2nd Month Of Pregnancy Diet – What To Eat and Not To Eat

2nd month of pregnancy is as crucial as the first one. This is the preliminary stage of pregnancy when expecting mothers are needed to take special care of them. This time women may suffer from sickness and weakness too. Therefore to stay healthy, a proper diet is essential during the 2nd month of pregnancy. All foods are not allowed for a 2nd month, pregnant women. Thus one should know about what to do and what not to do. Read this article to know all about the precautions an expecting mother should take to ensure a smooth pregnancy.

2nd Month Pregnancy Diet

Importance of Diet and Foods for the Second Month of Pregnancy:

It is essential for you to know what all the food you should eat and what not to eat during the 2nd month of pregnancy. Hence you should know a diet chart for 2 months, pregnant lady. You should prepare a month-wise diet chart and note what food is advisable to eat and what is not. You should keep in mind that the dirt trimester that is the first three months of pregnancy is very crucial, and they require maximum care and attention.

2nd Month of Pregnancy Diet Plan:

Every pregnant woman should be very careful at the time of pregnancy. The 2nd month pregnancy diet contains eating food items also and what should avoid that time. Eating healthy and vitamin carrying food is essential for pregnant women at the time of the 2nd month. But at the same time, you have to know what type of food not to eat for healthy baby delivery. In this article, we came up with a complete food description about what to eat and what not to eat during 2nd-month pregnancy.

What Type of Food for Diet during 2nd Month of Pregnancy?

Here are 2 month pregnancy food which is required for you.

1. Folic Acid Contains Food:

Folic acid serves the purpose of vitamin B. It is necessary for developing the neural tube. Foods like spinach, cereals contain high folic acid. As per the second month of pregnancy diet, these foods are essential. Green vegetables, eggs can be mentioned in this aspect. Compare to narcotic pills and supplements they are much useful for the purpose.

2. Foods Containing Iron:

Iron is essential for a proper flow of blood. During this pregnancy period of 2nd-month blood supply is very important. Therefore, if you do not take an adequate amount of iron, there may be complications. Moreover, you can feel tired and weak throughout the day. The foods which hold a sufficient amount of metal are chicken, fish, dry fruits and so on.

3. Importance of Calcium during Pregnancy of 2nd Month:

The second month of pregnancy is very much vital as the bones of the baby develop. Thus it is essential that a sufficient amount of calcium is supplied in the body. Being pregnant should contain 1000mg calcium in a day. Therefore bones can be more strengthen by calcium. Green vegetables are a good source of calcium.

4. Proteins Necessary for the Pregnancy Period in 2nd Month:

It is one of the most vital ingredients of all. Protein is essential right from the beginning of pregnancy. Extra protein ensures the proper development of your baby. Protein is also necessary for the growth of muscles. Foods containing high protein are eggs, milk, fish, and vegetables, and so on. According to doctor’s advice being pregnant, you should consume 75g of protein in a day.

5. Chicken as Pregnancy Food:

Chicken is a good source of a protein essential for this period. It is very much crucial as the 2nd month of pregnancy diet as per the doctor. Many do think that chicken is not just fruitful at this time. But according to the doctor near about all meats are safe for a pregnant woman. The only thing that is necessary to maintain is hygiene during cooking.

6. Green Vegetables Diet Necessary during 2nd Month Pregnancy:

Green vegetables are always useful as protein and vitamin. These are the two most important aspects of food during pregnancy. Apart from a few, all the plants are rich in protein; some are in iron, etc. Thus it is always beneficial for the pregnant woman. It is indeed a good source of energy.

See More: 3Rd Month Of Pregnancy Diet

7. Fruits for 2nd Month Pregnancy Diet:

Fruits are considered to be one of the most essentials. Apart from a few, all the nuts are necessary for providing energy to the body. Especially the juicy fruits are essential at this moment. Fresh fruits are always advantageous as they provide a sufficient amount of vitamin to the body. Instead of drinking fruit juice, eat fruits daily. It will undoubtedly strengthen your body.

8. Zinc:

2 month pregnancy food chart also requires food with zinc. For the healthy development of the baby, it is very much responsible. It is a vital element needed for acid metabolism, steady biological functions, and so on. Chicken, fish, dairy products, eggs, beans, etc. are considered as zinc-containing food. If you are not sure enough, then consult with your doctor in need.

9. Fats:

Fats are an essential part of your daily diet, and you should consume fats which are beneficial for your baby in the long run. Intake of fats enables the development of the eye and brain of the baby. It also helps in the growth of placenta and tissues. Fats also help in preventing any abnormality during childbirth.

10. Fibre:

This is an essential constituent of the daily diet for a pregnant lady. Consuming fibre for a balanced meal is necessary. You should intake about 14 grams of fibre each day while you are expecting. Consumption of fibre decreases your chance of constipation and maintains your blood pressure. It also helps in reducing any risks associated with pregnancy.

What Food Not To Eat During the 2nd Month Pregnancy:

Let us see what foods to avoid in 2 month pregnancy diet chart.

1. Meat Spreads Are Too Avoided:

During the 2nd of pregnancy, meat spreads are not allowed as food. This food you must avoid at this time. It spread Listeria all over the body. The very thing can severely affect the growth of your baby. It is very much harmful during pregnancy time. Thus make sure you avoid meat as you carry your child.

2. Soft Cheese:

Soft cheeses like brie, Camembert should be avoided. You should not consume such soft cheeses in this high time. As 2nd-month pregnancy food, it is strictly prohibited. This is so because it contains E Coli bacteria which bring complication to pregnancy. Cheeses are favourites of many, but there is no way out to have it being pregnant.

See More: First Month Of Pregnancy Diet

3. Raw Eggs:

It is better to avoid fresh eggs during your pregnancy. It can be an excellent reason for spreading salmonella infection in your body. You, along with your baby, can be profoundly affected by it. The average growth of the baby can be stopped due to this infection. Half boil or lightly cooked eggs are proved very dangerous in this purpose.

4. Processed Meat Should Avoid In 2nd Month Pregnancy:

Any type of processed food or meat is not at all healthy for pregnancy. As the second month pregnancy diet, the option is strict no. These types of ducks are preserved for an extended period, and so they carry bacteria which are very much harmful to the baby you are taking. It will undoubtedly deteriorate your health.

5. Raw Fish:

Try avoiding eating seafood like crab, prawn, shrimp, etc. These types of fish carry element like mercury. It often leads to miscarriage. The chemical is very harmful to a pregnant woman. Though they are tasty but do not take any protein and so it is better to avoid during the time of pregnancy.

During the entire period of pregnancy, you should have fresh foods. Mainly those, that carries high protein and vitamin. Vegetables and fruits are always crucial at this time. They provide sufficient amount of needed things. You need to keep an eye on what are essential foods suitable for this time. If they serve your purpose, buy them to gain energy during pregnancy.

Facts About Pregnancy Diet for Unborn Baby & Pregnant Lady:

Let us see more about diet for 2 months, pregnant women. Healthy food for 2 months pregnant is required, and it is advised for pregnant women to have an intake of 600 micrograms of folic acid daily. Having a healthy and nutritious diet is very important during pregnancy. A diet lacking certain nutrients may be harmful to the baby’s health. Bad eating habits and overweight gain is also bad for the child’s health. Good eating habits will be helpful as it will let you lose the pregnancy weight after you’ve given birth.

Diet Chart for the Second Month of Pregnancy:

Do you know that there is a particular diet chart for the second month of pregnancy? Sufficient and balanced intake and diet are required for the health of both mother and fetus. So it is obvious to work on a good diet chart during the second month of pregnancy. Best food for 2 months pregnant includes,

  • Fibre.
  • Calcium.
  • Iron.
  • Zinc.

Hence, what food is good for 2 months pregnant? In the morning, start with a right and balanced diet. Have food with fruits, vegetables, milk, and dairy products and cereals. You can choose to eat rich foods in the morning as it will get digested in due course of the day.

For the afternoon, choosing salads as food is a good option as they keep you energetic. You can include foods like eggs, rice, dal, rotis, veggies, and nourishing meals at this time.

Keep dinners light. It is always the mantra. Have cooked vegetables or boiled ones and salads. Avoid fried food and do not at any cost binge eat, especially during dinners. The nutrition which goes into your body and helps in the fetus is all through food and diet. Hence remember to have only healthy meals all the time.

Foods to Eat During the Second Month of Pregnancy:

What to eat in 2nd month of pregnancy? Let us help you out. Having healthy food is all that you need now. Healthy food for 2 month pregnant women include:

  1. Legumes
  2. Salmon.
  3. Dairy products.
  4. Broccoli.
  5. Eggs.
  6. Sweet potato.
  7. Berries.
  8. Lean meat.
  9. Whole grains.
  10. Dried fruit.

These are 2nd month of pregnancy what to eat list. Now let us see what to avoid.

Food to Avoid During the Second Month of Pregnancy:

Want to know, what not to eat during 2nd month of pregnancy? Here we have a list of foods to be avoided during the 2nd month of pregnancy.

  • Fish with high levels of mercury.
  • Raw meat and shellfish.
  • Fresh eggs.
  • Smoked seafood.
  • Delhi meat.
  • Unpasteurized dairy products.

Supplements & Nutrients to Take on a Two Month Pregnancy Diet & Not to Take

Supplements to be taken are iron, zinc, folic acid, and vitamin D. They are required for your body right now and helps you keep intact and in a good position. Further, make sure that the supplements to be avoided are vitamin A.

Weight Gain During 2nd Month Pregnancy Diet:

According to the figures given by the Institute of Medicines, USA, a woman having body mass index between 18.5 – 24.9, should gain nearly 25-35 pounds (11.4-15.9 kilograms). That woman who was overweight before pregnancy should gain between 15-25 pounds (6.8-11.4 kilograms).

Additional Tips for 2nd Month Pregnancy Diet:

Here are a few tips for overcoming your second month of pregnancy with ease.

  • Don’t wear stilettos.
  • Don’t take over-dose of caffeine.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Don’t do second-hand smoking.
  • Don’t sit or stand for too long.

So, now you’re in your second month of pregnancy. This is the first trimester, and this is a crucial stage for you and your baby. You must take the best food for two months pregnant and sure supplements which we have listed above. Pregnant should avoid specific food and certain habits which have been listed above. You should keep in mind that intake if a healthy diet is essential for your baby.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

Q1. What generally happens during the second month of pregnancy?

Ans: You generally face similar symptoms like nausea, fatigue, tiredness, dizziness, and cravings. You may also feel a frequent urge to urinate. Hence make sure to have a healthy and good diet which can help you with your health and also with the development of the fetus.

Q2. Can I have a period and still be pregnant in the second month?

Ans: Yes, but they are light spots which you may notice. You cannot consider this as a normal period. It is common for many women to get confused as this may arrive at the same time as that of the period. Consult your doctor for further details in case you see the proper period.

Q3. What are the precautions I have to take during the second month of pregnancy?

Ans: Stay always hydrated and have good enough amount of water. Quit smoking and alcohol habits and limit caffeine consumption. Exercise and eat properly. Due to nausea, stay away from strong scents. With proper care and a good diet, you can easily go through this phase with comfort.

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