23 Unique Capricorn Tattoo Designs With Best Placement Ideas

Are you born between 22nd December to 19th January? Your Zodiac sign is Capricorn which represents responsibility and perfection. The symbol of Capricorn is a goat with long horns and a tail. People who have Capricorn as their Zodiac sign choose this symbol for their tattoo, to represent their true nature. Capricorns are extremely hardworking and are always willing to stretch that extra mile. They are quite ambitious and wish to do things differently. This article features some of the best Capricorn tattoo designs to suit the personality and traits of a true Capricorn!

Capricorn Tattoos Meanings and Symbolism:

Capricorn tattoo designs hold a lot of meaning and hence is difficult to exactly pin point what they stand for. They are usually worn by people who have their birthday anywhere between 22 December to 19 January. This is a goat head design, with long horns and fish tail. They also stand for people who are hardworking and dedicated towards work or any other commitment they step into. The trend today is more stylish. They come not just with goat head, horns and fish tail, but with an infuse of colours, patterns and emotions. Some of them are designed to look angry, while others will look calmer and intriguing with colours. Whatever they represent, they will not fail to impress you. Tale a look at some of the good Capricorn tattoo idea to draw some inspiration from.

Capricorn Tattoo Images with Meanings:

Here are the outstanding collections of rare Capricorn sign tattoo designs with the perfect blend of styles, patterns and hues for giving you the mesmerizing appearance.

1. Colorful Capricorn Symbol Tattoo:

This one is big, that looks masculine and full of energy. This horoscope sign is a trendy one with colours on the fish tail. The horns look fierce and is drawn in black, while the infuse of blue makes it a good contrast against the skin colour. It might take some time to get this done but is nevertheless a good choice to try. This tattoo is a sign of the mysterious and the love for the exotic worlds.

  • Best for: This blue Capricorn tattoo is perfect for women, who are like to infuse Aqua with Capricorn. IT also signifies their love for the external world and their sense of imagination.
  • Preferable ink: This tattoo is largely done in shades of blue and green inks
  • Where: The preferable places for this tattoo are thighs, legs and arms.
  • Size: Depending on the place of the body, this tattoo can be done in medium to large sized designs
  • Skin tone: You can get this tattoo done if you have light and fair skin tones.

2. The Modern Capricorn Tattoos:

This design is another beautiful modern and trendy Capricorn pattern. The design has an influx of many colours, rightly portraying the vibrancy and energy. It also looks like a work of modern art and the effort and time taken to get this done will be high. If you are looking for something fancy, this one is your good choice! The best part of the tattoo is the unique watercolor effect which is very difficult to produce.

  • Best for: This amazing Capricorn tattoo is ideal for both men and women, who are always enthusiastic and vivacious. These people have a never-say-die attitude and always up for challenges.
  • Preferable ink: You can get them inked in beautiful hues of yellow, green, blue and pink
  • Where: For better visibility, this tattoo can be placed on legs, chest, back and even biceps
  • Size: A larger sized Capricorn tattoo looks great to capture the beauty of the water colors.
  • Skin tone: This tattoo is ideal for people with light and fair skin tones.

3. Classy Neck Capricorn Tattoo Designs:

Are you the one looking out for some cool neck tattoo designs? Here is one! The pattern is simple and wonderfully classy. If you tend to wear clothes that should the back of your neck, this design will go well with you. The goat looks fierce and has some floral patterns below. This tattoo represents vital force, strength and even fertility. The two roses on either sides of the goat indicate lust and sexual desire.

  • Best for: This tattoo is best for men and women who have a desire for the opposite sex. The design is a fine mix of feminity and masculinity making it perfect for both the genders.
  • Preferable ink: While the basic design is done in black color, you can also opt for hues of red and green.
  • Where: This tattoo looks great on the back and neck to offer better visibility
  • Size: You can choose between medium to large sized Capricorn tattoo
  • Skin tone: Choose this tattoo if you have medium to fair skin tones.

4. Full Sized Capricorn Tattoo Design:

Here is a full-sized Capricorn Zodiac that will suit men. It has darker shades of red and contrasts the black colour of the overall tattoo colour. It is inspired to look intense and fierce and is a huge one! The anger on the pattern looks evident and is sure an eye candy! Up for some creativity? Here is something you could try!

  • Best for: This is one of the best tattoo designs for aggressive men and women, who are always up for the game and won’t budge until their goals are met!
  • Preferable ink: This tattoo is best done in black and red inks.
  • Where: This Capricorn back tattoo can also be done on the chest
  • Size: Medium to large sized Capricorn tattoo designs look amazing
  • Skin tone: This tattoo looks stunning on medium to fair skin tones.

5. Capricorn Head Tattoo On Finger:

Looking for something minimalistic? Here is a cute Capricorn design you can try on your fingers. This one is done on the middle finger and looks very attractive. The tattoo is followed by another heart shaped tattoo on the ring finger to complement the fierceness. If your workplace is strict about tattoos, this is something that will satisfy you and the company.

  • Best for: This is for both men and women who like to keep their design minimal, yet sophisticated. This ring styled design is quite unique and is one of the best designs.
  • Preferable ink: This tattoo is ideally done in black colored ink
  • Where: This Capricorn design tattoo is perfect on the middle finger
  • Size: Small to medium sized designs work well based on the size of your finger
  • Skin tone: This tattoo looks great on medium to fair skin tones.

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6. Minimalistic Capricorn Finger Design:

You probably won’t find something smaller and simpler than this. It is a representation of the Zodiac and is beautifully done on the finger. The colour used is black and does not have any complications. This is a representation of “Less is more” philosophy. It shows how we are surrounded by the smallest things which give us happiness, but how busy we are to ignore them. This is one of the small Capricorn tattoos which is done very creatively.

  • Best for: This is gender-neutral design which offers simplistic view to the other wise complicated life. This single stroke Capricorn symbol tattoo is apt to those who love to find happiness in smaller things.
  • Preferable ink: This tattoo is best done in black colored ink
  • Where: This design can be done anywhere on the fingers
  • Size: This design is deliberately kept small to offer a peek-a-boo moment
  • Skin tone: Since it is done on the inner part of the fingers, it can be suitable for all skin types.

7. Colorful Capricorn Tattoo With Stars On Arm:

Colorful Capricorn Tattoo

Colorful Capricorn Tattoos have been made for that kind of crowd that really likes to experiment with colors and keep their tattoos vibrant and bright to look it. These tattoos tend to be very feminine and have been rated as one of the most wanted Capricorn tattoos among the female crowd. This tattoo offers another perspective of looking at the life from a wider angle. It shows how we are interconnected with the cosmos and how insignificant the rest of the things are.

  • Best for: This Capricorn sign tattoo is preferably done on women, who love are easy going, playful and fun loving. They are always busy appreciating their life than wasting time on unnecessary things and arguments.
  • Preferable ink: This tattoo can be done in many colors to make it look fun and creative.
  • Where: Wrists and sleeves are the best spots for this tattoo design
  • Size: This design can be done in medium to smaller sizes for better visibility
  • Skin tone: This is best suitable for medium to light skin tones.

8. Celtic Capricorn Tattoo Designs:

Those who want to give themselves a very ethnic and traditional look should really chose the Celtic Capricorn Tattoos. They are colorful and beautiful to look. Various patterns and other designs can be combined which will give the tattoo a very stylish and smart look. Celtic patterns are usually complex and represent endlessness. Celtic Capricorn tattoos symbolise the zeal to work hard and stretch as far as possible to climb up the ladder.

  • Best for: Celtic Capricorn tattoos look best on men, although some women like to get them done. This involves complex patterns, indicating their compatibility with other Zodiac signs.
  • Preferable ink: Celtic tattoos can be done in black ink, with hints of other colors.
  • Where: You can get them done on any part of the body, preferably on arms, shoulders and neck
  • Size: You can opt for small to medium sizes, based on the placement of the tattoo
  • Skin tone: This is apt for light and fair skin tone for better visibility

9. Scary Capricorn Tattoo Designs:

Scary Capricorn Tattoo Designs

Scary Capricorn Tattoo Designs look very scary indeed. They are usually inscribed in the color black, although several other combinations have also been used. They are some of the best and most liked Capricorn tattoos to be seen so far and has received appraisal from many. These tattoos symbolise fearlessness and also reveal a “Don’t mess with me” attitude. So, if you are someone is who is better left alone, check out this brilliant piece of art.

  • Best for: This tattoo is ideal for men, who are quite aggressive and don’t like to be messed with. It also indicates a zeal for achieving something and a never-say-die attitude.
  • Preferable ink: Scary tattoos are done with the two best colors associated with fear- red and black!
  • Where: They are best done on chest, back and even biceps
  • Size: You can choose between a medium to large sized Capricorn tattoo depending on how bold you want it to be.
  • Skin tone: This tattoo best suits light and fair skin tones.

10. Capricorn Flower Tattoo Designs:

Floral Capricorn Tattoos

Floral Capricorn Tattoos have been designed essentially for women. They look pretty, delicate and also reflect the symbol of Capricorn in a distinct yet attractive manner. Women tend to go for this particular tattoo design as this gives them a very feminine and stunning look. The Capricorn shape is interlaced with beautiful, dainty creeper. It indicates your down to earth nature and simultaneously having high aspirations in life.

  • Best for: This is one of the best Capricorn tattoos for females, who like to achieve high in life, while at the same time not forget their roots.
  • Preferable ink: While the Capricorn symbol is done in black ink, the creeper can be inked with green and nice colourful hues
  • Where: This tattoo looks wonderful on arms, back and neck
  • Size: The ideal size for this tattoo is medium. However, petite women can go for slightly larger sizes.
  • Skin tone: This is quite suitable for medium, light and fair skin tones.

11. Capricorn Symbolic Tattoo On Neck:

Symbolic Capricorn Tattoos contain the symbol of the Capricorn zodiac sign. These tattoos look intricate and original. There are different patterns of combination available for choosing and are probably some of the popular Capricorn Tattoos to be seen till date. It indicates a person’s unwillingness to be an open book. This tattoo represents wisdom, resourcefulness and loyalty.

  • Best for: Ideal for both men and women, symbolic Capricorn tattoos reveal the person’s interest in keeping things simple, yet deep.
  • Preferable ink: This symbolic tattoo is best done in black colored ink, with highlights of brown shade
  • Where: The tattoo looks amazing on the back and neck areas
  • Size: You can opt for a smaller size, while medium sized design looks good on areas like chest and back
  • Skin tone: This design is quite apt for wheatish and fair skin tones.

12. Goat Capricorn Tattoo Designs For Men:

Goat Capricorn Tattoo Design

This is a very basic Capricorn tattoo design. It consists of a mythical goat named Amalthea whom the Greek God Zeus provided with milk when he was born. This goat becomes a very important symbol for all Capricorn people as this particular animal stands as its symbol. Surely the goats can climb up all mountains and achieve anything in life. This is one of the best Capricorn tattoos for guys.

  • Best for: This tattoo design reveals masculine strength and hence is preferred by men. It shows their physical and mental power to achieve their goals no matter how difficult their road is.
  • Preferable ink: This tattoo is best done in black and brown colored inks.
  • Where: Get this done on your chest and back for better visibility of details.
  • Size: This tattoo is best done in large sizes, while medium sizes can be chosen for simpler designs
  • Skin tone: This design looks best for light and fair skin tones.

See More: Celtic Tattoo Designs For Men

13. Sweet Design Of Capricorn Tattoo On Thigh:

This is another mainstream arrangement of the tattoo configuration or zodiac tattoo plan, it looks excellent and effortless in the wake of seeing. It can be littler and bigger however impeccable to suit with the zone. Tattoo draw on the sleeve, thigh, back and bear look amazingly great as it got enough space for the innovativeness. The upward position of the goat indicates a zeal for accelerated growth in life

  • Best for: This tattoo is suitable for men, who like to get something unique etched on their bodies. It indicates strong physical and mental resilience to meet their goals.
  • Preferable ink: The best colors for this tattoo are black and brown shades
  • Where: You can get it done on the sleeve for better visibility of your philosophy in life.
  • Size: Larger sized tattoo design looks amazing as it best captures all the details.
  • Skin tone:The design best complements wheat and fair skin tones

14. Cool Capricorn Symbol Tattoo Girl Design:

Capricorn’s are generally restrained and aspiring and the individuals who inked these tattoo on the body demonstrate that one has this fundamental characteristic in them. It likewise recounts the tale of the shortcoming and quality or you can likewise say in regards to the positive and negative parts of the characteristics. It additionally appears to others that you are working for having a superior life.

  • Best for: This is one of the ideal Capricorn tattoos for women, who are individualistic and believe in standing on their own feet. They are also Masters of their own fate and like to take their own decisions.
  • Preferable ink: If you want a basic stencil kind of a pattern, black ink looks amazing. You can also add colors if you wish to.
  • Where: The best placement ideas for this tattoo are the arms, chest and back.
  • Size: This tattoo usually comes in a medium sized pattern to make it look subtle and stylish
  • Skin tone:This is best for fair and medium skin tones.

15. Saturn Capricorn Tattoo Design:

Saturn Capricorn Tattoo Design

The planet Saturn is known as the ruling planet for the zodiac sign Capricorn. It has a system of rings that surround it. These rings contain dust that shine when shone against the sunlight. It really makes the planet look appealing and interesting. Many people have adopted the Saturn Capricorn Tattoo Design because it really helps in symbolizing the originality of the tattoo.

  • Best for: Ideal for both men and women, who believe in keeping it original. It also traces them back to the roots of the person and constantly remind them of their basics.
  • Preferable ink: You can get them inked in many colors, while blue, pink and orange look ideal to capture the beauty of Saturn.
  • Where: This tattoo is best placed on the arms, biceps and even chest
  • Size: A medium to large sized Saturn looks amazing on the body, with all the colors reflecting the skin tone.
  • Skin tone:As it makes use of lighter colors, fair and lighter skin tones are suitable.

16. Top Hill Capricorn Tattoo Design:

Goat symbolizes Capricorn and an able mascot, they cherish climb slope and mountain where there is clear and outside air so Capricorns need to profit from achievement, acclaim, cash and eminence. There is a decent arrangement of assortment among these types of Capricorn tattoo designs, with subjects and appearances extending over the most extensive feelings and connections possible. This tattoo can be utilized to demonstrate that no obstacle is too huge for you in life as you can climb it. The huge horns that are generally attracted this tattoo can be utilized to symbolize that you have the ideal weapon to face anything that comes your direction.

  • Best for: Luxuriously significant and appealing, these Capricorn sign tattoo designs look best on individuals with quiet and mindful mentalities. Can be suitable for both men and women.
  • Preferable ink: You can get them inked in many colors, while blue, pink and orange look ideal to capture the beauty of Saturn.
  • Where: The highlighting quality of this tattoo design is that it looks awesome when placed almost anywhere in the body. Goats like climbing a great deal and they are stunning at it particularly when they are searching for sustenance.
  • Size: You can get this tattoo done in medium or large sizes, as it need to capture all the details well.
  • Skin tone:This is best suitable on fair skin toned people

17. Ghost Capricorn Tattoo Designs:

There are numerous example of the Capricorn tattoo outline which has further importance and inked to your skin with hues or just in dark and dim inked with representation. Underneath tattoo speaks to the loco style of a man who has phantom tattoo, skeleton tattoo on their body with dark and dim inked. They appreciate the life and need to spend their each snapshot of the existence with delight. It is the best Capricorn tattoo for men.

  • Best for: Ghost tattoos are suitable for men who like to achieve things, yet choose to stay in the background. These people appreciate all the details in life and is best for men.
  • Preferable ink: This beautiful design is done in black, blue and sea green shades.
  • Where: This bold tattoo is preferably done on the chest, sleeves and back area.
  • Size: A medium to large sized tattoo looks amazing on the chest area.
  • Skin tone:This is preferably for lighter and fair skin tones.

18. Tribal Capricorn Zodiac Sign:

This can be some other sort of Capricorn tattoo attracted the Capricorn tribal tattoo design. The tribal examples improve the tattoo look much as well as give it a more profound significance. Capricorns are generally thought to be taught and aspiring, thus these goat tribal tattoos can be utilized to demonstrate that one has these crucial attributes in them. The story behind the Zodiac signs clarifies every signs’ qualities and shortcomings or its positive and negative characteristics and for the Capricorn control and aspiration are some of its best attribute.

  • Best for: Tribal tattoos are for both men and women who choose to stick to their roots and respect their nativity. They are also quite aggressive when it comes to fulfilling their aspirations.
  • Preferable ink: This creative tribal tattoo is best done in black colored ink
  • Where: This is one of the best Capricorn tattoos for wrist and arms.
  • Size: Opt for a medium sized tattoo for better visibility and subtle look.
  • Skin tone:This is suitable for almost all skin tones.

19. Hybrid Capricorn Tattoo Design:

Inventiveness in the craft of inking has no limits, and this tattoo demonstrates this announcement. In this tattoo, the goat is crafted with the beautiful fish body in what resembles a “goat mermaid”. Hues are then utilized liberally on the tattoo to make it look trendier. Other than from having the body of a fish in a few tattoos the goat can likewise have a snake’s body.

  • Best for: This tattoo is preferably done by women who like to multitask. They are a mix of land animal like goat and can swim as gracefully as the beautiful mermaid. These women can perform any task in life and are symbols of Female power!
  • Preferable ink: This design is best done in sea green, red and black colored inks.
  • Where: You can opt for a wider area on the body like the chest, back and shoulders.
  • Size: Choose a larger sized tattoo design for capturing all the details.
  • Skin tone:Best suits wheatish and fair skin tones.

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20. Simple Capricorn Star Tattoo Designs:

Star Capricorn Tattoo Design

Star Capricorn Tattoo Design is another one which has been made for women. It is usually made in the color black and has been liked by several women. It consists of the basic shape of a star within which the symbol of zodiac sign Capricorn is inscribed. It is trendy, fashionable and very neat to look at. It is one of the popular Capricorn tattoo designs for women.

  • Best for: This tattoo although popular for women can be done by men also. This is quite simple, yet has a deeper inner meaning associated with it.
  • Preferable ink: Black is the best suited color for this tattoo
  • Where: As it is a small and simple design, you can place it on any part of the body you prefer.
  • Size: A smaller to medium sized tattoo design looks cute on your body
  • Skin tone:This tattoo is suitable for all skin tones, while it best complements fair skinned people.

21. Capricorn Tattoo Deigns With Star And Wings:

Darkened Capricorn Tattoo Deigns

Darkened Capricorn Tattoo Designs are very unique and different from the rest of the Capricorn tattoos. They consist of a goat with wings. A red star is also shown. A circle is made to surround the tattoo the goat with the symbols in the outskirts. It is one of best Capricorn Tattoo designs to be seen till date.

  • Best for: This tattoo is popular with both men and women who wish to achieve perfection in everything. They have a keen eye for details and will not rest until their goals are met.
  • Preferable ink: This design is best when done in black and red colored inks
  • Where: You can get it placed on wrists, chest and back areas for better visibility
  • Size: A medium to larger sized tattoo design is ideal to capture the details perfectly
  • Skin tone:Medium to lighter skin tones can carry this tattoo very well.

22. 3D Capricorn Tattoo Designs:

Check out this Ultra-realistic Capricorn chest tattoo for men, which looks so amazing with the fine details etched on it. This makes use of the Goat pattern , a symbol for Capricorn. The long horned, bearded billy goat is a symbol for loyalty, aggression and vitality. It represents youthfulness and vigour. This tattoo design is suitable for men who are in the prime of your youth and are enjoying the best years of their lives.

  • Best for: This 3D Capricorn tattoo is best suitable for young men, who like to show off this tattoo on their well-toned muscular bodies. This tattoo is a representation of their physical strength and sexuality.
  • Preferable ink: Being realistic, this goat is done in brown, beige and black shaded inks.
  • Where: This tattoo is best done on arms, chest and back of the body
  • Size: The Billy goat Capricorn tattoo is best done in larger size to capture all the details.
  • Skin tone:This tattoo best suits medium to fair skin tones.

23. Capricorn Tattoos For Men:

This Capricorn tattoo for men is etched to make it look like it is on the run. This design is specially for go-getters, who like to fix goals in life and rest not till they are achieved. The strong legged goat in this tattoo represents the physical strength of the wearer and is best suited for young men. The long horns are a symbol of sexual vigour with the keen eyes fixed on their goals.

  • Best for: This is one of the best shoulder tattoos for men in the Capricorn design. It represents physical strength and valour of the person, who is in his youthful days.
  • Preferable ink: This design is best in black ink with shades of brown for detailing.
  • Where: This is a shoulder tattoo and is best for men who have toned muscles
  • Size: This Capricorn tattoo is best done in large sizes for capturing the attention of the viewers
  • Skin tone:This tattoo is ideal for people with fair skin tones.

Additional Tips For Capricorn Tattoos:

Check out these tips to make sure your Capricorn tattoo looks perfect and is worth the money:

  • Capricorn tattoos like any Zodiac tattoos are best done when the birthday aligns with the sign.
  • You can shortlist on one design based on the size and complexity you wish to achieve
  • If you are looking for a short term tattoo design, go for a simple design, which can later be altered by the artist
  • Colorful tattoos might get blurred in the long run and difficult to set them back
  • You should also be careful about mixing the Zodiac signs with other symbolic elements to ensure your ideology meets the design

We hope this article helped you gather some great ideas to get your very own Capricorn tattoo. Most zodiac sign tattoos use the generic templates and are commonly found. We knot that you want nothing but the very best and unique design, as tattoos are forever. These designs are best rated and have gained maximum admiration among tattoo lovers. Most of these tattoos are done by skillful artists and to replicate them exactly might need fair amount of expertise and experience. So folks, gift yourself a creative Capricorn tattoo this birthday and get ready to steal the show!

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