9 Easy Ways on how to Safe Your Hair from Nature

On a normal day your hair goes through a lot, be it the pollution or the simple hair elixirs, be it the everyday heating rituals or the late night hair styling, your hair has seen the worst of the days with you. those lonely breakup days when you were too lazy to wash your hair or the spring break parties when every day was a new look for you, your hair has stuck by your side and helped you get through thick and thin. As a result after a good two to three years, your hair has started to weaken a bit and by now you noticed your hair fall problem has heightened.

how to keeping your hair safe

How To Protect Hair from Pollution, Heat and Sweat:

In this article we will help you revive your once beautiful mane and at the same time have some serious talk about how to further keep it safe hair without hampering your daily party look

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1. Revive Your Good Locks:

The first lesson is on how to revive the hair damage. The hair you have been sporting so many days have now worn out and feel rough around the edges. In fact, some of the edges have resulted in spills and breaks causing your hair to stunt its growth. At this time there are a few ways you can opt for to revive the look of your hair.

2. Go Organic:

You have been coloring and styling your hair for a long time and now when the damage has set in, you decided to use some more chemical treatments but alas! Nothing really worked out. So now it’s time that you put your blender on and prepare yourself some homemade damage repairer.

  • Crack two eggs, slice two bananas, pour one spoon of olive oil and maybe squeeze in a lemon.
  • Now blend the mixture and apply it on your hair as a mask every week perpetually.

Make sure you try out this mask every week for a safe hair, free from pollution and chemicals.

3. Sun Protection:

When you waltz out in this scorching heat, the sun protection cream surely helps your skin protecting it from the sun but for the most of the day your hair has to face the direct rays. This is why it is always beneficial if you opt for a hair spray or a hair mask that can protect your head. However, the most natural way to protect your hair is to get into a habit of using umbrellas and scarves. Without the repeated exposure you would feel your hair regaining its health.

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4. Suit Your Need:

While you go for coloring and extreme heating there are often professional products that would help you revive the hair loss. These are commercially packed but they would definitely help you in the long run. For example use a color guard shampoo for colored hair to maintain the shine and strength.

5. Spa It:

Even though spas can be a bit on the expensive side, you can easily opt for one once a month to revive the hair that has been through so much throughout the month. Spas are important for a clean and beautiful hair.

6. Keep It Locked:

The next lesson concerns with maintain the safety of the hair and here we need to follow a few rules and regulations to keep the safety locked.

  • Always comb or brush your hair thoroughly at least once a day. It is usually advised to comb your hair twice a day, in the morning and the night. Combing it well will detangle and keep the hair soft.
  • Try tying your hair at the night to avoid hair friction with the pillow and the duvet which would lead to hair weakness and eventually fall.
  • Opt for some kind of massage therapy at home with some essential hot oils where the scalp gets a good massage. With a good massage blood flow will be enhanced and your hair will grow well and safe.

7. Know your Products:

Know what products your hair needs. Cater to the needs of your dry, flaky or oily hair by using appropriate products. The market has abundant products to suit your hair needs.

8. Stepping Out:

Do not step out with oily or wet hair. They have the potential to attract dust. Dry out your hair well and tie the bun close to your head.

9. Diet Control:

Include a lot of leafy vegetables and fish in your diet. Include nuts and yogurt to keep your healthy. While during the weekdays your hair could be prone to chemicals, nourish and bring energy back to your hair by including a lot of nutrient rich foods.

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Wash your hair. You don’t have to wash your daily to get rid of dirt. Wash your hair twice a week. Start by pouring warm water. Shampoo well, diluted with adequate water and finally wash off with cold water. This is a must for keeping your hair safe. Take some time out and give the needed care to your hair. It’ll shine and be safe.

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