3 Month Old Baby – Weight, Baby care, Development & Milestones

Taking care of a newborn is quite challenging. They need particular and round the clock attention. Since it is the delicate age and baby is in a stage of developing his or her abilities, one requires specialized knowledge on several issues. Today, let us discuss taking care of 3 month old baby. If you are a new mother, it is natural to have several doubts and assumptions on how best to care for your baby. But worry not! We will help you out on how best to care for three month old baby by giving you a glimpse of food and nutrition, profile, baby developments, health concerns and more.

3 Month Old Baby

3 Month Old Baby Weight and Growth:

This is the stage you can witness healthy weight and height gain of your 3rd month baby. In case you are wondering if your baby is plump or skinny, it is time not to worry and measure the baby’s growth through looks. Medical practitioners calculate on baby growth through weight and head circumference. Usually, the baby growth can add up to 6 ounces per week on average at this period. This means that it maybe 4 ounces for few and also 7 ounces for others. One does not need to worry unless there is any abnormal growth taking place.

3 Month Baby Developments and Milestones:

Now let us see the significant body developments and milestones of an infant at 3 months. One can tally up to these measures and tell if your baby is in the right stage of development or not!


There may not be the case that your 3 month old is happily sleeping often. There are chances you may notice him or her having broken naps as well. But remember, if there is a good nap of 6 hours at a stretch once a day also, your baby is healthy. This is because the baby’s nervous system is developing, and the stomach of the child can begin to accommodate more milk than before. Once these changes start to take place, the baby is resting assured to have a good night’s sleep of 6-7 hours.

See More: 4 Month Old Baby Care


Now you can see your baby-raising head and chest when he or she is lying down on the stomach. The baby can open and shut hands easily, bring hands to mouth and can grasp the toys. The legs can be stretched out easily and comfortably, and one can notice the kicks when lying either on the stomach or back. In some cases, you can even witness baby rolling at 3 months too!

Vision and Speech:

Do you know that the baby can now follow and understand moving objects? Yes! He or she can begin to recognize familiar objects slowly, and even people! You can understand this when the baby smiles at the sound of a familiar voice or face. Further, one can also see 3 month baby babbling and respond to the tones by turning the head in the direction from which sounds are coming.

Emotional Milestones:

Congratulations! Besides the physical development of 3 month old baby, now your baby begins to respond and develop a social smile slowly. He or she begins to enjoy other people and loves to play. You can even observe some imitation of facial expressions.

Given these milestones and child development at 3 months is supposed to have, make sure that you also have a watch on them. You have to go to the paediatrician if,

  1. Baby does not respond to loud sounds.
  2. Does not bring objects or toys close to the mouth.
  3. Cannot move eyes in all directions.
  4. Does not understand moving objects by the end of 3-4 months.
  5. Do not respond to the sound of a familiar voice and smile.
  6. Does not hold objects and toys.

Activities and Schedule of 3 Month Child:

Now is the time when your infant begins to play. The baby can recognize, grasp and play with toys and objects around. Here are some possible activities and schedules for the best care of the baby.


Remember, every colourful and good looking bright object around you can be brought to mouth by your baby. So take care and always keep a watch on the infant. Since he or she begins to play, you can give a ball, roll it around in front of him so that he can coordinate his hand and eye movements slowly in this stage.

Here are some exciting 3 month old baby activities one can follow! Talk to the three-month-old regularly. Use simple words and tell them what you are doing. This helps to enhance voice and communication skills. Sing to them, and make expressions. The babies in this stage also love mirrors. Place a safe mirror at a reasonable distance and let your baby have fun. He will surely entertain himself with the most amusing sight of seeing his face!


Do not be too strict! One cannot have a minute by minute or hourly plan. The rigorous schedules can be too much and can get stressful. So slowly bring in a program and make the baby get used to it gradually. There are several possible things to do with 3 month old baby. For example, if he is feeding more frequently than usual, gradually, you should extend the time of meal intervals by distracting him with toys or colourful objects.

Further, go for a walk in the evenings or mornings at the same time every day. This can help lay down a schedule of events.

Health Problems of 3 Month Infant:

The infant must be kept under regular watch and care in this stage. The common health problems for infants generally include suffering from vomiting and indigestion, coughing, excessive crying, fever, sleepiness and respiratory concerns. While these are among common known concerns, do not skip on taking the baby to the doctor. Given that it is an infant and newborn, who is in the development stage, any small to significant change or health concerns should be immediately notified to a medical practitioner.


Never turn your head on what your child is doing. Now that your baby can begin to grasp objects and bring them to mouth, you should always make sure that they do not swallow or choke them. Make sure not to leave the baby alone.

See More: 5 Months Old Baby

Food and Nutrition of 3 Month Old:

When the baby is only 3 months old, the breastfeeding or related formula is the only source of nutrition and food intake. However, since your baby will begin to grow and develop, you can notice that the feeding and intake of food will gradually increase. They may start to have more milk as appetite improves. Remember, as babies start to grow older, one may need to feed six to eight times a day.

In case you are feeding formula, which is hard to digest than breast milk. There may be a more extended stretch period between feedings in this case. 5 to 6 ounces at each feeding is a standard quantity of baby feed in case of formula.

Here are a few more things one needs to keep in mind during food and eating routine of 3 month old baby.

  • Burp your baby regularly.
  • Avoid overfeeding. If required, feed-in more intervals.
  • Do not wait to feed until your baby is very hungry.

Baby Care:

Taking care of an infant is no less challenge. One should be able to comprehend the behaviour and keep regular watch at the 3 months. He begins to learn new things, notices bright objects and recognizes familiar faces and voices. Your baby will start to show happiness through emotions. Proper care of a baby is required at this stage since he is yet not able to comprehend the outside world completely.

Reassure your baby about the presence regularly. Be pleasant and interactive. Make sure the baby feels a good and safe bond between you two. Give pleasant warm water bath and make sure all towels and cloths are washed with disinfectants. All the surroundings and environments of the baby should be clean and tidy. Change diapers after every few hours and keep checking on them. If you notice any situation which is not healthy, consult your doctor for advice.

Tips and Checklist:

Here are a few other suggestions and advice from experts for the best care of your infant,

  1. Make sure you always keep your surroundings neat and tidy.
  2. Given that baby can take any object and toys to mouth, always make sure there are no sharp objects surrounding the baby.
  3. Give massages occasionally. This helps build a good bond between baby and you.
  4. Do not feed the baby with anything other than breastmilk or formula.
  5. Have regular checkups with your doctor. Make a note of all vaccines and check-ups at regular intervals.

See More: Toys for 3 Month Old Baby

Things to Buy for 3 Month Old Baby:

Although your three-month-old does not need rigorous shopping, here are some pointers which can help you with what you may need for your infant.

  • Feeding bottle, in case he does not have milk from the breast.
  • Sterilizer, for bottles and pacifiers.
  • Diaper bag.
  • Disinfectant for cleaning towels and cloths.
  • Sleepsack, to help in sound sleep and reduce suffocation.
  • Nursing cover and bag.
  • Baby teething for 3 months.
  • Outdoor blanket.

Taking care of 3 month old baby is quite a task, and these tips and comprehensive guide on giving the best care for your infant can help you to all that required. Tell us your thoughts and share your experiences with us! We love to hear from you!

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

Q1. Can 3 month old baby travel by air?

Ans: There are no standard rules or regulations about newborns and infants travelling by air. You can always go with your 3 month child by air and try to make them sleep during the flight to reduce inconvenience.

Q2. How much does 3 month old baby need to sleep?

Ans: Typically, a 3 month old can sleep around 14-15 hours a day. This includes healthy to small naps and nighttime sleep. It is only after 4-5 months do babies develop regular sleep patterns.

3. Can a 3 month child eat solid foods?

Ans: It is advised that a 3 month infant does not intake any food, except breastfeeding and formula. One has to weight for 4-6 months for any solid food intake in case of babies.

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