9 Different Colors of Topaz Gemstones with Names and Pictures

Gemstones have always been attractive for jewellery designing. Among them, Topaz is a popular gemstone. Topaz is birthstone of November. Highly available, it is durable and found in several colours. Deeper the colour of the topaz stone, the more is its value. While the topaz gemstones which are colour less are of low value and easily available.

topaz gemstones

November Birthstone Topaz Benefits and Meanings:

Topaz name comes from a sanskrit word tapas which means fire which actually suits the orange coloured topaz stone. Following are the different types of topaz birthstone available in the market and its benefits.

1. The Imperial Topaz Gemstone:


Among the several topaz gemstones, the imperial Topaz is the most precious and expensive gemstone. Though it is visible in two shades, it is basically golden yellow. If you have a glance at the stone in daytime, it appears orange pink with a golden look while in the lamplight it appears pinkish red. It symbolizes love, protection, wealth and healing power.

2. Precious Topaz Gemstone:


This gemstone is highly available in Brazil. Available in crystal yellow colour, it is widely used to make precious jewellery. A hard gemstone, it is attractive and valuable than other man made precious topaz gemstone. It symbolizes nobility, spirituality, generosity and strength.

3. Natural Blue Topaz Gemstone:


The blue topaz gemstones are not real gemstone. They are derived after a chemical process through which they get that amazing colour. Hence, they are also cheap. The various shades in blue colours they are seen in are sky blue, Sierra blue, electric blue, light blue, London blue etc. The shiny and widely available blue stone symbolizes calm, peace, harmony and relaxation.

4. White Topaz Gemstone:


Also known as the glacier topaz, it can confuse you with a diamond. It is transparent and clear. It is highly available in Yekaterinburg and is the purest stone available. The jewellery when made with the glacier stone gives a unique and stunning look. The silver gemstone symbolizes purity, truth, positive energy and spirituality.

See More: Emerald Gemstones

5. Smoky Topaz Gemstone:


Also named as the smoky quartz, it is widely available in various places. Coloured with orange and yellow, the smoky topaz gemstones are not real but can confuse you if kept with the actual topaz stones. They are highly worn to avoid or remove negative impact or energy. The smoky stone brings good luck, prosperity and wealth when gifted to your loved ones.

6. Mystic Topaz Gemstone:


Among all the Topaz types, mystic Topaz is similar to the pure topaz. It is the zodiac stone of Libra, Cancer and Aquarius. It is believed that the mystic topaz should be worn near the skin as it provides the power of healing. It symbolizes kindness, empathy and compassion. It is highly gifted to the dear ones who want to achieve something passionately.

See More: Ruby Stone Jewellery

7. Azotic Topaz:


A colourful rainbow gemstone is an important one since many years. It is available in several patterns and designs. It can be easily be confused with the mystic topaz as it is quite similar to it. It symbolizes true friendship, chastity, happiness and hope. It gives a royal glance when studded in different jewellery designs.

8. Topaz Purple Gemstone:


The purple topaz gemstone is a commonly found gemstone available around the world. It is an important stone for making decisions. When gifted, it brings good luck, wealth and the energy of a prayer to the receiver. It also symbolizes protection as it stops the negative energy which attracts a person.

See More: Opal Gemstone Benefits

9. Citrine Topaz or Brown Topaz for Girls:


Citrine topaz gemstones are found in three colours. One with golden shade, pale yellow and deep orange. This stone is said to be precious and lucky for the November girls. It is widely used for jewellery designing for ladies. Citrine symbolizes love, friendship, chastity and feminine.

Topaz gemstones are trendy and quite in fashion. Their different colour shades make them more attractive and catchy. The highly used topaz for jewellery is the blue topaz.

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