21 Best Sweet Almond Oil Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health

Almonds are nutrition-rich food and called the “King of Nuts”. They are extremely high in vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants to offer a variety of benefits to our body. Almonds are consumed in the form of whole nuts, powder, paste and even oil. Edible sweet almonds are the source of sweet almond oil. The oil is extracted from almonds by pressing them in a cold press machine. The extracted sweet almond oil is then used as an essential ingredient in cosmetic, medicinal and baking products. Sweet Almond oil benefits are numerous to skin, hair and health. Let’s have a look into them.

Scientific Name: Prunus amygdalus var. dulcus

sweet almond oil benefits

Names Of Almond Oil In Different Indian Languages:

  • Telugu: TheepiBadamNoone
  • Hindi: MeethaBadaam Tel
  • Tamil: IṉippuPatamEnney
  • Kannada: SihiBadami Enney
  • Malayalam: Badam Enna
  • Marathi: Gōḍabadāmatēla
  • Punjabi: Miṭhēbādāmatēla
  • Gujarati: MīṭhīBadāmanuṁtēla

What Is Sweet Almond Oil?

Sweet Almond Oil is the oil extracted from sweet almonds which are edible. It is usually made either by mixing the almond paste in olive oil or by pressing in a cold press machine. The extracted oil is then stored in a glass container for human usage and consumption.

Sweet Almond Oil Vs Almond Oil:

The basic Almond oil is the oil extracted by pressing the nuts in a machine. However, there are two versions of Almond Oils – Bitter Almond Oil and Sweet Almond Oil.

Sweet Almond oil is the oil extracted from edible sweet almonds and can be used for internal consumption and topical applications.


Bitter Almond oil is extracted from wild bitter almonds and is lethal when consumed internally as it can cause cyanide poisoning. The oil is used in medicines for topical applications only.

Sweet Almond Oil Nutrition Facts:

Check below the nutrition facts of Sweet Almond Oil for 1 tbsp serving:

  • Total Calories: 120
  • Total Fat: 13.6 gm
  • Saturated Fat: 1.1 gm
  • Monosaturated Fats: 9.4 gm
  • Vitamin E: 26% of RDI
  • Phytosterols: 35.9 mg

How To Make Sweet Almond Oil At Home:

Check out this step-by-step procedure to make sweet almond oil at home, if you are not using an oil press:

Sweet Almond Oil Ingredients:

  • 1 Cup Sweet Edible Almonds.
  • 2 tbsp Olive Oil.


  • First place the edible almonds in a blender. Ensure they are dry.
  • Blend them at low speed, to begin with.
  • Repeat the process till the almonds become a smooth paste.
  • Now add olive oil and blend again.
  • Store this paste in a glass container and leave for two weeks.
  • You will notice that the oil is separated from the paste.
  • This oil can be extracted and stored in a bottle for use.

Preparation Time:

  • You will need about 10-15 minutes to Prepare and 2 Weeks For Processing.

How To Store Sweet Almond Oil?

The ideal way to store Sweet almond oil is in a glass container. The oil must be kept away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Storing it in room temperature is the best way to ensure a better shelf life of the oil.

How Much Sweet Almond Oil Can I Drink?

People with constipation and digestive disorders usually consume sweet almond oil. However, one needs to be careful with the amount of oil consumed. You can have no more than 1 tbsp of Sweet almond oil to be had early in the morning for best benefits.

When To Drink Sweet Almond Oil?

Sweet Almond oil is best had early in the morning to trigger your bowel movements. Regular consumption can benefit from boosting your digestive system and showing improvements in people with nervous disorders.

When To Get Results?

Drinking Sweet almond oil as a laxative can deliver instant results. It can trigger smooth bowels in a day or two. However, if you are looking for complex health goals like nervous disorders or bone strength, you might have to use at least for 3-6 months.

Sweet Almond Oil Benefits For Face, Skin, Hair & Health:

Sweet Almond Oil Benefits For Face:

Here we enlisted top 6 sweet almond oil benefits for face. Let’s have a look into this.

Is Sweet Almond Oil Good For Face?

Sweet Almond Oil for face works like a charm. It is rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants that promote shiny, smooth skin. Regular application can help in reducing scars, blemishes, acne, pigmentation, signs of ageing and sagging skin. Reduction in eye wrinkles, dark circles and eye bags are some of the best known sweet almond oil uses.

1. Sweet Almond Oil For Dark Circles:

Sweet Almond oil has skin lightening properties, thanks to the rich content of Vitamin E. It can effectively reduce dark circles with regular usage. Sweet Almond oil can also promote skin elasticity around eyes by improving Collagen.

How to Use:

  • Take a few drops of oil and massage it over eyes regularly.

2. Sweet Almond Oil For Acne:

Sweet Almond is rich in fatty acids which help in controlling sebum that is responsible for acne. It also helps unclog pores that lead to acne. To do this, first, wash your face and massage sweet almond oil on the affected areas. You can also use it as a spot treatment for pimples.

How To Use:

  • To use sweet almond oil for acne scars, apply on the affected areas regularly.

3. Sweet almond oil for Wrinkles:

Sweet almond oil is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin E. Regular application of sweet almond oil on the face can promote collage and improve the elasticity of facial skin. The result- reduced wrinkles, younger, tighter looking skin.

How To Use:

  • You need to massage sweet almond oil on face before hitting bed every night.

See More: Health Benefits Of Almonds

4. Sweet Almond Oil For Scars:

Regular application of Sweet Almond oil can reduce and prevent the formation of scars on the skin. These scars are usually caused due to pimples, blemishes and even scratches. Earlier the scar, better is the effect of sweet almond oil.

How To Use:

  • Apply a few drops of the oil directly and massage.

5. Sweet Almond Oil Moisturizer:

Sweet almond oil has rich moisturizing properties. It is a great source of fatty acids that penetrate deep into the skin and ensure good moisturization. Regular usage of sweet almond oil can result in healthy and beautiful looking skin.

How To Use:  

  • It is recommended to use a few drops on face and body after shower.

6. Sweet Almond Oil as Natural Makeup Remover:

Sweet almond oil can penetrate deep into the skin and remove dirt and debris from within the pores. It is effective, natural makeup remover that ensures your skin is free from all sorts of makeup that is difficult to remove using normal removers.

How To Use:

  • Apply with a cotton ball and gently wipe to remove makeup.

Sweet Almond Oil Benefits For Skin:

Here we enlisted top 5 sweet almond oil benefits for skin. Let’s have a look into this.

Is Sweet Almond Oil Good For Skin?

Sweet almond oil has incredible moisturizing qualities that sweet almond oil is known for. The levels of vitamin E, B1, B2, B6 and A helps in removal of dryness from the skin and moisturizes the skin deeply. It also cures irritation of the skin. The easy absorption also helps in prevention of blocked pores. The oil has other benefits such as:

7. Good For Skin Lightening:

Sweet almond oil is one of the best natural remedies to attain healthy and fair skin. It works by reducing dark spots, treats scars and blemishes. Especially, if you have hyperpigmented skin, sweet almond oil usage can slowly lighten your skin.

How To Use:

  • It is recommended to use twice daily, especially before stepping out into the skin.

8. To Relieve Eczema And Psoriasis:

Eczema and Psoriasis are skin conditions caused due to excessive drying. The result is patchy and flaky skin, which can be quite irritating. Sweet Almond oil when used on skin after a shower, can restore the skin its lost moisture. It also offers soothing relief from dryness.

How to Use:

  • Massage oil on affected areas after a shower.

9. To Treat Skin Rashes:

Sweet almond oil has hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties that are proven to be effective in treating rashes, hives and other skin disorders. It can offer relief to the skin and reduce symptoms such as redness, itchiness, bumps and inflammation.

How to Use:

  • Massage a few drops of sweet almond oil on affected areas.

10. For Deep Cleansing Of Skin:

Sweet Almond oil can penetrate deep into skin pores and flush out the debris and excess sebum. It is one of the best natural makeup removers, which can cleanse your skin deeply and make your skin free from all sorts of products. You can also use sweet almond oil as a regular deep pore cleanser before a shower.

How To Use:

  • Apply oil with a cotton ball and gently swipe on a face to remove dust and makeup.

See More: Soaked Almonds Uses

11. Treats Stretch Marks:

There are some emollient qualities that sweet almond oil is known to have. This helps in making the skin strong as well as well-nourished from inside. Using the sweet almond oil for massage will also help in improving the blood circulation levels. Sweet almond oil pregnancy creams are used for treating stretch marks.

How to Use:

  • Apply on the affected areas in circular movements for at least 3 months to observe noticeable changes.

Sweet Almond Oil Benefits For Hair:

Here we enlisted top 4 sweet almond oil benefits for hair. Let’s have a look into this.

Is Sweet Almond Oil Good For Hair?

Sweet almond oil for hair is widely used in natural hair repair treatments. The oil is rich in fatty acids, which can work on dryness and frizz of hair. Regular massage of hair with sweet almond oil can tame frizz and help you attain shiny, smooth hair. Sweet Almond oil can also strengthen your hair follicles.

12. Promotes Healthy Hair Growth:

Sweet Almond oil can promote healthy hair growth by creating a protective layer on the hair follicles. This results in strengthening the hair follicles and prevent problems such as brittleness and hair breakage. You will notice that regular usage of sweet almond oil can promote long shiny hair.

How To Use:

  • Massage the oil on the scalp twice a week and leave it overnight.

13. Treats Dandruff:

Sweet Almond can work on scalp disorders like itchy flakes caused by yeast infection. It effectively controls excess sebum formation on the scalp while offering it the required moisture. Sweet Almond oil, when used regularly can put dandruff and scalp infections at bay.

How to Use:

  • Massage sweet almond oil directly on the scalp and leave for 20 minutes before hair wash.

14. Stops Hair Loss:

Sweet almond oil can help in preventing hair loss and hair thinning by creating a protective layer on the strands. This layer offers strength to your hair and prevents hair from breaking. You will notice that your hair is noticeably strong and healthy with regular usage of sweet almond oil.

How to Use:

  • Massage sweet almond oil on hair twice a week and leave it overnight.

See More: Almond Milk Uses

15. Treats Scalp Infections:

Are you suffering from an infected scalp? Do you constantly experience itchiness, flakes and dryness on your scalp? Sweet Almond oil has anti-fungal properties that can treat scalp infections. It can also reduce excess sebum on your scalp and restore the natural shine of your hair.

How to Use:

  • Apply warm sweet almond oil directly on scalp and massage well. Leave it overnight.

Sweet Almond Oil Benefits For Health:

Here we enlisted top 6 sweet almond oil benefits for health. Let’s have a look into them.

16. Natural Painkiller:

When used as a massage oil, the sweet almond liquid helps in releasing the pain from the body as well as all kinds of physical stress. This is one of the common needs that are fulfilled with only a simple topical use of sweet almond oil.

How to Use:

  • Massage sweet almond essential oil on the affected areas for quick relief.

17. High Levels of Vitamins and Minerals:

Being highly rich as a source for vitamins and minerals including calcium, vitamin E, vitamin D, magnesium and potassium, this oil helps in restoring the balance in the nutritional requirement of the body each day. This helps in triggering healthy living for all.

How to Use:

  • Use sweet almond oil in salads and milk.

18. Cardiac Health:

Folic acids, monounsaturated fats, protein and potassium in Organic sweet almond oil ensure perfect health for the heart as well. By including the sweet almond oil in the daily menu, you can easily keep away the various heart diseases in an effortless manner.

How to Use:

  • Use a few drops of sweet almond oil along with milk.

19. Controls Bad Cholesterol:

High levels of potassium ideally combined with low levels of sodium in sweet almond oil makes it the right choice for those who want to reduce the LDL or bad cholesterol in the body. Along with this, you will be able to achieve the right blood pressure levels as well.

How to Use:

  • Drizzle some sweet almond oil in salads as dressing.

20. Helps in Digestion:

There are laxative qualities in sweet almond oil that is included in the daily diet ensures proper digestion and regulation of the bowel movements. Treatment of constipation is one of the best benefits of using sweet almond oil, as it can stimulate smooth bowel movements.

How to Use:

  • Drink 1 tbsp of Sweet Almond oil daily in the morning.

See More: Almond Butter Benefits

21. Strengthens Immune System:

The high levels of nutrients, vitamins and minerals ensure that the body’s immune system is strengthened well and that all the infections and diseases are kept at bay because of this. It is yet one of the benefits that you would love to have in your favour.

How to Use:

  • Drink 1 tbsp of sweet almond oil every day or use in salads or milk.

How To Use Sweet Almond Oil For Babies?

Sweet almond oil is one of the best oils that can be safely used on a baby’s delicate skin. Especially during massage time, sweet almond oil is preferred over other oils for its light weightiness and quick absorption properties. It strengthens the muscular system of the baby and relieves them of aching joints. Sweet almond oil also induces natural sound sleep. Check out the steps to know how to use sweet almond oil for babies:

  • Sweet Almond oil can be massaged on the skin to attain even tones complexion.
  • Massaging the oil can aid in better digestion and reduce stomach bloating.
  • You can add a few drops of sweet almond oil in shampoos for better conditioning of baby’s hair.
  • Massaging sweet almond oil on joints can relieve aches and strengthen bones, muscles.
  • Sweet almond oil when massaged before bedtime can induce natural sleep.

How To Use Sweet Almond Oil For Body Massage?

If you are planning to use sweet almond oil massage on your babies, check out the process below:

  • First spread a clean towel on a mat.
  • Place the baby on the towel and prepare for the massage.
  • Take a few drops of sweet almond oil and start with the scalp of your baby.
  • Massage the scalp area by rubbing the oil between your palms.
  • Next, move to the shoulder area and slowly massage them moving down to arms.
  • Next, go onto massage chest and belly in gentle circular movements.
  • Slowly massage legs, ensuring good stretches.
  • Turn the baby gently on the back and massage the spinal area.

Side Effects Of Sweet Almond Oil:

  • Consuming too much sweet almond oil can lead to dehydration, as it is a mild laxative.
  • It can trigger allergic reactions like rashes, hives, itching and irritation in people with nut allergies.
  • High amounts of sweet almond oil can lead to weight gain.
  • Sweet almond oil when used topically can lead to greasiness on people with oily skin.

Sweet Almond oil (Sweet Badam Oil) is nature’s best gift to mankind. It is completely safe and natural to be used both topically and internally. While you get many products in the market, which says they contain sweet almond oil, you must note that these are the pure form of the oil. Market ready oils are full of chemicals and preservatives with outweigh the benefits of this miracle oil. Pure sweet almond oil has a nutty smell and doesn’t have any fragrance. It is also slightly expensive compared to what we get in the market. Especially, if you are planning to use for your baby, we recommend taking some time out and making it at home.

See More: Almond Flour Uses

Do you all agree? Comment below and share how Sweet Almond oil and its related products have benefited you. Also, if you have any doubts or questions about the Sweet Almond oil benefits, you can write to us. Our experts will assist you with the relevant information.

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