21 Incredible Butternut Squash Benefits For Health, Hair & Skin

If you have ever been to the western countries, you might have seen a variety of Butternut Squash on the menu in most restaurants. Butternut Squash, unlike its name, has nothing to do with Butter or nut but is indeed a vegetable. It belongs to the Pumpkin family and has a buttery pulp, with a nutty taste. The ripe ones are quite sweet in taste and are widely used in making soups, salads and even roasted vegetables. They are also loaded with vitamins and minerals, making them one of the healthiest foods on earth. Let’s get on with learning about the yoghurt Butternut Squash benefits to our health.

Butternut Squash Benefits

What Is Butternut Squash?

Butternut Squash is a variety of vegetable that has a long cylindrical structure, with a round bottom at the base. It has a compartment that holds the seeds, which are also edible. They are orangish, yellow in colour with pale skin. The scientific name of Butternut squash is Cucurbita Moschata and is technically considered to be a fruit.

Is Butternut Squash Healthy?

Organic Butternut Squash does plenty of good for our health. It is quite low in fat, making it ideal for those who plan to lose weight in a natural way. It is also considered to be gut-friendly with its high amounts of Fiber content. Butternut squash is power packed with important minerals like Potassium, Manganese and Vitamins like B6, Folate, which ensure the good functioning of all the organs in the body.

Butternut Squash Nutrition Facts:

Here are the surprising nutritional benefits of Butternut Squash per 100 gms of serving:

  • Total Calories: 45
  • Total Carbohydrates: 12 gm
  • Dietary Fiber: 2 gm
  • Proteins: 1 gm
  • Sodium: 4 mg
  • Potassium: 352 mg
  • Vitamin A: 212 %
  • Vitamin C: 35 %
  • Vitamin B6: 10 %
  • Calcium: 4 %
  • Magnesium: 8 %
  • Iron: 3 %

Best Butternut Squash Benefits:

Below we have given a list of butternut squash benefits for hair, skin and health. Let’s have a look into them.

Butternut Squash Benefits For Skin And Hair:

Here we enlisted 4 best butternut squash benefits for hair and skin with how to apply/use process.

1. Hydrates Your Hair:

If you have dry and dull hair, you need to moisturize it daily in order to keep it hydrated, shiny and beautiful. A great way to do this is by adding pumpkins. You have to make a butternut squash conditioner at home for this.

How To Apply:

  • Take some boiled pumpkin, one tablespoon of honey, another tablespoon of yogurt and another tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • Now take all these substances together in a bowl and then add to a blender.
  • Apply it all your hair after it has been prepared and keep it for half an hour.
  • Rinse with cold water and then wash off with mild herbal shampoo.

2. Stimulates Hair Growth:

A great way to grow your hair is by using butternut squash. The benefit of this amazing vegetable can definitely never be ignored. It is full of vitamin A and has great beneficial properties. If you just massage some pumpkin juice on your scalp for the fifteen minutes, you will allow your hair growth to become faster and quicker. It will also become a great way in which you can combat problems such as hair loss.

3. Prevents Signs Of Aging:

Women who have always complained about having dull or dry skin are always the first one to have wrinkles and lines of ageing. However, you can find a quick and easy solution to this problem by using butternut squash. This is one of the main reasons why pumpkins have been used in many face masks and beauty creams. It is suitable for all skin types and is effective indeed.

How To Use:

  • You can also make a nice pumpkin facial at home by simply mixing some boiled pumpkin with lime juice, yoghurt and honey. The results will amaze you.

4. Nourishes Your Skin:

You don’t have to wear makeup all the time to look beautiful. You can look pretty effortlessly by using some of the world’s gifts. Even though nature has been blessed in abundance, we are going to focus on the butternut squash benefits and what it can do to beautify your skin. It has vitamin C which is beneficial for the skin and other properties that will nourish your face thoroughly.

How To Use:

  • Just washing your face a couple of times with butternut squash juice will do the trick.

Health Benefits Of Butternut Squash:

Here we enlisted 17 best butternut squash benefits for health. Let’s have a look into them.

5. Super Food For Pregnant Women:

Pregnancy is a very important part of every woman’s life. Not just her, but every single member of her family looks forward to the birth of the new member. Women do almost everything during this special time in order to stay healthy and shapely. From exercising to eating healthy, there is not even one thing that they would miss out on. Another vital thing that every pregnant woman keeps in mind is that she needs to add some butternut squash to her diet. This veggie helps in the development of the spinal cord and brain of the baby and makes your delivery a healthy one.

6. Strengthens Bones And Teeth:

People of all ages, especially children and the elderly need strong bones and teeth. In order to achieve this, one can simply add some butternut squash to their diet. Since pumpkins are full of magnesium, they help in the absorption of calcium. This makes their bones and oral health strong and healthy all the time. The best way to consume it is by adding some boiled butternut squash to a healthy bowl of chicken soup or making a delicious and tasty Indian style curry out of it.

See More: Benefits Of Eating Cabbage

7. Aids In Better Digestion:

A lot of people in this world have complained that their digestive system is weak. Because of this, they often suffer from constipation, frequent vomiting or stomach infection. An effective and smart way to get rid of this problem for forever is by making some good use of butternut squash. This veggie will enhance the digestive process, cleanse your system and reduce the risk of major diseases. You will also be able to excrete and urinate properly with the help of pumpkins.

8. Alleviates Morning Sickness:

Many people have complained that they suffer from problems such as morning sickness. And even though they have tried to look up several home remedies in order to combat this problem, nothing has worked out for them. But you don’t have to worry about that. You can simply use some butternut pumpkin juice and say goodbye to this problem. It will provide you with relief for sure.

9. Regulates Body Temperature:

A great way to lower the body temperature is by using some pumpkin juice. All you have to do is mix some pumpkin juice with honey and drink it down. You will feel a sense of coolness in your body and find a lot of relief. This is definitely something you can use during the summer season in order to beat the heat. It has been tried and tested by several people and has borne excellent results.

10. Treats Burns and Skin Inflammations:

Now we come to the final benefit of butternut squash. This one is about healing all kinds of burns, scratches and inflammation. Pumpkin is definitely a cooling agent and you can use this several times on your skin in order to find relief from pain. It has antioxidants, Vitamin A, C and E which are excellent for healing your skin. Regular consumption of pumpkin juice can also keep you miles away from this problem.

11. Sharpens Vision:

Butternut squash contains two important antioxidants named lutein and zeaxanthin that improve our eyesight and protect our vision. Daily intake of one cup of butternut squash would surely be healthy for your eyesight and provide you with better eyesight if you have any difficulty.

Vitamin A is also present in an adequate amount that improves our eye health. The vision of many people has been improved by the supplements and the constituent of this food. It is preferable to have this with healthy fat containing meal that provides maximum absorption. Many eye problems like lack of normal vision, dryness of the eye, eyestrain and unable to make fine detailing are improved by intake of these supplements from this vegetable.

12. Lowers Blood Pressure:

Regular intake of butternut squash of about one cup that consists of a sufficient amount of nutrients that is required for our healthy body. The nutrients present in butter squash are very helpful for our cardiovascular system and also maintains the blood pressure level to normal.

The potassium content in one cup of butternut squash is sufficient for preventing from having high blood pressure level and also by lowering the effect of sodium. Hence, lowering the high blood pressure level will lower the serious health risks like stroke, heart attacks and other heart diseases.

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13. Boosts Natural Immune System:

Butternut squash is also rich in vitamin C and beta carotene that provide us with a better immune system and helps to strengthen our immunity. These powerful constituents help us to fight against the disease-causing micro-organisms and provide protection against diseases like common cold, flu and others.

14. Wards Of Deadly Cancers:

Research nowadays are worried about providing a better solution or remedy for cancer disease in order to lower the risk of this disease as cancer is a mostly occurring disease in today’s world. Studies have found that butternut squash is helpful in reducing the risk of prostate cancer as well as colon cancer. The antioxidant content of this vegetable is very high and it has many important that fight against the free radicals that are the important component of causing cancer. Butternut squash is also rich in beta carotene that also plays an important role and provides protective action for cancer.

15. Helps You Lose Weight:

Butternut squash consists of low calories and high dietary fibres that are quite essential to maintain proper weight. Those who want to lose weight are many worries about calories intake in their diet. Butternut squash is also helpful in providing better digestion and reduces the problem of constipation and provide better bowel movement.

The high fibre content in butternut squash makes your stomach feel full though without increasing your weight. It consists of unsaturated fats that also help in maintaining your weight. This vegetable can makes wonders for the waistline that you eager for. This is termed as negative calorie food since one cup of butternut squash nearly provides 75 calories only that is quite helpful in shedding pounds.

16. Reduces Symptoms of PMS:

A lot of women face severe discomfort during periods like cramping, heavy bleeding and fatigue. Butternut squash is one of the powerful anti-PMS foods, which can reduce all the signs and make you feel better. The high amounts of Manganese and Potassium in this vegetable is known to treat mood swings and pain. This is considered to be the safest, effective natural mechanisms to drive away your monthly woes!

17. Cures Constipation In Adults and Children:

If you or a family member is regularly suffering from Constipation and painful stools, try including Butternut squash in the menu. The high amounts of dietary fibre present in this veggie, aids in better digestion of food along with adding bulk to your stools. Regular consumption of Butternut squash can cleanse your stomach and make your tummy feel light.

18. Prevents Asthma:

One of the many surprising Butternut Squash Juice benefits is its ability to prevent many respiratory problems like Asthma. Being a natural source of Beta-Carotene, Butternut squash can lower the risks of falling prey to breathing issues. It can effectively reduce the damage caused in your respiratory tract and help in breathing well.

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19. Regulates Cholesterol Levels:

Butternut Squash is an amazing food for lowering your cholesterol levels. It is loaded with fiber, potassium and other important anti-oxidants which can prevent the risk of heart diseases. The soluble fibers present in Butternut squash can also absorb your LDL or bad cholesterol levels, which can choke your arteries.

20. Improves Blood Circulation:

Butternut Squash is an important source of Iron, which is required for proper blood circulation in the body. It prevents Anaemic conditions, during which the red blood cells are lowered, leading to a poor supply of blood to organs. Regular consumption of butternut squash can offer better oxygenation of the organs.

21. Butternut Squash Benefits For Babies:

Among the first foods for babies, Butternut Squash tops the chart. It is quite soft on the tender tummies of babies and is offered as early foods. The pureed form of this vegetable is quite sweet and delicious. It is also easily digestible and supplies their tiny bodies of all vital nutrients. This vegetable also wards off any early signs of anaemia or deficiencies in little babies.

Butternut Squash Side Effects:

Butternut Squash is usually deemed to be safe for consumption but can lead to certain side effects in rare cases. Check out the list below:

  • High Potassium Content can lower Sodium levels and reduce blood pressure.
  • Must not be used with Beta-Blocker medicines, which can shoot up Potassium levels and cause heart problems.
  • Can cause Potassium residue in Kidneys for those who have Kidney ailments.

Surprised at these 21 Health Benefits Of Butternut Squash? If you are lucky enough to get your hands on this amazing vegetable, do give it a try! The internet has loads of recipes to try with Butternut Squash to help you enjoy its delicious goodness. By adding this vegetable, a part of your daily menu, you can easily overcome all nutrition deficiencies, without taking any artificial supplements. So, what are you waiting for? Time to check out your superstores!

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