21 Best Tomato Juice Benefits For Skin, Hair and Health

One of the most popular vegetables loved by people of all ages is a Tomato! From Ketchup to Soups, tomatoes can be used in all sorts of Culinary Delights. A popular form of this bright red vegetable is the Tomato Juice. This amazing beverage is quite popular with kids and adults for its incredibly delicious taste. It is also used in making cocktails like Bloody Mary, which is sure to you the right kick! Natural Tomato juice is full of vitamins and minerals, apart from giving a tangy kick to your taste buds. Let’s get to know more about the Tomato Juice Benefits for hair, skin and health.

uses of tomato juice

What Is Tomato Juice?

Tomato Juice is extracted from bright red, ripe tomatoes. The juice is slightly tangy in taste, with a rich hue and is usually served with sugar or salt. It is readily available in the market as packaged juice and is often mixed with other ingredients to create a sensational drink. It is a great summer drink, which can also be enjoyed in other seasons.

Is Tomato Juice Good For Health?

Tomato Juice is wonderful to your body. It gives you instant energy and uplifts even the dullest of moods. It also improves digestion and treats anaemic conditions. Tomato juice is often considered to be a cold version of a Tomato soup, for the similarity in taste, which makes it a perfect way to start your meal.

How To Make Tomato Juice At Home?

Wondering how to prepare Tomato Juice? The easiest way to consume Tomato juice is by grabbing a pack of branded juice and gulping it down. However, the tons of added sugar and preservatives make it unhealthy. You can easily make this juice at home in 2 easy steps. Check out this basic Tomato juice recipe.


  • Ripe Tomatoes – 3
  • Olive Oil – ½ tbsp


  • Wash and clean tomatoes thoroughly.
  • Chop them into big chunks.
  • Take a large vessel and add little olive oil.
  • Add these tomato cubes to the heated oil.
  • Press them with a ladle to release the juices.
  • Cover the vessel and bring it to a good boil.
  • Blend the cooked tomatoes to a fine paste.
  • Add little water to bring to a liquid consistency.

Serving Suggestion: Adding little salt, sugar and a dash of pepper can enhance the taste of this juice.

Tomato Juice Nutrition Facts:

Check out the nutritional breakup of 1 Serving of homemade Tomato juice:

  • Total Calories: 109.9
  • Total Fat: 1.1 gm
  • Sodium: 104.7 mg
  • Potassium: 1312.3 mg
  • Carbohydrates: 24.8 gm
  • Fibre: 7.6 gm
  • Vitamin A: 25 %
  • Vitamin B6: 31 %
  • Vitamin C: 135 %
  • Iron: 22 %
  • Manganese: 34 %

How Much Tomato Juice Can I Take Daily?

Tomato juice does plenty of good for your health and can be taken regularly. However, it contains high Sodium levels, making it unsuitable for patients suffering from hypertension and heart problems. The recommended serving size for a healthy person is 1-2 glasses per day. It is also advised to take tomato juice after meals, as the high acid content can upset a sensitive tummy when had on an empty stomach.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Tomato Juice:

Following are the most prominent Tomato Juice benefits for skin, hair and health. Let’s have a look into them.

tomato juice benefits

1. Tomato Juice Benefits For Weight Loss:

Tomato juice has a lot of nutrients in it, and it fills the stomach like no other juice. So if you are on a diet and would want to lose weight soon, the juice of tomato had on an empty stomach would help. Apart from being low in calories, it also contains high amounts of dietary fibre to help in quicker digestion. This is one of the best uses of Tomato Juice.

2. Prevents Oxidative Damage:

Organic Tomato juice has plenty of antioxidants in it, especially when you make the juice ripe and fresh. This would be great, because the free radicals from smoking, UV rays of the sun and the pollutants around can create a whole load of hogwash to our lovely skin, making usage sooner than thought off. If the free radicals that damage our cells aren’t kept under control or eliminated, one would have thrown open an invitation to dangerous cancers and tumour cells, allowing them to multiply.

3. For Younger Looking Skin:

If you would like to have younger-looking skin and would also want to slow down the ageing process too, try a glass of tomato juice every day. This would allow the skin some slack from the elements around, clear the skin and get all the dark spots reduced too. Even washing your face with the juice of tomato would be good, say, health experts, because this would remove the suntan too.

4. Makes Skin Soft and Supple:

The juice of tomato would bring in the most important minerals, nutrients and vitamins to the body, such as vitamins A, C, K, along with potassium, fibre and folate as well. The water in tomatoes would keep the body hydrated too, and the minerals and vitamins would allow the body to function and work normally as well.

5. Reduces Constipation:

Bowel movements every morning would not be a harrowing experience since our tangy angels have enough fibre in them. The body, especially the digestive system, the intestine and the colon needs to be free of excess waste and toxins; if not, it could lead to ulcers, cancers and bad bowel movements, haemorrhoids too. So a glass of tomato juice had every night would help the body absorb excess water and waste, and eliminate toxins as well, which would clean the insides and allow proper bowel movements too.

See More: Tomato Uses

6. Offers Instant Energy:

The nutrients in tomatoes can help the body with a lot of vitality, energy and strength. Thanks also to the abundance of minerals, such as sodium and potassium in it, the body would be ready for a long day ahead when a chilled glass of tomato juice is had, the first thing on an empty stomach in the morning.

7. Fights Obesity:

Once again, you don’t have to worry about putting on weight whilst having a glass of the tangy tomato delight. This is because the humble tomato is your ally and not an enemy in weight reduction. The fibres of the tomato keep you feeling full for a very long time, and hence doesn’t allow you to crave for sugars or junk food till the next mealtime, thereby preventing the risks of Obesity.

8. Controls Cholesterol Levels:

One can have a glass of tomato juice to calm the nerves, stop hypertension, and regulate blood pressure and to keep the LDL at bay, the last one is bad cholesterol. Tomato juice is known to increase resistance to LDL, which can cause heart problems. Lycopene present in this juice can significantly lower your health risks.

9. Detoxifies Body:

Tomato juice tops the list of detoxification foods. Consuming tomato juice regularly can help in flushing the toxins out and cleansing the body. The red pigment of the tomatoes is made of anti-oxidants, which can get rid of free radicals in the body. It can also help in reducing the oxidative stress on the cells.

10. Boosts Eye Health:

One of the key Tomato juice benefits is its assistance in improving vision. Tomato juice contains many powerful agents like Lycopene, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Beta-Carotene, which can help in strengthening the optical nerves and aiding in a sharper eye-sight. Studies also show that regular consumption of Tomato juice can prevent the risks of Cataracts and other eye diseases.

11. Improves Bone Mineral Density:

It has been proved that people who consumed Tomato juice regularly were able to cope up with bone-related diseases like Osteoporosis. Lycopene present in tomatoes can effectively deal with the brittleness of bone and offer strength. It is also rich in Calcium and Magnesium which can increase your bone density.

12. Prevents Blood Clotting:

Blood clots are the main cause of many heart diseases, which can lead to fatal conditions. Experiments have shown that Tomato juice can lead to blood thinning, especially in Diabetic people. Consuming this juice in recommended quantities can prevent these clots and promote smooth blood flow.

See More: Cherry Juice Benefits

13. Breaks Down Homocysteine:

High levels of homocysteine in the body can lead to dangerous heart problems. Tomato juice contains a compound called Betaine, which can break down Homocysteine and convert that to Methionine, which is an amino acid. Methionine can help information of proteins, needed for the cell formation in the body.

14. Makes For A Great Workout Recovery:

After a great workout session, the body gets clogged with unnecessary enzymes that may cause damage to our brain. Tomato juice can help in curbing these elements and protecting the body against them. Lycopene present in this juice can help in improving your health and protecting our body from many types of Cancers.

15. Boost Male Fertility:

Men especially should have a glass of tomato juice every day, to steer clear from the clutches of prostate cancer. Apart from that, there is lycopene and plenty other phytonutrients in the veggie which would help keep the prostate in good shape as well. Many salads can be made too with diced tomatoes, so just in case you don’t like it in juiced forms, you could always have it as a salad, no excuses now.

16. Reduces Risk Of Pancreatic Cancers:

Take care of the pancreas or else it could become victim to cells that cause cancer, say experts. Men especially should hear this loud and clear, because when men consume too much alcohol and other oxidative products, they could be victims to cancers of the pancreas. The presence of beta carotenes and carotenoids in the tomatoes would help reduce the effects and keep the body happy, just by a glass of tomato juice being consumed every day. Stay healthy and be happy, have a glass of tomato juice and gain all its benefits too.

17. Strengthens Bones and Teeth:

New tomato juice is a fabulous regular wellspring of imperative vitamins A and C. Consistent utilization of tomato juice offers numerous health benefits of tomato juice as it could subsequently, avoid vision-related sicknesses, fortify the safe arrangement of the body that ensures against various ailments furthermore keeps up great strength of the bones and teeth.

See More: Dates Juice Benefits

18. Enhances Taste Of Food:

Another significant advantage of tomato juice is that it can enhance the flavour to any of its accompanying ingredients. Tomatoes can upgrade the kind of any cooked dish. Entire tomatoes, cleaved tomatoes and tomato sauce solidify well for future use in cooked dishes. Cooking tomatoes, for example, in spaghetti sauce — makes the organic product heart-more beneficial thus increasing its anti-oxidant property. This, notwithstanding lost vitamin C amid the cooking procedure, considerably raises the levels of advantageous phytochemicals. Research shows that warmth preparing really improved the nutritious estimation of tomatoes by expanding the lycopene content.

19. Improves Blood Circulation:

Another tomato juice benefits are that it diminishes the peril of blood clusters. The exorbitant amassing together of platelet cells can realize issues for our circulatory system as far as blockage and undesirable thickening, and counteractive action of this unnecessary clustering is critical for keeping up heart well being. Various phytonutrients have been appeared to avert over the top clustering of our platelet cells.

20. Improves Metabolism:

Expecting to shed a couple of pounds? Avail the tomato juice health benefits as Tomato juice may make it less demanding for you. Customary utilization of tomato juice is thought to help in weight diminishment since and gives the body a decent measure of fibre, which guarantees that you feel “full” and don’t fall prey to voraciously consuming food. It additionally nourishes the body the required measure of good calories which ensures that the metabolic actions are not hindered.

21. Strengthens Hair:

The iron and vitamins present in tomato juice could really add sparkle to harsh, dry and dull hair. Other hair issues, for example, dandruff, bothersome scalp and dead hair can be checked effortlessly by applying tomato juice directly on to the scalp and giving it a chance to sit for a few minutes, and after that flushing it off.

Tomato Juice Side Effects:

There are certain side effects that arise from the consumption of Tomato Juice. The most common reactions are:

  • Acidity and Acid Refluxes
  • Irritable Bowels and Diarrhea
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Allergic reactions like rashes

See More: Fig Juice Benefits

Tomato, also called the love fruit, has more benefits than any other vegetable. It a versatile ingredient that can pep up any dish. Tomato juice is a filling, refreshing and healthy alternative to sugar-based drinks. Just make sure that you are indulging in freshly made Tomato juice than resorting to artificial, canned juices. Hosting a party? Just shake some great mocktails with Tomato juice to impress the crowd!

If you have any concerns or doubts about the tomato juice benefits for skin, hair and health, then write to us. We will provide you with the relevant information for your concern.

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