50 Best Homemade Skin Care Tips

Flaunting flawless and glowing skin is the most cherished dream for a woman. Sadly various factors coupled together like unhealthy lifestyle and pollution play havoc on our skin. So if you desire to revive your beauty take these best homemade skin care tips that will never fail you.

Beauty starts with a better skin. A healthy and better skin gives that bright glow that makes natural beauties so attractive. The only thing you have to learn is how to maintain your skin. And with regular and committed practice, you will start seeing those changes in your skin.

Skin care tips

Best Homemade Skin Care Tips For Women And Men:

So don’t worry, if you have made up your mind to follow the followings there are more than enough skin care tips for you to begin with. Here are the 50 Best Natural homemade Skin Care tips for You.

1. Drink Lots Of  Water:

Skin care tips - Woman water

The most crucial beauty tip is to keep your skin and body hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Water flushes out toxins from your organism and keeps your skin healthy and full of life. Moreover drinking water aids in transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells, there by reducing premature aging. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water every day to keep your skin cared from the inside out.

See More: Panchakarma Treatment

2. Avoid Exposure To Dry Air :

Skin care tips - hair drier

Hair dryer can be useful for drying the hair, but using more means over using of dryer can cause damage of hair. It is also effect the skin behind the hair and around the hair. If you want to protect your skin should better to skip the using of  hair dryer.

3. Avoid Prolonged Contact With Hot Or Chlorinated Water :

Skin care tips - hot and chlorine

women’s skin is always soft and sensitive, so be careful with skin effected things. Hot water and chlorinated water can effect the soft women skin. So avoid this hot and chlorinated water from your daily using things.

4. Sip Some Tea:

skin care tips - sip tea

Stay hydrated throughout the day and give preference to warm liquids, such as herbal tea. Make some spicy tea with fresh ginger and lemon that will wake you up in the afternoon and will keep you healthy. And most importantly will result for glowing skin. Green teas are packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps fighting off bacteria and free radicals. Try to drink at least one cup of green tea a day.

5. Use Natural Products:

Skin care tips - natural products

Don’t use any chemical bottled products on your skin!! Most products even the one claiming to be extremely natural have chemicals. Chemical products will show effect within few weeks but once to stop using them they will end up by making your skin look more damaged than before. Use natural products from well know brands. This is the simplest skin care tips for ever.

6. Use Lip Balms:

Lipgloss Apply

Chill out chapped lips to prevent chapping, stick on plenty of lip gloss or balm before you go out. Be sure to reapply often. However make sure you are using good quality lip balms made from 100% natural products

7. Using Scarf :

Fair skin in winter

Wearing a scarf protects your skin from the harsh effects of the climate. While in summers, it keeps the harmful UV rays at bay, in winters it shields the skin from the chilling cold winds. So put on a scarf and gloves when going out in cold weather.

8. Get Plenty Of Sleep:

Skin care tips - Sleeping

One of the best and easy beauty secret is sound sleep. It has been found that sleep deprivation hinders blood circulation, thereby making you look pale and dull. Hence try to get eight to ten hours sleep a night to put your best face forward. While you sleep, the body gets ample time to rejuvenate and repair your skin.

9. Remove Make Up Before Go To Bed :

Skin care tips - sleep with maekup

Leaving makeup on your skin not only clogs pores, it also causes excessive dryness and leads to skin dandruff. This is because most of the makeup products contain a specific sugar-type molecule that fosters growth of microorganisms. Never sleep in makeup ever, no matter how tired you are. Always use a gentle and oil-free cleanser. Be diligent and your skin will improve.

10. Clean Hands Before Touch The Face :

Skin care tips - touch skin

Hands off!! Stop touching your face! Surfaces that you touch are full of dirt and bacteria, right from phone to doorbell to menus at restaurant and all of those bacteria spread all over your face once you start touching your skin. Most of the skin problems vanish without use of any form of medications by simply keeping your hands away from face. A simple yet beneficial skin car tips for women.

11. Eat Right:

Juices for glowing skin

We all know that beauty comes from within. So if you desire to look beautiful and young, eat well. Fresh, healthy foods contains vitamin and nutrient which keep skin glowing. Try eating foods with more iron like spinach, green beans and juices. Your skin will perk up in no time. Add plenty of fruits to your diet and avoid taking juices. One of the most important skin care tips is eat right and follow the regular healthy diet.

12. Keep Away Hair From Face :

Banana Frizzy hair

Get your hair out- keep your hair off your face. Greasy hair and skin go together and hair can spread infection. So if your hair feels oily, simply tie it in a knot to avoid sticking on your face more often.

13. Clean Your Face Regularly :

Skin care tips - face wash

Wash your face in the morning and night time. Make it a routine by setting a reminder for three weeks. Once you start to do it for weeks, it will become a habit. Wash your face after you have rinsed off your hair conditioner in the shower.

14. Apply Best Moisturizer :

Skin care tips - moisturize your skin

Taking too many showers can actually dry out your skin and leave you all itchy. Though clean skin leads to clear skin, but washing it too often or too vigorously can irritate skin and do more harm than good. So moisturize your skin with a good moisturizer immediately after a bath or shower. If possible use moisturizer that contains SPF or one can even use natural honeys and oils as natural moisturizer.

15. Limit Bath Time:

Skin are tips - limit bath

Hot water and long showers or baths can remove oils from your skin, besides causing mild burns. While taking a steamy shower may make you feel better, studies reveal that it is the worst thing that can be done to your skin. So try to spend less time under shower, and always use warm or cold rather than hot water.

16. Cleansing:

Skin care tips - cleansing

Do most of your cleansing while taking a bath. During bath the skin stays moist and the pores remain open. Avoid using a harsh cleansers or an astringent! When you are cleansing your skin use gentle massaging movements. Organic Witch Hazel Water and Organic Nettle Water are natural astringent. And remember Skin cleansing should always follow by toning.

17.  Avoid Alcohol Skin Care Products :

alcohol skin products

Always try using alcohol-free products, since sometimes increased humidity could open up pores. You should always avoid skin care products containing alcohol as they dry out your skin.

18. Exfoliate:

Exfoliate - Face Mask

If not every day; make sure you exfoliate your skin at least twice a week. Exfoliation helps to shrink the pores on your skin by eliminating dead skin cells, dirt and oil. Use natural and homemade exfoliation mask for better results. For sensitive skin, look for a more gentle exfoliate. After you finish exfoliation, clean your skin with a mild cleanser that clears up the dead surface cells and renders the skin smooth and soft.

19.  Don’t Use Soap More Times :

Skincare tips - soap wash

Avoid washing the face with soaps more than twice a day. As soaps can strip oil from your skin, instead wash your face often with plain water splashes or use a gentle cleanser instead of soap.

20. Don’t Hold Back Yourself On Facials:

Skin care tips - facial treatment

Even if you don’t feel like spending bucks on spa visits, keeping the practice of applying proper homemade facials on a periodical basis. Prefer facials like clay based ones for a better result.

21. Protect Yourself From The Sun:

tips for face whitening 5 use sun gloss cap

It’s very important to protect your skin from sun exposure. A little sun exposure is fine but a long time exposure can cause age spots, wrinkles, sunburns and other skin problems. It is one of the basic skin care tips from all the list.

22. Don’t Go Out At Mid Day :

Avoid sun - lips

Avoid the sun during peak hours- 11 a.m. -1 p.m. this is the time that one should avoid to go out regardless of season. During these hours, even on overcast days the ultraviolet radiation are highest that can damage skin.

23. Use Sunscreen Lotions :

tan - sunscreen

It has been found that wrinkles in nearly 90% of cases are caused due to excessive exposure to sun. Therefore never forget to step out of your home without applying sunscreen. Whether its summer or winter, it doesn’t matter. Remember that it is better to prevent any damage to your skin rather than fixing it later. Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. Try to reapply it in every two hours, and if you are swimming then apply it more often.

See More: Anti Aging Skin Care Tips

24. Don’t Use Foundation Make Up In Summer :


During summer don’t use foundation. Try to keep it clean and scrubbed. Definitely use a sunscreen, but a lotion because it is lighter and stays on longer. One can even use sunscreen with matte look as it works as sunscreen plus foundation.

25. Use Protecting Accessories During Day Time :

Skincare tips - umberalla

Wear protective clothing- wear long sleeves shirts, jeans and sunglasses.  One can accessorise it with a wide-brimmed hat or can use an umbrella for shade. You have to follow this useful and valuable simple skin care tip.

26. Quit Smoking:

Avoid smoking

If you smoke, the best way to protect your skin is to quit. Smoking makes the tiny blood vessels of our outermost layers of skin narrow which decreases blood flow and makes skin look older and contributes to wrinkles. It basically damages collagen and elastin, which are considered as the fibers that give our skin its strength. Even the continuous expressions that you make when smoking such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes to keep out smoke can contribute to wrinkles.

27. Healthy Diet :

Skin care tips - healthy diet

A healthy diet can help you look your best.  Diet rich in vitamin A, C & E and low in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates might promote younger looking skin. Eat plenty of Organic fruit and Organic vegetables (get a variety). Eat oily fish such as fresh and wild mackerel and wild salmon (to get glowing skin). Berries are rich and vitamin C and in antioxidants, as well as they have a tiny glycemic index so they won’t raise your blood sugar. Adding coconut oil to your diet will help to moisturize and smooth your skin. Munch on nuts more often as the high quality fatty acids and oils in them help in skin rejuvenation and skin repair.

28. Apply Milk Pack :

Milk more

If you’re a DIY person, I will suggest you to use the milk in your fridge. Take a small amount of milk in a cotton ball and gently pat it over your face, leave it for about 10 minutes then wash it. For the effect all over your body, add a cup of milk to your bath water. You will definitely get a clear and smooth skin.

29. Reduce Alcohol Dose :

Skin care tips - wine

If you struggle with hormonal breakouts every month, reduce your dairy intake. Improvement in your skin will start showing up within few weeks. It has been stated that dairy products (even the organic ones) contain specific cow hormones that cause secretion of oil from the glands, henceforth causing frequent acne breakouts. Try and shakes, salad dressings or protein bars that are high in dairy content. If however, you must consume them, limit yourself to skimmed milk.

30. Apply Alcohol On Pimples :

Treatments for Pimples - face with acne

If you’re planning to pop a pimple at home then do it in a precise way. Sterilize your needle and hands by rubbing alcohol. Then puncture the whitehead of the pimple with the help of the sterilized needle, just enough to break the skin. Press on either side of the pimple using a clean cotton swap until it’s drained. Cover it with a bandage so that it stays clean while it’s healing.

31. Manage Stress:

Skincare tips - stress mangment

Uncontrolled stress can produce many skin problems. Stress promotes the formation of damaging frowning that leaves lines and wrinkles. So manage your stress for a healthy skin and a healthy state of mind. Find some time to do the things that you enjoy. This is one of the ultimate and excellent skin care tips for both men and women

32. Avoid Very Stiff Bras :

Unlocking bra

Are A woman? If your bra straps are too tight it can cause body acne on your shoulders. By loosening the straps just a pinch, will let your skin breathe and you will have less chance of having breaking out in that area.

33. Do Exercise Regularly :

Young woman doing exercise23

Exercise soothes mind and improve blood circulation all throughout body. It helps in accomplishing natural good looking skin. Great circulations pass nutrients to each cell in you body, while toned muscle also makes you look beautiful. Don’t forget to wash your face both before and after you exercise.

34. Taking Multivitamin Food :

sources of omega 3

Take a really good quality multivitamin supplement or a supplement exclusively for good skin! Or even better eat a healthy diet that includes Omega 6 and Omega 3 and Vitamin C. Most of the experts and grand parents proves this is one of the best and excellent skin care tips for ever.

35. Apply Tea Tree Oil :

Tree tea oil

Tired of finding a spot treatment for acne? Bring 100% tea tree oil and apply it on the area before bedtime, and when you’ll wake up you will have a much happier complexion.

36. Take Care Tips With Hair While Sleeping :


If you’re a person who don’t have time to shampoo daily. Then sleep with your hair in a ponytail so that you can keep your face away from any grease that may be there in your strands. The oil from hair can clog the pores of skin and result in pimples and acne breakouts.

37. Don’t Be Dirt :

Hair Around towel

Don’t use same towel for both your hands and face. The dirt that is left behind on a hand towel should not be used to wipe your face, so be sure to use separate towels. Our facial skin is sensitive and delicate so oil from hair or other parts of the body should not be transferred to the face. Using separate towels for hands and face is very important if you are prone to acne breakouts.

See More: Face Whitening Tips

38. Keep Away Mobile From Your Face :

Skin care tips - cell phone bacteria

A recent study has revealed that germ infections in smart phones are even more than those found on toilet paper. Shocking as it may seem, but one of the simple skin care tips for girls is to restrict the use of phone or sanitize your phones frequently. Putting your phone against your face when you’re talking on the phone can cause huge breakouts. As your cell phone contains bacteria, make sure to use anti-bacterial wipes to clean your phone as much as possible to stay away from acne.

39. Shave Carefully:

Skin care tips - shaving woman

To protect your skin apply shaving cream or lotion before shaving. On the day of shaving, wash your legs with a conditioner rather than a soap. Using conditioner will help to soften the hair on legs thereby rendering the process of shaving much easier. Use a clean, sharp razor for the closest shave. Never shave your hairs against the direction the hair grows.

40. Pat Dry:

Skin care tips - towel

After washing or bathing; softly tap your skin with a dry towel so that some moisture remains on your skin. Avoid rubbing your skin with a towel after taking bath as it may cause irritation and ultimately lead to skin losing its elasticity. Patting skin dry after every shower is particularly important for those with sensitive skin.

41. Don’t Eat Sweet More :

Skincare tips - sugar

Excess sugar will not only make your pants snugger but also cause your skin to look older. If you have a sweet tooth you need to know that sugar is actually not good for your skin. Sugar can lead to early aging skin and loose skin as sugar can affect the elastin which allows the skin to be flexible. While you do not have to cut out sugar completely from your diet, restrict your intake to only natural sugars found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Avoid consumption of sugar-laden products like ice-creams, white bread and candies.

42. Use Natural Drinks :

lemonade drinking woman

Carbonated drinks are not beneficial for your health as well as your skin so if you want to prevent dull and dehydrated skin from affecting you make sure you turn towards natural non-fizzy drinks. Most of these aerated drinks have ingredients that trigger premature aging. They have extremely high sugar content that has a damaging effect in your skin. So one of the basic skin care tips for girls is to avoid frizzy drinks and opt for the natural ones.

43. Switch Up Your Night Cream:

apply cream (2)

You realized the need for lighter formula moisturizer the minute temperatures started soaring. Apply the same logic for your night cream. Switch to lighter cream to see better results without much effort. Nose area gets easily moisturized so avoid that area.

44.Try Acne-Fighting Cleansers:

Cleanser apply

Acnes are the most daunting skin problems for all of us. So the best way to battle them is use of good quality acne fighting cleansers and face washes. Even if the days when you were battling acne are officially gone; if you have shine issues use a salicylic acid based cleanser. Don’t go beyond 2% concentration.

45. Change Your Sleep Style:

sleep proper

If you are a stomach sleeper then there’s a bad news for you. Our head weighs somewhere around 7 to 8 pounds. Don’t you think that’s a lot of pressure to be putting on your face night after night?  The side you’re sleeping will have more number of wrinkles. Those who already sleep on there back try throwing an extra pillow under your head. But if you like sleeping on your side use a satin or silk pillowcase. As these textures won’t provoke creases on the surface of your skin.

46. Don’t Do Over-Exfoliating

SKin care tips - over exploting

Even though exfoliation forms a very important part of basic skin care routine, but just like everything, over-exfoliation can do lot of damage to your skin. Too much scrubbing is definitely something you want to avoid doing as this might cause your skin to become irritated. It also causes puffiness and even result in frequent acne breakouts (yes the effect might just be opposite if you overdo).

47. Don’t Eat Junk And Oil Foods :

Skin care tips - veggies and fruits

Stay away from junk and oily food and try to include fresh veggies and fruits into your daily diet as much as possible. Various researches have revealed that a diet that is high in carbohydrates and fats is more likely to cause the appearance of wrinkles sooner. Also avoid red meat and creamy cheese products as they contain what we know as ‘aging fats’ and prove fatal for our skin.

48. Use Anti Aging Natural Face Packs :

Face mask for Anti ageing

Pamper your skin with an anti-aging facial mask for at least once a week. This mask helps in unclogging your pores and lifting your sagged skin. Some of the best homemade and effective natural packs to defy early signs of aging are Aloe vera, rosewater and lavender mask, Olive oil and banana mask, Milk and almonds face pack, Glycerine and egg-white pack and lemon and honey face pack. Regular use of any of these anti aging packs will give a younger looking skin, like never before.

49. Drink Cool Water :

Skin care tips - cold water

Believe it or not, cold water can be a quick remedy for a tired looking skin. Splashing some cold water is an ideal way to give a boost to a tired looking complexion as it stimulate blood circulation and obtain a much healthier look. Massaging ice cubes on your face just before going to bed will help to reduce acne and wrinkles.

50. Lay off The Liquor:

SKin care tips - reduce alcohol

More than one drink a day can cause increased oil production and enlarged pores. But wine (in moderation) is proven to help shield your skin cells from harmful UV rays, so when it comes to wine don’t think much and start drinking up. This is another important tip for protect your skin.

So, you now know the secrets what real girls do to look beautiful. These are best and natural skin care tips suitable for women of all age group. By following these basic beauty guidelines you will be gifted with glowing and fair skin, in no time. These homemade remedies are absolutely safe and work wonders for your skin, without burning a big hole in your pocket.

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