25 Effective & Best Home Remedies For Weight Loss Quickly

Excessive weight is always unpleasant to look and weight loss is the only solution to that. Weight loss means the removal of unnecessary fat that has been deposited in your body because of unhealthy eating habits and lethargy. People who usually suffer from obesity can opt for several kinds of natural home remedies for weight loss which works fast unlike other weight loss methods.

There are so many who want to get rid of this bad fat and are trying different kinds of fad diets and tricks which are not working for them. So, for that kind of crowd, we decided to give you some of the easy to do natural weight loss remedies and methods that you can try at your home. All of them are real and have shown great results.

25 Effective & Best Home Remedies For Weight Loss Quickly !

Quick Weight Loss Remedies:

Here are the 25 Effective and best home remedies for weight loss and most of them available in your kitchen itself, let’s check out them one by one.

1. Lemon And Water:

Lemon And Water For Quick Weight Loss

A great and best remedy for weight loss is to use the lemon and water trick. This is something you must have first thing in the morning. Here is how to do it.

How To Use:

  • Lukewarm boil one full glass of water. Wait for it to come close to normal temperature.
  • Now squeeze the drops of lemon in the water and stir it well.
  • Drink it and make this a part of your daily habit.

When To Consume:

  • You can have this once in the morning and once at night or you can just stick with having it once an early morning.
  • This natural weight loss remedy has been the easiest to do and the most preferred choice of many people.

2. The Five Meal Daily Plan:

The Five Meal Daily Plan To Lose Weight Fast

The best home remedy for weight loss is using the five meal daily plan. This one is very effective and shows results only within a few months. Follow this strict diet plan for some months and see great results.

How To Plan a Diet:

  • Have a breakfast of 250 to 300 calories first.
  • It is at best if you can avoid deep-fried food like vada or bonda.
  • Then as a mid-morning snack, have a handful of nuts.
  • Take your lunch at 1 p.m. opt for healthy fruit or veggie salad.
  • Go for an afternoon snack at 2 30. You can have an apple or maybe two crackers.
  • Have your dinner at 6 pm. A bowl full of veggies is ideal.
  • Drink water after this and end it with a cup of organic brown rice and chicken curry.

Extra Tip: In between all this, take an adequate amount of water. Do not skip water at any cost.

3. Honey And Water:

Kitchen Remedies For Weight Loss Honey And Water

Another trick you may try for weight loss is using the combination of honey and water. This is another simple recipe you can try.

How To Use:

  • Lukewarm boil one glass of water.
  • Add a tablespoon of honey to the glass of lukewarm water and drink it as the first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Optionally you can also squeeze some lemon to it.

This will improve your digestive system and boost metabolism as well. Do this for about three months and you are definitely going to see great changes. This is yet another best remedy for weight loss.

See More: Tips For Weight Loss

4. Boiled Food:

Boiled Food Best Home Remedy For Weight Loss

The fourth best item for weight loss is boiled food. To prevent the risk of putting on too much weight, you can steam or boil your food. You can also have this as lunch.

How To Use:

  • Try some boiled chicken or fish as a part of your daily diet.
  • This will cut down the calories by half its size and help you lose a lot of weight only within three to four months.
  • For the veggies, boil them well with little salt and pepper sprinkled.

Doctors and experts have spoken about the benefits of boiled food as part of a good weight loss regime.

5. Carrot Juice:

Natural Home Remedy For Weight Loss Carrot Juice

Among the kitchen remedies for weight loss, carrot juice is the best one. It is very effective for melting fat and promoting weight loss in your body. Here is how quickly you can make a carrot juice.

How To Use:

  • Take two carrots and peel out its skin.
  • Now put them in a blender and wait for a minute.
  • Drink this juice every morning after breakfast.
  • Include them in your salads or eat them raw to get some visible and good results.
  • The best option would be to steam or boil them.

Extra Tip: Carrot juice also makes your skin glow, apart from being an easy kitchen remedy for weight loss.

6. Cucumber:

Cucumber Natural Weight Loss Remedy

Cucumber is a well-known remedy for soothing your body and adding some effect to it. It is full of water and helps in the reduction of fat in great ways.

How To Use:

  • Make sure you consume two raw cucumbers every day.
  • Peel them and wash well. Cut them into slices and add some salt if you like.
  • You can also add some pepper to it and eat.
  • Have it instead of a doughnut or burger whenever you feel hungry.

Extra Benefits:

  • Cucumber contains 90 % water and also contains Vitamin A, C and E.
  • It removes all toxins from your body and improves your overall health.
  • This is another natural weight loss remedy.

See More: Easy Ways To Lose Weight

7. Brown Rice:

Brown Rice Best Remedy For Weight Loss

Brown rice is very rich in fibre and low in calories and carbohydrates as compared to white rice. They make you feel full and active for a longer duration of time. It regulates your metabolism, bowel movement and controls weight gain. If you would like to lose some weight, eat organic brown rice along with some lean meat every day. You are surely going to see a little difference within a couple of months. Here is how you can make a simple meal with it.

How To Use:

  • Buy quality brown rice and cook them in a pressure cooker.
  • Make some vegetable salad, out of your cabbage, carrot and beetroot.
  • Take it along with the rice and that’s one sure way to lose weight quickly.

8. Grapefruits:

Grapefruits Natural Weight Loss Remedies

Grapefruits and berries are great for digestion. They contain a lot of antioxidants that are healthy for your body. Make a wholesome bowl of antioxidants this simple way.

How To Use:

  • Add some mix of blueberries, cranberries every day in the morning.
  • If you like, you can sprinkle them over your cornflakes.

Weight Loss Benefits:

  • This will help in the reduction of fat in your body and thereby losing a lot of weight.
  • They reduce your cholesterol level and improve your heart and health.

When To Consume:

  • Every day, one bowl of goodness is the one-stop solution to your question.
  • It is one of the best home remedies for weight loss.

9. Water And Citrus Fruit Juices:

Weight Loss Remedies Water And Citrus Fruit Juices

Another effective home remedy for weight loss is drinking a lot of water and citrus fruit juices.

How To Use:

  • You should consume 10 to 12 glasses of water every day and have a glass of apple or banana juice too.
  • Blend the banana with a little milk and add some sugar.
  • Drink this every day.
  • You can also do the same with the other fruits you like.
  • Go less on sugar.

Weight Loss Benefits:

  • They are natural vitamins that help you lose a lot of weight.
  • They flush out all toxins from your body and encourage weight loss.
  • You should make this drink a part of your daily habit in order to get the best results.

See More: Home Remedies For Obesity

10. Salmon:

Salmon Best Remedy For Weight Loss

Eating salmon fish helps in the reduction of body weight as it is rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. This will boost metabolism and make weight loss easier.

How To Use:

  • Try the roasted or baked salmon.
  • Avoid any fancy or fatty dressing or topic.

When To Consume:

  • Having salmon instead of red meat three times a week is sure to change your body significantly.

Note: Make it a point to never eat fried salmon.

11. Cinnamon Tea:

Cinnamon Tea Home Remedy For Weight Loss Quickly

If you are hungry and have blood sugar, this can make you feel very low at times. This also reduces your energy to exercise and thus it is advised to keep your blood sugar level balanced. You can also have a large appetite due to this leading to fat. Here is how to make this magic potion.

How To Use:

  • Boil one glass of water.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to it.
  • Drink it hot.

12. Green Tea Or Ginger Tea:

Kitchen Remedies For Weight Loss Green Tea With Ginger

Green tea is popular for its quality to aid in weight loss manages caffeine and catechins. This also helps to keep you feel “happy” as well as relaxed from stress. Ginger or green tea bags are easily available.

How To Use:

  • Boil a glass of water.
  • Dip the tea bag into it. Let it settle for a while.
  • Add some ginger to it if you like.
  • Ginger will further aid in weight loss and is the best weight loss remedy.

13. Rose Petal Water:

Rose Petals Best Remedy For Weight Loss

This is a very mild and refreshing drink. They are a gentle diuretic that helps the kidneys for adding salt in the urine. This will reduce the water of the circulatory system and aid temporary weight loss. Here is how you can do it.

How To Use:

  • Add the rose petals to lukewarm water.
  • Let it settle down for about 15 mins.
  • Drink as and when possible in the day.

Extra Tip: This is also a useful method to be hydrated for a longer time.

14. Ginseng:

Ginseng For Weight Loss Naturally


Ginseng has fleshy roots that are well known to boost your sluggish metabolism. This is also used to get rid of fatigue and fill energy with mental wellness. This can add loads of energy that aids in weight loss and also manages blood sugar. Make this Ginseng tea for a quicker weight loss strategy.

How To Use:

  • Boil water required to make a glass of tea.
  • Now, add ginseng to this boiling water.
  • Simmer the water for about 30 minutes and let it gently boil.
  • Remove from stove and strain the water.
  • Add some honey to it and take the mixture.

When To Consume:

  • Drink the mixture every morning and afternoon.

15. Dandelion And Peppermint:

Dandelion And Peppermint For Natural Weight Loss

There is popular to maintain a healthy liver that detoxifies your body. This also helps in metabolic processes those results in weight loss. This is also useful to break down to absorb fats and maintain blood sugar. Dandelion and peppermint stimulate the bile production in the liver that aids in digestion and even absorption of many nutrients. You can try adding them to make tea!

How To Use:

  • Pour some boiled water on dandelion and peppermint.
  • Let this steep by covering for 10 minutes.
  • Now strain by adding lemon and have these 2 cups daily.
  • This is an effective home remedy for weight loss.

16. Sage:

Sage For Weight Loss Naturally

We keep getting the stress that has a bad effect on our health and also results in weight gain. As due to stress cortisol, the steroid hormone is released by our body that affects blood sugar level and the appetite. This stores the energy into the body as fat by increasing the appetite. Thus, you can consume sage into your diet that is known for its calming effects for the body and even mind. You can make a nice soothing sage tea to lower the stress levels.

How To Use:

  • Boil a glass of water.
  • Add some sage to the portion and drink it every day.

17. Coconut Oil:

Coconut Oil For Natural Weight Loss

This can be used as a replacement for fat. Saturated fats are the basic cause of obesity. This oil has saturated fat and is also healthier with many other unique fats known as medium-chain triglycerides. This is useful to use the calories even more efficiently.

How To Use:

  • Consume one spoon of coconut oil a day.
  • Alternatively, you can also add a spoon of it to your diet.

Weight Loss Benefits:

  • Coconut oil is known to boost energy and metabolism to lower the appetite.
  • This also curbs the appetite and helps to increase the burning of the calories.

18. Yoghurt And Honey:

Kitchen Remedies For Weight Loss Honey And Yogurt

Yoghurt and Honey is the best breakfast or snack idea. This has probiotics that are useful for the digestive tract and helps in maintaining a healthy gut. This helps in proper digestion and also helps in breaking down of some substances. Honey will be useful to satisfy some number of cravings during your weight loss process.

How To Use:

  • Mix one spoon of honey in your daily yoghurt.
  • Whip well.

When To Consume:

  • Yoghurt and honey can also be taken in as a snack in the evening or at any point in the day.

19. Black Pepper And Lemon Juice:

Kitchen Remedies For Weight Loss Lemon And Black Pepper

It is a spicy concoction, but will defiantly help you achieve some of your weight loss. Black pepper has a compound known as piperine that gives it a pungent flavour and controls the new generation of your fat cells. This is also useful to lower the fat levels into your bloodstream and enhances the absorption of many nutrients in the foods.

How To Use:

  • Add black pepper to your daily food.
  • Alternatively, you can also add some amount to the fresh lemon juice.
  • Squeeze one full lime.
  • Add salt, pepper and some sugar if you like.
  • Take this glass of lemon juice.

Extra Benefits:

  • Lemon juice is best for the digestion and also keeps the G.I. in a track to help the breaking of foods.

20. Bottle Gourd Juice:

Bottle Gourd Kitchen Remedy For Weight Loss

This is the best home remedy for weight loss that you can try at home. This vegetable has a large amount of water content with many nutrients. Thus, you can drink bottle gourd juice to get many good nutrients and keep a balanced diet in check. This easy home remedy for weight loss is easy to make. Here’s how to do it.

How To Use:

  • Add bitter guard to the blender.
  • Pour some lemon or apple juice into it to combat the bitter taste.
  • You can also add some honey, pepper and some ginger. This will make the juice tastier.

Extra Benefits:

  • This has very good fibre content and helps you feel full and also curbs the appetite.

21. Apples:

Apple For Weight Loss

An apple is a very effective way to keep the weight gain at bay. This has many nutrients that also aid in weight loss. They are filled with fibre content that will curb the appetite. You can just snack them anytime you feel hungry. This fruit helps to maintain blood sugar and regulates the appetite with proper energy levels. This has pectin that lowers cholesterol and is also a low-sodium food to avoid any water weight gain.

How To Use:

  • Take two green apples and cut them to halves.
  • Take 3 stalks celery, with no leaves.
  • One small cucumber and 8 leaves kale.
  • ½ lemon piece and piece of ginger.
  • Put all of them in the blender and blend well.
  • You can optionally add some sprig of mint.
  • This is an ideal home remedy for weight loss that will cleanse your body first.

22. Asparagus:

Asparagus For Weight Loss

Asparagus is packed with fibre that is helpful to curb your appetite. This also has loads of vitamins to metabolize your blood glucose and maintain its level. Therefore, regulate blood sugar. Asparagus is diuretic which can lower bloating and aids in losing weight.

How To Consume:

  • The best way to put to use this best home remedy for weight loss is to add it to your diet daily.

23. Maintain A Routine:

Maintain A Routine For Weight Loss

Stick to your daily maintained routine to lose your weight along with exercise and a healthy diet. Failing to do so can leave you discouraged results even if you try hard for several years. This plays a huge difference and is also the hardest thing to do while trying to lose weight.

How To Plan:

  • Take in three meals a day, without fail.
  • Exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes a day.

Extra Tip: A perfect routine is a must for a weight loss. Consume adequate water throughout the day and never miss that.

24. Chew Gum:

Chewing Gum For Weight Loss

This is a useful remedy to trick the brain and also the stomach. Its flavour can lower your appetite and can curb your urge to eat snacks that are unhealthy. Chewing this also helps in stimulating saliva flow that breaks down the starches and even fats.

25. Get Sleep:

Well sleeping For Weight Loss

Each part of our body works harmoniously in a balanced manner. Sleeping less can also result in increased insulin and metabolism. Thus, sleeping properly gives rest to the body and maintains your systems to help you achieve losing weight.

26. Put The Spoon Down:

You can do this between you eating time so that the brain lags back. This gives you the feeling of fullness and thus you can avoid any over-eating. This is also used when you don’t want to intake any not required calories. You can just slow the eating by keeping the spoon down while your bites. This will defiantly help you manage the weight.

Managing weight can be tough. But once you get started, it is only a matter of following it religiously. Remember how we stressed about a routine? Eat your meals on time and there is no greater remedy than drinking adequate water every now and then. Try out the various easy to do home remedies for weight loss. The one word; take and follow them sincerely.

Let us know if you still have any doubts or concern about these best home remedies for weight loss. We would love to assist you with the best solutions and answers.

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