20 Incredible Juices For Quick Weight loss

One of the major concerns for people of all ages and any gender is weight loss. Although workout is a must for a sound mind and body, there are many other ways you can reduce those unwanted pounds from your body. One of those Best ways is Juices for weight loss. It is an effective and fun way of losing weight where your body doesn’t have to go through rigorous training. It is also beneficial for people who have physical limitations.

Can Juices Result In Weight Loss?

Juices are liquid extracts of edible products like fruits, vegetables, and herbs. Blending these fruits and vegetable juices are known to help in weight loss. Although there are no specific studies to back up this point, many health enthusiasts swear that replacing fluids in place of solid food will curb the calorie intake, making you burn the pre-existent calories in your body.

juices for weight loss

Powerful Vegetable And Fruit Juices For Weight Loss:

To lose weight naturally and healthily, fruit and vegetable juices are an excellent choice. Below is a list of fluids that can be consumed to lose weight healthily.

1. Kiwi:

Kiwi is a fruit that originated from China, which is low in calories and is nutrient-dense. It has Vitamins C, K, E, Folate, and Potassium in abundance, making it a perfect fruit for health. Kiwi also increases the rate at which metabolism occurs in your body and also aids in good digestive health, which results in a healthy fat loss. (1)


  • 2 Kiwi fruits.
  • Honey for sweetening.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Three glasses of water.

How To Prepare:

  • Remove the skin of the Kiwi fruit properly with a sharp-edged spoon.
  • Cut the fruit into cubes and add it to the blender.
  • Blend the fruit by adding some honey, salt, and water.
  • You can either strain it or drink it directly.

See More: Healthy Vegetable Juices For Weight Loss

2. Watermelon:

Watermelon is mostly water content and have few calories making it the best fruit juices for weight loss. They are filled with potassium, fiber along with Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and lycopene that act as antioxidants. A person can gain only 46 to 61 calories from a cup of sliced watermelon. But you need to remember that the GI of watermelon is high, so control the amount you consume. (2)


  • Watermelon chunks.
  • A teaspoon of lemon juice.

How To Prepare:

  • Slice the watermelon into cubes and remove the seeds from them.
  • Add the sliced cubes along with lemon juice to the blender.
  • Blend the fruit thoroughly and move it into a glass.

3. Amla Juice:

Amla has the quality of maintaining your digestive health, accelerating your metabolism all through the day, burning more calories from your body. Consuming fresh fruit juice can add to the minerals and vitamins to your body, along with other health benefits. (3)


  • Eight Indian gooseberries.
  • One teaspoon honey.
  • Ginger.
  • Cumin seeds.

How To Prepare:

  • Chop amla, ginger, and place them in a blender.
  • Add cumin seeds and honey to the mix.
  • Blend the contents of the blender thoroughly into a juice consistency.
  • You can add jaljeera powder too.

4. Passionfruit:

Originating in South America, Passion fruit is a fruit with sweet edible pulpy insides covered with hard outer rind. It is a rich source of fiber, Vitamins C, A potassium and iron giving as low as 17 calories per fruit. The dietary fiber in this fruit slows down the digestive process making you feel full for a more extended period curbing your appetite.


  • 3 to 4 Passion fruits.
  • Natural sweetener.
  • Some water.

How To Prepare:

  • Scoop the insides of the passion fruits, including the seeds.
  • Add the content to the blender along with sweetener and some water.
  • Blend the contents properly, and you can remove the seeds by sieving the juice.

5. Pomegranate:

Pomegranate is a fruit rich in conjugated linolenic acid, polyphenols, and antioxidants that help burn excess fat from your body. It also increases the rate at which the process of metabolism occurs in your body. It also suppresses your hunger pangs, thereby reducing the calorie intake. (4)


  • A cup of pomegranate seeds.
  • Some water for smooth blending.

How To Prepare:

  • Add the pomegranate seeds to the blender along with some water.
  • Blend the seeds properly.
  • You can sieve the juice and gently push with the back of a spoon to extract maximum juice.

See More: Homemade Shakes for Weight Loss

6. Wheatgrass:

For increased metabolism and aiding in weight, loss Wheatgrass is an excellent choice as it has zero calories and no fat. It reduces cravings as wheatgrass is nutrient-dense, which makes you feel full for a longer time.


  • Chopped wheatgrass.
  • Some water for smooth blending.

How To Prepare:

  • Add the sliced wheatgrass and water to a food processor or a high-powered blender.
  • Blend the contents thoroughly.
  • Strain the juice to eliminate the pulp with the help of cheesecloth.
  • Remember to consume the blended juice within 24 hours.

7. Aloe vera:

Aloe vera is the best solution to reduce water weight by increasing metabolism in your body, thereby burning excess fat. It also works as a laxative, which helps the digestive process freeing motions that result in eliminating all the unnecessary weight in our body. (5)


  • Fresh aloe vera gel.
  • A glass full of water.
  • A teaspoon lemon juice.

How To Prepare:

  • Take a pan and add a glass of water and start boiling.
  • Add aloe vera gel to the water.
  • Stir continuously till the gel blends entirely into the water.
  • Add fresh lemon juice and consume it first thing in the morning.

See More: Advantages Of Drinking Hot Water

8. Noni Fruit Juice:

Native to Asia and Australia, the Noni plant is a small shrubby tree. Sleep also plays an essential role in losing weight properly. Noni fruit boosts the antioxidants in your body and promotes better sleep. The significant advantage of this fruit is that, along with losing weight, it also encourages a healthy body. (6)


  • Ripe noni fruit.
  • 1 cup of Water

How To Prepare:

  • Clean the fruit thoroughly, making the skin thinner than tomato.
  • Add the fruit and one cup of water to the blender.
  • To get filtered juice, place the puree into the sieve and press it.
  • You can collect the juice in a jar and take it one glass in the morning and another one in the evening.

9. Bottle gourd:

Bottle gourd juice is a superfood that has multitudinous health benefits that aid in weight loss. It has little to no calories and no fat, thereby resulting in the intake of very few calories, thus resulting in losing the flab. Bottle gourd, also called Lauki, is best taken early morning on an empty stomach and need to be consumed as fast as possible as it oxidizes fast. (7)


  • Bottle gourd cubes.
  • Salt to taste.
  • Mint leaves.
  • Ginger.

How To Prepare:

  • Add the sliced Lauki, ginger, mint leaves, and salt to the blender.
  • Add some water and blend it for 4 to 5 minutes.
  • Drink it early in the morning by sieving the juice.

10. Watercress:

The dark green leafy vegetable that has many health-promoting benefits is watercress. It is abundant in Vitamins K, C, A, and Calcium. Low in calories, watercress is a nutrient-dense vegetable making it an ideal veggie for weight loss as you get few calories but a load of nutrients.


  • 50 to 75 grams watercress.
  • One cup of water.
  • One spoon fresh lemon juice.

How To Prepare:

  • Wash the watercress very well before adding it to the blender.
  • Now add one cup of water and lemon juice.
  • Blend the contents thoroughly and sieve it to get a fresh cup of watercress juice.

11. Cabbage:

Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable that provides our body with the most vital nutrients and minerals. It is considered one of the best options if you want to lose weight using vegetable juices. Cabbage has Vitamin K, Folate, and magnesium.


  • Pieces of cabbage.
  • Water.
  • Salt to taste.

How To Prepare:

  • Place a bowl of water on the stove and add cabbage pieces to it.
  • Once the cabbage is cooked, remove it from the bowl and let it cool.
  • Once cooled, add the cooked cabbage to the blender with some water and salt.
  • Blend it for 3 to 4 minutes and empty it into a glass.

12. Orange:

Oranges are readily and abundantly available in the market. A healthy and low-calorie alternative to all fizzy drinks and sodas is a freshly prepared orange juice, and they have high amounts of antioxidants. Orange juice fortifies your immune system and aids weight loss. (8)


  • Orange.
  • A pinch of salt.

How To Prepare:

  • Peel the oranges and slice them into parts.
  • Place the sliced oranges into the blender with a pinch of salt.
  • Blend it tell all the slices are thoroughly juicy.
  • Filter the juice using a strainer, removing all the pulp leaving you with a fresh cup of orange juice.

13. Fresh Berries:

Berries are powerhouse fruit that has low calories. Blueberries give your body 42 calories, and strawberries have 50 calories along with many vital nutrients. Consuming berries make you feel full, thereby preventing you from binge-eating. It also reduces cholesterol levels and gives your body a healthy boost of vitamin C and manganese.


  • One cup of fresh blueberries.
  • One cup of water.
  • One spoon lemon juice.

How To Prepare:

  • Wash the blueberries thoroughly before blending them.
  • Add the washed blueberries, a cup of water, and a spoonful lemon juice.
  • Blend it till it is smooth and silky.

14. Pineapple:

If you want to lose belly fat, then pineapple is an effective remedy. Bromelain is an enzyme present in this fruit that helps protein metabolism and helps accelerate the fat burning process. This enzyme abundantly available in pineapple juice also helps digest fats and diminishes your hunger pangs.


  • Pineapple slices.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • A cup of water.

How To Prepare:

  • Clean the pineapple carefully and slice it into pieces.
  • Place the slices along with the water and a pinch of salt into the blender.
  • Blent it till you get a smooth texture.
  • You can strain the pulp to get a fresh cup of pineapple juice.

See More: How To Make Alkaline Water

15. Lemon:

Though there is no direct evidence to prove lemon has weight loss abilities. But drinking lemon water can make you feel l, hydrates your body and metabolism boost, which may result in weight loss. It is a quick and easy replacement for sugary and high-calorie drinks available in the market. (9)


  • Lemon juice from one or two lemons.
  • One or two spoonful honey.

How To Prepare:

  • Take a glass of warm or normal water, depending on your preference.
  • Add the lemon juice and honey to the water.
  • Mix the contents well and have a sip.

16. Celery:

Celery is a vegetable that has low-calories and is rich in nutrients like Vitamin K, A, Potassium, and Folate. It is a perfect choice for weight loss as it is highly nutritious with fewer calories and keeps your body hydrated. Celery has insoluble fiber making it an ideal choice for weight loss.


  • Fresh organic celery stalks.
  • Spoonful lime juice.
  • A cup of water.

How To Prepare:

  • Take fresh celery stalks and wash them properly.
  • Cut them into pieces and add them to the blender along with water and lime juice.
  • Blend them till it forms a smooth paste.
  • Sieve it to get a glass of fresh celery juice.

17. Apple:

As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Apple juice is packed with vitamins and minerals without any fat or carbs that are bad for your body. Having a glass of apple juice in the morning makes your day rejuvenating and makes you feel wholesome, curbing any need for snacking.


  • Apple slices.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • A small cup of water.

How To Prepare:

  • Wash the apple properly and peel off the skin and cut it into pieces.
  • Add the apple slices to the blender along with a pinch of salt and some water.
  • Blend the contents to form a smooth juice.

18. Grapefruit:

A rich source of Vitamin C and Potassium is Grapefruit is easily found and can be prepared quickly and tastes great too. It also helps deal with many issues caused by overweight. It also helps people suffering from arthritis pain, along with losing all the excess flab in your body.


  • Grapefruit.
  • A pinch of salt to taste.

How To Prepare:

  • Take two grapefruits and cut them into halves.
  • Take a juicer and keep pressing till all the juice in the grapefruit is devoid of all contents.
  • You can add a pinch of salt to the juice and drink it.

19. Cucumber:

Cucumber juice is one of the best and healthy drinks for weight loss as it is packed with the goodness of nature. It helps break down fat into tiny segments making it easier to lose fat. It is effortless to incorporate it into our daily diet and keeps your skin healthy. 80% of this vegetable is made up of water, making it easier to remove flab.


  • Cucumber pieces.
  • Some salt to taste.
  • A small cup of water.

How To Prepare:

  • Peel the cucumber and add the slices to the blender along with some salt and water.
  • Blend the contents until they form a smooth paste.
  • You can add more water.
  • Sieve the pulp and get a glass of fresh cucumber juice.

20. Carrot and Beetroot:

Carrots and beetroot are veggies filled with healthy nutrients that help your body lose unwanted flab. A rich source of vitamin A carrots maintains your eye health too. By mixing carrots and beets, you can get double the benefits but fewer calories. Since the veggies are not cooked, many nutrients are intact and give your body necessary health while losing weight.


  • ½ beetroot peeled and chopped.
  • Four carrots peeled and sliced.
  • Two spoonfuls fresh lemon juice.
  • A cup of water.

How To Prepare:

  • Add all the chopped carrots, beets to the blender along with the water and lemon juice, and a pinch of salt.
  • Blend till it forms a smooth paste.
  • Sieve the pulp to get a fresh glass of carrot beetroot juice.

With the list of the best juices for weight loss, you can start your journey to lose flab in a healthy, productive way. Do pick fruit or veggie that doesn’t cause you any allergic reaction. It is a temporary solution and makes sure you consult a dietitian for better guidance. So try these vegetable and fruit juices and let us know how it has worked out for you and serve you better!

Disclaimer: The fruit and vegetable juices mentioned in this article are in no way a replacement for a doctor’s advice. It provides you with information only, and the site is not responsible for any side effects.

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