cold water and dry them.

How Does It Work:

The anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties of oatmeal help exfoliate your feet by removing the dead skin, making it an excellent remedy for softer skin.

11. Paraffin Wax:


  • One spoonful paraffin wax.
  • Three drops of coconut oil.
  • A pair of socks.

How To Prepare:

  • Heat the paraffin wax and the coconut oil till both of them mix well.
  • Let it cool down.
  • Apply the resulting product evenly on your feet and cover them with socks and leave them overnight.

How Does It Work:

One of the best overnight remedies to reduce the cracked heels is paraffin wax, as it is a natural emollient. This ingredient helps soften your skin. You can follow the procedure twice a week for best results. (6)


  • If you have diabetes, then it is better to avoid this remedy.

12. Glycerin And Rose Water:


  • Two spoonfuls rosewater.
  • Two spoonfuls glycerin.
  • Half a cup of lemon juice.
  • One tablespoon salt.
  • A bowl of water to soak your legs.
  • A pair of socks.
  • Pumice stone.

How To Prepare:

  • Take a big basin with warm water and mix salt, lemon juice, rosewater, and glycerin.
  • Now soak your feet for ten minutes.
  • You can scrub your feet with a pumice stone.
  • Remove your legs and pat them dry.
  • You can mix spoonful glycerin, lemon juice, and rosewater and apply it on your cracked heels.
  • Wear socks and leave it overnight and wash off in the morning.

How Does It Work:

The mixture of the ingredients glycerin, rosewater, lemon, and salt work their magic as quickly as possible in treating dry skin. You can use this home remedy until you see the results you want. (7)


  • Since the lemon juice is acidic, some people may feel burning sensation if you oversoak.

13. Lemon And Water:


  • Lemon juice.
  • Warm water.
  • Pumice stone.

How To Prepare:

  • Take a big bowl of warm water and mix it with lemon juice.
  • Soak your feet in the water for 15 minutes. You can scrub your feet with a pumice stone.
  • Remove your feet, pat them dry and moisturize.

How Does It Work:

One of the major causes of cracked heels is the roughness of the skin. Lemon has acidic properties getting rid of the cracks in your heels. You can repeat the process every day until your feet become soft.


  • Try to limit the soak time to 15 minutes.

14. Coconut Oil:


  • Three spoonfuls coconut oil.
  • A pinch of turmeric.

How To Prepare:

  • Add the pinch of turmeric to the coconut oil.
  • Apply the mixture on your feet and let it stay there for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off the oil with warm water, dry your feet, and moisturize.

How Does It Work:

Coconut oil is one of the common ingredients readily available in every home that can help retain moisture in your feet. It also has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that treat your cracked heels by removing dead skin.

15. Rice Flour Paste:


  • Rice flour.
  • Olive oil.

How To Prepare:

  • Take a bowl and mix the handful of cornflour, and olive oil to form a thick paste.
  • Before you apply the paste to your feet, remember to soak your feet for ten minutes in warm water.
  • Now, apply the mixture on your feet evenly and let it stay for 15 minutes.
  • Wash your feet off and dry off your feet.

How Does It Work:

Rice flour can soften and soothe your cracked heels. You can use the process twice a week for the soft heels you always wanted.

16. Petroleum Jelly:


  • A big bowl of warm water.
  • Pumice stone.
  • Petroleum jelly.
  • A pair of socks.

How To Prepare:

  • Before you apply anything, soak your feet in a bowl of warm water for ten minutes.
  • Scrub your feet with a pumice stone. Dry off your feet.
  • Spread petroleum jelly on your feet and gently massage.
  • Wear a pair of thick socks and leave it overnight.

How Does It Work:

The moisturizing properties of petroleum jelly make it a perfect solution in preventing dryness and soothes your feet. You can do this every night. (8)

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17. Apple Cider Vinegar Soak:


  • Warm water.
  • A big basin to soak your feet.
  • One cup of apple cider vinegar.

How To Prepare:

  • Take a basin filled with warm water to soak your feet.
  • Mix the water with the apple cider vinegar.
  • Soak your feet in the bowl of mixture for 15 minutes.
  • Scrub your feet with a pumice stone to remove dead skin.

How Does It Work:

Apple Cider Vinegar or ACV has mild acids that will help soften your dry skin by exfoliating it thoroughly. With all the dead skin cells removed, you get a healthy skin. It is better if you follow this process every alternate day.

18. Vegetable Oil:


  • Two spoonfuls vegetable oil.
  • A pair of socks.

How To Prepare:

  • Wash your feet thoroughly and dry them completely.
  • Spread the vegetable oil all over the cracked heels.
  • Wear your socks, leaving them overnight.
  • Rinse off in the morning.

How Does It Work:

Vegetable oils have fats present in them that help heal your cracked feet. It also nourishes your feet with the necessary nutrients in the vegetable oil. You can use this oil every day to get the desired results.

19. Shea Butter:


  • One spoonful shea butter.
  • A pair of socks.

How To Prepare:

  • Wash your feet neatly and pat them dry.
  • Apply shea butter and massage it in the areas where there are cracks in your feet.
  • Wear socks and leave them overnight.
  • Rinse off in the morning.

How Does It Work:

The moisturizing nature of shea butter works like magic for dry skin, especially on your feet. The vitamins, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids help heal your dry skin making your heels soft. You can use it daily for your cracked feet to improve.


  • Unless you are allergic to shea butter, it is pretty safe.

When To Consult A Doctor:

Consulting a doctor becomes necessary if you have soreness, itching, and cracks in your heels persistent for more than a few days. Some times the causes for cracked heels might be simple ones, but to confirm that there is nothing serious, it is always better to consult a physician.

Cracked heels are not a matter of joke; it is better to try and prevent them from aggravating. There are many quick and straightforward ways to reduce the pain and discomfort caused by the dryness and cracks in your heels. With the list of the best home remedies for cracked heels at your disposal, you can efficiently address the issue at the comfort of your home. Let us know how these remedies worked out for you!

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are just suggestions, and we are in no way responsible for the effects the ingredients have on your skin. We suggest you consult a doctor before you use any of these remedies to be safe.


1. Are Cracked Heels Linked To Weather Conditions?

Yes! Weather plays an essential role in your skin conditions. Harsh climates like summer or winter can strip the skin of moisture and dry it out. This can cause your skin to break and cause cracks. It is recommended to go the extra mile in caring for your feet by soaking them in warm water, filing them, and moisturizing them with intense creams.

2. How Does Obesity Contribute To Cracked Heels?

Our feet support the entire weight of the body. When you are obese or overweight, the pressure on the feet increases, causing the skin to stretch sideways. Lack of proper maintenance or excessive dryness in the skin can cause this skin to crack. These cracks can deepen with time and can cause severe pain and discomfort.

3. Is It Safe To Use A Foot File To Remove Cracks?

A foot file or even a pumice stone has a coarse texture, which can scrub away the dead and dry skin. However, many people make a mistake of filing their foot when bare. This can lead to further damage and even bleeding of heels. Always soak your feet in warm water for 15 minutes and then gently scrub your feet.

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