22 Best Cabbage Juice Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health

The very mention of Cabbage can make people frown with disgust! Cabbage is always considered gross for its pungent smell and one of the least favourite vegetables. However, Cabbage is one of the healthiest foods on earth and is actually quite tasty. Cabbage juice is a lesser-known form of consuming Cabbage, other than in salads and stir-fries. Freshly made Cabbage juice is highly recommended by doctors for its wonderful medicinal properties. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Cabbage juice is shown to heal many serious stomach ulcers and also lower bad centres levels. That’s not all! There are many more important Cabbage juice benefits which will be discussed at length here.

Cabbage juice benefits

What Is Cabbage Juice?

Cabbage juice is extracted from fresh cabbages, preferably the green variety. It is surprising to know that cabbage juice is quite milder in taste and smell compared to cooked or raw cabbage. It can be had on its own or mixed with other vegetable juices to enhance the health benefits. Cabbage juice, in recent times, has topped the list of nutritious foods and is available in many juice centers and diet cafes.

Is Cabbage Juice Good For You?

Cabbage juice might sound like a bad idea, but trust us! Once you start drinking this, your palate gets adjusted to its taste easily. The advantages that Cabbage juice offers to our body are beyond our belief. A glass of this juice can supplement many important vitamins like A, C, K, Minerals like magnesium, Phosphorous, Calcium and crucial anti-oxidants.

Cabbage Juice Nutrition Facts:

Let us look into the nutritional value of 1 Cup serving of juice, made with 89 grams of raw cabbage:

  • Total Calories: 22
  • Protein: 1 gm
  • Fibre: 2 gm
  • Vitamin K: 85 % of DV
  • Vitamin C: 54 % DV
  • Folate: 10 % DV
  • Manganese: 7 % DV
  • Vitamin B6: 6 % DV
  • Calcium: 4 % DV
  • Potassium: 4 % DV
  • Magnesium: 3 % DV

How To Make Cabbage Juice?

Cabbage juice is very easy to make at home. By choosing tender, fresh cabbages, you can ensure good quality and taste of the juice. Here is the recipe:

Things You Need:

  • Chopped Cabbage – 1 Cup
  • Water – As Needed


  • In a blender, add chopped cabbage with some water.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Add more water, till you get a juicy consistency.
  • Strain the juice and serve fresh.

Tip: Fresh Cabbage juice can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours.

Amazing Health Benefits Of Cabbage Juice:

Now that you have understood the importance of Cabbage juice, let us look into each of the health benefits in detail:

1. Prevents And Heals Cancer:

The anti-carcinogenic properties of cabbage juice make it a perfect option for preventing a lot of different types of cancer including breast, stomach and prostate. This happens because of some chemical compounds in the juice called isocyanates that helps in enhancing the estrogen metabolism. This also helps in boosting healing in those patients who have cancer and are under treatment.

2. Bowel Cleanser:

Using Cabbage juice for constipation is one of the best ways to cleanse the bowel system well. Chlorine and sulphur in cabbage juice help in the treatment of all kinds of inflammation in the colon and the intestines. The sign of this comes when you leave an unpleasant foul gas just after drinking cabbage juice.

3. Cures Obesity:

Many health experts recommend using Cabbage juice for weight loss. For those people who are tired of extra pounds in the body and want to look for a natural and effective method for weight loss, then there is nothing better than cabbage juice. Raw cabbage juice eliminates the toxins, accumulates fat, cellulite and calories from the body and thus helps you lose weight in a slow but highly effective and visible manner.

4. Combats Skin Inflammation:

The anti-inflammatory properties of cabbage juice along with the essential amino acids ensure that the skin is away from such problems and you maintain a healthy and problem-free outlook. This is one of the best raw cabbage juice benefits for the skin.

5. Treatment Of Ulcers:

Using Cabbage juice for ulcers is a proven home remedy, Detoxification of the intestines and colon has already been mentioned as a benefit here. Cabbage helps in providing strength to the lining of the stomach and thus treats even the most acute of ulcers as well.

6. Treats Anaemic Conditions:

As one of the most essential nutrients in cabbage juice, folic acid is important for keeping away anaemia from the body. Folic acid will help in bringing up new red blood cells and treat the crisis completely. This is one of the major advantages of Cabbage juice.

See More: Cabbage Health Benefits

7. Keeps Away Premature Ageing Of Skin:

The antioxidants rich cabbage juice is perfect for destroying the free radicals from the skin that is known to cause damage and lead to ageing signs. You can either drink it or include them in the face masks for maximum benefits.

8. For Smooth Skin Texture:

The tone and the texture of the skin can be easily improved with the use of cabbage juice. Potassium in the liquid helps in detoxifying the body and thus improves the skin complexion. The vitamin A and E levels in cabbage juice, on the other hand, rejuvenates the tissues well and make the skin soft and smooth.

9. Combats Hair Loss Issues:

One of the best benefits of cabbage juice is that it can be used on the hair which further makes the hair stronger from the roots. It contains an important natural mineral called sulphur. The sulphur content in cabbage juice is a perfect choice to make when it comes to combating hair. This can further prevent hair loss (discussed previously).

One can intake raw cabbage juice every morning to make their body healthy from the inside or include it in hair masks for the right outcomes. Using Cabbage juice for hair has been rated as one of the best cabbage juice uses.

10. Contains Isocyanates:

Raw cabbage juice comes with isocyanates which are basically a group of compounds that boost the process of estrogen metabolism in the body. This is one of the best benefits of cabbage juice and this reason specifically persuades us all to consume this organic juice. It can cure a number of diseases and prevent the re-occurrence of those illnesses. Apart from curing cancer, the isocyanate content in this juice can also cure prostate cancer effectively.

11. Breast Engorgement:

This is one of the best cabbage juice uses. The juice can effectively assist with breast engorgement. It can reduce the pain that women experience in their breasts by soothing the affected area. Women prefer taking the help of cabbage juice rather than prescribed drugs and medicines. This is one of the best benefits of cabbage juice and is also one of the reasons why women consume this juice so frequently.

12. Treating Colitis:

Since cabbage juice comes with cleaning features, it is used for treating colitis. Doctors also recommend and prefer this organic juice for treating colitis. It contains two of the best and most required minerals which are sulphur and chlorine. It can treat inflammation problems on a wide scale and can offer you the feeling of relieving within no time.

13. Folic Acid:

One of the most health benefits of cabbage juice is that it comes with folic acid which is actually one of the most important constituents of this vegetable. For the presence of this particular acid, this juice can treat many diseases such as anaemia (discussed earlier). The folic acid is one of the most important nutrients which assist in the building process of brand new blood cells.

14. Contains Antioxidants:

The cabbage juice contains antioxidants which is one of the most important constituents of this organic juice. The presence of antioxidants in this particular vegetable also makes it one of the most consumed organic foods ever. Along with antioxidants, it contains some phytochemicals which deal with inflammation and internal irritation.

See More: Red Cabbage Health Benefits

15. Treat Constipation:

A lot of people are not aware of it but cabbage can assist in removing constipation problems. Cabbage juice has been proven to treat constipation effectively. It stimulates the bowel movement and also assists in the proper elimination of waste materials generally emitted by the body in the form of stool. Eating uncooked cabbage can treat the constipation problems that mature people face frequently. Cabbage juice can also assist the bowel movement and remove constipation problems.

16. Clears Intestinal Tracks:

Cabbage juice has many benefits and one of them is associated with clearing intestinal tracks. Cabbage juice can effectively make the intestines function properly. The chlorine, iodine, and sulphur content in this organic juice can clean the mucus membranes which will further clear the track of the stomach and the intestines.

17. Assist In Losing Weight:

Want to know about the uses of cabbage juice? This is one of the best benefits of cabbage juice, where it can be used as a tool for losing weight. It is one of the healthiest ways to lose weight. Since you’re not using any drugs or medicines, organic cabbage juice will turn out to be the most healthy and easy way to lose weight within a very short period of time. It inhibits the conversion of carbohydrates into fats. So from on it can be expected that you will include cabbage juice in your diet in order to lose weight painlessly.

18. Prevents Diabetes:

Drinking Cabbage juice for diabetes is one of the proven remedies. Cabbage juice is quite effective in stimulating the functions of Pancreas for better production of Insulin. It has many anti-glycaemic agents which can lower blood sugar levels. Unstained Cabbage juice contains high amounts of fibre, which helps in slowing down the absorption of sugar in the body.

19. Treats Gastritis:

Treating Gastritis is one of the best cabbage juice benefits for the stomach. Taking cabbage juice for gastritis is one of the proven methods for faster relief. Cabbage juice contains many agents like Kaempferol and Glucosinolates, which help in reducing the acid content of the stomach and also fight bacterial growth on the ulcers. Drinking Cabbage juice every day can soothe your stomach quickly.

20. Reduces Acne Breakouts:

Cabbage juice benefits the skin in many ways. This juice is loaded with Vitamin C and E, which can flush the toxins out of your skin. Along with drinking cabbage juice regularly, applying little cabbage juice for acne on the affected areas can bring down the intensity of redness and inflammation caused by Acne. Using Cabbage juice for the face can also lighten the scars and blemishes caused due to pimples.

21. Lowers Cholesterol Levels:

Studies show that drinking Cabbage juice regularly has resulted in a significant reduction of bad cholesterol levels in the body. The agents in this juice bind to the cholesterol in the food and prevent them from getting absorbed by the body. Instead, they are pushed into the excretory system and flushed out in the stools.

22. Regulates Blood Pressure:

Cabbage juice is rich in the potassium content, which can effectively reduce sodium levels in the body. With regular consumption of cabbage juice, your blood pressure is kept in check. Also, the high amounts of vitamins and minerals in the juice can promote a healthy heart and prevents many cardiovascular diseases.

See More: Cabbage Soup For Weight Loss

Cabbage Juice Side Effects:

Cabbage juice is generally safe to be consumed in limited quantities. However, drinking in excess quantities can lead to many side effects like:

  • Nausea
  • Indigestion
  • Burning Sensation In Stomach
  • Loss Of Appetite
  • Allergic reaction when applied on Skin
  • Flatulence
  • Diarrhoea

If you have been ignoring Cabbage all these days, these benefits will want to make you start indulging in it! Unlike other fruit or vegetable juices, Cabbage juice is not had for taste or for satisfying hunger. It is mainly intended to treat certain health disorders and prevention of many ailments. Before including Cabbage juice in your diet, it is advisable to seek the advice of your doctor to make sure it is compatible with any medications you might take!

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