70+ Top Latin Baby Names with Meaning

Latin baby names are classy more than anything else. It is often a sense of joy for the parents to name their child after a classical language of ancient Rome. Latin is also an inspiration for many other languages like Italian, Spanish and French. We understand how religion plays a pivotal role in naming your baby. That being said, for those of you looking for a Latin connection or some solid Christian names, here is our list of Latin baby names with meaning.

latin baby names

Unique Latin baby names are listed below.

Popular Latin Baby Names for Girls and Boys:

Latin Baby Boy Names:

1. Abantiades:

Latin origin, a unique name for a baby boy. This is a quite classic name, and it comes with a beautiful meaning. Abantiades means “descendant of Abas”. The name is something that every Latin child would want to name with if they had that sense to understand the meaning of the name. Clearly, it is one of the best Latin names out there right now.

2. Acastus:

From Greek mythology comes Acastus, one of the mythological Latin baby boy names. The name finds its origin in the Greek culture and comes with a pretty good meaning. Acastus means “Argonauts”. It can be said to be one of the finest names for all the Latin babies out there.

3. Ace:

An Anglo-Saxon boy name, the name Ace is quite peaceful and the meaning is of the same nature as well. The name Ace means “unity”. Mostly because of the meaning, this name can be said to be one of the finest names for Latin babies out there.

4. Achaeus:

This is a unique Latin name for a boy. The word Achaeus forms a beautiful name for the Greek children and it resembles a true Greek. It is a good Latin name and is quite often used by the Latin people. The name itself is so amazing that other people will want to just call out this name just for the beautiful pronunciation.

5. Achilles:

A boy’s name from Greek mythology describes Achilles as one of the finest warriors of Troy. He was a true Trojan and was a skilful human being. It would be a great honour for a Latin baby to be named by this name. If you are looking for a good Latin name, then this can be said to be the one for you.

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6. Achivus:

This Latin baby boy’s name is a beautiful Latin name for the newborns. The name is quite old and has been used for quite some time. The meaning of the name is “a Greek”. Generally, Greek babies are named this way.

7. Achillides:

If you are in search for one of the finest Latin names ever, then this might be the right one for your little boy. The word Achillides means “descendant of Achilles”. It is again one of the most prestigious names for all the Latin kids out there.

8. Achates:

Looking for a Greek name for your baby boy? This is a great and meaningful name. This was a great figure in ancient Greek mythology. It is a name equal to God and it is a great deal for the child if he is named this way.

9. Bacchus:

Bacchus is the Roman mythological God of poetry, wine and revelry. It has a Latin origin and is a good Latin name for those looking for a religious connection. You could think of this for your little boy.

10. Benedick:

Benedick means ‘blessed’. This is a very popular Latino baby name and has a strong religious connection. About fifteen Popes have been named after Benedick and could be a good choice for your baby. This is one good Biblical Latin name.

11. Dario:

Dario means an ‘attractive’. This is a very simple Latin nickname and sometimes an official name too. It has an Italian origin and is also used by the people of Latin.

12. Dexter:

Dexter has a Latin origin and means’ right’. The name is now being commonly adopted by a lot of parents for naming their baby boy. This could be one good choice for your baby boy.

13. Evander:

Evander is a traditional Latin name for baby boys. It means ‘good man’. Evander is also a Godin Roman mythology. It has a strong Latin origin and connection in mythology.

14. Eloi:

If your baby is really a gift of God and you consider that, Eloi will be a good option to name. Eloi means ‘the chosen one’. It has a Latin origin and is also an abbreviation of Eligius.

15. Germanus:

Germanus means ‘brotherly’ and is derived from Latin germen, where it means ‘sprout’ or ‘bud’. This Latin baby boy name is best for your kid if he is too social and loves people.

16. Hector:

Hector is a cool Latin name. It means ‘steadfast’ and is adapted from Greek legend. Hector is also the hero of Troy in the Trojan war. This name could be one good name for your warrior child!

17. Illan:

Your baby boy is going to be known as forever ‘young and youthful’ if he has this name. The name means just that. It has a Latin origin and is another popular choice of name among the parents for their child.

18. Jove:

How about Jove? Jove is a very modern Latin name for boys. It means ‘father of the sky’, ‘majestic’. It has a strong Latin connection and could be yet another good choice for your baby to narrow down.

19. Janus:

Here is another Biblical Latin name for your baby boy. Janus means ‘archway’. According to Roman mythology, Janus is regarded as the God of Beginnings and Endings. Janus is represented as a double-faced head. The name and its connotation are very powerful.

20. Justin:

Justin was probably the most popular Latin male name. The name was so overly used in the late 1980s that parents thought of giving a break to adopting that name. Now, Justin has sprung up and is once again a popular choice.

21. Konstantin:

Konstantin is someone or something that is constant or firm. The name has a Latin origin and is a popular name of the place.

22. Liandro:

Liandro is a very popularly opted choice of name among parents. It has a Latin origin and means’ lion-like’. How about this Latin boy’s name for your baby?

23. Leo:

This name will never die. Leo is a cool name at any period of time. The name means ‘lion’ and has a strong Latin connection. It is also the name of a popular Pope. The lion is also a figure in religious and artwork.

24. Magnus:

Magnus, just like the word, means ‘great’. This modern Latin name has also been the name of several kings of Norway and Sweden.

25. Nardo:

Nardo means ‘strong’. It has both a German and Latin origin. This is a classy Latin nickname and an official name for a baby boy.

26. Paul:

This is a name for all those people looking for a religious connection in the names of their baby. Paul means ‘little’, but, it has a strong importance in the Bible. Paul was an apostle and an evangelist. He was also an important leader of the time.

27. Pax:

Have a baby boy who is very silent and calm? Pax should be his name. Pax means ‘peaceful’. It has a Latin origin and is a good Latin baby boy name.

28. Phoebus:

The name means ‘shining one’. It has a Latin origin. Phoebus was an epithet of Apollo in Greek mythology. This could be a cool name for your baby boy.

29. Rhesus:

Rhesus is a Mythical king of Thrace. It has a strong Latin origin.

30. Salvator:

Salvator means ‘saviour’. It has a strong Latin origin and is a preferred choice among the Latin parents. You could think of this.

31. Toland:

Toland means ‘praiseworthy’. It has a Latin origin and is also one of the top Latin baby names. It has only two syllables and is thus easy to spell too.

32. Valentino:

Valentino means’ strong’ and ‘brave’. It has a Latin origin and is also the name of a Spanish city. Valentino is a unique Latin baby name.

33. Victoro:

Victoro means ‘conqueror’. This Latin baby name is unique and a popular one.

Latin Baby Girl Names:

Latin baby names

34. Balbina:

This baby girl’s name is of Italian and Polish in origin. The meaning of the name Balbina is “strong”, and it is considered to be one of the finest names for the kids out there. If you are looking for something that sounds extremely good to the ears, then say this one out loud for your child.

35. Adria:

Here is a unique Latin girl name. Adria is a beautiful name for all the Latin girls out there, and it means “woman from Adria” Adriatic Sea region, which also means ‘dark’.

36. Adrienn:

This is yet another good name for Latin baby girls. The name is so alluring alongside the meaning (the woman from Adria) that anyone will love to call it out loudly. A lady with this name will be quite confident from a very young age only.

37. Alba:

Alba is a really great name for girls. The Latin girls are usually white in terms of skin tone and that is why this name (Alba = white or fair) will be totally appropriate for the Latin girls. Any parent will be willing to name their kids by this name (baby girls).

38. Bea:

Bea is a short and sweet Latin baby girl name that you can think of. It means ‘bringer of joy’ and has a strong Latin connection. The name is also easy to spell out.

39. Beatrice:

Beatrice became popular as a name after the Shakespearean play ‘Much ado about nothing’. The name has been adopted by a lot of Latin speakers and parents.

40. Caca:

Caca is the Goddess of Hearth. According to Roman mythology, Caca is the sister of Giant Cacus. From being the Goddess of Earth, she was demoted to a very minor role in the tale of Hercules.

41. Calida:

Here is a lovely name suggestion for your beautiful baby girl. Calida means ‘beautiful’, and it will be a good choice for your lovely daughter.

42. Damara:

The name Damara means ‘gentle’. Damara was an educated woman in Biblical reference. The Latin girl name is a good choice for your baby.

43. Eleta:

Eleta is a classy best Latin baby name for your daughter. The name means ‘chosen’ and is of Latin origin.

44. Eleana:

Eleana means the ‘daughter of the Sun’. For those parents looking for a religious connotation, this could be one good suggestion.

45. Fabianna:

Fabianna is the feminine version of Fabian. The name gets its inspiration from Roman family name Fabius. It has a Latin origin and is probably one modern Latin name to think of.

46. Fania:

Fania means ‘free’. The name has been pretty popular among the Latin speakers and has a Latin origin as well. This could be one good Latin name for your baby girl.

47. Gloria:

Gloria is another popular Latin name. It means ‘glory’ or ‘renown’. It has a Spanish origin. However, it is also increasingly adopted by Latin speakers.

48. Grace:

Like the name, Grace is a classic Latin girl name that you can think of. It does not go out of style and is still a popular suggestion for a lot of baby girls.

49. Ibolya:

Ibolya means ‘flower’ and is a very unique and rare name to think of. It has a Latin origin. In Hungarian, the word means ‘violet’.

50. Jana:

Jana means ‘gift from God’. It has a Hebrew origin and an Irish connection. The name is also used by a lot of Latin speakers these days.

51. Joana:

Joana is a variant of John, or rather Joana is the feminine version of John. It has both an English and Latin origin and you could think of this for your Latin American baby name choice.

52. Joyce:

Joyce means ‘merry’, ‘joyous’. It is also a possible variant of Jocelyn. It has both a Latin origin and an English origin and thus is another good suggestion for your Latin American baby.

53. Kara:

Kara means ‘pure’ and is a good and popular name in Latin for baby girl. It has a Latin origin too.

54. Kaarina:

This is one of the most used Latin names ever. The meaning of Karina is “pure”. The name is so wonderful along with the meaning that all Latin men out there will be fond of a woman being named this way.

55. Lara:

The name Lara is a classy, all-time favourite name for a lot of parents. Lara means ‘cheerful’, ‘happy’ and has a Latin origin. She was also a Roman nymph according to mythology, who was regarded to have betrayed the love affair of Jupiter and Juturna.

56. Larita:

Larita means ‘protection’. The name has a Latin origin and is derived from lares, an individual Roman household God who were regarded to be the safe guarders of home and fields.

57. Mejastas:

Mejastas, as you would have guessed, means ‘royal bearing’. Majestas was also known to be Roman Goddess of Honor.

58. Olinda:

Olinda means ‘fragrant’. The name is of Latin origin and is a good Latin girl name.

59. Paula:

Paula means ‘small’ and is often regarded as the variant of ‘Paul’. It has a Latin origin and is a good choice for parents looking to name their child after a religious connection.

60. Regine:

Regine means ‘queen’. The name has a Latin origin and is often used by the Greeks and Spanish people too.

61. Sabrina:

Sabrina is a name that carries a lot of charm with it. The name has a Latin and a Spanish connection. Sabrina was a Celtic goddess.

62. Sancia:

Name Sancia means ‘scared’ in Latin. Sancia is a popular name among the Latin speakers and thus may be a good choice for your baby girl.

63. Sabah:

It can be said to be the most used Latin girl name of all time. The name has a beautiful meaning (forenoon) and mainly because of the inner-meaning the name is so widely used. If you are looking for something totally alluring, then this might be the right one for your child.

64. Sabra:

The meaning of this name is Sabra Cactus. If you are looking for one of the most unique names in the Latin language that is not so much in use, then you can name your loving daughter with this one. It is considered to be one of the finest names for Latin baby girls.

65. Sachi:

Sachi means “blessed child”. The name is quite something and will be fine for all baby girls out there. The name is often used and because of the beautiful pronunciation, it is considered to be one of the best names for Latin children.

66. Valda:

Valda will be a strong woman! Just like the meaning of Valda, which is ‘strong woman’. The name has a Latin origin.

67. Verdad:

This Latin woman name means ‘true’ and is a good choice for your cute baby girl. The name is of Latin origin.

68. Waiola:

A Latin origin name for a baby girl and the meaning of this name is “violet flower”. Clearly, it is one of the most impressive names ever, and whoever is named this way will find it suitable. If you are thinking of having a good name, then this might be the one for you.

69. Walentyna:

One of the most mythical names is here for the Latin baby girls. The name has a heavy meaning attached to it, and especially for the pronunciation, it can be said to be one of the finest Latin names for girls ever.

70. Wanda:

The name relates to the Vandal tribe, a large East Germanic tribe and is considered to be one of the best names for the Latin girls out there. If you are willing to provide your baby with one of the best names ever, then this might be one of the best ones for her.

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Latin Baby Names for Twins:

1. Lilliana and Evelina:

A Latin origin name for a baby girl that means “Lily”. This name is prevalent and is one of the most favourite names given to a girl.

Evelina is a variant of ‘Evelyn” which means “life”. It is considered one of the most stylish and contemporary baby names for girls. It is also a form of the old german name Avelina and was made famous by Fanny Burney’s novel, “Evelina”.

2. Adrianna and Mariana:

Mariana is a Latin origin name for a girl child that means, “star of the sea or grace”. It is also a form of Mary and Marianne. This name is in vogue and has been considered a trendy name for a girl.

Adrianna is of Latin origin and a beautiful name for a baby girl. It means “from Hadria”. It also means ‘dark’ and refers to the region of the Adriatic Sea. If your girl is fierce and competent, this is an apt one for her.

3. Roman and Luna:

Roman is a Latin origin name for a boy which means a “citizen of Rome”. A lot of saints have been given this name. This is a very fashionable name for a boy. Who doesn’t know “Roman” from the Fast and Furious series?

Luna is a beautiful Latin name for a girl means “the moon”. It is one of the other names for the Goddess of Moon, Artemis. This name is becoming more prevalent and is a stylish name. If your baby likes to be the centre of attention and is the centre of your world, this name will best suit your girl.

4. Victor and Nova:

Victor means ‘champion’ is of Latin origin and a great choice for a baby boy. It also means “conqueror”. In Christianity, it is used to symbolize Christ’s victory over death. It is also a popular name for a saint. The name is less conventional yet stylish.

Nova is a Latin name for a baby girl. Nova means’ new’ or ‘young’. In Astronomical terms, Nova is a star that releases tremendous energy and becomes extremely bright. Historically, Nova has been a favourite choice for most parents.

5. Marcus and Silas:

Marcus is a Latin origin name for boys. It means “dedicated to Mars”. In Greek Mythology, it is a derivate form of “Mars” the God of fertility after whom the spring month of March was named. Marcus has been a recurring favourite and has gained popularity over the years. Silas is of Latin origin and a name for a baby boy. It is a short form of Silvanus from the Bible, which means “forest or woods”. Silas in the Bible (a missionary who accompanied Paul) meant “three or the third”.

6. Benedict and Dominic:

This Latin origin name for a boy Benedict means “blessed”. This name has been very common amongst Popes and is mostly used by Roman Catholics. It is derived from ‘Benedictus’ which means ‘blessed’.

Dominic is a baby boy’s name of Latin origin. The meaning of this name is “Lord”. This name is usually given to a boy born on Sunday referred to as the “Lord’s Day”. Dominic is a chic name for a little baby boy.

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Latin origin, Americanized Names:

1. Natalie:

Natalie is a very Christmassy name for a baby girl. It is of Latin origin, derived from ‘Natale’ which means “birthday” or “the birthday of Christ”. This is a very fashionable name for girls and was bright to America by famous actors and singers like Natalie Portman, Natalie Cole and Natalie Wood, to name a few.

2. Bennett:

Bennett is a boy’s name of French and Latin origin. This is another form of Benedict which means “blessed”. Some of the famous icons with this name are Bennett Miller, Tony Bennett and Bennett Jackson.

This article on Latin baby names with meanings would have made your name hunting job easier! The names are mostly a list of all possible names with the religious and non-religious connection. You simply have to pick the one that best suits your twin, baby boy or baby girl.

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