7th Month Pregnancy Diet: What Are The Must-Haves?

This is your last trimester, the third. This period is more about the holistic development of the baby and a healthy intake of food that is needed for your body. Medical experts opine that it is essential to take 460 calories daily on an extra basis to give birth to a healthy and fit baby. 7th month pregnancy diet is always designed keeping in mind your baby and the mother.

Healthy Diet for 7 Months Pregnant Women:

Here is a look at what your diet should look like now.

1. Magnesium Rich Foods:

A perfect diet chart says to absorb 360 mg to 400 mg magnesium per day. The goodness of magnesium lies in absorbing the calcium in the body and utilizing it. It also provides you relief from leg cramps, something that is common in this period. It can also prevent premature labor.

2. Protein and Iron-Enriched Food:

This trimester is a crucial time to be safe from anaemia attack. It happens due to haemoglobin scarcity in the blood. Thus, your 7th month pregnancy diet food should have enough protein and iron. To avoid anaemia or haemorrhage that can happen during your delivery. Red meat, beans, poultry, seeds and rice have an adequate amount of iron and protein in them.

See More: 7th Month Pregnancy Symptoms

3. DHA Enriched Food:

DHA is a component of fatty acid. It is the main requirement of brain development of your little baby inside you. It is mandatory to consume a minimum of 200 mg of fatty acid by day. The chart of 7th month of pregnancy diet is full of such DHA sources like egg, fruit juices, milk etc.

4. Calcium Enriched Foods:

It is one of the most important requirements in the third trimester of pregnancy as it helps to construct the skeletal structure of the baby and make the bone marrow strong. Your recommended ratio of diet during the 7th month of pregnancy must carry 1000 mg calcium as daily food. Some very common and affordable sources are milk, oats, yogurt, salmon etc. Calcium is also regarded as an essential ingredient throughout your pregnancy period.

5. Potassium Enriched Foods:

This mineral component controls body fluids, blood pressure, cellular activities and muscle functions. The normally accepted dosage is a daily intake of 2000 mg per day during the pregnancy. The high-level potassium sources are cantaloupe, grains, bananas, milk, watermelon, legumes etc.

6. Folic Acid Enriched Foods:

Folic acid will need to be consumed in the ratio of 600 mg to 800 mg as daily intake. The Folic acid prevents the risk of defects for your baby’s neutral tube. Oatmeal, dark leafy vegetables are good sources of folic acid. Folic acid is recommended to be taken even after pregnancy.

7. Vitamin C Enriched Foods:

Proper supply of vitamin C to your body will ensure that the body absorbs iron. The daily dosage is limited to 80 mg. The standard sources of vitamin C are orange, broccoli, lemon, green pepper, melons etc.

8. Phosphorus Enriched Foods:

Phosphorus helps in the development of skeletal structure, circulatory system and muscular joints. It is needless to say that a pregnant woman must consume phosphorus in the form of natural food by 800 to 1200 mg per day. The available sources are mushrooms, pumpkins, meats, collard greens etc.

9. Fibre Enriched Foods:

Fibre-rich 7 month pregnancy food chart will ensure that you have reduced risk of constipation. It also helps to clean up the bile. Drinking lots of water is a must because the water in the digestive tract absorbs it. Include a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet for this.

10. Vitamin B6 Enriched Foods:

It is a compulsory ingredient in the mother’s body which helps in metabolism and accelerates the development of the neural system and brain. A pregnant woman is allowed to take 2.2 of vitamin B6 every day. The common sources are chickpeas, bananas, chicken, potato etc.

See More: Healthy Foods for Third Trimester Diet

7th Month Pregnancy Diet: What Not To Eat

7th month pregnancy diet

1. Foods with Sodium:

Reduce the intake of sodium. This means you have to keep away from foods that are high in salt content like ketchup, chips, pickles and canned foods. Healthy food for 7 months pregnant is ideal without much sodium content.

2. Fatty and Spicy Foods:

Heartburn is the result of uterus growth which is serious but common problem. To avoid heartburn, you must try to avoid all spicy foods which are full of fat content.

3. Tea and Coffee:

The caffeine content in tea and coffee can create an uncomfortable situation of constipation for you. You should keep off these food habits from your daily intake to ensure your healthy pregnancy in the third trimester. Besides, your sleep cycle can also be affected because of your coffee intake.

4. Junk Foods:

A very small serving of junk food is perfectly alright. All the processed foods that you may crave for have zero nutritional value. You can substitute your junk food with sandwiches made of whole-grain bread and carrot sticks.

5. Alcohol and Tobacco:

Staying away from alcohol and tobacco is a must now. You might otherwise land in a situation where it can be gravely bad for the fetus. They are deemed to be extremely unhealthy and harmful for the baby. Your seventh-month pregnancy food is better off without this.

Supplements to Take on 7th Month Pregnancy Diet:

1. Iron:

A pregnant woman has to get about 18 mg of iron daily. Enough iron supplements in the third trimester will help the baby receive the right amount of oxygen and to help develop a strong heart and lungs for the baby.

2. DHA:

300mg of DHA is an ideal dosage of DHA for pregnant women. As the baby’s brain develops in the third trimester, DHA is a must therefore at this point.

3. Calcium:

Calcium is an essential ingredient for pregnant women. 1300mg of calcium is the recommended dosage. Calcium is essentially important in the third trimester as the baby’s bones develop in this period.

4. Vitamin D:

The main role of vitamin D is to build bone mineralization. It also prevents preeclampsia and gestational diabetes, both of which are common in the third trimester.

See More: Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy

Weight gain in 7th month pregnancy does not really happen. Much of the focus now is to build a healthy body and baby. However, one pound is expected to increase in every trimester.

Tips for 7 Month Pregnancy Food Chart:

  • Your morning diet should include fresh fruits. This means, your breakfast should have a bowl of fresh fruits, fortified cereal for added iron intake. Boiled legumes and beans are also good sources for protein.
  • Your lunch should be balanced. This means, food chart for 7 month pregnancy, should have cooked vegetables, breads, salads, rotis and rice. Starchy foods are better.
  • Dinner diet should be made light to avoid heartburn and constipation.

Your diet will ensure that you have the right dose of all the ingredients. It is necessary that you plan your 7th month pregnancy food as this third trimester you will see some significant changes and progress in your body and the baby.

Frequency Asked Questions And Answers:

Q1. Can I Eat Often in My Seventh Month of Pregnancy?

Ans: You sure can. You only have to make sure that you are eating healthy. Munch on some nuts and seeds so that you do not add on to bad calories.

Q2. How can I Satiate My Cravings?

Ans: Keeping your cravings under control can be difficult. The best way to keep that under control is to actually keep healthy options handy. This way, you will be full.

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