22 Amazing Benefits Of Watermelon (Tarbooz) For Skin, Hair & Health

Watermelon is known to be originated in the regions of South Africa in the 6th century. By the beginning of the 7th century, India was also cultivating watermelons and was reaping the various benefits of watermelon juice. China is one of the largest producers of watermelon ever since the fruit reached the country in the 10th century. Today, the entire world is aware of watermelon nutrition and thus is making the most of it for their health.

Benefits Of Watermelon

The fruit is known to be varied in its taste from sweet, bland and bitter. The world has been inspired by the goodness of this fruit post the realization of watermelon benefits for men as well as for women. Different names in different languages know this fruit. Interested in knowing the different names? Here are some of them:

  • Hindi: Tarabooj.
  • Telugu: Puchakaya.
  • Tamil: Tarpucani.
  • Kannada: Kallangadi.
  • Malayalam: Tannimattan.
  • Gujarati: Tarabuca.
  • Marathi: Tarabuja.

What Is Watermelon?

Watermelon is the large melon-like fruit which belongs to the plant family of Gourd. It has a smooth green outer skin, red pulp inside and watery, juicy texture. Now, if you are wondering is watermelon a fruit or a vegetable, then it belongs to both the categories. It is a fruit as it grows from a seed and a vegetable because it is harvested from the fields just like the other vegetables.

Types Of Watermelon:

The various Water Milan benefits can be availed by the different types of watermelons available in the market. Are you aware of the various types of watermelons available? If not, then these are the common types:

  • Seedless Watermelons.
  • Picnic watermelons.
  • Icebox watermelons.
  • Yellow watermelon.

These watermelons vary in terms of taste, size and the location at which they are grown.

Is Watermelon Good For Health?

If you are still concern about is watermelon good for your health, then to make you sure, yes, it is. Watermelon is full of various antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals along with various other nutrients which combine together and make this juicy fruit are one of the best ingredients for your health. So, is watermelon good for you, yes, it is, in all possible ways?

Importance Of Watermelon:

The importance of watermelon will be the clearest answer to the question is watermelon good for health? The watermelon composition has clearly suggested the importance of watermelon for improving the health of the users.

Watermelon is the only fruit that delivers high-end health benefits to the users in its natural form. This means that you don’t have to mix other ingredients with watermelon, the vitamins, minerals, and the other watermelon contents are enough to make the body fit and fine. With these high nutritional values, there is no denying the importance of watermelon for the health of the users.

Watermelon Nutrition Facts:

To use watermelon for face benefits, you should be aware of the nutritional value of watermelon. Having the right and accurate information about watermelon nutrition helps the users to be sure of the various benefits that they can get with the regular consumption of the fruit.

Knowing the various vitamins in a watermelon along with the fibre in a watermelon, you will also give the idea about the watermelon composition. Also, if you want to be sure about the watermelon calories, they also have a look at the nutritional value of watermelon.

  • Calories: 46
  • Total Fat: 0.2 g
  • Cholesterol: 0 mg
  • Sodium: 1.5 mg
  • Potassium: 170.2 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 11 g
  • Dietary Fibres: 0.6 g
  • Sugar: 9 g
  • Proteins: 0.9 g
  • Vitamin A: 17% of RDI (Reference Daily Intake)
  • Calcium: 1% of RDI
  • Vitamin D: 0% of RDI
  • Vitamin C: 20% of RDI
  • Iron: 2% of RDI
  • Magnesium: 3% of RDI

How To Eat A Watermelon?

To get the best results from the watermelon use and health benefits, it is important to have the desired information on how to eat a watermelon. There are many ways in which you can eat the watermelon or in which you can include it in your diet.

Some of the best answers of how to eat watermelon can be as follow:

  • By making a watermelon salad.
  • By consuming watermelon in the form of doughnuts.
  • In the form of juice.
  • Directly consuming solid watermelon.
  • Taking the benefits from watermelon squash.
  • By eating watermelon cake or pastry with low fat.

Best Time To Eat Watermelon:

As watermelons are slightly acidic in nature, they should be avoided to be consumed late in the night. Then what is the best time to eat watermelon? Are you aware? Well, according to the health experts, the best time to eat watermelon is in between 12 – 1 PM when the digestion rate of the body is at its peak. Avoid consuming watermelon after 7 PM as it will disturb the digestion process of the body.

Benefits Of Watermelon For Health, Hair & Skin:

Many people are still not aware of what are the benefits of eating watermelon. In fact, to be more specific people are not aware of what are the health benefits of watermelon. If you are also one of them, then here you get 22 incredible watermelon fruit benefits for the skin, hair, and health.

health benefits of watermelon

Health Benefits Of Watermelon:

Without wasting any more time, let us discuss the 17 health benefits of watermelon (Benefits Of Tarbooz) that you can get with the regular consumption.

1. Watermelon Good For Heart Health:

It has been observed that the regular consumption of watermelon can improve heart health. It tends to decrease the low cholesterol levels in the body and thus helps in proving that watermelon good for the heart. Along with this, the watermelon deposits a lesser amount of fatty acid in the blood vessels which again improves the benefits of watermelon heart health.

How To Consume:

  • You can add some amount of watermelon in your diet on a regular basis and as a result, can improve the health as well as the functioning of your heart.

2. Watermelon Keeps You Hydrated:

As the name suggests, watermelon has a good amount of water in it. In fact, it is claimed that watermelon is about 90% water. This count for another benefit of watermelon which is that it helps the body to remain hydrated. Watermelon is one of the finest sources of water and it is much better than any other popular ingredients.

As watermelon is a natural source, it doesn’t influence the body with any of the side effects. It only improves the water levels in the body without putting any stress on the kidneys. This is one of the top 10 health benefits of watermelon and also the apt answer for people who ask does watermelon hydrate you.

3. Watermelon Aids Digestion:

If you have been struggling with the problem of indigestion for long and now are looking for that one ingredient that can be the natural aid for the problem, then you should definitely try the benefits of eating watermelon for improving digestion. Try and eat some amount of watermelon before or after your meals and see significant improvement in your digestive capability.

How To Consume:

  • As it contains a good amount of water and fibre, watermelon for digestion would make the best choice.
  • You can get the benefits of watermelon digestion if you choose to consume it on a regular basis without fail in or with your diet.

4. Control Diabetes:

If you are not aware of the watermelon benefits for diabetes, then you are missing on a major thing. Not many people are aware of the various benefits of watermelon for diabetes. It contains low glycemic load, which is known to increase the blood sugar and glucose levels, thus it helps in bringing relief against the problem of diabetes.

How To Consume:

  • If you are not diabetic, have a bowl of watermelon either in the morning or in the evening.
  • And if you are already struggling with the problem, consume a bowl of watermelon on both the times.
  • Other than this, it is also advised to consult with your doctor before deciding on the amount of watermelon to be consumed in order to avoid all the side effects.

5. Aids Weight loss:

One of the best health benefits of watermelon is that it aids the process of weight loss. Yes, you read it right. With the regular consumption of watermelon, you can lose your extra kilos within no time. As watermelon is high in the amount of water and fibre, it keeps the body full for the longer amount of time and thus prevents over-eating which results in providing the desired balance in the weight.

Watermelon also improves metabolism and thus removes the harmful toxins from the body. So the next time you get a thought if watermelon benefits weight loss, then be absolutely sure that yes, it does. Also, is watermelon good for weight loss, yes, it is, as it contains very fewer calories?

See More: Watermelon Seeds Benefits

6. Keeps Your Kidneys Healthy:

Unlike the other ingredients which contain a good amount of water for the body but troubles the kidneys by putting extra pressure on them, watermelon is known to deliver the water benefits to the body along with no stress on the kidneys. This takes us to the watermelon benefits for kidneys.

Although the potassium in watermelon is present in an adequate amount, it is less than what is available in other ingredients. Therefore, watermelon becomes a good source of diet for those people who require a lower potassium diet for fighting against chronic kidney disease. These are one of the major watermelon benefits for kidneys.

7. Watermelon Helps You Sleep:

The nutritional content of watermelon is clear proof that it is one of the best ingredients for improving the overall health of people. The various amounts of vitamins and minerals present in watermelon help in keeping the body fit and fine against all the possible health problems.

The nutritional value of watermelon also helps the person to get a good sleep during the night. As the regular consumption of watermelon relaxes the body muscles and removes the pain and soreness, watermelon helps you sleep in a relaxed manner.

8. Balance Your PH Levels:

Along with the watermelon health benefits for diabetes, one of the uses of watermelon is that it improves the PH level of the body. The vitamin B present in watermelon along with the low amount of calories and potassium, you can take the advantages of watermelon for improving the pH levels. Also, with the good amount of water that you get from watermelon, you would love to nourish your body with the watermelon water health benefits.

How To Consume:

  • Have a bowl of watermelon or a glass of watermelon juice every day and improve the pH level of the body to the desired and expected level.

9. Protects Your Joints:

Are you aware of the watermelon fruit benefits for your joints? It has been observed by most of the health experts that with the regular use of watermelon in the diet, you can overcome most of the joint problems in the easiest way possible. The watermelon is rich in lycopene which is one of the major elements that helps in preventing the joints from getting damaged.

This clearly states the importance of watermelon to the body and for the joints as well. Lycopene helps in fighting against the free radicals in the body and thus reduces the damage to the joint health to almost half.

10. Prevents Macular Degeneration:

The high amount of lycopene also helps in reducing the problem of macular degeneration. It helps in fighting against the free radicals which tend to cause the problem of macular degeneration. The antioxidant is one of the major needs against the problem and which can be controlled with the health benefits of watermelon juice.

How To Consume:

  • Have a glass of watermelon juice every day in the morning to reduce the impact of macular degeneration on the health of the eye.
  • If not treated at the right time, it can even cause major eye problems like blindness.
  • Thus, take the best of water million benefits and find the right cure against the problem of macular degeneration.

11. Help Relieve Muscle Soreness:

Watermelon can be the right ingredient that can help you to reduce the soreness of your muscles. The watermelon amino acids play a major role in this case along with the electrolytes available in it. Both the elements combine together and make watermelon one of the best ingredients for treating the sore muscles.

Apart from this, the citrulline available in watermelon removes the presence of lactic acid from the body and thus treats the sore muscles in the best possible manner. Watermelon and its benefits are tremendous against the sore muscles without affecting any of the normal functioning of other body muscles.

12. Prevent Cancer:

Out of the many uses of watermelon, the major one is its ability to fight against the problem of cancer. Just like many other benefits, the lycopene gets credit for the prevention of cancer. Lycopene reduces the cancer-causing cells in the body and thus brings the maximum relief against the problem.

This powerful antioxidant helps in fighting against the free radicals present in the body and thus eliminates the risk of causing cancer. Get in contact with your health expert before starting with the consumption of watermelon in order to avoid any complications and to avoid any side effects on the problem of cancer.

See More: Watermelon Diet

13. Potassium In Watermelon Protects Nerve Function:

If you are looking for the accurate ingredient for efficient nerve functioning, then watermelon can be the desired option. The watermelon contains just the right amount of potassium which eliminates all the possible risks and problems in the normal functioning of the nerves inside the body.

You can keep all your nerve functions in the required manner by making the most of the watermelon juice benefits. The various vitamins and antioxidants present in watermelon combine together and it as one of the best choices for getting effective nerve functioning.

How To Consume:

  • Have a glass of watermelon juice every day in the morning for getting the best benefits for nerve functioning.

14. Boosts Energy Levels:

The watermelon nutrition facts suggest that it has a rich quantity of vitamin B which is known to be one of the best sources of energy production for the body. Along with this, the watermelon is extremely low in the calorie count as well as being high in the energy amount, which helps the person to stay energetic for the rest of the day.

This is one of the major advantages of eating watermelon that suits most of the people without delivering any side effects or disadvantages. The lesser amount of potassium in watermelon is also known to reduce the tiredness in the body along with keeping it active for a maximum time.

15. Improves Bone Health:

Watermelon is quite a good ingredient that is suggested to be used for improving bone health. The importance of watermelon to the body can be estimated from the fact that it helps in improving the quality and strength of the bones. The credit here goes to the presence of vitamin A and C in the watermelon. Along with the required amount of vitamins, watermelon also contains lycopene which further prevents the problem of bone fracture.

How To Consume:

  • Consuming 1 bowl of watermelon on a regular basis helps in reducing the bone problems along with making them stronger and of high-quality.

16. Prevents Asthma:

One of the major advantages of watermelon is that it can work as an effective ingredient that prevents asthma. It becomes a shield against the infections that cause flu and cold in the person. Moreover, watermelon can also be given to the children when they are suffering from cold or flu. This antioxidant also helps people suffering from asthma to breathe properly without causing any panic.

How To Consume:

  • You get these amazing benefits of eating watermelon only with the regular consumption of either a bowl of watermelon or a glass of fresh watermelon juice.

17. Aids In Detoxification:

Getting the desired aid in detoxification also lists as some of the other watermelon water benefits. The right amount of vitamins and minerals of watermelon helps in bringing the desired relief in the case. Along with this, the popular antioxidant of watermelon called lycopene is also effective in bringing aid in case of detoxification. Watermelon and health benefits go hand in hand. All you need to do is to be aware of them and to make the best of these health benefits.

How To Consume:

  • Make it your habit of consuming a glass of watermelon juice every day in the evening for getting the desired aid in detoxification.

Benefits Of Watermelon For Skin:

Here we enlisted the top 3 benefits of watermelon for the skin. Let’s have a look into them.

advantages of watermelon

18. Anti-ageing:

Watermelon is also one of the best-known ingredients against the problem of ageing. This acts as one of the major uses of watermelon for skin which proves to be the most effective. Thanks to the presence of lycopene antioxidant and vitamin A and C, watermelon skin uses becomes visible in the form of anti-ageing benefits.

How To Apply:

  • Apply some cubes of watermelon on the face with a regular massage or you can also apply the fresh watermelon juice on the face to reduce the problem of ageing.
  • The watermelon nutrition facts also make this thing sure that watermelon can make your skin look youthful with its regular use.

See More: Watermelon Face Packs

19. Prevent Acne:

Acne is another problem for which you can use watermelon for the skin. It has been observed that with the regular application of watermelon juice on the face helps in reduction of the acne-causing symptoms along with reducing the problem of the acne itself. The uses of watermelon for skin are numerous; you just need to be sure and particular with its use.

How To Apply:

  • Apply some of the watermelon juice on the acne and witness the benefits within no time.
  • You can also get the complete sure against the problem of acne within 1-2 months of application of watermelon juice on the skin.

20. Keeps Your Skin Healthy:

You can also use watermelon for the skin for keeping it healthy and elegant even against the various problems that it faces. With the regular application of watermelon either in the solid form or in the form of juice can bring the desired benefits for the skin. This has also been listed by many of the skin experts that watermelon works like magic for keeping the skin healthy. Watermelon helps in reducing skin problems like ageing, acne, etc. which in return improves the health and quality of the skin.

How To Apply:

  • You can apply watermelon juice on your face without any fear of side effects or skin problems.

Benefits Of Watermelon For Hair:

Here we enlisted top 2 benefits of watermelon for hair. Let’s have a look into them.

uses of watermelon

21. Boosts Hair Growth:

The watermelon juice nutrition also makes it clear that it can be used for boosting the growth of the hair with regular use. The richness of watermelon in potassium, calcium, vitamin B6 and vitamin C acts amazingly for regulating the growth of the hair along with stimulating the blood circulation in the scalp.

How To Apply:

  • You can either choose a shampoo that comes with the water million benefits or you can simply apply some of the watermelon juice on the scalp.
  • The antioxidants present in watermelon also helps in bringing an effective solution for the scalp problem and thus enhancing the growth of the hair within no time.

22. Keeps Your Scalp Healthy:

Watermelon is rich in vitamin C along with the iron quantity which enhances the performance of the red blood cells in the scalp. The high number of red blood cells in the scalp helps in delivering the right amount of oxygen in the hair follicles which promotes the hair growth along with reducing the scalp problems. The watermelon information also indicates that it contains a good amount of antioxidant called lycopene which makes sure to reduce all the possible problems of the scalp and thereby improving the health of the scalp.

How To Apply:

  • Apply some of the watermelon juice on the scalp twice in a week to avoid all the scalp related problems.

See More: Watermelon In Pregnancy

Watermelon Side Effects:

You can only get the nutritional benefits of watermelon if you choose to eat it within the specified limit. In any case, if you over-eat the watermelon, it can certainly bring some of the watermelon side effects. Yes, there are some of the disadvantages of watermelon that you can get with the overdose of it.

The following are some of the disadvantages of watermelon or you can say watermelon side effects:

  • Watermelon Can cause diarrhoea and other digestive disorders.
  • Can increase the glucose levels.
  • Watermelon Can also cause liver inflammation.
  • Can cause over-hydration.
  • Watermelon Can also be the reason for cardiovascular problems.

It is therefore advised to consult with the health experts and doctor with the desired specific amount of watermelon that should be consumed to avoid these side effects and consequences.

It is clear from the watermelon properties that it is simply amazing with the plenty of its benefits for the skin, hair, and health. The people who are aware of watermelon fruit will totally agree with the following amazing benefits of the fruit for the body. Make the most of this fruit and charm your body with the never-ending benefits.

In case you need more information or details about watermelon, then do comment below. We would come back to you with the best possible information related to your doubt and concerns. Be sure with the Water Milan benefits for getting nothing less than the best of it.

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