25 Science Proven Kiwi Benefits For Health, Hair & Skin

Based on the “kiwi information”, most of the people believe that kiwi was first cultivated and originated in New Zealand. But as a surprise to most of them, kiwi fruit was originated in China. Humans have been getting the “kiwi fruit benefits” right from the 12th century when this fruit was first cultivated. With better and concrete knowledge about the fruit, it is now being used in many ways for improving the health of the users.

kiwi fruit benefits

What Is Kiwi Fruit?

Before moving forward with the various “information about kiwi fruit”, you should be aware of “what is kiwi fruit.” Kiwi fruit or popularly known as Chinese gooseberry is an edible berry of the genus Actinidia, which is a combination of several species. Most of the kiwi fruits which are cultivated are in an oval shape and are generally the size of a hen’s egg. To conclude the information “about kiwi fruit”, it has greenish-brown skin with edible seeds.

Types Of Kiwi Fruit:

Talking about the different “types of kiwi fruit”, there are around four different types available. Each of the variety of the kiwi fruit has different characteristics and qualities which makes it different than the others available. The different kiwi types are as follow:

  • Gold kiwi – it is similar to green kiwi but is almost custard-like.
  • Hardy kiwi – it is found in colder temperatures.
  • Hayward kiwi – it is green fleshed and covered with brown fuzz.
  • Kolomikta kiwi – also known as Arctic kiwi.

The scientific name of kiwi is Actinidia Deliciosa but the fruit is also popularly known as Mihou Tao and Yang Tao which represents the meaning as sunny peace. Along with the information, you should also know the names of this fruit in different languages.

Other Names Of Kiwi Fruit In Different Languages:

Some of the names of kiwi fruit in different languages are:

  • Kannada: Kivi Hannu.
  • Telugu: Kivi Pandu.
  • Hindi: Kiwi Phal.
  • Malayalam: Kivi Palam.
  • Gujarati: Kivi Phala.
  • Marathi: Kivi Phala.

Is Kiwi Fruit Good For Health?

Thanks to the various “kiwi nutrition facts”, it is quite easy to say that kiwi fruit is good for health. It is a rich source of various vitamins and minerals which are known to deliver many benefits to the body. Recently, many of the health experts have also agreed on the fact related to the “benefits of eating kiwi fruit.” Kiwi fruit is the best combination of flavours and health benefits.

Importance Of Kiwi Fruit:

Once you are aware of “what is kiwi fruit”, it won’t be hard to understand its importance. The different “kiwi fruit uses” clearly indicates towards the various benefits that this fruit can deliver to the body’s health, skin and hair. This strengthens the importance of the kiwi fruit for the normal functioning of the body and also to fight against the various diseases.

Despite some of the “kiwi fruit disadvantages”, this fruit is simply amazing for the grooming of the health in all the expected ways. The presence of various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants combine together and make the fruit quite important for delivering the needed health benefits for its users.

Kiwi Fruit Nutrition Facts:

Everyone who is aware of “what is kiwi”, would be interested in knowing about the various nutritional facts about the fruit. The nutrition facts of kiwi fruit would help in protecting the users against the possible “kiwi fruit disadvantages” and will only deliver the desired benefits using the “kiwi vitamins”.

Knowing about the nutritional aspect of the kiwi fruit would help you to be sure about the “kiwi fruit calories” and also about the right amount in which you should take the fruit. Here is the list of some of the “nutritional value of kiwi fruit”, per 100g, that you should be aware of:

  • Calories: 61
  • Total Fat: 0.5g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg
  • Sodium: 3mg
  • Potassium: 312mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 15g
  • Dietary Fibres: 3g
  • Proteins: 1.1g
  • Vitamin A: 1% of Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
  • Calcium: 3% of RDI
  • Vitamin D: 0% of RDI
  • Vitamin C: 154% of RDI
  • Iron: 1% of RDI
  • Magnesium: 4% of RDI

Research-Based Kiwi Fruit Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health:

Here we enlisted 25 best kiwi benefits and its nutrition facts. Let’s have a look into them.

kiwi benefits

Health Benefits of Kiwi Fruit:

The various “kiwi fruit uses” combine together with the various nutrients in the fruit and answers many doubts of people regarding “what are the benefits of eating kiwi fruit.” If you too are interested in knowing the “kiwi health benefits”, then here are some of them:

1. Kiwi Support Diabetic Health:

Thankfully, kiwi is one of the fruits that can be taken without any worries against the problem of diabetes. The high amount of fibre and fewer calories of kiwi fruit makes it one of the best fruits that can be taken if you are dealing with your diabetes. The glycemic index of kiwi fruit is very less which reduces the risk of a rising in the blood sugar level instantly. The other antioxidants keep the blood sugar level under control.

How To Consume:

  • There is no fixed way of “how to eat kiwi.” You can simply slice the fruit and add it into your meal or can have a glass of fresh kiwi juice to keep your diabetes in control.
  • The only thing that you should take care of is the fact that you should be regular while consuming kiwi fruit else it would be of no use.

2. Kiwi Promotes Healthy Kidney Function:

There can be no better remedy for kidney problems than natural ingredients. Isn’t it? The benefits of eating kiwi of regular basis bring the maximum impact on eliminating the possible problems with the normal functioning of the kidney. You should just be sure of “how to cut kiwi fruit” along with the right consumption of the fruit for getting its maximum benefit for improving the health of your kidney.

How To Consume:

  • Eat 2 kiwis in a day or consume one glass of kiwi juice in morning and evening for getting its benefits against the common kidney problems.
  • You can also make use of kiwi seed oil for cooking your food for enhancing the benefits of healthy kidney functioning.

3. Kiwi Improves Heart Health:

“Kiwifruit and its health benefits” can easily be related to the fact that the regular consumption of this fruit can improve the overall health condition of the users without any possible side effects. One of the major health benefits that the regular consumption of kiwi fruit delivers is in improving heart health. As the fruit has no cholesterol amount in it, it can be easily and surely taken for improving the health of the heart. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of the kiwi fruit help in removing any kind of blockages from the heart and also helps in improving and stimulating the blood circulation.

How To Consume:

  • Mix some of the kiwi fruit in your favourite salad and enjoy its benefits for improving your heart health.
  • Consuming a glass of fresh kiwi fruit will also help in delivering the needed benefits for maintaining the health of the heart.

4. Can Help Treat Asthma:

No one can understand the troubles of asthma patients other than them. The struggles for an asthma patient are really tough and therefore one should always look for an ingredient that can bring instant relief from the troubles and struggles associated with asthma. Kiwi fruit is one such ingredient that only benefits asthma patients with its natural benefits without delivering any side effects.

How To Consume:

  • Along with eating 1 kiwi in a day, you should be aware of “how to peel kiwi fruit” properly to get its benefits for an asthma problem.
  • The antioxidants of kiwi fruits bring the desired relief from asthma for the patients.

5. Helps To Fight Cancer:

As we all say, prevention is better than cure and this happens to be the truest in cases of cancer. In order to avoid the risk of cancer, it is suggested by many of the health experts to include some kiwi fruits in their diet. The antioxidants and the rich amount of vitamin C available in the kiwi fruit help in reducing cancer growing cells along with the free radicals. The anti-infectious properties also prevent the growth of any kind of infections on the body. Simply including the “kiwi uses” in your diet can satisfy 77% of the need for vitamin C for the body.

How To Consume:

  • The regular use of kiwi fruit in your diet will not only reduce the risk of colon cancer but will also enhance the growth of the healthy tissues in the body that regulates the blood circulation and normal functioning of the body.

6. Helps To Improve Digestion:

Kiwi fruit is known to have a good amount of fibre in it along with the various nutrients. The presence of fibre helps in treating any kind of imbalance in the digestive functioning of the body. No matter, if you had taken even the starchy food, with the consumption of kiwi with it, you can easily digest it. Along with this, the antioxidants available in kiwi fruit break the protein down and thus help in easy digestion.

How To Consume:

  • You can add some of the kiwi extracts in your diet or can have kiwi fruit along with your meals.
  • If you like, you can also have a glass of fresh kiwi juice after your meals for its better digestion.
  • The regular consumption of kiwi with or after your meals will adjust the digestive working of the body accordingly and thus will help in effective digestion.

See More: Kiwi Juice Uses

7. Kiwi Improves Respiratory Functions:

Are you aware of the “benefits of eating kiwi” for the effective functioning of the respiratory organs? The vitamin C available in the kiwi fruit helps in making kiwi one effective ingredient in fighting against the disorders in respiratory functions. Along with this, the antioxidants available in the fruit prevent the growth of the other ailments against the respiratory functioning with full effectiveness. The anti-inflammatory properties of kiwi also work at its best to reduce the problems like gastric attacks, upset stomach, respiratory swellings, etc. Overall, kiwi fruit works at its best to improve respiratory functions.

How To Consume:

  • It has been suggested to consume 1 glass of fresh kiwi juice every day to prevent the growth of any risk related to normal respiratory functioning.
  • You can also mix a little amount of honey with the kiwi juice to improve its strengths to fight against any respiratory disorders.

8. Help Create Acid Balance in The Body:

Just like many other benefits of the kiwi fruit, one of the “kiwi fruit health benefits” is its ability to create acid balance in the body. Are you aware of the fact that kiwi fruits are the most alkaline of all the other fruits? Just like you, most of the people are unaware of this advantage of kiwi fruit and thus don’t make the use of kiwi fruit for maintaining the acid balance in the body.

The various vitamins and minerals available in the kiwi fruit neutralizes the acidity from the stomach and thereby helps in reducing the effects of nausea and other discomforts. Not only this, the ability of kiwi to balance the acidity of the body helps in keeping the entire body fit and healthy. This is one of the “benefits of eating kiwi fruit daily.”

How To Consume:

  • Have a glass of fresh kiwi fruit juice on a regular basis for getting this benefit.

9. Lowering Blood Pressure:

Potassium and sodium are two of the nutrients present in kiwi fruit which are used for lowering the blood pressure. The people who are suffering from the problem of high blood pressure can get the “kiwi health benefits” by consuming 2-3 kiwis in a day. They can also try having a glass of fresh kiwi juice in the morning as well as in the evening. The regular use of kiwi juice balances the electrolytes in the blood and thus helps in keeping the blood pressure under control.

How To Consume:

  • You can also mix some of the amla juice with the kiwi juice for getting the immediate results for lowering the blood pressure.
  • The combination of these 2 ingredients makes the best combination that specifically targets the high blood pressure and brings it down within the normal range.

10. Supports Weight Loss:

Wondering, about the “kiwi, uses” for weight loss? If yes, then kiwi fruit can help in losing those extra kilos that have always bothered you. Kiwi fruit is the perfect and all-in-one solution for all those who are looking for a natural way out for losing their weight. One of the biggest “benefits of eating kiwi fruit” for losing weight is that you don’t have to compromise with the taste of your diet. The lesser amount of calories and high amount of fibres present in kiwi fruit helps in balancing the weight of the body without compromising on the taste of the food.

How To Consume:

  • As kiwi fruit is high in its fibre amount, consuming a glass of kiwi juice half an hour before the meals would prevent you from the case of over-heating and thus help in reducing and controlling the weight of the users.

11. Provides a Shield Against Macular Degeneration:

Not many people know that kiwi fruit also can help in reducing the risk of macular degeneration. Kiwi fruit contains vitamin A which helps in improving the eye health of the user as well as helping them to fight against the common eye problems. You should be sure of including this amazing fruit in your diet so as to get its benefits against the problem of macular degeneration. The anti-infectious properties of kiwi fruit help in minimizing the infections in your eye which again helps in improving the health.

How To Consume:

  • Have a glass of fresh kiwi fruit juice every day to control the risk of macular degeneration along with other eye problems.
  • One of the studies done on kiwi fruit revealed that it contains a high amount of antioxidants than any other fruit and this makes kiwi as one of the essential ingredients for maintaining eye health.

12. Provides Protection Against DNA Damage:

There are very few fruits that can be used effectively for the protection against the DNA damages. Thanks to the nutritional value of kiwi fruit, you can get the “kiwi fruit health benefits” against the DNA damages as well. The vitamin C along with the phytonutrients and flavonoids present in kiwi fruit is considered to be majorly responsible for delivering the needed protection against the DNA damages. The anti-inflammatory properties of kiwi fruit reduce the effects of DNA damages on the effective functioning of the body.

How To Consume:

  • Take 1 glass of fresh kiwi juice every morning on empty stomach to get the best benefits against the DNA damages.
  • The regular use of kiwi juice will not only reduce the DNA damages but will also prevent it from any kind of risks and defects.

See More: Kale Juice Uses

13. Boosts Your Immunity:

If you want to take good care of your health, it is important to keep your immunity in the best form. If you have a strong immune system, then you have won half battle against the various health issues and risks. Therefore, most of the people always look for a natural ingredient that can help them improve their immune system. Kiwi fruit is one such ingredient that is a natural protector of the immune system of its users. Kiwi fruit contains the right amount of vitamin C and E along with the antioxidants which help in improving the immune system of the body.

How To Consume:

  • You should get the “benefits of eating kiwi” by mixing it with your meals or by eating raw fresh kiwis as an evening fruit.
  • Eating 1-2 entire kiwis in a day would give you the best results for maintaining the health of your immune system.

14. Kiwi Fruit During Pregnancy:

For all the pregnant women who have been struggling with the side effects of pregnancy and have been compromising on the taste of their food, you can totally depend on the benefit of kiwi for your health. The kiwi fruit contains the right amount of vitamins and minerals which are needed for maintaining the health of the pregnant woman. Other than this, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the kiwi fruit help in reducing the associated symptoms of pregnancy like nausea, swellings, vomiting, etc.

How To Consume:

  • Grab a glass of kiwi fruit in the morning as well as in the evening and then witness the magic of kiwi on your health during pregnancy.
  • Kiwi fruit is not only beneficial for pregnant women but also for those who are trying to conceive.

15. Cure Dengue Fever:

If you are still not enough with “what are the benefits of kiwi”, then here’s one more added to the list. The amazing kiwi fruit can work like magic against the problem of dengue fever. With the regular consumption of kiwi juice, you can get instant relief from the symptoms of dengue fever along with a complete cure from the fever. Also, as kiwi fruit is extremely less in its calorie count, you can have it without worrying about having any side effects of gaining any excess weight.

How To Consume:

  • Having kiwi fruit on a regular basis helps in delivering the needed energy to the dengue fever patients and thereby helps in keeping the body fit for an early recovering.
  • Consume at least 2-3 kiwis when you are fighting your battle against dengue fever and get the desired benefits.

Kiwi Fruit Benefits For Skin:

Here we enlisted, top 5 kiwi benefits for the skin. Let’s have a look into them.

kiwi uses

16. Fights Acne:

Acne is one of the common problems that many people are facing. Irrespective of their age, acne can happen to anyone and due to any reason. Also, the acne marks are quite difficult to get cured and therefore, you need some strong ingredient that can bring in the best results against the problem. The anti-inflammatory properties of kiwi can prove to be the best solution for fighting against the problem of acne. These properties not only prevent the problem of acne but also reduce the effect of many other problems associated with it.

How To Apply:

  • Applying kiwi fruit extract along with aloe vera gel on the affected parts of the skin can help in getting the “kiwi benefits” against the problem of acne.
  • Use this face mask every night before sleeping and witness the results within no time.
  • The regular use of this face mask will further prevent the problem to reoccur.

17. Keeps Age Away:

If you are looking for an ingredient that can be quick, effective and responsive against the problem of ageing, then you should try the “kiwi benefits” in this case. In most of the cases, the problem of ageing usually occurs due to the presence of free radicals in the skin. The antioxidants present in kiwi fruit can play a major role in reducing the signs of premature ageing for the users. The use of kiwi fruit extract treats the free radicals and thus delays the signs of ageing quite effectively.

How To Apply:

  • You can mix some of the almond oil, gram flour, and kiwi fruit extract together and then apply this face mask for about 20 minutes to get rid of the ageing symptoms.
  • The regular use of this face mask before sleeping will enhance the “kiwi fruit advantages” for keeping the age away.
  • Be sincere with applying this face mask for 2 months to see the significant results.

18. Controls Excess Sebum Production:

The different “types of kiwi fruit” have one thing in common and that is their cooling property. With its cooling property and “kiwi nutrition”, the application of kiwi extract on the skin brings instant soothing effect. Along with this, kiwi fruit is rich with amino acids and vitamin C which are useful in bringing the essential relief in controlling the excess production of sebum.

How To Apply:

  • You can cut some of the slices of kiwi fruit and then can apply them directly on the skin for getting the “kiwi fruit advantages” against the sebum production.
  • Repeat the process of using the kiwi slices for twice a day and see the positive results happening on the skin.
  • Most of the health experts also support the use of kiwi fruit extract or juice when dealing with the struggles against the excess production of sebum.

See More: Kale Benefits

19. Reduces Dark Circles:

If you have enough knowledge “about kiwi fruit”, then you would surely know the fact that it has the ability to bring the desired benefits against the problem of dark circles. Kiwi fruit works as a natural remedy for the problem of dark circles and also brings immediate results against the problem. Not only this, the regular use of kiwi extract on the eyes reduces the many other problems of the eyes along with the dark circles.

How To Apply:

  • Mash some of the kiwi fruit and use the pulp under the eye for treating the problem of dark circle.
  • Leave the kiwi extracts under the eye for about 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with regular water.
  • Repeating this process every single night before going to sleep will enhance the process of reducing dark circles.
  • This will also reduce the dullness of the eyes and will make them brighter and beautiful.

20. Facial Cleanser:

One of the major “kiwi nutrition facts” supports its strength to be an effective facial cleanser. If you are using the kiwi extract in the proper manner for cleaning your face, then you can expect to get some of the best benefits for the same. The vitamin C present in kiwi fruit helps in effectively cleaning the face if used in the proper manner. You can make use of the kiwi fruit face mask every night and gives your face the needed shine and glow.

How To Apply:

  • For making the kiwi face mask, mix some kiwi fruit extract with lemon juice, oats, and kiwi seed oil and then make a fine paste.
  • Now apply this paste on the face and massage in the circular motion for about 5-10 minutes and then leave the mask for another 15-20 minutes.
  • Lastly, wash off the face mask for delivering the essential “kiwi fruit benefits” for your face.

Kiwi Fruit Benefits For Hair:

Here we enlisted, top 5 kiwi benefits for hair. Let’s have a look into them.

kiwi advantages

21. Promote Hair Growth:

Vitamin E is one of the most essential ingredients which are needed for improving the process of hair growth. Any fruit which is rich in the amount of vitamin E can deliver the desired benefits for hair growth. According to the “nutritional value of kiwi fruit”, the fruit has a high amount of vitamin E and as a result, it helps in promoting hair growth. Along with the good amount of vitamin E, kiwi fruit also contains antioxidants which enhance the process of hair growth along with improving the quality of the hair.

How To Consume or Apply:

  • You should try to include some kiwi fruit in your diet in any form for improving the hair growth.
  • You can also try having a glass of fresh kiwi juice every day for getting the best results for the hair growth process.
  • Along with this, you can mix some almond oil and amla juice with kiwi juice and then apply on your scalp, once a week.

22. Fights Hair Loss:

“Kiwi fruit” is well-known for being a rich source of vitamin C and E, which are two main ingredients for fighting against the problem of hair loss. Not only this, these vitamin helps in strengthening the hair from their roots and thus results in improving the health of the hair. Therefore, the regular use of kiwi fruit helps in improving the circulation of blood in the scalp and thus reduces the problem of hair fall. Other than this, kiwi fruit is also rich in zinc, magnesium, phosphorus and iron which all collectively help in improving the process of hair growth.

How To Apply:

  • You can directly apply some of the kiwi juice or kiwi extract on your hair for getting the desired results.
  • Along with this, you can also mix some lemon juice, amla juice and almond oil with kiwi juice for enhancing the hair benefits.
  • You can use this hair mask for twice a week for better results.

23. Prevents Premature Greying:

Irrespective of your age, the problem of grey hair is always embarrassing. Isn’t it? The premature greying of the hair can spoil your entire look and can also ruin your personality. If you are looking for a solution to this problem, then you can try getting the “kiwi extract benefits.” Yes, the various antioxidants available in the kiwi fruit are responsible for reducing the problem of premature greying of the hair.

How To Apply:

  • Mix some amount of almond oil, amla juice, and kiwi juice together and then apply on your scalp and hair.
  • Leave this hair mask for 25-30 minutes with regular massaging before washing the hair.
  • Use this hair mask twice or thrice a week for preventing the problem of premature greying of the hair.
  • You can be sure of using this hair mask for improving your hair quality without any troubles with the “dangers of kiwi fruit.”

24. Treats Dandruff and Eczema:

Dandruff and eczema are basically caused because of the problem of dry scalp. The drier your scalp is, the more you will face the problem of dandruff. Therefore, it is essential to use some of the ingredients that can reduce the dryness of your scalp. Thanks to the various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants available in kiwi fruit, it is one of the best remedies that you can try on your hair for the problem of dandruff and eczema.

How To Apply:

  • Mix some of the kiwi fruit extracts with some curd, lemon juice, and coconut oil and then apply on your scalp and hair.
  • The regular application of this hair mask will reduce the problem of dandruff from your scalp and thus will bring maximum relief to the problem.
  • Along with this, you can also include some kiwi juice or extract in your diet for improving the impact of the fruit on the problem of dandruff and eczema.

25. Collagen Formation on Scalp:

For getting the “benefits of eating kiwi every day”, it is important that its nutrients are fully absorbed by the body. The case is the same for the nourishing the hair with the benefits of kiwi fruit. It is important that the scalp and the hair absorb the nourishment of kiwi fruit to the maximum for getting the desired results. As kiwi fruit is rich in vitamin C, it helps in the formation of collagen on the scalp and thus facilitates the process of better absorption of the nutrients. Also, the antioxidants available in the kiwi fruit help in delivering the needed benefits for the hair quality.

How To Apply:

  • Mix some of the kiwi extracts with lemon juice and coconut oil and then apply on your scalp.
  • Leave the mixture for 20-25 minutes and then wash your hair like normal.
  • Use this hair mask for twice a week and see the difference happening with your hair.

How To Include Kiwi Fruit In To Your Diet?

If you are concern about “how to eat kiwi fruit”, then there are many ways of doing so. No matter which forms you are eating kiwi fruit, you will only get the benefits associated with this amazing fruit. Some of the possible. Different ways of eating or including kiwi fruit in your diet are as follow:

  • Enjoy the fresh raw kiwi with a spoon after cutting it from the centre.
  • You can enjoy a glass of fresh kiwi juice.
  • You can also add some of the kiwi fruit slices in your salads.
  • Add some of the kiwi fruit slices in your yoghurt or smoothies.
  • You can also add the kiwi extract to many dishes and can use them in different ways.

Choose the way that you want but make sure that you don’t wait any longer for including this amazing fruit in your diet.

Kiwi Fruit Side Effects:

Kiwi fruit is one of the popular fruits that are considered to be safe for most people. The “kiwi side effects” are mainly for the people who are allergic to the fruit. However, if the fruit is taken in an adequate amount, you will be totally safe from the “dangers of kiwi fruit.” The various “kiwi fruit side effects” mainly occur when it is taken in excess or inappropriate amount.

Some of the potential “kiwi side effects” that you may face due to the excess amount of kiwi are as follow:

  • Itchy throat.
  • Swollen tongue.
  • Vomiting.
  • Hives.
  • Trouble swallowing.
  • Rashes.

Therefore, to reduce the “kiwi fruit side effects”, it is advised to be sure of the amount of consuming kiwi fruit after consulting with the health experts.

“Kiwi benefits and side effects” are two sides of the coin, but the overall impact of the kiwi fruit is positive on most of the people. You just should be sure of “how to eat kiwi fruit” to get its maximum benefits. Kiwi can bring the best benefits for your health, skin, and hair with its regular use. So, when are you including this amazing fruit in your diet?

In case, you still have any doubts about anything related to kiwi fruit, then do comment below the same. We would try to provide you with some relevant information that would help in knowing the exact “nutritional value of kiwi” for clearing the doubts.

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