25 Best Home Remedies For Headache That Work Instantly

Imagine what it feels like to experience the world crashing down on your head! Many people wake up to this aching feeling in the head almost every single day! Headaches can take a toll on your daily chores and give you acute discomfort. A person experiences severe pain below the scalp, the area around the temples, forehead, behind the eyes and the upper neck. Most headaches are not dangerous and last for a few hours. However, repeated headaches may indicate serious underlying medical problems. Get to know the causes, symptoms and some of the effective home remedies for headaches at length.

home remedies for headache

Table Of Content:

Causes For Headaches

Instant Natual Home Remedies For Headache

  1. Chopped Apples
  2. Rosemary Oil Massage
  3. Ginger For Headache
  4. Peppermint Oil Helps To Control Headache
  5. Basil
  6. Ice Pack
  7. Cinnamon For Headache
  8. Take Proper Sleep
  9. Have Plenty Of Water
  10. Do Some Activity
  11. Apple Cider Vinegar
  12. Lavender Oil
  13. All Kind Of Nuts
  14. Acupressure
  15. Fish Oil Supplements
  16. Cloves To Get Rid Of Headache
  17. Watermelon
  18. Yoga Breathing
  19. Steam
  20. Chamomile
  21. Honey And Lemon
  22. Wet Wipe
  23. Coffee
  24. Massage
  25. Cut Down Your Thoughts

Frequently Asked Questions

Causes For Headaches:

Headaches are categorised into two basic types – Primary and secondary. Here are the causes of each:


  • Illness
  • Migraine Attacks
  • Cluster headaches
  • Tension


  • Tumour in brain
  • Blood clots
  • Brain freeze due to chilled food
  • Dehydration
  • Weakness
  • Loud Music
  • Hangovers
  • Grinding teeth during sleep
  • Flu and Cold
  • Fever
  • External Medications
  • Acute Stress
  • Brain stroke


Read More: Symptoms Of Headache

Instant Natural Home Remedies For Headache:

Let’s find here with mentioned top 24 instant home remedies for headache.

1. Chopped Apples:

Home Remedies for Headache - Chopped Apples

Apple is one of the best headache remedies. Apples are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids which can alleviate headaches and also lower blood pressure. A simple and interesting cure for frequent headaches is to eat a chopped apple every morning on an empty stomach with some salt. This should be done for at least a week to get visible outcomes on the problem

Tip: Having freshly squeezed apple juice also does wonders for a headache.


2. Rosemary Oil Massage:

Apple is one of the best headache remedies. Apples are rich in antioxidants and flavonoids which can alleviate headaches and also lower blood pressure. A simple and interesting cure for frequent headaches is to eat a chopped apple every morning on an empty stomach with some salt. This should be done for at least a week to get visible outcomes on the problem

Tip: Having freshly squeezed apple juice also does wonders for a headache.


Read More: Headache In Different Locations

3. Ginger For Headache:

Ginger is known to be an anti-inflammatory natural product that helps in reducing the inflammation in the blood vessels and thus reduces the headaches considerably. It can be taken in any form for benefits. Ginger tea can be made at home or else a piece of ginger can be chewed. Ginger juice can also be taken with a hint of salt or lemon juice. One can also make use of ginger powder in this case.

How To Prepare?

  • Boil 1-inch ginger piece in a cup of water
  • Strain and serve with honey and lime juice

Who Should Avoid?

Avoid if you have a sensitive stomach


4. Peppermint Oil Helps To Control Headache:

Home Remedies For Headache Peppermint Oil


Mint extracts add a zing to your palate every time you add mint leaves to your special dish. The same way peppermint oil invigorates your senses and washes out the clogging pores and cavities. You can either use the peppermint oil to massage the head or else mix in some peppermint oil in a tub of hot water and take steam for aromatherapy. It helps in improving the blood flow and thus reduces the pain in the head in an effective manner. Apart from being the best remedy for headache, Peppermint also plays a great role in soothing inflammation and swelling and is an instant headache home remedy.

Tip: If you are using an essential oil, make sure to combine it with a carrier oil to reduce the potency.


5. Basil:

Stiff muscles are usually the cause of headaches. Basil on the other hand is a muscles relaxant and therefore one of the best cures for the crisis. You can either chew on some basil leaves or else prepare a cup of basil tea by adding some leaves to hot boiling water. Basil oil can be massaged on the head as well. This is the best natural cure for headache.

How To Prepare?

  • Boil some dry or fresh basil leaves in a cup of water
  • Strain and serve it warm with some honey

Who should avoid?

Avoid if you are allergic to basil


Read More: Best Medicines For Headache

6. Ice Pack:

Home Remedies for Headache - Ice Pack


The coldness of the ice helps in the reduction of inflammation and thus treats headaches. An ice pack can be applied at the back of the neck for some time or a washcloth dipped in ice water can be applied on the head. Another way to sort the issue is to use a bag of frozen vegetables instead of ice cube bag.

Tip: Always place a cloth between the cold pack and your skin to avoid frostbites.


7. Cinnamon For Headache:

The headaches that are directly associated with the common cold can be treated by this home remedy of cinnamon. Cinnamon can be grinded into a thick paste and applied on the head. Cinnamon powder mixed with milk and honey is another way to extract the advantage for headaches. This should be taken twice a day for visible results.

How To Prepare?

Along with the remedy suggested above, try this wonderful Cinnamon tea:

  • Take a stick of Cinnamon or some Cinnamon powder in a cup of water.
  • Bring it to a good boil.
  • Strain and serve it warm.

Who Should Avoid?

Avoid if you are sensitive to Cinnamon


8. Take Proper Sleep:

sleep proper

A simple form of home remedy for helping the headache to subside is to take proper sleep. Regular naps might also help in this case. Also, make sure to get at least 7 hours of undisturbed sleep. Put away all activities, including books and smartphones an hour or two before your bedtime. This is an immediate remedy for headache.

Tip: Listening to sleep music can instantly calm you down and make you sleep fast.


9. Have Plenty Of Water:

A simple natural home remedy for headache relief is drinking 10-12 glasses of water. This helps in keeping the body hydrated since dehydration is a major cause of the problem. Always carry a water bottle with you, wherever you go, to make sure you get your dose of water.

Tip: Set an alarm every 20-30 minutes until you get used to drinking water on your own.


10. Do Some Activity:

side view of a couple walking on the beach

Even though headache is a real let down, during this time we understand how much laziness plays an important part of the curing process. However, too much of a cooped up or stressed environment can be the cause for headaches and therefore a nice long walk in the park or some cycling amongst the woods can help relief.

Tip: Taking along a good friend or a loving partner can do plenty of good for you.

See Also: How To Cure Hangover At Home


11. Apple Cider Vinegar:

apple cider vinegar 123


We have already spoken about the benefits of apple in reducing headaches and coming from the same product this time try apple cider vinegar as home remedies for severe headache also. Mix apple cider vinegar in equal amounts with water. Once you sear the pan with the broth take in the steam. This is the best home remedy for severe headache and is one of the best home remedies for Sinus headache.

How To Prepare?

  • Boil water in a wide vessel.
  • Add a few drops of ACV to the water.
  • Inhale the steam.

Who Should Avoid?

This treatment is not recommended for children


12. Lavender Oil:

Lavender oil for Headache


Lavender oil is a proven instant remedy for headache. This oil can help you release even stubborn headaches and migraine pains. Not only does it have a soothing effect on your scalp when applied, but it can also act as a strong vaporizer when inhaled which will immediately unclog the nasal cavity and re-energize the brain cells.

Tips: Use a candle or a reed diffuser to let the vapours out and maintain the serenity of the room.


13. All Kinds Of Nuts:

All Kinds Of Nuts

One of the good remedies for headaches is to have Nuts! Nuts especially almonds, pistachios, cashews and many more are not only beneficial for your health but also very good stress and headache reliever. You can either make a paste of different assortments of nuts and have a good drink with warm milk or simply pop in a few every now and then. Reducing the toxins from your body releases stress and brings in a good vibe.

Tips: Replacing your junk food with healthy snacks can maintain a good body balance.


14. Acupressure:

Acupressure Points for Weight Loss

An age-old Chinese home remedy, acupressure believes in chi or body energy that is ever flowing and free. However, due to certain body knots, the free-flowing chi might be restricted. Through the application of pressure on certain body points, this pressure can actually help you cure small-time problems like stomach pain, back muscle strain and is a great one-sided headache home remedy. This is also a good tension headache home remedy!

Tips: Acupuncture must be done only by a trained professional.


15. Fish Oil Supplements:

fish oil supplement


Not only does fish oil contain a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids, but many believe this is also a good way of reducing inflammation, swelling and migraine pains. Headache home remedies can always be linked to stress or clogged cavities and this is why you can either have the capsules or supplements containing fish oil or simply mix one tablespoon of it in some juice.

Tips: Always buy capsules from reputed brands to ensure purity.


16. Cloves To Get Rid Of Headache:


Apart from filling your lungs with a cool soothing sensation, clove is also a great pain reliever which is why we suggest clove as yet another headache reliever. One can avail clove oil from the nearby drug stores or simply crush them into a paste to get the best effects. Inhale the crushed paste adding essential oils to it or simply make a mix with coconut or almond oil and rub the paste gently on the forehead. This is one of the best home remedies to cure headaches.

Tips: You can use clove essential oil with a carrier oil and apply like a balm on the forehead


17. Watermelon:

watermelon for gs

The sultry summers have taken a lot of body water and have warmed up your body to the max. The warm environment has trapped in the body heat and this can be one of the emerging reasons for your headache. Right at this time a cooling watermelon juice or watermelon sliced up can help you tone down the body heat thereby cool you from the inside, reducing the inflammation and headache.

Tips: Adding a few drops of lemon juice can enhance the taste and health benefits


18. Yoga Breathing:

home remedies for headache Yoga breathing exercises

The sultry summers have taken a lot of body water and have warmed up your body to the max. The warm environment has trapped in the body heat and this can be one of the emerging reasons for your headache. Right at this time a cooling watermelon juice or watermelon sliced up can help you tone down the body heat thereby cool you from the inside, reducing the inflammation and headache.

Tips: Adding a few drops of lemon juice can enhance the taste and health benefits


19. Steam:


One of the best home remedies for headache due to cold is a Steam! A stubborn cold can be the reason for a blocked head that aches and throbs. The stuffed-up nose along with it is causing the heights of difficulty and this is why at this time good steam inhale would really help you with your headache. Drop in a few essential oils in the boiling pot and watch your headache fly away. This is one of the most effective home remedies for headache!

Tips: Using an electric steamer is an easy and convenient option for steaming


20. Chamomile:

Best home remedy for head pain Chamomile Tea

A quick way to get rid of headache, the fastest way is to boil a steaming cup of chamomile tea. Chamomile holds within itself the power to soothe inflammation and calms down your pains by working on the stress factors and reducing them. Chamomile is often regarded as a good stress reliever and might help you get rid of your headache. This is also a wonderful cold headache home remedy.

Tips: Keep a good Chamomile tea bag handy to deal with sudden headaches at work!


21. Honey And Lemon:

honey and lemon

Honey and lemon combination particularly helpful for hangovers or early morning headaches when you have just woken up from sleep and your head pain is preventing you from experiencing the sunny side of the morning. This is when lukewarm water can be mixed in with a tablespoon of honey and a squeeze of half a lemon, the drink when consumed might energize your cells and jolt you back to fitness. This is a proven Indian home remedy for headache.

Tips: Drinking this mixture on empty stomach works wonders for your overall health.


22. Wet Wipe:

Fever Wet wipe

Wish to know about how to reduce headache naturally? Try a Wet wipe! This is applicable for the feverish days when your body heats up especially due to the fever. This is common for the feverish days and can usually be sorted out by applying wet wipes to the forehead which cools the inflamed area and acts as a perfect alternative to ice pack.

Tips: Applying a few drops of Cologne to the wet wipe helps in faster recovery.


23. Coffee:

Coffee home remedy for headache

Often at times, caffeine might be the only missing clue that your body desperately needs to get rid of the thudding headache. The coffee immediately invigorates and re-energizes the body cells and is actually a good remedy to cure inflammation and pain. This is the most popular and easy home remedies for headaches.

Tips: Although coffee is great, restrict its intake to just 2-3 cups a day.


24. Massage:

home remedies for headache Head Massage

Sometimes all you need is a good massage possibly with the help of some essential oils which would immediately open the pressure knots in your head and once again the clogged pores would open up letting your headache vanish just like that.
Tips: Don’t put too much pressure on the temples, as it can lead to pressured nerves and make things worse.


25. Cut Down Your Thoughts:

Just like a smartphone, our brain has hundreds of parallel threads running in the background. These can lead to stress on the brain cells, causing headaches. The only way to deal with recurring stress-related headaches is to unclog your head and shut down your thought process for a while. Meditation, early morning walks, serene places and some quality alone time are very important for a peaceful like and a calmer mind.

Tips: Try learning the various mudras to release energy blocks in your head.

We hope these 25 Natural Home Remedies for headaches are useful to you! While not all are remedies, some of them are simple lifestyle changes, which can lead to inner peace. Following these tips can not only help you deal with headaches but also many other problems in your day to day life. However, if you think you have a much more serious problem, don’t hesitate one bit to see your doctor!


Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What is Migraine and How is It Related to Headache?

Migraine is a type of headache, which starts like a dull pain at the temples and can end up giving you an excruciating pain around the head. Along with headache, you will experience severe nausea, vomiting, stomach upset and hypersensitivity to light. This is usually caused by certain chemical reactions that happen in the brain and can be treated by a doctor.

2. Is It Ok to Use Painkillers for Headaches?

Painkillers like Paracetamol or Brufin are usually prescribed for simple headaches. Their effect is temporary and lasts only for a few hours. Taking them once a while is fine, but beyond the limit can lead to severe internal damage. It is better to go for these simple home remedies first, before popping in a pill directly.

3. Are Headaches Only Experienced by Adults?

Although it is common to hear an adult complaining about headaches, children above 7 years also experience some form of headache. Various reasons like vision problems, strain, sleeplessness, lack of nutrition, internal stress or other medical factors can lead to headaches in children.


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