6 Dating Expert Tips to Attract Men

6 Dating Expert Tips to Attract Men

Experimenting with tricky flirting strategies may expose you to the risk of rejection. However, if you want to guarantee your success, try your hand at the following 6 dating expert tips to attract men. Get rid of all your confidence issues and embrace a more adventurous and open-minded attitude towards seduction. Radiate femininity and create the impression that you’re a real man-magnet.

1. Say No to Large Groups

Planning a girls night out with your friends may sound fantastic. However, experts claim that guys won’t approach you if you’re with more than three girls. As a consequence, if you’re on a hunt for a cutie, make sure you avoid large groups. Your success rate increases as soon as you separate yourself from the pack of friends.

6 Dating Expert Tips to Attract Men

2. Be Original

Guys are fond of creative girls and love originality. Wear a unique accessory or share your fondness for indie movies and an unusual hobby. This is one of the secret tricks you can use to seduce the man of your dreams. Preparing for the ‘hunt’ is the smartest thing you can do.

3. Let Them Be Men

Men love to play their masculine role. Therefore, it is a must that you offer them the chance to help you.

Whether it is about opening the door or getting another drink for you, men are eager to help you and show you their potentials. Intensify the chemistry by keeping in mind the importance of this factor.

4. Skip The Chewing Gum

According to experts it is wise to skip the chewing gum if you’re on a quest for the man of your dreams. Body language has a crucial role in seduction, therefore, it is a must to avoid gestures and habits which emanate indifference and arrogance. Make sure your breath is fresh and use mint instead.

5. Stop Gesturing Too Much

In order to attract men it is highly recommended to find the golden middle road between gesturing too much and staying motionless. Both of these extremes can be intimidating for guys. Control your body language and react to different stories with feminine and sublime gestures.

6. Beautiful Lips

Believe it or not, your lips play an essential role in the seductive process. Chapped lips are a sign of a careless beauty regime. If you want to make an impression, ditch red lipstick and go for a natural effect. Kissable lips are often defined by men as soft, silky and rosy. Use a lip balm or a nude lip gloss to add definition to your lips.

6 Dating Expert Tips to Attract Men

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