9 Best Camping Accessories

Sending your child away to camp is not an easy task. Thus, parents always pack frantically for them. Besides the typical list of all camping gear there are certain other supplements which may help your kid feel closer to home or closer to you. This article presents the nine best camping accessories that you simply must send with your kid.

A bag of Clean Toiletries:

camping accessories

One of the most important camping accessories are toiletries. You don’t want your kid stranded in the woods with no toothbrush or body soap. So pack your child’s toiletries with utmost care. You can even have a bit of fun and add body soap paint or a toothbrush that plays music and so on to cheer your kid up a bit.


Each kid has their own special need for medicines. So if your kid has any particular allergies pack a bag of medicines for those particular needs. Pack other medicines that you feel might come in handy too. there is nothing wrong in being overly cautious.


The most important camping equipment is the tent. Many camps provide their own tents while in many others you are supposed to carry your own. Make sure that you buy your kid a sturdy canvas tent and comfortable sleeping bags. You can even be a bit sentimental and hand over your own tent from your camping days.

Swiss Army Knife:

Most of the kids being sent away to camp in the woods are old enough to handle Swiss army knives. If that’s the case then don’t forget to send one along with them. Swiss army knives are a great help in surviving the wilderness. They help you complete a number of tasks. Moreover the other kids will be sure to carry one so it’ll make your child feel better to have one on his person too.

Add in Fashion:

Make sure that you don’t pack shabby clothes just because your child is going camping. Yes he or she will probably get a lot of mud on their clothes but fashionable clothes will make them feel better equipped when yhey find themselves surrounded by a host of unknown kids who they are supposed to befriend.

Sources of Entertainment:

While the camp will most probably be taking care of your kid’s entertainment, packing in a few items can help him bond faster with the other kids. Also there is the low chance that your kid may fall ill and will spend a lot of time in his tent. He will require these sources of entertainment then. You can pack books, puzzles, board games, beach balls and other toys like Frisbees, bean bags and so on. if your kid has a favourite soft toy don’t forget to send that along too.


Camping Accessories-Flashlight

A powerful flashlight is an important amenity for all campers. When your kid feels adventurous and goes exploring in the dark he will definitely need a flashlight to make his way back to the camp.

A Souvenir from Home:

You know your kid best. So you know best how emotional he or she is. Accordingly you can send small mementoes with them like a favourite stuffed animal or a family picture or a personal message. You can give your old camping tent to him or her too. it all depends on how emotional your kid gets. Don’t make your child cry or feel too homesick unnecessarily.

Home Food:

Camping Accessories-lemon rice

Many camps are skittish about allowing children to get home food like homemade cookies etc with them. But if the camp you have chosen has no such rule, don’t forget to fill a bag with your child’s favourite goodies and hand it over. However make sure that these items are non-perishable. Home food helps your kid adjust better.

Images Source: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

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