70 Most Popular Italian Baby Boy Names and Meanings

Italian names are gaining more and more popularity each day and parents of today’s generation are found hunting for meaningful Italian baby boy names to christen their child. Italian baby names sound heroic and dashing and have a meaning attached to the same. Here we have a list of more than 70 Italian baby boy names with meanings for you to find the best one for your child.

Italian Baby Boy Names

The language of love and romance is Italian, Italian boy names have a hypnotic quality to them, and they also have Latin roots.

50 Most Popular Italian Boy Names with Meanings:

The following is the list of Italian boy names with meaning:

1. Acciai:

This name is an occupational name. It means the one who holds an axe or one who has to work with an axe. It is a very popular name in Italy for boys.

2. Aldus:

Aldus is a very popular name for the first son or the elder son. This is because the name means so – Old one or the elder one. It is one of the best Italian boy names.

3. And:

Arnold is one of the most popular Italian boy names. The name in Old French or Old German means ‘Eagle Ruler.’

4. Armani:

This can be a very popular name for all the fashionistas. The boy named Armani will make a good company for all the Guccis and Channels whose parents are fond of luxury brands. The name’s popularity is got from the ace Italian designer Giorgio Armani.

5. Belvedere:

Belvedere is a famous boy’s name of the Italian origin that means ‘beautiful to see’. One of the unique Italian boy names for your beautiful child.

6. Bravo:

Bravo is a boy’s name of the Italian origin which means excellent or courageous. It has gained huge popularity over the years.

7. Carmello:

This name comes from Hebrew, and it means orchard or a garden, though not so popular yet, it can make a great name for your son.

8. Federico:

It is an abbreviated form of the name Federico from the Italian origin. Federico means a peaceful ruler.

9. Geremia:

This Italian boy’s name is another variant of the Hebrew name Jeremiah which means the Lord Exalts.

10. Giustiniano:

Giustiniano is a name of the Italian or Latin origin. The name means just or fair. It is one of the best Italian male baby names.

11. Herinimos

The meaning of this Italian American boy names is as beautiful as the name itself. It is one of the best Italian male names which means ‘Sacred name.’

12. Italo:

The name itself suggests its meaning. It means the one who is from Italy. It is an Italian origin name which is extremely popular.

13. Jeno:

It is the name of Greek origin. It means well-born or noble. This is another very popular name from Italy.

14. Karmello:

This modern Italian baby boy name is another variant of the popular Hebrew name Carmello, and it means an orchard or a Garden.

15. Kosmo:

Kosmo is an Italian origin name and is a beautiful variant of Cosmo. The name means order, organization or even beauty and will make a beautiful and unique name for your little bundle of joy.

16. Michelangelo:

It is a combination of 2 beautiful Italian names Michel, which means one who resembles God in Hebrew and Angelo, which means Messenger in Greek. The name Michelangelo means God’s messenger.

17. Napoleon:

Napoleon is a name of Italian origin which has multiple meanings possible. It possibly means One who is from Napes or Sons of Mist or even Lion.

18. Orazio:

This name comes directly from Italy, which means prayers. So if God has listened to your prayers and gifted you with a son, then this is the ideal name for your little one.

See More: Italian Baby Names And Meanings

19. Premo:

Premo or Primo both come from Italian origin and means first. This name is ideal for your first child or first son.

20. Renzo:

Renzo is a name of the Italian Origin and can also be considered as an abbreviated form of Lorenzo. It is a Renzo in Italy means Third link or third son. Ideal name for your third child.

21. Romeo:

Romeo is the name associated with the ill-fated couple in literature. However, you can also call Romeo a serial flirt, and that’s the reason it had always been not so popular name for a child until 1996. However, the modern version of Romeo and Juliet featuring Leonardo DiCaprio came out in the US made it a famous name and yet again the famous football star David Beckham, and Victoria Beckham named their second son as Romeo.

22. Secondo:

The meaning of this famous Italian name lies in its name itself. It means the second son and is an ideal name for your second child.

23. Tasso:

The meaning of Tasso which is a name of the Italian origin is a ‘cup.’

24. Tempo:

The tempo is a very famous boy’s name of the Italian origin. Tempo means Time in Italy.

25. Ursino:

Ursino is a name of the Italian origin and means a bear.

26. Ugo:

This short and sweet name of the Italian origin is very popular and meaningful. The meaning of the name Ugo is a Thinker. So if you want your son to be a deep brooder, then this can be an ideal name for him.

27. Veneziano:

This name of the Italian origin is associated with a very famous city. It means Venice and is a very popular name for boys.

28. Yovanney:

Yovanney is the Italian name which is related to the Hebrew name Yovanny. The name is popular as it has a beautiful name inherent in it which means ‘God is Gracious.’

29. Gian:

The pronunciation of this name is Jon. It is a name of Hebrew as well as Italian origin and means ‘God is Gracious.’

30. Rochus:

Rochus is the Italian and the German variant of the name Rocco. It is a famous boy’s name that means rest.

31. Nunzio:

This name is related to the Italian boy’s name Nuncio. The meaning of Nuncio or Nunzio is a messenger.

32. Primo:

This boy’s name of the Italian origin comes from the word Primus. This name means First and hence usually used for the first child.

33. Ettore:

This is a very famous boy’s name of the Italian origin which means loyal. The meaning is really beautiful to make it very famous amongst the parents for their little boy.

34. Onofre:

Though a little difficult to pronounce the name Onofre with a German and Italian origin is very famous amongst the parents because of the beautiful meaning that it carries and it means defender of the peace.

35. Kajetan:

Kajetanis a name with Italian origin which means rejoice. It is very popular among Italian parents as it describes exactly how you feel on the birth of your little bundle of joy.

36. Emidio:

Emidio is a beautiful name which means ‘Friend of God.’. It is a very popular name among Italian parents.

37. Gaetan:

This name of the Italian origin comes from a place’s name – Gaeta is a region in Southern Italy, to the north of Naples lies the gulf of Gaeta.

38. Nardo:

The name Nardo is Pronounced as NAR-doh. It is the name of the Italian origin which means strong and sturdy.

39. Lapo:

Lapo is the word with Italian origin which means Yahweh may protect. It also means supplanter or held by the heel.

40. Belvidere:

Belvidere is a boy’s name of the Italian origin which means beautiful to see.

Italian Twin Boys’ Names:

41. Jacob and Jonah:

Jacob is a name of Hebrew origin and means supplanter. On the other Jonah means dove and also comes from the Hebrew origin. Both Jacob and Jonah are popular Jewish names.

42. Vincent and Victor:

These twin brothers are all set to take over the world. Both Vincent and Victor are popular Italian names of the Latin origin; the former one means to conquer while the latter one means winner or conqueror.

43. Caleb and Joshua:

Caleb is the Italian boy’s name that means faithful while Joshua in Hebrew means ‘Lord is salvation.’ According to the Old Testament, people named Caleb and Joshua were the only people over the age of 20 to enter the Promised Land.

44. Jasper and Jett:

Jasper means ‘bringer of the treasure’ while Jett means ‘black gemstone’ or black mineral.’ Both these names refer to prosperity and hence are ideal for twins.

45. Chance and Chase:

Chance is the French variant of the name Chauncey which in Latin refers to ‘chancellor’ while Chase in French means ‘To hunt.’ A perfect combination for twin brothers.

46. James and Oliver:

Fred and George, Ron Weasley’s elder twin brothers, have a perfectly paired name in real life as well – James and Oliver. James means supplant, and Oliver refers to the olive tree. In the Bible, the olive tree is the symbol of beauty, fruitfulness and dignity.

47. Elijah and Joel:

In Hebrew, two name elements refer to God. Both these names Elijah and Joel contain these name elements but in a different order.

48. Maddox and Mason:

Both these names come from surnames. The former comes from a Welsh surname which means son of Maddock while the latter means ‘worker in the stone’. A great name for twins, though.

49. Logan and Lucas:

Logan comes from a Scottish surname and means a small hollow while Lucas means Man from Luciana. It is also the Latin form of the word Luke.

50. Ethan and Evan:

In Hebrew, Ethan means strong or firm. Evan, on the other hand, is said to be a popular name in Wales which means ‘Lord is Gracious’ Both the names have beautiful meanings associated with them and also ring well making it a great combination for the twins.

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Beautiful Italian Male Child Names:

Here is a pick of the top 20 Latest and modern Italian baby boy names:

1. Leonardo:

A name which resonates through the world of art and entertainment. Leonardo Da Vinci gave the name depth and character. The name found additional fame with actor and heartthrob, Leonardo DiCaprio. Shortened to Leo, it means lion. Let your baby boy be strong and a master of arts by giving him this classic, Italian name.

2. Luca:

Such a cute sounding name and perfect for bouncing, baby boy. Luca is another form of the name Lucas. Luca means that who brings light. A child with this name radiates and brings light into the life of those who love him.

3. Dante:

A strong sounding, male name. The name is infamous due to Dante Alighieri, the Medieval Italian poet and his Divine Comedy. The name actually means enduring. A steadfast name which may help build a strong mind and character, a determined child unlikely to give up easily.

4. Enzo:

A shortened version of Vincenzo or Lorenzo, the name has its background in Italy and Spain. In both cultures, it means ruler of the household, winner or conqueror. Traditionally, a fitting name for a man of the house. Now the name for a boy who will be a great influencer winning hearts and a successful achiever.

5. Antonio:

Latin roots, the Spanish and Italian meaning of Antonio is priceless and invaluable. Needless to say, any baby is invaluable to a parent. A baby boy given this name will grow safe in the knowledge that he is priceless to his parents and will be loved and cared for more than any precious gem.

6. Giovanni:

A classic and traditional Italian baby boy name, Giovanni means God is gracious or gracious favour from God. With Italians being deeply religious, we can understand that a name like this would hold great reverence and a child with this name would be considered a huge blessing from God.

7. Marco:

A popular Italian name, Marco, is often associated with the famous Italian traveller Marco Polo. The name means Warring or God of Mars. Naming the little cherub, Marco refers to a strong and valiant young man who will stand up for his rights and fight for his people.

8. Alessandro:

This name is a variation of Alexandra and can be traced way back in history to Alexander the Great. Both meanings in Greek and Italian suggest Defender/helper of mankind. The name slides of the tongue easily and suggests a boy named Alessandro would be kind and inclined to helping people.

9. Adriano:

The meaning of this name is connected to the Adriatic Sea. Your bundle of joy may be a water baby and take to the pool immediately. Some children get so much joy splashing around in the water, or he may be of a calm disposition, just like the sea.

10. Nicolo:

Often shortened to Nico, this name is adorable and ideal for a little baby. Even if your child misbehaves, it would be difficult to reprimand him with a name like this. Nicolo means Victory or conqueror of the people. With a name like this, he is sure to conquer many hearts and be victorious in his endeavours.

11. Riccardo:

Italian origins, Riccardo is a classic name meaning strong and powerful ruler. A little boy given this name could grow up to be of strong mind and intellect and run his own company if not higher up.

12. Matteo:

A very popular name in Italy, Matteo means gift of God, and this may explain its popularity. An adorable cherub with this name would definitely be a precious gift and possibly a calm and sensible child.

13. Carlo:

This name originates from Italy and means manly. The name is perfect for a little boy to grow into a strong-minded and physically fit young man, one who takes charge and is a decision-maker.

14. Gianni:

A popular Italian male name. Gianni means God is gracious. A baby boy with this name would naturally be a generous gift and hopefully always be a kind-hearted soul who helps people

15. Angelo:

This can be an Italian first name or surname. Meaning an angel or messenger of God, a little boy with the name Angelo would be a perfect little cheeky cherub and maybe a kind and helpful character.

16. Rocco:

Rocco is a strong sounding name, perfect for a growing little boy. Not as common as it once was, the meaning from Italian origin actually means rest. So with any luck, name your baby boy Rocco, and he’ll hopefully be a calm child and sleep through the night.

17. Santino:

An Italian name which means a little saint. Such a perfect name for an adorable baby boy. Santino would be an ideal name for a little one with cherubic features and an obedient personality with maybe a glint of mischief in his eyes.

18. Luciano:

This name is derived from Portuguese, Spanish and Italian although more common in Italy. The most famous Luciano of recent years is the opera tenor Luciano Pavarotti. The name means light. Call your baby boy Luciano and watch him shine, and light up the room as he enters.

19. Salvatore:

It’s the name of famous surrealist artist Salvador Dali though spelt slightly different. The names are derivative of Italian and Spanish. It means saviour. Your little boy called Salvatore may have great talent in the artistic field and may be inclined towards helping others in difficult situations.

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20. Gino:

Whilst Gino is of Italian origin; it does also have ancient Greek roots. It is also used as a short form of Luigino or Eugenio. The name means well-born or ever-living. Gino sounds classically Italian, and with this name, your bouncing bundle will hopefully have a long and prosperous life.

Many Italian baby boy names are chosen with patron Saints in mind, maybe because they want their child to be blessed. Traditional family values are important to Italians, so the names of grandparents and parents are carried forward to the next generation.

The aforesaid is the list of more than 70 Italian boy names including some fantastic suggestions for the twins, come from Italian or Hebrew origin and have a beautiful meaning associated with each of them. I hope you find this list exhaustive enough to help you choose the best apt name for your child.

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