33 Weeks Of Pregnancy – Do’s and Don’ts

The 33rd week of the pregnancy and the coming 4 weeks are extremely crucial for both the mother and the baby as the baby will gain maximum mass in this period only. At the same time, your body will also experience a lot of changes. The foods that were suiting you for long might suddenly start causing bloating and heartburn, and you might find it best to avoid until you deliver. Here is all that you will experience during 33 weeks of pregnancy.

33 weeks pregnant

Table of content:

  1. Months and Trimester indicating the 33rd week of pregnancy
  2. 33 weeks pregnant symptoms
  3. Physical and Psychological changes in 33 wks pregnant
  4. 33 weeks pregnant baby position
  5. Pregnancy diet and exercises during 33 weeks Pregnant
  6. Thirty three weeks pregnant belly
  7. 33 weeks pregnant ultrasound
  8. Tips and precautions to take during 33 weeks of pregnancy
  9. Risks and complications faced during 33 weeks of pregnancy
  10. Checklist for a 33-week pregnancy
  11. 33 Weeks pregnancy with twins

Months and Trimester indicating the 33rd week of pregnancy:

The 33rd week of pregnancy means you are currently in the third trimester of your pregnancy and have completed 8 months and 1 week.

See More: 35 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms

33 weeks pregnant symptoms:

The following are the symptoms or the discomforts of 33 weeks pregnant

  1. Overheating – This is caused as the metabolic rate is too high.
  2. Headaches – The hormonal fluctuations at 33 weeks of pregnancy can cause severe headaches.
  3. Gasping for breath – By now, you might be gasping for breath as you won’t be able to breathe fully. You will notice the difference once your baby drops and your diaphragm frees.
  4. Forgetfulness as well as clumsiness – This phenomenon has no proof, but it is mostly caused due to the anxiety of having the baby in less than 2 months. It is also termed as ‘baby brain.’


Physical and Psychological changes in 33 wks pregnant:

1. Reflex Actions:

With the 33rd week rolling in now the fetus is more and more acting like a baby with the traits matching up to one with every passing day. The reflexes, once dull, have now matured. The very first of the reflex nerves that starts acting up is the yawning. The baby now has perfected the yawning along with sleeping. Ultrasound might catch him sleeping, and the best part is he may even sport a favourite position. The next reflex action that he has perfected by now is the sensitivity to light which by now he has gotten used to. The hearing and reciprocating accordingly might also act up.

2. Response:

By the 33rd week, the baby would clearly receive your voice or a particular type of noise that he has been accustomed to listening all this while. This may include music or a tone, a certain voice like yours or a certain story that has been read over and over again. The highlight of this week is that now your baby will respond to that familiar noise since she can now recognize it. Later doctor’s say this very tone or musical note might help you to calm down your little one.

3. Weight Gain:

By now the baby has gained some considerable amount of weight and so have you, but half of the baby’s gained weight is the layers of fat now almost formed underneath his skin. The gap between the muscles and the skin has now filled doing away with the baby’s skeletal structure and wrinkled, saggy skin. A 33 weeks pregnant baby weight is approximately 4.2 pounds with a height of 17.2 inches.

4. Amniotic Fluid:

By now, the ultrasound and urine sample tests would reveal that your baby has been drinking a pint of the amniotic fluid every day the reason why the fluid level goes down slowly and slowly. The same amount of amniotic fluid is later pushed out of his system through urine, which then mixes with the mother’s and finally let out of the body. In fact, statistics say that the baby just might be inhaling a little bit of that amniotic fluid, which is just a practice demo for his lungs.

5. Skin Care:

The lanugos by the end of this week will clear away completely revealing the soft baby skin of your fetus. With the decreasing amniotic fluid, the cheese like waxy white substance, the vernixcaseosa will wear away too.

6. Nail Care:

The nails of the baby, the toe and the fingers would by now be up to the tip and may even grow beyond that the reason why he might need a little trimming after birth.

7. Pregnancy Spots:

At around this time, the jolly good glow in the glossy pregnant ladies in the magazines would make you jealous since the mask of pregnancy will be veiling you with certain unwanted elements. The excess production of female hormones is to be blamed for the deal. Unwanted facial hair, spots, and freckles, splotches and blotches are some of the irregularities you might have to deal with.

8. The déjà vu:

Remember the sleepless nights and the frequent need to relieve yourself in the oddest of times that you faced in the early weeks of pregnancy. With the final time rolling in, the chances are that some of those same feelings would be haunting you back. The frequent urination is a common symptom piled by monster appetite. The fear of the process not going as you dreamed in your head might be a strong paranoia which might lead to other emotions depression-like. The sleepless nights soon roll in. However, there would be no worry regarding the morning sickness since that is done with.

9. Numbness and Ache:

With the days passing soon you will find yourself waddle, and with the extra pressure of the now four pounds you are carrying around do not be surprised if you feel a little of the ache in your feet or wrists. At times often probably because of the excess pressure, the mother might even feel numbing in certain parts of the body. This is a common symptom, so do not fret. The best thing to do is keep the membership to the pregnant exercise classes and labour tutorials.

10. Braxton Hick’s Contractions:

These are sort of mock contractions that you might be feeling during this time. This is your body’s way of letting you know that the preparations are in process. These contractions are usually not painful, but they do offer some discomfort along with the firsthand experience of the labour days.


33 weeks pregnant baby position:

This week the baby weighs a little over 4 pounds with a height of approximately 17.2 inches. The wrinkled, alien look of the baby is the thing of the past as he rapidly loses it and his skeleton hardens. Although the bones in his skull are still not fused together, and they can easily overlap. This will aid the baby to get fit in the birth canal quickly.

The various possible baby positioning during 33 weeks of pregnancy are as under:
  1. Anterior – In this position, the baby is head down, and its face is facing your back. The baby’s chin is close to their chest, and they are ready to enter the pelvis. This is the safest position for normal delivery.
  2. Posterior – This is exactly the opposite of the Anterior. In this position, the baby is still upside down, but his head is facing your tummy instead of back. During the 1st stage of labour 1 out of 10 babies are in this position. However, most of them turn themselves spontaneously to face themselves in the right direction. However, the cases in which the baby doesn’t rotate increases the labour time as well as severe back pain. An epidural is required to relieve the pain.
  3. Breach – In a breach, the baby is positioned with his buttocks towards the pelvis. This is not an ideal position for delivery. It may form a loop of the umbilical cord and increase the risk of delivering the baby vaginally. The doctor may suggest ECV change the position of the baby, which has a success rate of only 50%. A breech baby might need a C-Section for safe delivery.
  4. Transverse lie – In a transverse lie, the baby is lying horizontally in the uterus. This an extremely rare position as most of the babies will turn themselves head down position before delivery.


Pregnancy diet and exercises during 33 weeks Pregnant:

You should not change the pregnancy diet as such that you have been consuming over the past 8 months. However, with the baby growing every day now, it might just make it difficult to consume the complete meal at a time. Try frequently eating in smaller portions instead.

See More: 32 Weeks Pregnant Weight Gain

Exercises during 33 weeks of pregnancy:

Women who exercise regularly during their pregnancy have been found to reap many health benefits as compared to those who don’t. Some of the key benefits of exercising during pregnancy are:

  • Cardiovascular fitness
  • Maintaining the blood pressure
  • Weight management
  • Control on mood swings
During the 3rd trimester it is advisable to avoid the following exercises:
  1. Jumping
  2. Hopping
  3. Skipping
  4. Bouncing
  5. Weight training
The following are some of the workouts that can be done safely during the 3rd Trimester:
  • Walking or at the most jogging
  • Swimming and Aqua Aerobics – It is therapeutic for those who find intense pain in legs and backs. It also prevents overheating.
  • Low impact exercises such as yoga, pilates, barre, and cycling are another safe mode of exercising.
Weight training during the 3rd trimester can prove to be dangerous, especially if you are not used to lifting. Instead go for strength-training workouts such as:
  • Squats
  • Wall push-ups
  • Modified planks
Avoid exercises required to be done lying straight on the floor, such as abs. Instead go for side lying workouts such as :
  1. Glutes
  2. Outer hips
  3. Inner thighs
  4. Hamstrings
Arms workout with very light weights such as:
  • Bicep curls
  • Triceps work
  • Lateral raises


Thirty three weeks pregnant belly:

By 33 weeks you put on approximately 22 to 28 pounds of weight in total. Some pregnant moms to look extra sexy with their curves. Remember its safe to have sex till the delivery date provided you have confirmed with your doctor. If you can feel the belly tightening, you might be experiencing Braxton Hicks Contraction.


33 weeks pregnant ultrasound:

If you get an ultrasound done at the 33rd week of your pregnancy, you might be lucky to see your baby with his eyes open if he is awake. Also, the baby is seen coordinating sucking with breathing – This is an important skill required to survive in the outside world. The 33 weeks pregnant ultrasound is done as a part of BPP that is Bio-Physical Profile. This is a test done for the high-risk patients in their 3rd trimester. The ultrasound will gauge the 33-week fetus movement, muscle tone, breathing, amount of amniotic fluid and also the baby’s heart rate.


Tips and precautions to take during 33 weeks of pregnancy:

Entering the last trimester of pregnancy is really very crucial. As the time of delivery nears, not only does your physical discomfort increases but also does your anxiety. Here are some tips that can ease your discomfort and also precautions that you need to take now:

  • Sleeping gets difficult now. Keep a comfortable temperature in the room and keep it dark and quiet.
  • Exercise regularly but avoid exercising 2 hours before going to bed. This will make sleep easier.
  • Try getting into a comfortable sleeping position. Usually sleeping on either side with your legs and knees bent can prove to be comfortable.
  • Educate yourself. Going to childbirth classes will offer you valuable insight into what to expect and how to handle things.
  • Discuss all your worries and questions with your doctors.
  • Eat only healthy food.
  • Avoid any kind of junk food that can cause you sick and create complications in your pregnancy.


Risks and complications faced during 33 weeks of pregnancy:

The third trimester is home stretch for expectant mothers; however, this is the time when complications can occur in the pregnancy. The following are the risks faced during 33 weeks of pregnancy:

1. Gestational diabetes:

This occurs as the hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy makes it difficult to use insulin. This condition though common during pregnancy will go away after delivery. Change in lifestyle, diet, and light exercise can help in controlling diabetes.

2. Preeclampsia:

Preeclampsia is a serious condition, and it makes it compulsory to have frequent prenatal visits. The symptoms of preeclampsia are high blood pressure, sudden weight gain, protein in the urine, swelling, etc. Ignoring preeclampsia can be fatal for both mother and child.

3. Preterm labour:

Preterm labour is a condition when you begin to experience contractions before 37 weeks — women with multiples or with an excess amniotic fluid face a higher risk of preterm labour.

4. Premature rupture of membrane:

Rupture of the membrane is a normal activity to happen at the time of delivery. However, if the same breaks early, it could lead to serious complications which are termed as PROM or premature rupture of membrane.

5. Placenta previa:

Placenta is an organ through which the baby receives its nourishment in the womb. This placenta is normally delivered after the baby. However, if the placenta comes first, it blocks the opening of the cervix, which is termed as placenta previa. Placenta previa increases the risk of profuse bleeding during and before delivery.

6. Placenta abruption:

Placenta abruption is a rare condition wherein the placenta gets separated from the uterus before delivery. It is a serious condition and can even lead to fetal death or serious bleeding in mother.

7. Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR):

This is a condition where the baby is not growing as per the standard norms of the various stages of pregnancies. IUGR can result in asymmetrical growth where the baby has a normal sized head but a smaller body.

8. Post-term pregnancy:

Any pregnancy that lasts more than 42 weeks is known as post-term pregnancy. The condition can cause aged umbilical cord due to which its size reduced and the supply of oxygen to the fetus is reduced. Sudden fetal death can be caused in the post-term pregnancy.

9. Meconium aspiration syndrome:

In this, there is a fetal bowel movement in the uterus. This is common during post-term pregnancy. Mostly there is no problem, but if the stressed fetus inhales meconium, it may cause a serious type of pneumonia and even death.


Checklist for a 33-week pregnancy:

The following is the checklist to avoid last moment panic situation.

  • Pack your bags with hospital supplies
  • Photo ID
  • Insurance papers
  • Cell phone and charger
  • Socks
  • Sweater
  • Maternity bras and nursing pads
  • Toilet kit
  • Loose, lightweight clothes
  • Start reading about how to care for newborn
  • Prepare for post-partum care
  • Inquire about the hospital supplies

At the 33 weeks of pregnancy, you must spend more time relaxing and reading about your newborn care. The days are going to get difficult from here, and you will have more and more sleepless nights. But all these pains are worth as in just less than 2 months your little munchkin will be in your arms.


33 Weeks pregnancy with twins:

At 33 Weeks, the survival tendencies of your twins begin to take a spotlight. By this time, carrying multiples will be no longer be a piece of cake. By now your tummy would have grown large enough to make even navigation difficult.


Frequently Asked Questions And Answers:

Q1. How does 33 weeks baby look like?

Ans: At 33 weeks, your baby weighs 4 pounds and is 17.2 inches tall. You can imagine it be equal to a bunch of celery or of the size if a pineapple.

Q2. Can you have a baby at 33 weeks?

Ans: The more the time the baby spends in the uterus, more are its chances for healthy survival. Although babies with 33 weeks of the gestational period can breathe independently and have a good chance of survival as they will encounter relatively few challenges.

Q3. How can you tell if your baby has dropped at 33 weeks of pregnancy?

Ans: The following are the changes that you will notice if your baby drops:

  • You will find easier breathing
  • There will be an increase in white discharge
  • You can experience a lot of pressure in your uterus
  • Your number of trips to the bathroom increases
  • You have increased pelvic pain
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