9 Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

Mosquitoes are present in all parts of the world and these insects feed and thrive on human blood by biting them. They use their sharp and thin mouth to take out the blood from the skin surface of humans. We as humans might not be able to feel when they suck the blood but the after effects and symptoms are not only visible but also irritating. The signs of mosquito bites include itching in the affected area, swelling, rashes, bruises and even skin infections in extreme cases.

Malaria and dengue are some of the illnesses that a person can face in certain cases where mosquito bites are concerned. The best is to use some safe and effective home remedies for the treatment of mosquito bites as soon as you experience it. The guide below is a perfect way to know the top ways in which natural treatment can be done during this crisis. Check out and follow some till you get visible cure:

Simple and Easy Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites:

1. Onion or Garlic Wonders:

Garlic - pimple

Mince either onion or garlic that has anti bacterial and anti viral properties. Using onion or garlic on the mosquito bites helps in reduction of the swelling as well as soothes the affected akin. The strong smell also keeps away the mosquitoes. This should be directly applied on the skin and then washed off after a while.

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2. Aloe Vera Use:

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The antiseptic properties in Aloe Vera along with soothing qualities are a perfect choice to make when it comes to mosquito bites. This helps in reduction of pain, swelling as well as itching. It also fastens the healing process. Apply chilled and fresh Aloe Vera gel on the affected bites and leave it for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off.

3. Lemon Benefit:


Well again it is the anaesthetic and the anti inflammatory properties of lemon that helps well in the treatment of mosquito bites. You can either apply the lemon juice directly on the skin or else rub it gently with lemon peel. It will surely help.

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4. Ice Application:


By numbing the mosquito bite, ice helps in providing instant relief from the discomforting symptoms. Take some ice and wrap it in a washcloth. This should be applied on the skin for the next 15-20 minutes. You can also hold the area under running cold water for the same outcomes.

5. Apply Honey:

Honey 3

The honey application on the mosquito bite is one of the best things to do because of the antiseptic and healing properties in this natural liquid. Just apply some, leave it for a while and then rinse it off. Continue this if the problem persists.

6. Tea Tree Oil:

Tree tea oil

The antiseptic properties of tea tree oil are a good one for mosquito bite treatment. The swelling and itchiness of the bites can be easily treated with application of this liquid on the skin. Use a clean cotton ball to apply it on the area. Lavender and cedar oil also works fine in this case.

7. Toothpaste Remedy:

A little toothpaste can be applied on the bites and left for a while before rinsing it to find perfect outcomes on the treatment. Toothpaste with peppermint and baking soda is the best option here.

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8. Banana Peel:

Banna Peel

A simple way to treat the crisis of mosquito bite is to use a banana peel on it while gently rubbing it. It is definitely a good idea to follow for natural and safe cure. It treats itchiness and swelling in the area.

9. Rub Alcohol:

Well again, it is the antiseptic properties of alcohol that works wonders on the mosquito bites. Just a small amount of alcohol on the affected area will give relief from itching and swelling. This will surely help.

Image Source: Shutter stock

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