5 Great Questions to Ask on the First Date

5 Great Questions to Ask on the First Date

Whether you’re just starting to date or have a certain experience in the area, whenever wanting to get to know someone new the same dilemma arises “what good questions to ask on the first date?”. Common sense might dictate to leave out questions about exes, highly intimate questions or very controversial topics like politics, religion and so on, but ultimately the topic of first date questions still feels quite fuzzy after eliminating these commonly avoided date conversation killers. Try some of these open ended questions if you want to make sure things go smoothly, in no particular order: 5 Great Questions to Ask on the First Date

What kind of things make you laugh? Humor is always a highly valued trait for interactions and possible relationships, so learning about what your date thinks is funny can be a great conversation facilitator since your date will most likely come up with examples of circumstances that cheered him up and invite you to do the same, making the conversation light-hearted and relaxed.

What is your favorite way to spend a weekend? This type of question not only reveals his/her hobbies without forcing you to ask the cookie cutter question that feels so overused, it can quickly reveal whether your date is an extrovert or an introvert. Sure, it might seem a bit of a stretch, yet it can be an important clue.

If you could travel the world, which are the five places you’d never miss? Another cliche when it comes to dating questions, this one can help keep the conversation casual and interesting and can lead to bigger topics like favorite vacations and such which can easily keep the conversation flowing.

Who has been the biggest influence in your life? It can be quite intimidating to ask about values as we don’t often analyze the things that are the most important to us. Yet thinking about a mentor or someone who has changed our life can make us realize what we value the most without even thinking about it.

What do you hate most about meeting someone on a first date? It might seem like a counter-intuitive question to ask since it can stir the conversation in a negative direction, yet if things seem a little tense, this type of question can help you emphatize better and avoid some common pet peeves which can unintentionally ruin the flow.

Though it is a great idea to have a few conversation topics in mind, you shouldn’t get caught up with wanting to optimize the date and make everything perfect. A bit of spontaneity always makes things more interesting and making sure you feel relaxed can definitely go a long way in ensuring success.

5 Great Questions to Ask on the First Date

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