25 Latest & Best Pooja Room Designs With Pictures In 2020

The pooja room is the most relaxing corner of the house as it helps people to forget about all their worries and problems. The pooja room designs for home combine creativity and innovation for offering the users with the best pooja mandir designs. There are many variations in the Indian pooja mandir designs which can be tried for small as well as big home places. Use these different and innovative pooja mandir ideas and engage with the most peaceful interactions with the Almighty.

Pooja Room Designs

How To Select Pooja Room Designs?

Thanks to the amazing variety in the latest pooja room designs, you have plenty of options to try. But, to look on the other side, these pooja room design ideas can also be a bit confusing, if you don’t know to select the right pooja room design.

Here are some of the factors which you should keep in mind while selecting the best pooja mandir designs:

  • The available space for implementing the design.
  • The shape of the design.
  • Your pre-decided budget.
  • The type of home you live in – small or big.
  • Size of the apartment.
  • The colour scheme of the design.
  • The direction of the design placement.
  • The location of the design.

Importance Of Pooja Room In House:

For any home, pooja room is the place which creates a sacred and auspicious environment for the entire house. No matter, if you are decorating your pooja room or are using a readymade pooja room, you need to take care of the pooja mandir designs.

To make your pooja room unique, you can either try the pooja room designs in the hall or you can try the pooja room designs in wood. Basically, it is the traditional pooja room designs that make the needed difference in the pooja room. Thus, you need to pay sheer attention to the pooja room designs India as they are really important.

Best Pooja Room Designs For Home In India:

It would be really easy to re-define your traditional pooja room designs with the latest pooja room designs by using these simple design ideas. Are you ready to know some of the modern pooja room designs?

Here are our 25 simple and modern pooja room designs that you can try and make your pooja room pictures look totally amazing:

1. Temple Style Pooja Room:

Best Pooja Room Designs

This is one of the traditional pooja room door designs pictures in which the house pooja room looks just like a temple. These Indian pooja room designs look the most beautiful in a large house which has the space of maintaining such temple look-alike pooja rooms.

The pooja shelf designs in such pooja room are really large so as to place the different God’s idols there. You can also experiment with the pooja room shelf designs so as to make them look different and unique. You can also use the pooja room false ceiling designs in the room to give it the same feel as that of a temple.

2. Marble Mandir Pooja Room:

Latest Pooja Room Designs

When you need a separate place for your mandir, then nothing can be better than having a separate marble mandir for that. This is one of the finest and simple pooja room designs in marble that you will find in many homes. You can vary with the size of the marble mandir according to the space available with you.

To make the marble pooja mandir designs for home look attractive, you can use your creativity to decorate them with different things. Use some diyas or backlights for adding the needed spark in the pooja unit designs in marble.

3. Pooja Mandir In Corner:

Simple Pooja Room Designs

This is one of the popular small pooja room designs which are popular in small apartments with limited space options. In this design, the pooja room door design, as well as pooja shelf designs, are made according to the available space in the pooja room. These shelves and pooja room door design helps in creating the needed aura of the pooja room quite well.

You can choose a corner which is not used that frequently in your home and use the same for making your pooja room there. You can also use many accessories for decorating the place by using the pooja room decoration ideas.

See More: Modern Pooja Room Designs In Apartments

4. Wooden Cabinet For Pooja Mandir:

modern Pooja Room Designs

If you have limited space in your apartment and still want to have an amazing pooja mandir, then the option of pooja cabinet comes to the rescue. You can use the small pooja cabinet designs for making your own pooja mandir cabinet.

The available pooja cabinet designs vary from being simple to being decorative and thus can be chosen according to the likings of the users. The benefit of using the pooja cabinet is that it doesn’t occupy much of your room’s space but offers you ample amount of space for keeping all your pooja mandir things and accessories at their distinguished place.

5. Glass Pooja Mandir:

pooja mandir designs

Moving from the traditional Indian pooja room ideas, lots of people are now trying the pooja door glass designs. Glass adds the needed charm and attraction in the pooja room door designs for home and also helps in keeping it separate from the rest of the place.

You can either choose some simple pooja room door designs with glass or can also go for some decorative one. Try some of the pooja room decorating ideas to make your glass pooja mandir look amazing and adorable. You can also try having different walls colours for your pooja room which complements the glass mandir.

6. Wood Carved Pooja Room:

indian pooja room designs

If you want your pooja room to speak with its design, then you can try this pooja ghar design. This can be the wooden pooja room idea which can grab all eyes towards your pooja room. There are plenty of wooden pooja mandir designs for the home that can be carved in different styles of woods.

These pooja room designs in wood can make a lasting impression in both small and big houses and you will totally love these designs. Another attraction of using these designs is that they can go very well with all types of home décors.

READ MORE: Latest Wooden Pooja Room Designs

7. Pooja Mandir In Living Room:

pooja mandir for home

The new model pooja room idea revolves around having a pooja room in the living room. This is also one of the small pooja room designs which are mostly seen in small apartments where there is limited space available.

These pooja unit designs are so made that they don’t interfere in the other area available and also offer the same warmth that you expect from your mandir. You can also try using a unique pooja room door design to maintain the needed privacy for the pooja room. Make sure that the chosen design complements with your home décors in the best possible way.

8. Pooja Room In Kitchen:

pooja room models

Though this is the pooja mandir design which is not recommended by many people, if you don’t have space anywhere else in your home, then you can have your pooja room in the kitchen also. You obviously have to take care of many things before making the pooja ghar in the kitchen so that it doesn’t hassle with the other kitchen activities.

You can use a kitchen shelf which is not used frequently or a kitchen cabinet for making your mandir. Make sure that your mandir has doors which can be closed when the mandir is not in use.

READ MORE: Best Kitchen Pooja Room Designs

9. Wall Mounted Pooja Mandir:

If you want a small pooja mandir, then you can always choose to have a wall-mounted pooja mandir in your place. The wall-mounted design of the pooja mandir doesn’t require enough space and can be placed on any wall. You may have to consider the Vastu tips for being sure about the directions and placement of the mandir.

This is also one of the simple pooja room designs as you don’t really need to do anything special for this design. But, yes, to make your small wall mounted mandir look beautiful, you can use many pooja room decoration items.

10. Pooja Room With False Ceiling Design:

Have you ever thought of using some pooja room false ceiling designs? If not, then it is the right time to do so. This is because of the fact that these pooja room ceiling designs are the latest fashion in the present time.

One great benefit of using the pop design for pooja room is that it adds an appealing charm to the room which catches the attention of the people. Also, you can try different colours for trying the pooja room pop design to glorify the entire pooja room with minimal efforts and time.

READ MORE: Modern Pooja Room Ceiling Designs

11. Pooja Mandir On The Ledge:

Using a ledge for your mandir is one trending design of pooja room within a house. This is generally preferred by people who have very limited space available for the pooja mandir in their house. All you need is a ledge which you don’t use and some idols of your God. Simply place the idols on the ledge and you are done.

The one thing that you should take care of this pooja room model is the Vastu tips. Be sure of the direction and location of the mandir so as to get the expected positivity and warmth from the mandir.

12. Simple Pooja Room Design:

best pooja mandir designs

Nothing can beat the charm of having a separate and simple pooja room in your house. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a pooja ghar in your house where you can simply relax and meditate for long hours? A nicely decorated pooja room can offer the same pleasure to you.

You can always experiment with your creativity to have the design of pooja room within a house according to what you like. If you have a large house and enough space to have a separate room for pooja mandir, then go for this option without having any second thoughts.

See More: Trending Pooja Room Rangoli Designs

13. Pooja Mandir On A Shelf:

pooja ghar designs

Along with the various pooja room ideas in the living room, you can also try placing your pooja mandir on a shelf. Yes, using a shelf for your mandir is another great way of having mandir in your house without requiring much of the space.

A pooja shelf can be of any size according to the need of the users. You can have a look at the various pooja shelf models to pick up the right and suitable design for the available space. Try using a unique pooja room shelf design for making your pooja room look attractive.

READ MORE: Simple Pooja Shelf Designs

14. Pooja Room In A Cupboard:

pooja room designs for home

Just like you make cupboards for storing all other essential items of your home, you can use the various pooja cupboard designs for your pooja room as well. You can either make a separate cupboard for your pooja room or can place your mandir in the already existing cupboards.

If you are planning to make a separate cupboard for your mandir, you can have a look at the various pooja cupboard designs available. You will get enough space for placing all your mandir accessories if you choose to use the pooja mandir cupboard option in your place.

15. Pooja Mandir On A Stand:

simple pooja mandir designs

Along with trying the various small pooja cabinet designs and pooja shelf ideas, you can also try having a pooja stand in your place. Similar to the other two designs, there are various pooja stand models which you can find according to your choice.

The pooja stand design can be placed at any corner of your house and thus doesn’t require a lot of space. Also, the pooja room stand will offer you quite decent space for arranging all your pooja mandir accessories. You can always make your pooja stand to look beautiful by trying the pooja decoration ideas at home.

See More: Best Pooja Room Door Designs

16. Pooja Mandir On Rack:

design of pooja room within a house

Having your pooja mandir on the rack is one of the trending and growing pooja room designs for home. Though this pooja ghar design is quite similar to the pooja shelf models and pooja room cupboard and it is typically chosen by the people who want to keep their pooja room simple and subtle.

You can always experiment with the design of the pooja rack according to your needs and wants. You also get the needed privacy and space for your pooja room with the pooja rack design which makes it quite popular amongst the people.

17. Pooja Room On A Wall:

small pooja room designs

This is one of the modern pooja room designs where you do not require a complete room as your pooja room but you can dedicate an entire wall for that. You can put pictures of God on that wall along with the various idols of God to highlight the wall.

Be sure to choose a corner wall or the wall where you don’t go often. This is because of the fact that then this pooja room model will have its authenticity well maintained. You can also use your creativity to make the wall look beautiful and amazing.

See More: Latest Pooja Room Colour Ideas

18. Pooja Room In Hall:

pooja mandir for home designs

No space for pooja room? Try having the pooja room in the hall. Yes, you can have your own pooja mandir in the hall by trying the various available and trending pooja room in hall ideas. This idea can be tried in both –small houses and big houses and in both places, this idea looks beautiful.

You can choose from the various pooja mandir designs in the hall to have your very own pooja hall with all the details and decorations. Also, having a pooja room in the hall is growing with its popularity with the changing time.

19. Pooja Mandir With Backlights:

pooja unit designs

Backlights can make any mandir look beautiful and that too with minimal efforts. All you need to do is to have an attractive backlight in your pooja room and you are done with having an attractive design for your pooja room. You can also try some simple pooja room door designs in wood with the backlights which may work in contrast.

These Indian pooja room designs are becoming popular with each passing day as it doesn’t require any special efforts and yet make your pooja room auspicious and beautiful. You can try having a combination of different colours and backlights for making a long-lasting impression.

20. Pooja Room Door With Bells:

modern pooja room designs

If you are one of those who like some unique pooja door designs, then you can go for the option of having pooja room door designs with bells. This is the latest design which is still not so popular amongst the people as people often concentrate more on pooja room decoration rather than the doorbells.

However, you can go with this idea and can make your pooja room stand distinguished than the other just with the pooja door design. You can find many interesting pooja room door designs with bells in wood and glass from which you can make your choice.

READ MORE: Latest Pooja Room Door Bell Designs

21. Pooja Mandir With Back Jaalis:

Pooja Room Designs

This is one of the trending pooja room interior designs which many people are trying in their pooja room. The fashion of using jaali in either the background or on the ceiling is becoming really popular in the recent time.

This design is one recommended pooja room designs in apartments as it makes the pooja room look fresh and appealing to eyes. These jaalis can be accompanied with the pooja room wall colour and other accessories. Another way of creating a lasting impression with these jaalis is to accompany them with the backlights or pooja room diyas.

22. Pooja Room With Glass Doors:

pooja room ideas

One of the easiest ways of having your pooja room look amazing and beautiful is by having a glass door. You can find a good variety of pooja room door designs with glass for adding the needed charm in your pooja room.

You can either get a simple glass door for your pooja room or you can go for the decorative glass pooja door designs. This is one of the most popular pooja room door designs for the home which many people choose for balancing the authenticity and looks of the pooja room without any hassles.

READ MORE: Best Pooja Door Glass Designs

23. Pooja Mandir On Marble Slab:

pooja room pictures

Having your mandir on the marble slab is one of the traditional ways of keeping your mandir. This is one popular house pooja room design that you can try without any second thoughts as this design will look good with all types of home décors.

You can make these marble pooja mandir designs for home attractive, you can decorate them with pooja decoration ideas at home. However, the simple way to use these designs is to use it with God’s idol and you are done. The making of the design is itself so beautiful that you don’t need anything else to go with it.

24. Pooja Room In Store Room:

pooja room design ideas

This is one great idea to make the best use of your storeroom in the house. You can modify your storeroom with any of the famous and trending pooja room interior design and have your own pooja room.

You can try the pooja room door designs in wood or the pooja door glass designs for distinguishing your pooja room from the other rooms. By converting your storeroom into a pooja room, you also can get enough space to organize all your pooja room items in a well-structured manner and without any hassles.

25. Pooja Room With Tiles:

traditional pooja room designs

You must have seen many Indian pooja room designs which are made using tiles, isn’t it? This is because of the fact that tiles are used in the pooja mandir from quite a long time. With the changing time, many new styles and designs for the mandir tiles are made available according to the trends and likings of the people.

Now, you can find even 3D pooja room tiles which are being preferred by most of the people to make their pooja room look refreshing and charming. You can use tiles for pooja room designs in apartments as well as for pooja room in flats. However, if you have a large space, you can go with the combination of pooja room latest designs with tiles pooja room interior.

READ MORE: Modern Pooja Room Tiles & Marbles Designs

General Pooja Room Decoration Tips:

If you want your modern pooja room design ideas to look exactly the way you wanted, then you should follow some of the necessary tips for the pooja mandir for home. These general tips for pooja mandir can be related to the pooja room furniture, pooja room pictures or simple pooja mandir designs for walls.

Interested in knowing some of the best tips that you can use in your pooja mandir designs? Here are some of them:

1. Choose The Right Position:

To make your mandir look attractive, choose the right position for making your mandir.

2. Room Setting:

In order to make your simple pooja room designs stand out from the others, make sure that you are setting up the room perfectly. Use the appropriate furniture, decorations, paintings, etc. in the room.

3. Lighting:

One of the essential factors for pooja door designs India is the lighting factor. Use a good amount of enough lighting in your mandir to keep it all bright and beautiful.

4. Wall Colours:

Pooja room colour plays an important role in making it stand distinguished; therefore you should choose the right colour for the pooja room walls. You can try different pooja room ideas for experimenting with its colours.

5. Entrance Door:

Thanks to the various pooja room door designs pictures, you can try different ways of making your pooja room entrance to look different than the other rooms.

6. Vastu Shastra:

if you are using a readymade pooja room, you can also consider Vastu Shastra for being sure about its positivity and accuracy.

7. These are some of the best pooja room designs that can be tried for the present modern requirements. Though these pooja room ideas may vary according to the size of your place and all of these ideas of pooja ghar designs for the home will surely look attractive, brilliant and mesmerizing. There are lot many pooja mandirs for home, that you can try according to your likings and personality.

8. If you have any better suggestions for having pooja ghar at home, then please do comment below. Also, do share which of the simple pooja mandir designs, you liked the most? We are here to help you choose the best pooja box design for your place.

Expert Questions:

1. What Are The Types Of Materials That Are Ideal For Pooja Rooms?

Although the material type used for pooja room depends upon the choice of the user, but to make an attractive pooja mandir, these are the types of the most popular materials which most of the people often use:

  • Wood
  • Marble
  • Glass
  • Granite
  • Basic traditional designs

You can even mix and match any materials to create your own house pooja room design.

2. What Is The Ideal Type Of Flooring For The Pooja Room?

Since most of us generally sit on the flooring of the pooja room, therefore, it should be chosen carefully. It should be easy to maintain and thus the material of the flooring plays an important role.

Here are some of the options that you can use for best pooja room designs flooring:

  • Marble
  • Wood
  • Granite
  • Cement Tiles
  • Ceramic Tiles
  • Vitrified Tiles

3. What Colours Should I Use In The Pooja Room?

Just like any other thing, the pooja room colour plays an important role in making your pooja room stand unique and distinguished. Having the right colour in the room also helps in bringing the positivity and warmth in the entire house.

Here are some of the colour options that you can try in your pooja room design ideas:

  • White
  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Orange
  • Blue
  • Green
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