6 Best Yoga Asanas To Treat Scoliosis

Yoga is a practice which includes certain postures, stretching of muscles and also relaxation techniques. It not only helps the muscles to get toned up but also improves the posture of the body and fixing up the stiff body parts. Particularly for a condition like Scoliosis, Yoga is proved to be extremely beneficial. Scoliosis is a spinal disorder where the spine is bent sideways. This usually happens during the spinal growth after puberty and factors like muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy are responsible for Scoliosis. Yoga for Scoliosis is the most recommended treatment by doctors and therapists.

Is Yoga Good For Scoliosis?

Scoliosis occurs in children between the ages 10-15 and has a deviation of curvature in the spine. Fixation of scoliosis that is the bending of spinal cord can be fixed by regular practice of yoga. Yoga has certain special postures and stretching exercises which mainly focuses on the spinal cord itself. These asanas help in realigning the spine and alleviate the patient from pain and spinal stiffness. Yoga also helps the person gain mental strength to cope up with the condition and instil confidence. Apart from the medication prescribed by the doctor, a physiologist or a yoga instructor can turn out to be a great help in this purpose.

How Yoga Can Help Correct Scoliosis or Spinal Curvature?

Performing the correct postures and exercises will help the loosened muscles to tighten up and the weak ones to become strong enough to hold the spinal cord in it correct place all over again. This in turn will enable the body to help up the spinal cord by using the bone itself and not the muscles. Regular practice will make the person so used to it that he or she will not find it difficult again. Through yoga, the person will not entirely get rid of the curve but will definitely learn to live with that imbalance. The pain will get decreased and the body will get comfortable with that posture.

There are certain parts of the body on which one may concentrate to get rid of this problem they are:

1. Breath:

One must keep breathing properly while performing yoga. The breath has to be sent into the collapsed ribcage which will automatically increase the capacity of the intake and help in the supply of the breath in and around the spine and chest. This process will automatically help the person to feel fresh and will also keep them away from the unwanted cramps.

2. Legs:

The person must try to walk straight and put pressure on the legs and feet instead of the spine. This will help the spine to be free and light and will also strengthen up the legs. This practice will reduce half of the work and will release the extra burden from the spine.

3. Shoulder bone:

The shoulder bones have to be kept parallel to each other and in a line with the ear lobes. The shoulders have to basically be bent a little forward. This will help the spine to not bend in a weird manner and will also keep it free from any stress. The posture of the person will also improve and the pain might also subside.

4. Spine:

The major element, the spine has to be corrected. The spine has to be replaced in the correct position. The curve has to be reduced and in turn to do this one must try to straighten it by performing exercises and adopting accurate postures in everyday life.

5. Abdomen:

The muscles present at the abdomen has to be firm and should not be too weak. Is it becomes opposite from what it is expected to be then it might result in a strain for the spinal cord. The muscles present near the cord and also the cord itself will have to uselessly work more than required. This pressure can in turn cause damage to the cord.

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All the above explanations totally explain that the body parts have to be correctly positioned and used. Exertion of certain body parts will automatically cause harm to it. The cord is an essential part of the body and it is our responsibility to take care of it. Severe damage to it will harm our entire body. The pain generally caused in the spinal cord is bad and obstructs day to day normal function.

6 Best Yoga Poses For Scoliosis:

Regular practice of yoga asanas and correction of the postures can turn out to be a great help for scoliosis. Check out the best yoga sequence for Scoliosis:

1. Balasana or Child’s Pose:

This asana is called child’s pose because it resembles the position of a child in the womb of a mother. This is an easy yoga asana for Scoliosis.

How to Do:

  • Kneel on the ground with your buttocks placed on the soles
  • Bend forward slowly and touch the ground with your forehead
  • Slowly stretch your arms backwards with palms facing upwards
  • Remain in the position for 30 seconds
  • Slowly get back to original position

How This Pose Helps To Correct Scoliosis?

This posture helps in correcting the curvature of your spine and realigning it. It can stretch the back muscles and lengthen the spine.

2. Trikonasana:

Trikonasana is also called Triangle Pose. This standing posture helps in stretching the muscles around the ribs and torso region.

How to do:

  • Stand on the ground with your feet wide apart
  • Stretch your arms and bend sidewards
  • One arm should touch the ground and the other arm in the air
  • Your neck position must align with the hands
  • Repeat the asana on the other side

How This Pose Helps To Correct Scoliosis?

Trikonasana helps in reducing the stress in back muscles. It can release the stiffness and correct the spinal curvature. This is also great to relieve from mental stress.

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3. MarjariAsana:

This asana is called the Cat stretch pose, as it resembles the way a cat stretches its body. This is one of the best Yoga for Scoliosis patients.

How to do:

  1. Sit in a kneeled position with your buttocks on the soles
  2. Slowly push your body forward and place your hands on the floor with your palms downwards.
  3. Align your hands with the knees and your arms and thighs in perpendicular position to the floor.

How This Pose Helps To Correct Scoliosis?

This asana helps in make the spine flexible and strengthening the back muscles. It can offer relief from back ache and stiffness.

4. Shalabhasana:

This pose is called locust pose, as it resembles the shape of a locust. This is extremely beneficial to correct spinal curvature. Check out the steps below:

How to do:

  1. Lie flat on your stomach with your palms underneath your hands
  2. Inhale slowly and lift your legs up, without bending your knee
  3. Rest your chin on the ground
  4. Remain in the position for 20 seconds
  5. Release the position

How This Pose Helps To Correct Scoliosis?

This asana releases stiff muscles and help your body get rid of fatigue. It also helps in treating lower back pain and correct the spinal curvature.

5. Setu-Bhandasana:

This asana is called Bridge pose. It is an excellent asana in treating spinal issues, particulary for Scoliosis. It can also strengthen your body and release tension.

How to do:

  • Lie on your back flat on the ground.
  • Slowly lift up the back portion, while maintaining the neck and arm positions as it is
  • Remain in the position for 10 seconds and release

How This Pose Helps To Correct Scoliosis?

This asana stretches the back muscles and corrects the spinal posture. It can alleviate your from the discomfort caused by Scoliosis and strengthen your spine.

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6. Adho Mukha Svanasana:

This asana works wonderfully to lengthen the spine and treat back ailments like Scoliosis. It can also release you from lower back pain.

How to do:

  • Position your body to make it stand on hands and legs
  • Breathe out slowly and push your hips upwards
  • Arch your spine and place your head between your arms
  • Face downwards

How This Pose Helps To Correct Scoliosis?

This pose can correct the spinal posture and elongate the bones. It can reduce stiffness and strengthen the muscles. This asana benefits the neck and shoulder muscles as well.

Scoliosis is a difficult spinal condition to treat. However, Yoga works like a miracle in correcting this condition and retaining the natural shape of the spine. Lack of correct posture can lead to distorted walking, discomfort and severe pain. Scoliosis can handicap a person by preventing them from performing normal activities like walking, running, playing etc. However, with Yoga it is not impossible to deal with the problem. With good determination and perseverance, one can easily overcome this condition.

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